#they also go off *the fucking bay movies* for why OP would hate them as if that means anything
all the pissed off transphobic dudebro idiots angry about nightshade being nonbinary and using they/them pronouns should be shown clockwork orange style the idw comics from 2005 where there's not only gay transformers but also explicit discussion of changing one's pronouns to better fit who they are. they should also see the mpreg
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kob131 · 5 years
Well now, let’s give this a REAL stress test huh?
Yeah, no shit they blocked you, all you’ve done is proven that you have an I.Q. score that needs to be represented by a letter to explain how stupid you act.  Remember when you said this:
“ cept 90% of it isn’t criticism, criticism would actually be helpful, no its at the very best nitpicking to the extreme and then crucifying the show and creators who put a ton of work into making a great show over some inane bs.”
1.  Considering that Volume 6 seems to have been made in response to most of the criticisms the RWDE tag has given, I’m guessing those criticisms were actually pretty darn easy to find and were actually quite helpful.
2.  So it’s wrong for us to ‘crucifying the show and creators,’ but it’s okay for you to crucify us?
3.   “put a ton of work into making a great show.”  Dumbass, you don’t fight opinions with opinions, and great shows don’t tend to have:
Uninteresting characters
Underutilized plot threads and potential
Blatant plot holes and contradictions.
Every cliche in the book with no self awareness.
Years and years of queer-baiting.
Unsympathetic characters.
No clear reason for…  Anything.
A plot that relies on its characters all being too incompetent to do their jobs, or even exist for that matter, in order to flow correctly.
Constant ass pulls.
Deus Ex Machinas
Over reliance on cliffhangers in order to keep its audience invested.
Villain Sues.
Mary Sues.
Marty Stues.
Blatant rip offs of everything more popular than itself.  Not even references, just blatant rip offs.
Poor communication between the writers, animators, and soundtrack artists to the point where you wonder if they entered the same room at any point during production.
Writers who flat out admit they have terrible memory.
A good case for sexism.
Failure to deliver on almost everything they promised their audience
And no comprehension of how writing works at all.
Ad Hominin as an argument thus disregard.
Sorry but don’t you know? Everyone in the RWDE tag says they don’t listen to them so an improvement CAN’T be made in response to RWDE. Or, are you just just lying?
Considering you LOVE to bring up the dead and try to harass anyone into silence while saying people who haven’t done anything nearly as bad hould eb crucified:
Yes. By YOUR standards.
And finally:
Only once so STILL an opinion
Same thing as before
Same thing as before
And Opinion
So out of 19 arguments you used opinions for 17 of them. Funny then huh? Almost like your standards are arbitrary and contradictory.
If RWBY had a ton of work put into it, we wouldn’t have a series of exposition dumps that contradict the episodes, we’d have a much clearer idea of when team RRNJ started their journey to Mistral and when it ended in relation to everything else, we’d have actual distinctions between Semblances, Dust, and magic, we wouldn’t have been making the complaint that Ruby felt like a non-entity in a show indirectly named after her for over five fucking years.  Volume 5 spent over half it’s run time focusing on the main characters sitting around a house and talking, for fuck sake!
They have made distinctions between all three
You’ve been provided with proof to the contrary for years but ignored it.
And you like Red vs. Blue which did precisely for FIVE SEASONS.
You only made one fucking one point out of 23 so far. Pretty damn telling eh?
Oh and if making a complaint makes it valid, doesn’t that mean that OP’s compliant is automatically valid as well? Doesn’t that mean the THOUSANDS of complaints I have made are all automatically valid? And if not thus we must have a set standard: RWDE fails by any standard that is set. So, are you wrong...or are you wrong?
But even if you want to ignore all that, that’s why the RWDE tag exists!  It exists so that you can blacklist the RWDE tag and more easily ignore it.  What you’re doing is the equivalent of diving into a pool of piranhas and then complaining that you got bit.
And yet here you stand, eating food you hate for no reason and complaining about it. Maybe you should listen to yourself.
Here’s a thought:  Maybe the people in the RWDE tag who stick with RWBY actually want to see a good version of it, and you don’t get that by flat out ignoring the bad.  I mean, it’s not like they constantly say that or anything.
And it’s not like the creators are constantly say they work hard or that others constantly say they make great show. So, Cadder, what sets you above them? You know, aside from your narcissism?
