#theu look cool broken
ajax-mew · 4 months
i have fix sundrop mask
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evelynstarshine · 4 years
I just realised my dream was a dream not a tv show
It had character arcs and like four seasons of plot and I think I was only asleep for like an hour
The main set for the last season, being the upper level of a dome turned Buddhist temple (the only faction willing to hide the outsiders, mutants and cyborgs from the sanctuary government who were control everywhere but kept out of that one floor of the second building)(that there were two buildings was the mid season one twist)
And then at the funeral for the outsiders leader like three outsiders were publicly lile yeah were in the temple for a funeral. And the authority sent cops to catch them even tho the temple floor is like an agreed no authority zone
Also it had a really nice culture of communal agreement and like a protagonist was eating after first arrived and spilt and some one was like ill show you how we clean up cos no making burdon for cleaners were all equal and the character was like woah cos back in s1 they had been a cleaner in the other building and treated so bad. Also the leader of the temple party is a guy you thought was killed in s1. So him turning up in s3 finale was like a big deal.
Also the ep before the funeral she sneaks into the lower levels to get some fragrance the guy loved from a shop and sneaks in and it was just really sweet seeing interaction between her and the shop assisstant who understood and won't tell and tried to give the temple party hand gesture but clearly was first time trying
Anyway at the funeral like all of a sudden all the hiding people and even outsiders who had stayed outside came in and like not fight just stood together or speech gave and this is televised across both buildings and
It was really cool.
Also im s2 and 3 they were outside and struggling to survive and under attack and the idea was send the disobedient and stuff outside to get killed by the failed experiments and gangs and dinos and stuff but actually they found mostly they all worked together against the stuff the authority sends but also were like two groups
And then almost everything is broken all the infrastructure and defences theu built up over thos 2 seasons and their leader dead and like almost destroyed and then they finally get through the jamming and contact the new party hints were dropping for all season and get smuggling in to the exo structure of building 2 and meet the temple party.
Also the buildings are like promenade ring with big hole in the middle so in building one its like the authority sees down and in s4 theres this serene commune but you still gotta hide cos the authority cant find out any main characters are there so too loud and downstairs would here. Or could look up and see.
It was like a really good show
And I can't rewatch it cos doesnt exist
Also at the end she found out she was pregnant so there was like a hope and legacy thing cos finale was the funeral but also a new start and he's not really gone cos theyre having a kid and also s4 had heavy spiritualism themes from the temple stuff
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