#these are SOOOOO lacking & done in 15 minutes but hey
the1997diaries · 7 years
The Guy who got the A in me...
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FLASHBACK November 2, 2012
YFC Batch 28 - Undefeated
It was YFC Camp— a three-day camp that all will be about is knowing our Lord Jesus Christ— when I saw him, Kuya A. But at first, of course, I didn’t mind cos what I wanted the most and the reason why I join YFC is to know more about Him, my savior. And kuya A, he’s like the contrary of everything I dreamt of.  Naaah, don’t get me wrong, he got the looks, yes and the brains too, I guess but he’s not really that guy okay. He’s not that. But I don’t know why there’s a sudden movement in me that unknowingly caught my attention.
We arrived at the venue around 6 pm, that’s I guess the call time. We just have some random introducing of ourselves with our team leader, Kuya B and we ate dinner afterward. Then the moment of truth, the first talk started. The feels were legit and authentic. After the mind-blowing first talk, those people behind the camp played a song, entitled, Kung Ako Nalang Sana, without lights and with our eyes closed. It was mesmerizing. Who would have thought that Kung ako nalang sana can also be about Jesus? I was moved by my emotions. I cried. I didn’t expect that it will be sucha heartbreaking song. And that song became one of my favorites; I love the voice behind it. It captured me— almost all of me.
The morning of the following day, November 3, 2012. We were gathered in a room with no idea of what will happen. While waiting, this guy they call A—  yes the guy I was talking about— I call him kuya A. Together with kuya J, both of them rushed to the blackboard to face us and I can say that he’s a little bit shy based on his looks. They taught us worship songs, they taught us how to praise and even our batch dance craze. He’s cute when he sings and he can also play the guitar. He got sarcasm and made us all fell into his witty jokes. Did I mention that I just stared at him for like a minute that time? Yes, I did. Di lang ata minuto yon eh. Then there, I guess it all started.
By afternoon, I often see him around— or more likely I’m really always looking for him. You know that feeling when you know you’re starting to like a person, you feel like you always want them to see. And that feeling is like as if you’re on cloud nine. Haaaay only heaven knows. Baduuy uy.
The evening agenda was to choose a team— dance, sing or a comedy show. Through my interrogating skillz level 101 (hahahaha) and my guts, I was able to ask a lot of and (random) people of what team kuya A will be part of. By that, I knew kuya A will be the one who will mentor the singing team so I guess you now know what team I chose? And tbh right now while writing this one, I still feel the giddiness, the kilig, the never ending smiles and the same feeling I felt and I can’t help but think... How was he able to change my perception of my own dream guy? Paano ko naconvince yung mga kaibigan ko na singing yung piliin without the hint that I might like him? Why did I fell to someone who is totally different to me? Hmmmmm.... idk. It’s indescribable you know, di ko din alam kung ano nakain ko non at sobrang lakas ng loob ko. Shet naiiyak ako while writing this. 
Expectedly he taught us possible songs to sing for the E-Night where all of us must be participating. And you guys he never failed to make me smile all throughout that practice. We sing we dance, and (we laugh and that’s mandatory). I remember while rehearsing, there’s a sudden blackout and we all screamed out loud and turn into bursts afterward because of our own unexplainable expressions LOL. He called our team “Girls Direction” cos we’re going to sing that time some One Direction’s songs. After the given time for rehearsal, we ended up having just one song and we’re still not prepared for the performance. But he assured us that we’ll just be fine. And okay, I’m gonna say it… I’m gonna admit it. I’m sooooo kilig while he’s teaching us and when he looks at me. Okay. OMG!
After the entertainment night was our first ever praise fest where we sing worship songs to uplift and praise Christ. And with kuya A as our worship leader— I didn’t expect it to be him. That moment when he’s telling stories and the way he closes his eyes while singing. His sincerity, passion, and dedication in serving God are just amazingly superb about him— and I love it. And by that I know, yes this guy… is that guy... right at that moment... I knew it was something else. For the first time in forever, I felt the feeling of how it is to like a significant other. That affection that sees no perfection, no faults. Yet I’m also feeling guilty that time because, I’m supposed to be there because of my Savior but, I just found myself knowing Him and knowing that He also wants to teach me of loving with no limits, with no hesitations, to see no hindrance, to just love and appreciate.