Says the guy who can’t handle the idea that maybe people don’t like a show he does, and needs to go out of his way to insult them for no other reason.  The RWDE tag was made so that people like you could avoid the crowd that didn’t like RWBY, but since you can’t handle that idea, fine:  This is going in the main tag.
Says the guy who couldn’t take his own bullshit for a single second before screaming ad yelling like a petulant child.
And gee Cadder, didn’t you JUST say that RWDE sticks around because they DO like RWBY? Huh, was that a Freudian Slip I read?
And finally: Rooster Teeth makes plenty of other content and there are SO many others. RWBY was made for it’s audience and you could avoid it yourself.
But since you can’t handle that idea, fine. I’ll continue to attack you then.
No, you’re an idiot for ignoring what they’ve said, why RWDE was created, and for not following your own advice.
Gee, and yet you ignore what the creators have said, ignore why RWBY was created and ignore your own advice. But hey, takes one to know one right.
The RWDE tag complained about how nobody seemed to care that Oscar was being taken over by Ozpin, not even Oscar himself, and it cast Ozpin into a very negative light by making him akin to a parasite from a sci fi horror movie.  Volume 6 showed that, yeah, the characters in-universe see that as fucked up, and they rightfully call Oz out on it.
Nope. Ozpin being in Oscar was barely brought up and in fact ignored.
So 0-1.
The RWDE tag complained that Jaune took away Ruby’s chance to talk about her struggles in Volume 4 and her big fight with Cinder in Volume 5, once again stealing the focus from her.  One of the first things they did in Volume 6 was remove Jaune from the plot for a few episodes, and even when he came back, they focused more on Ruby.
Nope. Ruby talked about her struggles with Oscar in Volume 5 and you screamed at the creators for it while Ruby never re fought Cinder.
Her focus was said everywhere ELSE but RWDE so 0-2.
The RWDE tag complained that Ruby never took the chance in Volume 5 to ask Ozpin about her silver-eyes, instead seeking to learn hand-to-hand combat that was only important because they changed Mercury’s fighting style.  Volume 6 introduced a new character who had silver eyes in the past and had her teach Ruby how to use her silver eyes.
Except that’s based on the idea of Ruby not taking control, not her Silver Eyes. Still doesn’t apply to what RWDE has said so 0-3.
The RWDE tag complained that, despite setting up and foreshadowing a big confrontation between Ruby and Cinder, Volume 5 did not have Cinder take the chance to attack or even indirectly hurt Ruby.  Volume 6 almost immediately brought Cinder back, and rekindled her hatred on Ruby.
Except that that Cinder never lost it AND since Jaune did nothing else in the Volume, ignoring you was GOOD writing. So 0-4.
The RWDE tag complained that Ozpin was completely incompetent for volumes upon volumes by keeping his allies in the dark, making him a very untrustworthy individual.  Volume 6 has him face some consequences for those actions.
Nope. Ozpin was never treated as incompetent nor showed he was gonna change. Other people said he should face consequence but by your own admission: you never did. So 0-5.
Let’s make that 1-28 to gather all the arguments into one spot.
I could go on.
Please do. I wanna see how far you’ll dig that hole before you realize it’s your grave.
There plan has been to wing it.  They’ve already gone on record and said that Ruby’s development and focus was one of the things they wanted to fix with Volume 6.
Let’s add: ‘I don’t know how writing works’ to the list of reasons why you’ll never be listened for.
Because planning something it doesn’t mean every single detail is planned out. Every single writer knows this.
I said they made Volume 6 in response to the criticisms, I didn’t say they did it well.  It can easily be argued they didn’t understand where the criticism was coming from, which given some things Miles has said about RWBY’s critics in the past, isn’t that wild of an assumption to make.  Also, general consensus seems to be ‘it’s better than last Volume.’ And while that isn’t saying much, it still means its an improvement.
Not according to RWDE *cough* Damage Control *cough* The fight between Sokumotanaka and SSSN *cough*
Do you see the quotation marks, or are you just trying to put words in my mouth?  Of course it’s wrong to attack the creators of a bad show, but the RWDE tag doesn’t do that!  Attacking the creators of the show would be launching death threats their way.   Attacking the creators of the show would be harassing them online through their social media accounts.  Attacking the creators of the show is not making jokes at their expense.  Nobody complains when we make jokes about Micheal Bay, nobody complains when we make jokes about M. Night Shamalan, nobody complains when we make jokes about Reki Kawahara; so why do you complain when we make jokes about Miles Luna?
