#thetes other stuff too but a lot of my fav songs i haven't necessarily checked out the producers other stuff
If I’m just getting into vocaloid what are your recommendations? Where should I start?? I’ve been sooo obsessed with Pinocchio-P and you seem like an expert!
Pino-P is the best by far, like longshot, like I have trouble recommending anyone other than him cuz the level of polish and quality of the lyrics and videos are unbeatable. only producer I carry the same reverence to is probably Wowaka, his stuff has an older vocaloid sound but his lyrical voice is so unique and interesting.
Hachi's old stuff are classics as well and he's still making decent tracks. Deco 27s stuff is decent, "two breaths walking" is a personal fav of mine tho I do find his work can sound kinda same-ish after a while. Tohma has some interesting works, "Babylon" and "skeleton orchestra" I've always liked, although his sound w Miku tends to be harsher, less polished. Producer Jin had a series of songs part of a project called kagepro which apparently got turned into a bad anime but the kagepro album was like the best use of the vocaloid IA, I particularly like "lost time memory" from that album.
Most of the English stuff is bad but my friend Gwen recently turned me on to this noise pop album by Twinkle Park called "Touched, or been touched by" which I thought was a really excellent use of an English vocal bank, it's a great album.
If ur really stuck on where to start, you can look up playlists of the songs included in the project diva games, they tend to be like a mix of popular tracks that can point u in the direction of what kinda producer sound you like. A lot of them are like the vocaloid "classics" so to speak and while I don't like all of them, they are a good sampling of what's popular and usually YouTube links to other stuff.
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