#thesilverpeahenresidence ( The Coolest UnLimited Jujutsu Teacher - Gojo Satoru )
demon-blood-youths · 1 year
||Horror Book Chapter 3: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Hi everyone! This is deamon-mun and this is horror book chapter. A series started by no other than the amazing @the-silver-peahen-residence who has a knack for horror.
Now for the characters!
The cast of Jujutsu Kaisen ( muses from @the-silver-peahen-residence ) - Yuji itadori, Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushigoro, Nobara Kugisaki and Gojo Saturo.
My OCs: Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger and Daichi PheoniX
----- Summary -----
During class, the first-years recivced a mission from Gojo Saturo. A bunch of curse users who are using their cursed techniques to prank innocent people for the sake of fame and notirertiy. This angers the sorcerers due to incidents that harms people. To combat this mission, Taz had an idea. A horrifying idea that surprises everyone. 
What would be the idea?!
--------- Tokyo Jujutsu High -----
Just a normal day in Jujutsu High.
Classes are going well. With the addition of Daichi Pheonix in the class, the class just got a little bigger. So far, Taz and Daichi are doing well in their studies. 
“Hello class! Tonight...you four have a mission.” Daichi PheoniX is not ready to take on his mission despite his self-taught experience which most of it is misguided. He is getting there thought. But Dacihi is present for the mission briefing. He keeps on writing his notes.
“Now this is going to be challenge because you’re not dealing with cursed spirits this time.” Gojo informs the four. This got the class blinking.
“Whaddya mean, sensei?” Yuji asked curiously.
“Better be not running errands and getting the cake you wanted.” Nobara frowns. 
“Hm...” Megumi said in agreement.
“I don’t mind! I love getting cakes for sensei.” Taz smiled.
“Taz. Don’t let Gojo-sensei take advantage of you. Don’t enable him and his sweet tooth!” Nobara whined which got a chuckle of Gojo. “I wish my little Taz but no. You’re going to deal with some curse users.” Gojo informs them. 
“Curse users?” Megumi furrowed his brows. This got the three a bit serious now. Taz can see the expression on big brother, Yuji’s face alright. 
“Curse users?” Daichi questioned.
“Yes, they are opposite of Jujutsu Socerers, little Kisho.” Gojo saying his real name making Daichi huff a little in annoyance. “Curse users are people who use cursed techinque for bad things. Harming others and doing malicious things.”
“So bad guys...who aren’t cursed spirits but people who have cursed energy to do bad stuff.” Daichi summarized. 
“Exactly!” Gojo nodded.
“Oh.” Taz said. Like that guy from the haunting mummy corpse incident in Tokyo.
“But this is a little different.” Gojo said.
“How is it any different.” Megumi asked. So far, they got some missions that were normal but with curse users. Humans with cursed energy who uses cursed sorercy to commit crimes and other bad things. The process of dealing with them is defeating them and leave to the high-rank sorcerers above. Sometimes...it’s either locking them up or execution.
“You will see.” Gojo had the projector ready and went to Youtube. This got the five confused. Gojo copy and paste a link. The video shows three boys who are giggling and are doing something. One of them had a cage which is the sound of growling. They were on the streets of Shinjuku. The ringleader is trying to gather a crowd to witness something amazing. A amazing pet. They opened the cage which got the five gasped. It’s ugly and it is screeching little. It looks like a dog with a long snout in a size of chibhube with lizard legs. 
A cursed spirit.
----- Video ------
“Huh? There’s nothing there!” One bystander asked. 
“Yeah. What are you trying to pull?!” Said another.
The ringleader chuckles and gives a nod to one of his accomplices. A few people gathered just to pass time. Some lingering around as they are hanging out. The accomplice with the dark brown hair smirks and snaps his fingers and then...the cursed spirit charges. Disappearing into the crowd. 
“Just keeping watching, people! Just keep your mind open!” The ringleader chuckled. Then gasps and screams are heard from the crowd making ringleader grin wider. “MY LEG!” She screams in terror. The camera pans in the woman’s ankle has bite mark on it.
“What the hell?!” One of the bystander screams, backing away from the woman. The screams got some people’s attention.
“Careful! Careful! Everyone! It’s on the loose. The invisible pet is on the loose!” The ringleader tells. “Don’t panic! It will sense your fear!” The ringleader said, trying to calm the crowd down. 
Then another shriek. “Something bit my hand!” A salaryman shows a bite mark on his hand to the crowd making non-sorcerers dumbfounded. Those bite marks are too real to be fake. 
“Ah! I got bit!” 
“I can’t see it! Where is it?” One man looks around as he also got bit. This got the cameraman cracking up. 
“Ow! My leg! Oh god!” Cried a highschooler. “Something bit me!” She cried as she bursts into tears.
“What the hell. This gotta be fake!” Said one skeptic. 
“This ain’t fake. Something did bit me!”  Said the salaryman. 
“You must be an actor!” Said the skeptic.
“AM NOT!” Salaryman said angrily. 