You know-
Because when this exact same shit happens elsewhere, you call it attacking. When it happens with SU, you scream your heads off at SU crits despite them using ALL your arguments. So we’re just following your standards.’
Oh and no on digs up Micheal Bay’s dead friend to attack him with the corpse. That’s pretty fucked up. You wanna know who agrees with me? Your little inspiration, Doug Walker. When his character The Nostalgia Critic did that, he was treated as someone who made a serious fuck up ad felt remorse. You don’t act like or feel like that. So nice try.
The toxic part of the FNDM are the ones who barge into the RWDE tag and assert their views.  The toxic part of the FNDM are the ones insult and belittle the critics of the show just because they found a flaw in their precious little cartoon.  The toxic part of the FNDM are the people like you.  The RWDE tag was created so that you could ignore us and we could ignore you, it’s the equivalence of a sign that reads ‘Do not enter!  Radiation!’ When you ignore that sign, it’s your own damn fault.
And RWBY is the equivalent of ‘Don’t eat! Fish!’ When you eat fish and bitch about it, it’s your own damn fault.
Also: mind showing me where those people use your dead friends against you? ... No? Then you hold that title.
Oh, I do, you don’t.  Criticism is when you voice your misgivings about a show, backing it up with examples, explanations, and facts, in the hopes that the people who make the show will see those criticisms and try to improve.
Except that if anyone treats a show you like in the same manner, suddenly it’s not criticism anymore and you default to MY definition. Sorry Cadder, can’t have both.
1.  If you think the RWDE tag is terrible, than stop reading it.
2.  Would you rather we complain about a show we don’t watch?
3.  I did stop watching it, after Volume 3.
4.  That doesn’t change the fact that the characters would still be uninteresting.
1. ‘Because we just want the RWDE tag to be good!’
2. You don’t watch it
3. So you have no idea what you’re saying. What a that about examples ad facts again?
4. Says the man who doesn’t watch the show.
Hey, remember back in Volume 3 when Penny mentioned to Ruby how she had a plan to stay with her at Beacon?  No?  Well, neither do the writers.
What about Yang’s PTSD arc, which they seemed to blaze through, and only ever give a passing mentioned to ‘Yeah, she still has PTSD?’
What about Weiss’s romance with Neptune, which came out of nowhere and promptly went back to it?
What about actually having Ozpin be a shady, morally grey individual casting which side of his conflict with Salem could be considered a ‘good’ guy, instead of just having him get sick and then pinning all the blame for everything that happened on Salem?
Or hell, what about any of the racism against Faunus, which only seems to exist at the most minor of levels most of the time?
1. Hmm, almost like it was a Red Herring. What was that about ‘not understanding writing’?
2. Showed, didn’t tell it. Just like RWDE always says.
3. You mean the character who only barely appeared in this previous Volume? Hm...
4. Hey didn’t you say you stopped watching the show? Well I guess that makes sense as Ozpin was never treated like that.
5. How would you know? You stopped watching the show. As it shows since Meagrie, Illa, Adam’s brand, the Fanaus being locked in cages in Ozpin’s flashback ect.
The Grimm are supposedly attracted to negative emotions, and this is even how they were able to determine where the White Fang were hiding outside the kingdom of Vale in Volume 2.  Yet despite that, the White Fang weren’t being overrun with Grimm down in the tunnels.
What’s more, during the same volume, in the same location, the negative emotions brought on in Yang, Blake, and Weiss when Oobleck questioned their motives to becoming Huntresses didn’t attract any Grimm to the campsite.  The Grimm were only every drawn to negative emotions when the plot called for it.
Even still, this raises the question of why the Grimm are attracted to negative emotions and why they only target humanity and its creations when they were created by the God of Darkness to be the general embodiment of death, meaning that they would go after everything that’s living.
The rules of Aura also tend to fluctuate in how it works and how powerful it is.  In Volume 1, Pyrrha asked Jaune why he didn’t activate his Aura to protect himself during initiation, then in World of Remnant, it was stated that Aura passively protects its wielder, meaning Jaune shouldn’t have needed to activate it.