Day 3, November 4, 2012. Our last day. We are all terribly exhausted: lack of sleep and the random emotions we had through talks. And the last talk started in the morning and ended at noon. There’s a part where all the old YFC’s were going to welcome us and will show us how to do the YFC handshake. I got so excited because I knew that kuya A will be holding my hands. Ya ya ya ya. I tried to focus on the speaker but hey excitement is so real. But I did focus on the talk and I absolutely didn’t expect the last part— the coffee-changing-colors thingy. Gawd those guys behind the camp were just so amazing and I’ve also realized how amazing God really is despite all our shortcomings.
And my most anticipated part. After the talk, the old YFCs started to line up in one corner of the room. Few minutes, I saw him running and making his way to the line wearing his heavenly smile. Oh geez, kuya A you're an angel in disguise. My eyes can’t see no one but him and I’m looking straight into his eyes. Gawhd I wonder, how many girls had fallen for it. And these people started giving their hands for the handshake. And I can still remember how they were moving so fast like how my heart was and my nerves were. Waaaaaahhh bat ako kinikilig ng gantong oras.
Okay… Seven… Six… Five… Four… Three… Two…
“Hi, Kuya A” I said while giving him my hand. “Hi, Ace!” and we shook our hands. “Welcome to YFC!” he said again, smiling...
After the camp, I finally told my friends that I have a thing for kuya A and they actually agreed that he is really cute. Days after the camp was lighter than ever. No heavy feelings on the inside and no more worries— at all. Then, I got his number. I texted him with some kind of thank you messages for taking care of us and things like that. He is really approachable you guys and really naughty— yep no doubt about that. We almost texted a whole day. A whole day of non-sense and kilig overload ya know what I mean... yep shhhh. I can still remember those exchanging of cheesy lines and punch lines like what? Did I actually text that to him? eewww hehehe joke hahaha. A big OMG.
The following camp, we were both part of the mission team of Batch 29. It is the last day when I was assigned to wash the dishes. While washing, he went to me and asked if I already ate but I don’t exactly remember what I said to him. Then he left and came back with food and I remember laughing at him. Gawd why did I laugh? I said that I’ll eat later but he insisted and he really scooped the food for me. Yay, that’s one of the most unforgettable experience I had with him.
I didn’t even know that the guy behind the “Kung Ako Nalang Sana” voice is him. Gahwd... Divine! And what I really admired about him the most is that he is serving our Man up there for like 13 or 15 years now? and still counting. Gawhd kuya A, you’re unbelievable. 
But as days passed by, I knew everything should stop.
Above all, thank you kuya A for sharing your fun stories with me. With us all your bunso. Thank you for giving us countless reasons to live for Him, to praise Him, to uplift Him. Thank you for everything. I’ve learned so much from you and I became closer to God. Thank you for those never dull moments. The seawall tambays after mass. For all the inspiring words during the worships. For everything that you’ve done unintentionally. I will never ever forget that short video message you made for my 16th birthday, despite your busy schedule. Thank you for that sweet message. Thank you for singing Iris to me. That will always remind me of you every now and then. Sad thing is, I already lost that video. But those words that you told me… will forever be stored in my heart. And that song… that song will always be my song for you as well. Even though I lost that video, I will never ever lose this another video message you gave me with you singing Kung Akin ang Mundo for my 20th birthday. Kuya A… I’m speechless. I can’t thank you enough for the memories, for the time, the effort and all. You will always have a soft part in me. I will always love you. I got you. I’ll never ever forget you, I promise. I miss you so bad. I don’t want you to read this but if you do, please don’t let me know or yes please let me know. 
I just wish that you find the right person for you, the one you have been dreaming of too. The one who will make you happy just like what you did to me. You deserve more than that. I’m always hoping for your good health. Please do take care of yourself— that will mean a lot to me.
And yes, kuya A***, you got me.
Photo from: xxx 
PS: it still hurts.
