#these two images are just the tip of the iceberg (the two looks i've tried today)
awakenedsylvari · 2 years
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the number of transmutation charges alone that Ddrysien has cost me as i attempt to find a look i like for her...
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madi2112 · 2 years
The worst scenario.
Two weeks into my new position and all was going well...
I got blindsided.
Now I'm questioning what I want to do. Do I stay where I am and deal with the garbage? Do I cancel my transfer and go back to Tony's ? Do I look to go somewhere else and run the risk of a repeat?
Your probably asking " What the hell is she talking about?"
Let me explain.
After transferring to another department at work I've been trying to learn and understand all the various parts of my new position.
None of it is rocket science but there are a lot of details and procedures I need to get familiar with.
Today I was at The Yacht and Beach Club Convention Center trying to remember all the processes that go along with opening.
I was never really given a detailed breakdown of the steps included only a quick gloss over.
So today I did remember that there is a dedicated phone for the Convention Guide that I needed to have with me.
Right now I'm so new that I can't image someone calling me for information about anything really.
So the trainer handed me the phone and reminded me I needed it.
Ok. Fair enough.
Unfortunately who ever used the phone earlier in the morning forgot to erase a text conversation they had.
About me.
Using a very derogatory slur.
It came from a manager to the very trainer I worked with the week before.
Unfortunately the subject was dealing with the single issue I'm most sensitive about and one I was hoping wouldn't be a problem.
Yes, transitioning.
Of course.
I took a screen shot of the slur and went to the top Manager in the department. A formal investigation is now underway.
So now I'm left in a bad place.
I'm uncomfortable being at this location and hate that this has become an issue. It also makes me angry because I've done nothing but be nice, energetic, friendly and tried to gain as much knowledge as I can.
All to have it undermined by one person's intentional slur.
Now the can of worms is open and the corrosive questions are unleashed.
Does this manager use slurs to other members of the LGBTQ community or just about transpeople?
Do they use slurs about other groups in general? If I had been in a wherl chair would they have used "cripple" to describe me?
Does thier dislike of me because of my transition effect decision about my assignments or positions?
Has this person done this to others?
How much do they say verbally as opposed to in a text on a company phone?
A manager should know better. All managers take classes concerning Inclusiveness. I know because I teach those very things in the classes I do. In fact the newest of the Disney 5 Keys is Inclusion!
I really hate that now I feel it's partly my fault, when I know that's not true. All I've done is exsist. Which some people have a problem comprehending.
Now I hate what has happened at work and feel sick to my stomach.
Here is the text in question:
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Is this the tip of the iceberg or am I making too much out of a simple little offensive slur?
Let me know if I'm over reacting or am right to be alarmed.
Either way I know how it makes me feel.
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