What about all the leaps in logic required for Cinder’s plan from Volume 1 to Volume 3 to work?  Her plan required matches in the Vytal Tournament to end specific ways despite how even they looked, and the fact that JNPR vs. BRNZ only ended with team JNPR winning because BRNZ didn’t recognize an opportunity to attack.  It required the Fall Maiden to not run away despite having every opportunity to and instead continue to fight Cinder.  It also only failed because Salem never bothered to tell Cinder about her one weakness as a Fall Maiden so that Cinder could be defeated by Ruby’s Silver Eyes.
There’s also everything brought up here.
1. Proof they had negative emotions CONSTANTLY?
2. Except they’re all shown clearing out the Grimm around them so...
3. But Cadder! They do! After all, RWDE loves to cite how they ‘go after’ animals.
4. Hm, would have known that it works like a trained reflex if you watched the show.
5. Well, it’s not like Cinder jut needed a bad match up or is shown hacking the syste-Oh wait,,,,
Gee, three mystery people or one demigod? I would the demigod would think to win.
Hm, almost like CInder’s arrogance was a character flaw eh?
6. ‘Yes let me cite this source to a Tumblr blog, they totally wouldn’t lie right?’
To be fair, one could argue that Miles already knows how to fill these plot holes and just plans on doing it later.  I’d counter that he has already stated that he has terrible memory and out of all of these questions, the only one that’s been answered is the Maiden’s connection with the Relics.
And I’d counter that you still blame Miles for Jaune even as Kerry has stated otherwise so you have a proven bias against him.
Hence the second half of that sentence:  With no self awareness.  It’s often stated that RWBY just uses those cliches as a jumping ground to later subvert them.  It doesn’t.  If anything, the longer RWBY’s gone on, it only becomes more cliche.  And yeah, cliches aren’t a bad thing, when utilized correctly. But right now, we have a light vs. dark McGuffing hunt where our main character has this super awesome superpower that can defeat the bad guys fueled by love and friendship when our characters hardly interact with each other or build up their friendships.  And this is done without an ounce of self-awareness or anything to make the premise more compelling.
Oh so? ... Oh wait, it;s just an opinion. And what was it you said? ‘Can’t fight an opinion with an opinion’? Funny how you forget..
If you view making a show like baking a cake, then most of these cliches are the sugar; and it doesn’t matter how much sugar you pour in, if you forget the baking soda, your cake isn’t going to rise. 
And if you view RWDE as a bunch of flat earthers: Continuously saying something doesn’t make it true.
Xiaolin Showdown, another series that could be considered a McGuffing hunt, has more intrecate characters and multiple factions warring it out for the Shen-Gong-Wu, and more intricately crafted stories.  It’s not just ‘Go to place, find thing.’ There are also often hurdles the characters need to face, be them external conflicts with the bad guys and the unique games they have to play for the Shen-Gong-Wu, or internal conflicts, such as spats with other characters or emotional conflicts.
Oh that show where the usually useless sidekick character meant for comic relief ends up being the only person able to save the day in an episode only for this instance to never come up again? or what about the generically evil witch? Or the bumbling bad guy whose actually a huge threat in a future timeline? Or the Big Bad beings sealed away instead of being destroyed because plot? Or what about the leader being someone who has been at this for years and yet is treated just the same as the newcomers because ‘different viewpoints’? Or what about the elements being Fire,Water, Wind and Earth with Fire being high energy, Water being sagely, Wind being a hotshit and Earth being serious and bulky?
Funny how you forget all THOSE cliches.
Sorry Cadder, should probably choose something else. Xiaolin Showdown was one of my favorite shows growing up and I remember a lot of it clearly. And you’re not smart enough to be able to defend it like I can.
Well, I’m not seeing a counter argument, and the cases for queer-baiting are pretty self evident, just look at all the times they’ve made jokes about White Rose or Bumblebee in the show.  It took them five years of empty promises and excuses to actually give us some LGBT representation, and it was the Psycho-Lesbian trope.
And Xiaolin Showdown made jokes about cliches-Welp, better go shit on that then Cadder. Now now, no one’s gonna get better if you don’t ignore how jokes poke fun at things.