“Someone help! My hand is bleeding!” Said a highschooler as her friends are looking at her wound. One of her friends pointed at the trio. “What the hell?! Who are you guys!”
“Yeah! This ain’t funny.” Said an older man. “I got bit too.” 
“Huh?! Whaddya mean! It’s just a prank, bro!!” The ringleader laughs. The video cuts short.
------ Video Ends ------
“What the hell is this?” Megumi said, now ticked off. Even Yuji and Nobara didn’t like this as they saw the entire video. Taz looks very concerned while Daichi had a good idea on what this is but he needs more confirmation. 
Gojo sighs. “This is one of these cases where curse users uses their sorcery to gain notoriety while relying on the ignorance of non-sorcerer’s populace. Unlike the ghost hunters, these guys are the real deal as they can see the cursed spirit and use their sorcery to benefit themselves.”
“Is there any more videos of these guys doing this, sensei?” Yuji asked. Gojo nods, he shows the same videos of the two people. The video is Finding the Lost Wallet goes Wrong. 
------ Finding The Lost Wallet Goes Wrong Video ----
The ringleader snickers while one of his accomplies. The one with the brown hair tells a girl that he lost his wallet, using his charm on the girl. The girl nods and helps. They look around the park which seems to be Uneo park. She is near the pond and suddenly. The ringleader does something. A black mist grabs hold of the girls’ legs and with a lift followed then a huge splash! The girl has falls to the pond.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Said one of the accomplices, going to help the girl but she slipped and fell into the pond once more. 
The girl coughs. “W-what hapepend?! Something got my legs!” The girl looks scared.
“Must be the spirit of Ueno Park!” The 20-something man lied. The girl looks startled. 
The scene cuts to a man who also experience the same thing.  Then another persona and another. 
The three delinquents were laughing their asses off which are getting the students pretty upset.
“Those jerks...” Nobara said as Taz nods in agreement. 
“Oh there is another one! This one is a bit famous and got our attention.” Gojo said.
“What could be possibly worse than this?!” Nobara asked. Gojo go to the third final video. Stay Inside the Dark Box Challenge. The ringleader offers any passerby 50,000 yen if they stay inside the box for five minutes. 
The five students are now wondering what this antic entails....and they are not looking forward to this. At the same time, Kinie and Sukuna are watching from their inante domains. 
---- Dark Box Challenge Video  -----
“Hey there! Want to win 50,000 yen if you stay inside that big box there for 10 minutes?” He asked one man who looks a bit down on his luck. His eyes lit up at the challenge in getting some free money.
The box in question is big and is size of casket on the large size. There were holes so the other can breath safely but it is oscboruce by black drape but it doesn’t affect the holes in anyway. The accomplice escorts the man into the box and closes it. 
“Alright! Go!” The ringleader presses the timer. 
One minutes passes. Nothing.
Two mintues and soon....the man begins to speak. “Hey...something is crawling on my leg.”
“Just the wind!” The ringleader quickly said while the camerman is snickering. 
Three mintues passed.
“Uh! Something is in here with me!” The man’s voice is getting scared and before the five minute is up. The man screams, “LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!” The accomplice opens the door and the man bolts out of the box and yelling in fright.
“Oh well!” The ringleader shrugs. “Who would be next.”
Then they seek other contenders. From man, woman, to highschoolers and middle schools to the eldery. All of them scream in fright within three minutes and want to be let out before the five minute mark.
The last one is a high school boy crying as there are tears in his eyes. The trio are laughing their asses off once more and inside a box is something move. It had long hands and it is upside down. A cursed spirit.
“You just got pranked!” The ringleader laughs while the two boys are laughing with them. 
This put a nail in these guys’ coffin.
“These....” Megumi begins as he glares at the three boys. Are you kidding me?! They’re using cursed spirits to do these things?! Have they lost their mind?! And using sorcery to do these damn things?! 
“The hell!” Yuji yelled angrily. Did they use a cursed spirit against people like that. Yuji can’t let that slide. Ever.  
“What the hell?! Did they use a cursed spirit for this challenge!” Nobara shouted. All those poor people are going to traumatized because of these damn jerks. 
“That’s so wrong....” Taz said. 
“Ugh...you gotta be kidding me....these assholes....” Daichi said angrily which got the four turned to the rookie. They never heard Daichi being this angry. “Uh! Sorry! I mean...uh...I think I know what they’re doing...” Daichi sighed.
“You do?” Megumi aksed with a raised brow.
“Yeah....they’re doing pranks...” Daichi sighed.
“PRANKS?!” The three shouted in disbelief.
“How are these pranks?!” Nobara pointed at the video. 
“Yeah! Someone got hurt badly from the first one and second!” Yuji said angrily. 
Daichi rubs his neck, “Because it isn’t, these guys don’t know how to do good pranks that doesn’t involve hurting someone. They doing this to get views and do this under the pretense of pranking people as an excuse. That’s why they said, it’s just a prank. They’re using their sorcery to get what they wanted.”