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One Paw at a Time Chapter 2
I rubbed my head, wondering what I hit. " Oh, my I'm so.." I said as I smelled his scent of fresh cut grass and expensive cologne and looked up and came face to neck with Draco Malfoy. Draco looked aggravatedly down to see who had run into his back. As his eyes connected with mine he almost looked as if he had seen a different person, eyes a bit wide. Then before I was even sure of what I had seen, he smacked that smirk he was so famous for onto his face and in a sarcastic tone said:" Can't seem to see where you're going, huh Burke?" "Oh, Malfoy. Sorry about that. Getting your new robes?" I apologized as I looked up at him and fixed my hair brushing the long copper strands behind my ear and blushing a bit from embarrassment. He straightened black button-down and suit jacket." Yes, Trying to find someone competent seems like an absolute chore around this place." "I've always loved coming here to get my robes done. She's a sweet woman." I answered remembering all the years I had came to Madam Malkin's to get my robes or dresses tailored. Draco sneered a bit at my comment "Maybe for some half blood or mud blood. Not for a Malfoy." I sneered back. "Draco quit being such a twit. She does wonderful work." I said in a condescending tone. Draco had always been a twit, though. He hadn't changed much since when they were kids. Always talking down to everyone. Especially Harry Potter, Not that I really cared much about him either way, But I had to stay civil with him because our families were close and we were on the Slytherin Quidditch team together. Him as seeker and me as the Keeper. "Well anyway, I'll see you at the gala at Malfoy Manor before school starts next week. Try to be civil to people for one" I said as I walked passed him going into Madam Malkin's and left him standing there. Draco called after me saying in a sarcastic tone " Hey, Maybe you'll actually fill out a dress properly this year"snickering as he started to walk down the road. "Bugger off Malfoy," I murmured entering Madam Malkin's. Draco had always rubbed me the wrong way ever since we were kids. He was still the spoiled brat he had been when we were six. Always with a hateful, sarcastic comment or with a push or a trip going down the hallway. It seemed he had no substance of character what so ever, always riding on the coat tails of his father, Lucius Malfoy. All 'My father is gonna hear about this' or 'A Malfoy is always right'. It was annoying honestly. It seemed the only time we seemed to connect was Quidditch. Sad really, because we have known each other since birth, but it that is how it had always been.  Arguing and yelling till we got onto the pitch. Quidditch. That is the only place we actually connected almost completely. Shaking my head to rid my memory of Draco I walked in to find Madam Malkin smiling at me. " Well hello, Gwendolyn. How are you this afternoon? Come to get new robes for the year?" I smiled back brightly "Yes, and a few other things. I need a new dress for the Gala this weekend." "Wonderful! I'll get your measurements and we will begin. You have grown quite a bit since last year already. Any ideas of what you would like dress wise?" She asked with a smile on her face. I thought deep about that question. I wanted to look respectable, which was expected of me but I also wanted to show everyone I wasn’t a little girl anymore. After all, I  was turning 15 soon and had already grown into a woman it seemed this summer." Yes. I believe a long ball gown in emerald with a lower neckline this year. No more high collars. I believe I can fill out a dress just fine now." "Well, that is very true. Your chest has grown quite a bit since last year." Madam Malkin said smiling up at me while getting my measurements. "Grown quite a bit indeed." she chuckling. He dark brown hair was in a tight bun like she always had it since as long as I could remember. With a set of black dress pants and a light pink button up shirt. I blushed at the comment. It was the first time anyone had said anything like that to me. It seemed to everyone else she was the small child they had to know. But I had changed a lot over the summer. My hair longer, my chest larger, my legs and lean from quidditch practice and face more mature. 