raesthetic-ts4 · 4 months
Crystal Creations: Curses & Charms
A WIP TS4 Mod I am working on in relation to the CC pack, that will extend how gemstones and jewelry work - interactions, buffs, etc.
..For example- allowing you to resurrect Sims. :)
More info on my Patreon.
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*Theo and Freya found a luxury eco home near Grim's Quarry. The neighborhood was undergoing some more "green" initiatives and the property itself had a very high green eco footprint. It was a great place for the two of them to start their next chapter together. They even turned the sunroom into a painting studio for both of them 🎨 Lot by @/schnuck.
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bubblesims · 2 years
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Big house just for two people 🏡
Prv screenshots are here
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00katrinka00 · 9 months
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #49
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Dear Diary, Well, term break is almost over. The last three weeks have been absolutely amazing, I feel like I learned so much about music, and I definitely think I'm a much better singer and song writer after the last few weeks. My mom will be here soon to pick me up. -Violet
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While Mads headed to Del Sol Valley to pick Violet up, Nat came over to help Leo pack, so he'd be ready to move to college in the morning. "I'm so excited for you to go, but it's making me sad at the same time," she admitted. "I can come back any weekend, just tell me when."
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"I can always come to Britechester too," Nat pulled her phone out. "I just have to find a weekend my mothers are free to watch Sawyer." "Whatever works for you," Leo told her. "It might be a bit easier to be alone if I come visit you," Nat explained.
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"Speaking of being alone," Nat scooted a bit closer to him. "If you know what I mean…" Leo let out a nervous laugh, "I think I do understand what you mean." "LEO!" shouted a voice from behind the door.
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A moment later, Lacy burst through the door. "I need your advice." "About what?" he asked clearly annoyed. "Bad timing much?" "What do I do about Owen?" "What happened with Owen?" he asked. "You two are friends." "Yes, and?" "What do I do?" "ABOUT WHAT?" "He didn't tell you?"
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Lacy explained everything that had happened at the pier a few weeks ago. "If you like him, just tell him that," Nat tried to advise her. "I can't though," Lacy said. "Then what do you want him to do?" Nat asked. "I don't know," Lacy complained. "That's where Leo comes in."
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Violet burst through the front door. "HELLO!" she yelled. "THE FAVORITE CHILD IS BACK." When nobody came rushing to greet her, Violet frowned. "I've only been gone for three weeks on the other side of the save file, and nobody missed me?" she called out.
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Ethan came down the stairs. "Sorry sweetheart. was putting the twins down for a nap. It's been a hectic day." "I'm home now though! I can tell you all about my trip!" "I'd love to hear about it, but I have some chores to finish, can we talk about this during dinner." "Sure."
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Soon, Lacy burst into the room. "Hey!" she exclaimed. "How was it? I bet Del Sol was amazing, you need to tell me all about it!" "Finally, someone is excited to hear what I have to say!" Violet quickly recanted all of her tales from Del Sol Valley. "So, what about you?" she asked
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"So, yeah," Lacy finished. "I really don't know what to do about Owen, and he leaves for college tomorrow." "First off," Violet began. "This Maggie sounds like a bitch, and second of all, why did you go to Leo of all people for advice?" Lacy shrugged, "I don't know."
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The girls headed upstairs so Violet could get unpacked. When she was finished, they sat down on the couch. "Seriously, though," Lacy asked. "What do I do?" "I'm going to be real with you for a second," Violet admitted.
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"I know how much you like Owen, although I don't understand why," "Vi!" "Okay, okay," Violet rolled her eyes. "Seriously though, if you aren't willing to fix all of your problems in order to be with him, then I think you have to let him walk away." "I don't want to hurt him."
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"I know you don't want to hear this, but that's exactly why I think you need to let him walk away. Stringing him along is just going to hurt him more." "What if he marries Maggie?" Lacy asked. "We're 17, it's a little early to be thinking about marriage," said Violet, horrified.
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Lacy let out an agonizing sigh, "I guess you're right," she grudgingly agreed. "Oh," said Violet. "I know I am."
