#these 2 stories are very old btw... like... i started haunting in dec 2022
slowips · 3 months
faithfully yours or haunting sounds interesting 👀 - Mimikyu
faithfully yours is an office!AU where reader notices that kaeya brought lunch and the cuisine is... unique. turns out they grew up in the same town, and as they start to grow closer, they learn more and more on how their lives intertwined... (sort of).
the term faithfully yours was adapted from the prompt that stared the story.
haunting is a canon compliant piece that takes place after the inazuma's war. kazuha goes to sumeru to meet with an old friend who he somehow got connected to, and as reader walks him around town, it becomes increasing clear that to reader, kazuha never left.
this story was inspired by how i misread one prompt, and then it took a life of its own, haha.
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