'Amazing what a few months can do' she laughed to herself. While getting all her dress robes pinned and taken in, Madam Malkin started pulling out patterns and sketched that she had done over the years to help me decide. As I was searching through the sketches and I finally came upon one that was absolutely perfect. It was a strapless princess style ballgown, a bit of a  lower neckline than I was used to, in a beautiful emerald color with a lace over the whole dress with black beading around the corsets top hem. Even the emerald silk lacings on the back of the corsets seemed to be beaded with the black shiny beads. It also had black mesh underskirts to keep it poofed out. This was my dress. "This would be perfect!" I exclaimed to Madam Malkin as I pointed to the sketch. " Oh yes! This would be perfect for you! I can whip it up in a day if you'd like me to send it to your Manor for you when it's done." She said with a large longing smile on her face." I sketched this out years ago. With this color and your Copper hair. Oh my, I can only imagine. Well, it's settled. This shall be your dress. Can I get anything else for you?" " That will be all. Thank you so much. This is just what I needed." I answered as I paid her with the Galleons I had pulled out of our vault at Gringotts for my shopping trip for the day. I waved to her as I left her shop, happy with my choice and extremely excited to see the finished product.  I walked into a few more shops before I went to get my books as well as most of the supplies from Flourish and Blotts,  some new food and a new perch for my beautiful snowy owl Orion from Eeylops Owl Emporium and stopped into Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor to get a scoop of their new butterbeer flavored ice cream and meet up with my best friend. Through the window, I saw her immediately, Daphne Greengrass. Her shoulder length blond hair straightened to perfection and in a beautiful sweater and skirt. Designer, of course. 'Finally, I found her!' I exclaimed in my head. Rushing through the doors I saw she was talking to Draco and Pansy Parkinson. Ugh, I hated that girl. Always hanging all over Draco lack a damn house scarf. Not that I really cared about who it was on but seriously, All over him. It was honestly kind of disgusting. Not to mention she wasn't the brightest wand in the store. "Hey, Daph." I said walking up next to her and hugging her. Daphne smiled back and said in a fake scolding tone "Look who finally showed up. I've been waiting for like 20 minutes. Ended up finding Malfoy. Now that's a downer." We giggled together at her last statement. Draco made a smirk and flirted with a smirk"Oh you know you were looking all over for me Greengrass. Just couldn't wait for the gala to catch a glimpse of me." Daphne laughed hard and then almost snorted when she saw Pansy's face looking disgusted. I couldn't help join in on that laugh because Pansy looked absolutely dreadful and seemed to be trying to morph into Draco just to get closer, trying to 'protect her spoils'. "So are we still grabbing our new Quidditch gear Daph?" I asked her turning away for the "Lovebirds" . "I need to get some new guards too. I'll accompany you?" Draco answered. Pansy started to protest in her whiniest voice that she obviously thought was endearing. "But Drakie, you said you take me to find a new outfit and a new gown for your parents gala." "I'm sure you'll find what you want just fine Pansy." Draco said eating his vanilla flavored ice cream. I ran up finally get my butterbeer ice cream and started eating it immediately. It tasted just as good at it smelled. Absolute perfection. So with an almost new outlook on life from that amazing ice cream, I went ahead and told Draco he could come with us. Which was really weird for me to do, but I was in such a good mood from the ice cream and the new gown, I decided to throw caution to the wind. Thankfully Draco left Pansy there. I don't think I could have listened to her high pitched voice much longer. Never had been able to stand her over the years even though we had been forced to endure each other for years with the galas, the meetings of all of their families, and such. She had always been annoying.  We walked down to the Quality Quidditch supply and looked around. "Hey Draco, did you still need a new Quaffle for the pitch at your house? " I asked. Quidditch being the one thing we seemed to get along on, the conversation seemed easy.  Picking up our new uniforms and a few other Quidditch essentials my eyes fell upon the brand new Firebolt. It was a thing of beauty. Draco's eyes seemed to be staring at the exact same thing. "She's a beauty, isn't she." He said in awe. " Yes, she is," I said in the same awe-struck tone. Daphne started laughing. " Wow, you guys get a room with the bloody thing already." She said between laughs. Draco and I leapt away from each other. "Oh, Greengrass. You're SOOOOO funny." Draco said with his patented smirk. "I think I should go find Pansy. She has probably trapped some other mate into trying to shop with her." He said with a sigh, making it seem as he would rather sit and stare at the broom then go find his "girlfriend." "Yes, I should be going too. " I said walking towards the door. "I need to pick up a few more things before heading home. See you guys later. Owl me Daph." as I walked out the door and back out into the road. Heading back towards the Leaky Cauldron  I found the cutest earrings to fit my gown and made my through Carkitt market only to find Knockturn Alley to my right, to my distress as well,  Borgin and Burkes, My grandfather's shop. A place I would never venture again if I had my way. Not again...
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