Gee, not really an empty promise if it comes true eh? And oh my, the lesbian is a psycho but the straight guy whose an actual psycho you defend is A-Ok? Hm, sounds like someone’s biased...
Well, let’s see:
Jaune Arc:  Cheats his way into Beacon and doesn’t do any of the work in order to actually become the hero he claims he wanted to be.  When offered help, he gets mad and explodes at the person who offered it.  Continuously tried to convince Weiss to go out with him and refused to take ‘no’ for an answer.  When confronting Neptune, he treated her more as a prize to be won than an actual person.  Was the only one to mourn Pyrrha’s death in Volume 4 and, because he couldn’t keep his emotions in check, got into a fight with Cinder in Volume 5, stealing Ruby’s big conflict with her and inadvertently getting Weiss impaled.  Now, that all wouldn’t be too bad on its own, but he never faces any repercussions for it.  Far from it, most of the time, he got rewarded in some way.
Ozpin manipulated our main characters into doing his bidding, brushed off Ironwood’s ideas and suggestions and continued to rely on his students who were still in training to get the job done.  This never worked, yet he is continually presented as a wise mentor who knows what’s best.  He also shows no concern for the 14-year-old boy he is slowly overtaking and assimilating.  He lies to his allies, kept secrets from them, and from volumes 1 to 3, it felt like he was making a bad situation worse.  He also needed to use an ultimatum in order to convince Pyrrha to become the Fall Maiden, giving her no other alternative than ‘Everyone dies.’
Qrow is a perverted alcoholic with no self control who destroys military property and humiliates Winter for no other reason than ‘why not’ and gets away with it.  He shows no sympathy for Yang in Volume 3 after the Vytal Tournament incident, even calling her crazy when she explains what happened, and uses team RRNG as bait for Tyrian.
Weiss was a racist prick who never apologized for any of the things she said in Volume 1.
Sun stalked Blake all the way to Beacon and Managery, and seemingly can’t get away from his teammates fast enough.
Yang destroyed Junior’s bar in the yellow trailer because he didn’t give her the information he didn’t have and assaulted several men who were just trying to do their jobs, and even encouraged Jaune’s pursuit of Weiss.
Not only is most of this lies (Jaune is treated as in the wrong most of the time, Ruby mourned Pyrrha in Volume 4, Jaune treating Weiss as a prize is your opinion as many others (especially women) disagree, Jaune was treated as in the wrong for exploding at Pyrrha and had to apologize, Ruby did a bunch of things in Vlolume 5 while Jaune did nothing.
Ozpin brushed him off because Ironwood DIRECTLY CAUSED the Fall Of Beacon due to his fuck ups, he’s succeeded far more times than fails, he has no choice where he reincarnates, He’s never shown DIRECTLY lying, he keeps giving Pyrrha outs, he was treated as in the wrong for keeping secrets, that’s an opinion and he had no otehr choice,
Qrow’ shown to be pervy in a joke (remember something similar happening in Xiaolin Showdown. Hmmm), he’s treated as in the wrong for that, he directly contradicts that and tries helping Yang and he didn’t know about Tyrian.
And yet you ignore her character development (despite someone in Xiaolin Showdown being responsible for resurrecting THE BAD GUY)
Not stalking
Yeah, criminals doing criminal shit! Oh and proof? No, RWBY chibi doesn’t count.)
But wouldn’t one say that these intentional flaws are there to make the characters INTERESTING? SO which is it? Interesting character or Sympathetic? Can’t choose both you showed they’re mutually exclusive in your eyes.
That’s…  That’s not how stories work.  For instance:
Instead of going to combat schools like Signal, like our main character Ruby did, Jaune instead cheated his way into Beacon to become the heroes his family was while putting in none of the work for it. He was also never told anything about the world around him, like Aura, Semblance, ect, when those things are incredibly common and there’s no reason to assume the rest of the world wouldn’t know about them.  It’s not like Huntsmen and Huntresses are a secret.
Ozpin is implied to have accepted Ruby into Beacon because of her silver eyes, yet never thinks to train her with the damn things!
Despite wanting nothing to do with the feud between Ozpin and Salem, Raven steals the Spring Maiden’s powers and was fully intending to take the Relic of Knowledge until Yang pointed out how stupid that was.