“That is exactly right, Daichi.” Gojo nods. “These curse users are using sorcery and controlling these cursed spirits to get more famous. Of course nobody knows how they did it and there were complaints against them. But police hasn’t found any evidence of wrong-doing because they lack cursed energy which means they get away a lot.” Gojo hums. “So you four are going to figure out on how to find them and stop them.”
“I think we can put an a stop to them.” Megumi begins. 
“Yeah let’s beat them up!” Yuji said.
“Make them wish they ever been born!” Nobara yelled. All three are ready to dish out some punishment on these so-called curse user pranksters. But then Taz has an idea. A horrifying idea. 
“Or we can scare them beyond straight with our own prank..” Taz begins. These got the four students turn to them. They look at Taz.  
“Did Kinie give you an idea?” Nobara asked to which Taz shakes her head. “No...these people are not going to learn if we fight them. They’re going to run away from us and try to make fun of us. So we need to prank them to the point where they don’t do anymore pranks anymore.” She begins.
“So what are you thinking, lil sis?” Yuji said. 
“We gotta scare them so bad that they think they’re dying. We gotta put fear into them! Scared Beyond Straight!” Taz begins with determination. 
“EH?!” The four stared at Taz in disbelief even Sukuna is surprised to hear from the pup. Kinie is surprised to hear this too and she didn’t say anything or suggest this idea! So the cursed spirits are interested in hearing what Taz has to say. Gojo is now intriguted by Taz’s words. “And how are you going to do it, Taz?” Gojo asked. 
“Shdwkyz said that if you want to teach people like that a lesson. A good lesson so they can remember in their very soul. You have to terrorize them to the point where they give up and to the point of tears and making sure they accept defeat.” Taz said.
That’s pretty dark.... The students and the teacher thought. Kinie never thought about that and she agree that’s dark too. Even Sukuna never thought the pup had such a mindset to a problem like this. 
“So to do that...you have to trap them in a place that’s away from the city or somewhere deep in the city like a house. Where they can’t get away and have no place to go.” Taz begins. “Then you have to set up places where you make them think they reach the exit but every time they reach it. It’s gone. You have to make them abandon hope and make them fight for their lives before you put fear in their hearts and thwart all their efforts. You have to make them lose their minds so they can accept defeat. Make them despair..” Taz said seriously in her emotionless voice. She is saying word for word that Shdwkyz taught her. 
“Sis...” Yuji begins while Sukuna is thinking. Wow. 
“Er...” Daichi blinked.
“Huh...” Megumi said.
“Um..”  Nobara said. Now all the students are thinking. 
What in the HELL did Shdwkyz teach her?! 
“Wow. That sounds like a brilliant idea!” Gojo said with a smile much to his students’ disbelief, liking where Taz is going with this. “Now the question is how we’re going to lure them?”
“Uh! Well..” Taz blinks, “I don’t know...maybe we send them a message or...I haven’t thought about it.” And Taz is back with her innocent self as she is thinking about it. 
“How about I join in?” Daichi asked with his hand raised. “I’m not going to join in for the sake of fighting but I can use my status to get them to come as a collab. We can lure them that way.” Daichi suggested. 
“Nice thinking, Daichi!” Gojo applauded. Yuji, Megumi and Nobara nodding in agreement. 
“And we are going to use our cursed techiques to scare them straight!” Taz exclaimed. 
“YEAH!” Nobara, Daichi and Yuji are now excited and riled up while Megumi nods, he doesn’t show it but he likes this plan, alright. Someone needs to teach these curse users a lesson. 
“With Yuji, he can make things shake and scare them with his super strenght by breaking down the walls.” Taz said. Yuji nods. “I like that, sis!”
“Megumi can use his shikigami to chase them.” Taz smiles. Megumi said. “Yeah..I think my shikigami are enough.” 
 “Nobara can trap them and hit them with nails after Daichi leads them to the trap!” Taz said. Nobara chuckles evilly. “Yeah....I can’t wait to show them mine.” While Daichi is nodding, now feeling pumped.
“Pup. What about me?” A voice is heard. It’s on Yuji’s cheek. It’s Sukuna who is now liking this plan. “I can help the brat here. Just this once.” He said, referring to his vessel. 
“Wait...really?!” Yuji said, blinking as he is surprised to hear this. 
“Why the hell not? Those punks are treating Jujutsu sorcery as a some kind of joke so we need to teach them how terrifying it can be.” Sukuna chuckles evilly. The students are hesitated but knowing Sukuna, he knows how to put fear into people. So having him can work. 
“Sure! Mister Sukuna! Knowing you, you know how to do scary best!” Taz said. Sukuna grins on his mouth. “Perfect! Alright brats! I going to teach you five how to be EVIL for this night! Because we’re going to teach these punks what real Jujutsu Sorcery is about.”
“I shall join in this hunt as well!” Kinie pops up from Taz’s head in quoll form. “With my hunting expertise, I make this experience enjoyable.”
And thus....the mission begins with Gojo’s encouragement. Oh dear lord...god save these curse users’s souls. They’re going to learn tonight from these seven. 
To be continued....
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