#they alredy did the one of them high fiving but that one is too silly to ignore
triptychofvoids · 8 months
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i think these guys should explode immediately
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odissey061 · 5 years
Motonari's route
Chapter(s) already posted:
1. This freak won't have me
Chapter 2: Kick him in the teeth
Advertisement: nope
I and Hideyoshi walk side by side in Azuchi's chaotic streets. It's the first time I have the chance to visit this city, so my eyes try to notice as much as they can about the Sengoku life: I'm going go stay here for three mounths, so I need to adapt quickly. The street are really crowded, is almost impossibile walk without  bumping in someone and around me I hear a lot of voices: some people is complaining about the high prices and the merchants negotiate. But what catches my attention are the different form my time: in this period the air is more clean, without smog and pollution; when I breath I can smell the flavours of this place, but most importantly people watch aroud them, they look interested in what are gazing at. And I see two children smile at me when we pass close to them. And I start to wonder how many episodes like these I had missed looking at my phone and I start to feel inexplicably guilty.
"y/n" Hideyoshi recalls my attention, "I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the cold treatment I gave you in this week: I suspected you were a spy, came here to watch us, but now I understand how I was wrong". His apologize is really unaspected and it takes me by surprise, but I'm glad he doesn't think me ad a Please, forgive me" and he deeply bows. His bows is really unaspected and it takes me by surprise, but now I see how much he's sorry and I'm glad he doesn't think me ad a threat as I accept his apologise.
"Thanks very much for your apology, I gladly accept but you didn't need to bow. I mean, I can understand why you thought I was a spy. I hope we can be friends from now on" I smile at him and he does the same. Hideyoshi shows to me all the concern he usually deserve to the others:"Is everything okay in the castle? I hope you are fine and you aren't overwork yourself: is bad for your health. If Masamune tries do to funny things to you or Mitsuhide gives you trouble, come to me immediatly: I'll manage their misbehave". His worries leaves me a little bit puzzled:"I'm okay Hideyoshi. Thanks for your care, but you don't need to be so concerned about me, after all I just arrived" I reassure him. When I talk he glares at me as I just offended Nobunaga in front of him:"Don't say such a silly things! As long you are in the castle I worry about you as much I do with the others".
I always thought Nobunaga was the master of the castle, the one who commands the others but now I remind some days ago he took Nobunaga's favourite candies and the pouty look he gave to Hideyoshi. Just now it looks to me like Hideyoshi is the mother of all of us, whose cares are above Nobunaga himself.  For a second in my mind flashes the imagine of a hen Hideyoshi walks followed by a bunch of chicks warlords behind him and I start to laugh.
"Did I say something funny?" he asks perplexed and I shake my head in denial: Hideyoshi could never understand the fun thought of a girl from the meme era. We pass in front of a fabric shop and my eyes sparkle with joy. "Hideyoshi, is a problem if I enter in this shop?" I demand exited like a child in a candy shop and he respondes:"No, it's fine. I had no idea you were a girl who love fancy dresses".
"In fact I'm not. The truth is I love make dresses and before I came here, I was going to become a kind of sewer" I correct him and he wonders:"Why do you like so much sew?". "The first time I sewed was for a friend: a long time has passed, but I still remember her joy when I gave her the dress. Since then I sewed to see other's smiles when they wear my clothes. This makes me happy" I explain and he pats my head:"You really have a kind heart y/n". He continues with a kind smile:"If you want you can be a sewer in the castle, you know?", I exclame overjoyed:"Is that really possible? Thanks Hideyoshi!". His face turns serious:"Yes, but at two conditions: the first, you mustn't overwork yourself too much, otherwise sew will be forbidden", and his eyes soften a bit, "and the second is that I'd like your first work is for me". I agree at all the condition as we enter in the shop.
I'm so overjoyed that mayby I buy too much fabric and when we go out I start to feel guilty: after all Hideyoshi bought all with his money. We walk for some minutes, talking about the commission he gave me but then a man approach us and asks to speak alone with Hideyoshi.
He sends me an apologetically look and I smile:"Don't worry Hideyoshi, is fine. I'll go to watch some stalls over there to match with a kimono of mine" and I leave.
My gaze is cought by a jewelry seller's stall a few meter away: on the ground there's a white sheet full of shining jewels.
They are really beautiful and, even if I'm not a craftsman, I can see their valuable workmanship: they are simply perflect.
I gaze at a gem: it's a brilliant blue, probably is a sapphire. It is flawless and shining,  around the jewel there's a gold frame. Is really beautiful, but surely the price is out of my economical possibilities.
A familiar voice says:"You can touch of ya want, princess" and I stare at him: he is the white aired man I saw the night I arrived in Sengoku period. His relaxed back leans on the wooden wall, a leg lays straight on the ground and an arm is on the other knee.
"You are the man from that night" I reconize him, "So we meet again, Princess. I'm glad you remind me" says the man. "So you are a merchant, uh?" is the only thing that pops in my mind after some second of silence and I regret it as soon as I talk. "Nice to meet you, m'lady. I'm Motonari Mori, a humble merchant who travels around the world. And what about you?" he introduces himself. "I'm the Oda Princess, y/n. I'm a distant relative of Nobunaga. My family sent me here to find a husband. I'm glad to meet you" and I do the same, hoping he doesn't ask more about me.