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sallivansims · 2 years
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- Весь день Лорэтта крутилась как белка в колесе, после работы ей пришлось заскочить в продуктовый магазин, а так же забежать в салон красоты, девушка готовилась к романтическому вечеру, как и пожелал её супруг. Уже дома Лорэтте предстояло приготовить вкусный ужин, с чем она справилась на отлично, не смотря на свою усталость, надеясь на то что их отношения с Трэвисом заиграют новыми красками и все проблемы уйдут за порог. - К девяти часам вечера уже был накрыт стол, с минуты на минуту мужчина должен был вернуться домой, но к сожалению этого не произошло. Все попытки дозвониться до мужа не увенчались успехом, Трэвис не отвечал на звонки, что очень настораживало девушку и давало повод для волнения. В ожидании Лорэтта не знала чем себя занять она ходила из угла в угол, периодически пытаясь дозвониться до супруга, и так продолжалось полтора часа. Во время последней попытки Трэвис сбросил вызов прислав сообщение о том что задерживается на работе. Вне себя от обиды и ярости девушка схватила со стола блюдо с запеченной индейкой и швырнула его в мусорный контейнер после чего отправилась спать.
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davenport-dynasty · 2 years
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Introducing... Lady Malaka, Our future Queen Consort.
Read the exclusive interview Lady Malaka gave to NATYON Magazine.
Photography by Chris Tates & Interview by Rachel Keaton.
6 Weeks before her long-awaited Royal Wedding with HM King Lyon (22), Lady Malaka (21) gave us an insight of what’s on her mind before her rise to Royalty.
After a few years of secret dating with HM the King, the love story was finally brought to the light in a tweet revealing the engagement between the two lovers. “It was so liberating” said Lady Malaka, who was spotted a number of time visiting the Royal Palace. 
The young Lady from House of De Lalambra will be joining the Royal Family and the House of Davenport by marrying HM the King; She will become the first Queen-Consort of SimNation. 
“[HRH the Queen Mother] she is so understanding, she really is like a second mother to me” Lady Malaka explained the nature of her relationship with her Mother-In-Law, HRH Queen Mother Gisèle. Sources say that Her Royal Highness likes Lady Malaka a lot because she reminded HRH The Queen Mother of her late Brother, Lord Iman Davenport, especially their common taste for adventure and their fearlessness.
“I would certainly love to” When asked if Lady Malaka was ready to have children soon, she replied with a soft but excited air on her face. “I cannot wait to be a Mother” Lady Malaka even said that before the wedding she’d like to adopt a stray cat “I love cats! and I think there’s so many unhappy kitties in the streets” Our future Queen-Consort has a big heart and we cannot wait to see what she does for SimNation.
The preparations for the Royal Wedding have already begun, the ceremony will be held in an unknown location. Every big Houses will be represented (from House of McShee to House of Dickinson...). Sources says that HM the King’s bestman will be his cousin, Lord Baleryon Davenport; and Lady Malaka’s bridesmaid will be her twin sister Lady Taj De Lalambra.
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nicbelles · 2 years
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𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐂𝐘 “We want to leave a legacy behind.”    
 Alright, she’d admit it; Bryce arrived at Copperdale High with a bad mindset. She was rather pessimistic, accepting of a solitary life. . . 
  Until Carmen Castillo quite literally ran into her.
  The redhead apologized in a string of words tightly knotted together, syllables falling over one another, and somewhere in there she invited Bryce to the boardwalk after school.
  One friend. All she wanted, and she did it.
  One friend who, seemingly, had no idea what the last name Whitlock meant.
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mrbsims · 2 years
Bombardy Legacy Challenge Ep#1
Welcome to Oasis Springs!
Picture it, Oasis Springs, Springtime. Theo Bombardy has just spent almost all of his simoleons on his new block of land in the upscale district of Skyward Palms. After arriving in the affluent neighborhood, he is left with the challenge of somehow building his starter home with only $1,500 simoleons to his name.
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Luckily Theo isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty... literally, as Theo's new job in the Tech industry doesn't start until Tuesday, he spent most of his first few hours in Oasis Springs digging in the dirt on the hunt for some collectables to sell. After he had scrounged up everything he could, Theo decided to try his hand at some fishing. Only to have his match made by a guppy (he now calls Gusto).