Ironwood made a robot that is capable of generating Aura, yet instead of telling the populous or even Ozpin about this, he instead keeps it under wraps as he entered her into the Vytal Tournament, which one could argue was to test Penny’s abilities, but with the way it was presented, it felt more like he was trying to cheat.
And then there are all the humans working with Salem, despite seemingly getting nothing out of it.  It’s even worse for Hazel, who’s sister was probably killed by a Grimm, yet he’s now working with the Grimm’s ruler.
So Cadder- How do you rewire the electrical system for a house? How do you repair a TV? How do you replace plumbing? Hm, you don’t know? Gee, it’s almost li8ke you have to *gasp* go to school for this!
And yet he says it’s because of her skill with the scythe. Hm, you reject both show AND tell....
Gee, not like that’s a character flaw stated to be in Raven-OH WAIT.
Gee, not like Ironwood is paranoid or somethi-OH WAIT,
Hmmm, not like *gasp* that could be elaborated on in the future! Or that hazel is DIRECTLY STATED to be a grieving mess who  is shown to not be logical.
And even then, we don’t judge things based on what they could be.  We don’t judge things based on what they claim to be.  We don’t judge things based on what they’re going to be.  We judge things based on what they are right now.  Yeah, the reasons for this stuff could be explained later, it could also not be explained later. 
So I’m just gonna go ahead and judge you based on your first word in each sentence.
Cinder Fall’s plan required absolutely no student from Haven to realize that they were never at that school.  Nobody realizes that the girl who supposedly left with the injured student was still in the audience.  Amber never thought to run away from her fight with Cinder, despite having clear chances to do so. Emerald used her illusion powers to steal mere trinkets and food, when it had the potential to turn her into one of the greatest thieves Remnant has ever known.  It also required for Ozpin, who know she would be attacking, to not do anything about it like Ironwood suggested.  I have an entire fanfiction pointing out how, if Beacon was a little smarter, Cinder would have failed a dozen times over, and very few of my scenarios have been dis-proven by recent information.
Proof that anyone WOULD ask about them?
Proof that Emerald didn’t hide herself?
Stated character flaw for Amber.
Emerald’s not amoral, she did what she had to for survival.
Not like Ironwood’s paranoid.
And you’re a proven liar, so why should we care?
The Maiden’s who didn’t exist until after Volume 2, Ruby’s silver eyes which were only brought up once, the relics that were never foreshadowed, most of Cinders plans, Raven being the Spring Maiden, shall I continue?  I might as well not, the entire tag is filled with this stuff.
Not an asspull, that’s a deus ex machina, Ozpin’s vault, numerous Tumblr posts disagree since you think they’re valid. And please do, I love making you look like a corrupt fuckwad.
Ruby’s silver eyes at the end of Volume 3, the ships to Mistral at the end of Volume 4, the train that Oscar was able to take at the end of Volume 4, one could argue Penny at the end of Volume 1.
Everyone else said it first, basic logic says there should be patrols, INTERkingdom travel is locked down and Penny was foreshadowed.
No, most shows have each episode end with a sense of finality and complete the story each episode is telling.  Avatar:  The Last Airbender is known for its tight continuity, and I can only think of one cliffhanger from that series.  RWBY, meanwhile, never feels like it’s finishing a single story for each season, and it feels more like the only way the writers will expect the FNDM to continue watching is if they never finish the story as opposed to actual investment. 
Yeah...except Avatar tried pulling ‘the hero is totes dead ya guys!’ so it should be consider worse in your regard.
Cinder Fall from Volumes 1 to 3, see four paragraphs above.
You mean the woman whose been repeatedly insulted and shamed?
Pyrrha Nikos, arguable Ruby Rose, Cinder Fall again.
Dead, bullshit, shamed.
Jaune Arc, Qrow Branwen, Ozpin, Sun, through affiliation with Cinder - Mercury.
Characetr with the least respect
Open drunk
Purposefully flawed leader
Called out on his shit
Being Sub-servant.
Here’s a rather big one. What about the comparisons that can be drawn between the Grimm and the Titans from Attack on Titan?  What about the school of adventure trope that has been done to death by the likes of Harry Potter and Soul Eater?  How’s about the fact that you can draw more parallels between RWBY Volume 4 and Final Fantasy Advent Child than you could on a graph in an average math class?  What about how the Maidens are pretty much the Avatar but quadrupled?  Or how’s about the fact that Ozpin is a poor-man’s Dumbledore?
