#these two idiots 🤝 basically having confessed their feelings
ptrckjcne · 1 year
"steve and danny are definitely not in love with each other"
the steve and danny in question: says "i love you" to each other and not their girlfriends, calls each other "babe" on a regular basis, has travelled across the world to save the other from trouble, wanders into each others home and looks more at home there than their girlfriends ever has, the "tucking my face into the crook of your neck" hugs, bickering like an old married couple, has been mistaken for a couple (and for being married) on multiple occasions, has been seen sitting at a pool-side "casually" touching each other's arms to feel "softness of the skin", will turn the world upside down for the other, steve helped danny finish charlie's room and told charlie danny built the racecar bed for him, celebrate christmas together (and they have a christmas stocking for steve at danny's house), has met each other's mothers (danny's mother has actively been talking to danny's sisters about him), danny having a full knowledge of what each movement and twitch in steve's body language means, steve reading danny's facial expressions like a book
and let's not fucking forget the "i need to tell you something" from steve to danny in the car when they were safely transporting the uranium-bomb, or danny's "i need to tell you this" and steve's "i know, i feel the same" at the boat
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
and, if you'd like, for the string of fate ask meme, could i get a enemies to close friends to lovers, or the one that's like. best friends that are mutual pining idiots, until finally one of them confesses? i don't have a preference because i am hopelessly pan 😔
take care, vee. <3
-☀️ sunshine anon
me 🤝 u 🤝 being pan.
this is givingggg chihiro i've gotta be so honest. he's hopeless at picking up on when someone has a crush on him, and himself has difficulty distinguishing platonic and romantic feelings. so the two of you are very very close friends - you share physical contact without thinking, and chihiro rambles about coding and whatnot for hours as you just sit and watch him, and you go on what basically amount to dates all the time. everyone thinks ur dating, but it's only when they bring it up do the two of you separately realise oh. oh.
and from then on both of you are for some reason convinced that the other doesn't like them back that way. like, you've been close friends for a couple years, why would they, etc etc. so ur just pining pitifully after each other, neither of you wanting to wreck the closest friendship you've ever had, until mondo and leon get tired of you and lock you in a closet together until you both confess rip.
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