As soon as I say I'm a Nobunaga's relative, it look to me to see a flash of interest in his eyes, but it vanishes too soon and I'm not sure about it. "I know very well the Oda family, but I didn't know Nobunaga had a princess" he says serious and a shiver runs down my back.
Did he notice I was lying? How? I'm sure I acted the most credible as possible.
I'm a bit nervous and I feel my hands sweating under his gaze, but I manage to look relaxed:"I always lived in a isolated country but, as I have alredy told you, I left my family to find a husband". And when I speak, his smile returns to be slightly ironic like before and he chuckles:"I was joking: I trust your words, Princess. But let me advice you since you'll stay with him for a while: Nobunaga may be really different from what you think. You should keep hight your guard around him".
I'm going to ask him what he's talking about, but he glares over my shoulder and says:"Don't worry if ya haven't the money right now: ya can keep the jewel and pay me in other ways. I have to with a colligue of mine". Puzzled I take the sapphire and I leave the stall. A man talks very close to him. I don't know what are they talking about, but they act like they share a dangerous secret. At some point Motonari looks at me with a spooky smile, but I don't see it because I turn to search Hideyoshi. When I find him, he tells me straight:"We have to return at the castle immediatly: a daimyo started a revolt against Lord Nobunaga"
Although all my protests and my escape attempts (failed for Mitsuhide's fault) two days later I'm on a war field with some Oda force members. Nobunaga, judging the rebellion small, sent Masamune, Mitsunari and Ieyasu to take care of the ribellion and he requested my presence as lucky charm. His words were:"You are a lucky charm: you will go with my vassals to bring them luck". And I wanted kick him in the teeth.
I'm in the backways to heal the wounded, but the grief rises in my chest: if the revolt is small, why it still going on?
While the time passes always more injured men come to be healed.
My fingers shake as I'm overhelmed by the fear of not be able to save them all: I know the basics of medicine but if they increase more I won't be able to do anything.
A man walks in the tend and speaks to me:"Lord Ieyasu says you must go to Nobunaga and ask for other troups" and I blink twice to be sure I heard correctly: I have to do what?
"We discovered that the situation is different from what we expected: this is a war not a revolt. He says you are the only one who can go to Azuchi" he continues seeing my puzzled look. I understand why I'm the only one: nobody would send a woman on a battlefield, so if the enemy' d catch me, they'd let me go; but this is still sheer madness. But as I watch around me I understand if I won't go all the wounded men will dies, so I declare with conviction:"Give me a horse!"
When we went on the battlefield, I rode with Ieyasu and I asked him how to ride and he explained it to me, obviously not without his salty tone and sarcastic words. So somehow I arrive safely an unharmed to Azuchi castle. Nobunaga listens my request and immediatly later we ride back to the field followed by twenty five troops.
Nobunaga leads the horse in the middle of the field (with me on) and takes side by side to Ieyasu and he comments:"I suppose the girl is more strong and brave then I thought". Should I take this as a compliment or as insult?
"My lucky charm did an excellent work, Ieyasu. Where's Masamune right now?" Nobunaga says proudly. I try to find Masamune in the turmoil of war, but all I see is death and devastation around us. I hear the artillery's shoots, men shouting orders to the soldier and the screams of dying man. I don't want be here!
I close my eyes and cover the ear to don't assist to this cruel and horrible show. But Nobunaga whispers in my hear:"y/n, open your eyes and uncover your ear: now we are going in the middle of the battle and you need to hold thight on the reins if you don't want fall" and I do what he suggests, even if the tentation to close the eyes is really strong. Nobunaga leads the army and in a blink of eyes I'm in the middle of the chaos. Some warrior become pale as they see Nobunaga, but the most of them start an assault. "He brought a woman on the field. Let's aim at her: she's is weak point!" screams a man, "You'd like it" I wishper and I kick him on the chin, making him fall by the horse. I can't lean on Nobunaga's protection in this moment, so I must count only to myself. An enemy soldier draws his sword at me, but Nobunaga cuts his hand:"This is my lucky charm and I don't allow someone to hurt her" and he starts a ferocious duel with his opponents. The time looks to quicken, due to adrenaline, as I see a lot of men get killed and I feel their blood on my face, but in some hours we win the war.
Once at Azuchi castle I lock myself in my room to coming to terms with the fact that I went to war and saw people die. The next day I go in Azuchi city, hoping that a bit of shopping will help me. I sit in a restourant and I eat a fish when a cat steals it from my plate. I follow the cat until he enters in a deserted and darker street. My female intuition suggests me to go back, but I'm too hungry to listen it. And I regret it when someone grabs my arms in a strong grip. I understand I'm in big trouble and I start to feel panicated when my mounth and my nose are covered by a tissue. I stop to breath to don't inhale chloroform and I squirm violently as much as I can. "Keep quiet if you don't want be hurted, little girl" says a male voice close my hear. I give him a head butt on his chin to free myself, but the grip on my fists os more thight and painful:"Unlike my captain I'm not a very patient man: if you keep on with your vain and useless resistence I won't so kind like now". I scream, but from the mouth exits only a low, muffled breath. "I told you to behave, little girl" growls the man and my head is crushed violently against the wall until I loose conciousness.
Posted on 8/11/'19
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