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After his failed attempt at fishing, Theo ventured back to his block which now had a modest box complete with sink and counter. Of course, a "party" bush was also needed to meet certain "needs". Upon arriving home, he was greeted with his new Neighbors the Caliente family and there live in Pool boy or fitness coach...? Theo wasn't quite sure how Don Lothario fits into the picture. As Theo is a Socially Awkward sim, his Welcome to the Neighborhood did not go down as well as one may have hoped. Poor Theo was left feeling tense by the time the neighbors had finished their fruitcake... Something which made all of them have to leave in a hurry?!?
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To help Theo calm down, he decided to venture to the Willow Creek Library where he got his much-needed video game fix. Just before Theo was about to leave, he met a very pretty young lady Piper. He managed to get her digits before things got too awkward. Especially because all of his earlier activities had left him a bit smelly...
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Theo decided to try his luck hunting some frogs before heading to the Humor and Hijinx festival.
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At the Festival Theo decided to have a cup of fun and join the comedy side of the festival. After a quick bath in the sink at the museum, Theo made a couple more acquaintances, he even managed to get the phone number and a selfie with another young lady Camilla!
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After joining the winning team Theo scored some much-needed Simoleons! Once he sold his new microphone and fireworks along with a bunch of frogs, we end Theos first Legacy Episode with his starter Tiny Home and exactly $0.
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Stay tuned next week to see what Theo gets up too, leave a comment on who you think Theo should try and date... Its short lifespan so things have gotta move fast!
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*And since nothing went right, we have very few photos of the event, but either way welcome to toddlerhood, Flora!! 💚 The cutest little ginger I ever did see 😭
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misssimreno · 1 year
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Tyler: Holy plum--I'm getting married. Wolfgang isn't going to be able to contain himself through the reception...🔥
*Tyler walked downstairs to show her mom.
Tilly: Tyler--you look absolutely stunning! I wasn't so sure about a black wedding dress, but my goodness you are beautiful.
Tyler: I told you! Black is my color after all.
Tilly: You've always gone against the grain, little love. This suits you.
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misssimreno · 1 year
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We were overdue for a family tree update with Finnan's engagement, Flora aging up, Freya and Theo getting married, and the arrival of baby Millie! I love how the family tree is expanding it warms my heart 😭 Also I really need to buckle down and work on Finnan's generation goals because--he slacking 😂
Goals for Generation Four: Freya
✅🎨Master the Painting Skill 🎨Reach at least Level 8 of the Logic Skill ✅🎨Master the Entrepreneur Skill ✅🎨Complete the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration ✅🎨Reach Level 10 of the Painter Career (Master of the Real branch)
Goals for Generation Four: Finnan
🎭Master the Acting Skill 🎭Master the Comedy Skill 🎭Complete the Master Actor Aspiration ✅🎭Reach at least Level 6 in the Entertainer Career (Comedian branch) 🎭Reach Level 10 of the Actor Career
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*As if the flood gates opened, Theo snapped and snatched Freya up, placing her on his desk without breaking their hungry kiss. After what felt like an eternity, he pulled away...
Theo: *Panting* Plum, Freya. God, you're something else, aren't you?
Freya: I just know what I want--
Theo: LOL. You definitely do, it makes me crazy. You got what you came for and plum I wanted to give you that and more. But I still owe you a date and that's coming first. I'm taking you out, tell me when.
Freya: Soon?
Theo: Whatever you want, baby girl.
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misssimreno · 1 year
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Freya: Hi sweetheart. Oh I can't wait for you to meet your whole family and to see who you will become...I can't believe you're here.
Theo: She's amazing, Freya. She's miraculous.
Freya: Mmm. And she's ours. We get to see her grow up.
Theo: We get to see her learn and grow and change the world. It's not a reach, she's one in a million.
Freya: *Laughs* Well she already has. I didn't think I could love someone so much.
Theo: Neither did I. My two beautiful girls...
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*Labor come on fast and strong, but Freya was happy to be at the hospital. Her and Theo had talked about all birthing options and Freya felt best delivering their nooboo at the hospital. Also is Theo's emotional buff not entirely on brand? The scream I scrumpt at how perfect 😭😭🤍
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*Moments of dad life🤍
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misssimreno · 1 year
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*It's baby shower day! But before the festivities, Freya and Theo stole a few moments to take some fun little maternity pictures 😭
Theo: Freya, baby girl, you look incredible.
Freya: I know you mean it, but I feel very much large and in charge.
Theo: Oh you're in charge alright. Always have been.
Freya: You're so fresh...
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