#these fuckers are like 5 inches tall max
nonbinary-arsonists Β· 1 year
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kinda ran out of effort but here they are!! adam is an american goldfinch and barbara is a house finch :)
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theboxfort Β· 3 years
Edd, Tom and Matt, Commander Bai and Space Face!
Gonna put this under a read more because it's kinda long asdfsadf
Edd: What is your favorite drink?
Ooooo, it's a tie between Coke Slurpee, Pepsi Max, and Coconut Milkshakes!
Tom: Name 5 things that annoys you
Oh man oh man. I'm sorry for how rambly I'm going to be...
1. When a group of people walk slowly and blocks the path, like hello??? I need to go somewhere!!! Move faster, stop blocking the path!!! I need to go somewhere!!! 2. Mosquitoes. Yeah. 3. When my project breaks down while I'm presenting it. Okay, so first off, I'm an engineering student, so sometimes I have to make these silly little machines or write code and stuff (it depends on the subject). Like, it was working perfectly fine 5 minutes before presenting, and then BAM!! 53+ errors. Right in front of all of my professors. 4. People who are late. I mean, I'm fine with someone being 10-15 minutes late, but there's a line to be drawn when someone's like. 2 hours late. The worst one was like, 4 hours late πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” 5. People who are usually rude, but then start praising you, kissing your ass, and licking your shoes like a dog once they need your help???
Like normally they'd say stuff like "Look at that fat bitch lmaooo what a dumbass" but once they need my help, they'd be like "Pink... πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί you're the kindest person I've ever known... You're so smart, you're so cool... Please help me with _____ 😭😭😭..."
Like girl??? If you're going to be rude, then fucking commit to it! I'm more likely to help you that way, at least I know that you're being genuine!!! Like??? If was like "Hey fucker, I hate your face, but can ya help me with _____" I'll be happy to help!!!
This does not apply to those who are usually nice to me aslfasdfkl
---*Rant over*----
Matt: What is your favorite type of clothing?
Jackets and Coats! Especially leather jackets and varsity jackets! Would love to wear one, one day πŸ˜”πŸ˜” It's too hot to wear one around here.
Commander Bai: Any conspiracy you believe in?
I don't usually listen to/read any conspiracy theories sorry πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” But my favorite is definitely is the "lottery is a scam used to capture time travelers"
Space face: Draw your persona as an alien and give 5 facts about them!
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1. She's a wingless bug alien! She has 4 eyes and 4 arms, all used for causing problems on purpose. 2. Smoll. Like. Really small. She's like 6 inches tall. 3. Drawn to sweet foods. Like a bug. 4. Has a prehensile tail that can carry 100x their weight. 5. Cyan blood/organs, because that's cool asldfksdjf
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