What about the Titans and teh demons from Berserk?
What about the hundreds of other works BEFORE Soul Eater and Harry Potter?
Proof and no, YHH’s doesn’t count.
Cept they don’t need training, their powers aren’t used by otehr characters and a fuckton of powers are like this
Except Dumbledore was never directly called out on his shit nor revived from the dead.
Gee, didn’t cliches meant rip off.
There’s also the fact that in Volume 4, puddles of mud were supposed to be regular puddles.
How’s about the entire BMBLB incident, where Miles had no knowledge of the existence of the song, and Jeff Williams claimed his songs had no meaning?
This stuff isn’t a secret, people have talked about this stuff extensively. How the fuck do I know more about the production of RWBY than a supposed fan?
Slicksickman who has an open grudge against Miles: disregarded
They’ve always done that.
Except none of this fits your argument so....
There’s called plot holes, this is how you get them.
AKA ‘google my proof’
How’s about the fact that Yang runs into a situation to save Blake for Adam, and her reward is a chopped off arm, post-traumatic stress, and mockery from her father, where as Jaune rushes into a situation because he can’t keep his hate boner for Cinder in check, and Weiss gets impaled for it, only for him to unlock his semblance, heal her, and no one gives him any crap for what he just did?  There’s a double whammy here, Weiss gets injured for something Jaune did, and Jaune doesn’t face consequences despite doing pretty much the same thing as Yang.
Except that Weiss being impaled IS Jaune’s punishment.
Taiyang made on joke (but yang openly insulting him? A-okay!)
Or hows about the above moment for Jaune, but when Salem goes through a series of responses so akin to the five stages of grieve I’d be more surprised if it was unintentional than if it was, and the narrator and by extension the writers try to paint her as a complete monster with absolutely no one blaming the gods?
Because Jaune didn’t try tricking immortal beings and he admitted to his flaws ad was treated as in the wrong?
Dumbass, the RWDE tag has more citations for this stuff than a Wikipedia article!
And your citations so far have been INVALID.
More like Conservation.
An action packed series that rarely had any action and for a whole volume had most of the main cast talking in circles as well as sitting in circles.
LGBT representation as promised by Monty Oum, only for it to take five years before we had so much as one confirmed homosexual.
A show that focuses on four girls that kick ass until Jaune walked on screen.
A monster hunter series where the monster hunting aspect hasn’t been relevant since Volume 1.
The show began with talking and was mostly talking.
Never said when.
Jaune’s relevance is TIED to one of the females
And I thought it was about four girls kicking ass.
I could say the entirety of the RWDE tag or just point to most of the points I’ve ready made, so I will!
*points to my blog*
Try again...
Well, as you loved to say:  Citation Needed.  Yeah, we make jokes at Miles’s expense, but then again, so did Nostalgia Critic about Micheal Bay and M. Night Shamalan, and Linkara about Frank Miller, Scott Ciencin, and Rob Liefeld.  People rarely, if ever, get on their cases for it.  Once again, there’s a difference between attacking a writer and making jokes about them.
Remember what i referenced before?
Nostalgia Critic using the dead:https://youtu.be/0EVOxDVSAfE?t=1949
The Nostalgia Critic earned my respect that day.
You and RWDE have earned my eternal ire.
Hey, I think I found a picture of you online:
Tumblr media
Sorry everyone, Cadder accidentally posted a selfie.
1.  All evidence to the contrary.
2.  ‘Couldn’t’  You couldn’t give a shit if we liked the show or not.  If you could give a shit about if we liked the show, that means you do care.  I’m starting to notice a pattern, the people who love RWBY seemed to have failed their English classes.
1. You reject evidence so...
2. Says Mr. “ Managery “
1.  Criticism is almost always a good thing, and seeing as to how Miles has at least attempted to improve his writing and address our criticisms, and that general condenses is that this Volume was better than the last, I think we very much are helping.
2.  Why don’t you eat some film and put your talents as a projector to good use?
1. Except by your own statements, he didn’t.
And 2. Why don’t you use your talents as a sentient barrel of toxic waste to go pollute some wildlife. Only thing you’d ever be good at.
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