#these are only ever half finished drawing o make look nice 😂
gin-draws · 1 year
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Poppy and Wyatt’s relationship is just making hard eye contact at the slightest hint of innuendo.
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Hi! Could I please request a scenario with ck!Terry with an s/o that's shy and tries not to let him spoil her? 😂 I love the idea of him having to try extra hard to be his indulgent self. Thank you!! 💜💜
Of course! Thank you for the ask anon 😁 I hope you like it 💚
Ever since you had been going out with Terry, he was always one to spoil you. You grew up in a family that didnt always have a lot of money, so you understood what it was like to live cheaply and not spend money on things you didnt need. So when you started going out with Terry, it was a strange thing to be bought or given anything you could ever want or need. You told him about your upbringing and how money isnt the reason she is with him, of course he understood that, but now that he had finaly found his perfect woman and loved you more than anything, he wanted to make sure you were treated like a queen.
One afternoon, you were sat with Terry on the sofa, just relaxing and chatting together, when he gets a call on his phone. He answers it and looks a little annoyed by the time he finishes the call. "Sweetheart I'm so sorry but I have to go" "Its fine Terry dont worry. Are you needed at work?" "Unfortunately yes. John is having trouble with some of the students and he needs my help. I'm sorry, I feel bad about asking you to leave" you reasure him with a tender kiss. "Terry trust me, its absolutely fine" "Thank you sweetheart, hear, I have something for you" He reaches into a draw at the side of the sofa and pulls out a credit card. "Hear is one of my cards, I want you to go out and get yourself something nice"
"Terry no I cant take that, you know I dont like you spending money on me" "I know Y/N, but I have wanted to take you out and spoil you for a while. I love you and I want you to be able to go out and do something for yourself for once, and not have to worry about anything. Please sweetheart?" He isnt going to back down, so you politely thank him for the card. "Perfect, now there is about 2 to 3 thousand on that card, so feel free to spend as much as you like" "3 thousand?! Are you joking?!" "Y/N I have many cards that have much more on there than a couple of thousand" You cant belive he is still letting you use his card and money, you would have to work over time everyday to be able to earn half as much as that, and even then the tax would take most of it.
You and Terry leave the house and he drops you off at the mall. "Terry I'm sure I can afford what ever I need on my own card, would you like it back?" You ask as you sit in the passenger's seat. He just smiles, leans over and holds your face in his hands as he kisses you tenderly. "I love you Y/N. Go and treat yourself, please" Again, he isnt taking no for an answer. You both discussed on the way there that you would meet back at his place tonight, and you would stay over. Also that you would grab a taxi back after you were finished. You both say your goodbyes and you climb out of the car as Terry waves to you, driving away to the dojo. So? You were in a mall with a couple of thousand pounds, where were you to go?
Still being someone who didnt like to spend that kind of money, you decide you would only spend a small amount on things that you need, or small inexpensive items. You walked around the whole place, going into various shops. You had nearly a full bag of stuff, but all together you spent maybe £70? You knew the best shops that had discounts, and once you had been around them, you stop off in the mall's cafe and grab a bite to eat. Time was getting on now, and you head outside to the car park and grab a taxi back to Terry's house. When you arrived, Terry greeted you with open arms and a kiss. "Hey sweetheart, how was your shopping?" "It was very nice thanks babe" "Your right on time, I'm just making some dinner, once were finished, I want to see what you have been up to" You both cook and eat your dinner, and once your finished, you sit on the sofa as he takes a seat next to you.
"So Y/N tell me, how much did you spend? It's a big back you have there, was it £800? £900?" "No Terry, all together it was about £70" You have never seen him look so shocked. "......£70? Just £70-but how? Why so little?" "Terry can I just say in my defence, £70 is still a lot of money in my eyes, and I'm surprised I spent even that much" "But I gave you thousands to use, why not use it? I want you to spoil yourself sweetheart" "I know you do Terry, and I did. But I dont like using yours or anyone else money for myself, even my own money that I earn I have to focus so much on bills and rent that anything left over I try to save. Just being handed a couple of grand is so out of the ordinary for me" "Oh sweetheart I'm sorry if i made you feel pressured, I only want to show you how much I care about you and want to give you what ever you need"
You cant help but smile at him as you rest your hand on top of his. "I know Terry, but giving me your card isnt the only thing you do to show me that. It's when you hug me from behind whenever I'm doing something, or kissing my neck as I wake up and I get to see those beautiful sapphire blue eyes of yours. Listening to you play my favourite songs for me on the piano or cuddling up with me by the fire when I'm having a bad day. You show me how much you care in so many ways Terry, you dont have to give me money to prove that" His eyes fill with admiration and relief, hearing you say all of that has made his heart skip a beat. Giving you a smile, he pulls you in for a cuddle and you both share a long and passionate kiss. "I love you Y/N" "I love you too Terry"
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