#they also think its really funny that Mike is my favorite šŸ˜ none of them like Mike šŸ˜†
punkymonkeehat Ā· 1 year
I shit you not, guys...
My 7th graders, after putting things away and working really hard today, asked why we haven't watched The Monkees in a long time. I said that I thought they didn't like them anymore (cause middle schoolers always change their opinions all the time lol) and a out the entire class were appalled that I thought that and kept saying "We wanna watch the Monkees!! Can we have Monkees Friday? Can you bring in more episodes? I wanna see Davy and Micky again" (this class' favorite). Like, it almost turned into a riot!
I showed them the show last year as a reward for having a great concert and I guess they've been hooked ever since without me even knowing lol
So I put on an episode and all of them gathered around our TV and I was going to skip the theme song to get to the episode (it was the last 5 minutes of class) and they all got so upset and said "No don't, I wanna see the theme song!" So we only saw like, maybe 3 minutes of the actual episode and when the bell ring they wanted to stay and watch more šŸ˜†
Band to Monkees pipeline lol
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mousemarner Ā· 6 years
for the musicals ask do DEH and BMC *AND* spring awakening šŸ˜ˆ
HOOOO okay -
Dear Evan Hansen Have I seen the show?: thrice now! Plus several boots several times, and Iā€™m seeing the Toronto production in the spring!
The first song from this show I heard: Oh I think it was probably Waving Through a Window!
Do I own the cast album?: (I think I pirated it shhhhh) its on my iPod yee
Favorite song: that SO depends on mood, right now Iā€™d say Sincerely Me or So Big/So Small. Good For You is also always a top contender.
Favorite character: Zoe and Heidi. I just adore them. Theyā€™re so complex and funny and flawed and GOOD.
Cast members Iā€™ve met: oh manā€¦Iā€™ve stage doored three times. First time I met Michael Park, JLT, and RBJ briefly said hi as well. Second time I met MLB (šŸ˜) and I think Michael and JLT were out again. Third time I got to meet Alex, Sky, Mallory, Phoenix, Michael Park, and Lisa. Outside of stage door, I met MLB on the sidewalk about two hours before curtain the first time I saw the show and he was out with Olivia, Colton, and Mike Faist so I didnā€™t meet them but I did see them. Then I went to Broadway Flea Market this year and saw like literally everyone basically, everyone mentioned above plus Roman and Garrett and Dan and Asa and Diamond. FINALLY, i went to MLBā€™s 54 Below concert and I met him obvi as well as Diamond, Mallory, Phoenix, Sky, Alex, Asa, Garrett, Dan, Roman, and there were probably others there but I canā€™t remember. Sorry this is super obnoxious I just happen to be really really fortunate in this regard ā¤ļø
song I didnā€™t like at first but now do: ooh I used to hate If I Could Tell Her just because of what it represents but literally the first time I heard MLB Sing it I was like :O I Get it now. Now I love it! Also I have always like, felt Words Fail is a good song but I NEVER listen to it since itā€™s so upsetting, but recently Iā€™ve started actually going out of my way to play it which is !!!
song I used to like but now donā€™t: noneā€¦only song I ever didnā€™t like is tbiag and I still hate it, so
Favorite non-sung line: oh god thereā€™s so manyā€¦one that literally makes me sob just thinking about it is Zoeā€™s last line, ā€œI wanted to make sure you saw this.ā€ Idk why. It just gets me SO bad. Also Heidiā€™s ā€œone day this will feel like a very long time agoā€ which Iā€™m paraphrasing but has become my fucking MANTRA over the last year and a half as far as getting through bad mental health shit. I genuinely and sincerely credit that line with being a part of why Iā€™m here right now typing this.
Favorite lyric: oh my god idek where to BEGIN. Basically ALL of so big/so small. Maybe specifically ā€œand I knew Iā€™d come up short a million different ways and I did/and I do/and I willā€ and then ā€œyour mom isnā€™t going anywhere/your mom is staying right here/no matter what.ā€
Overall rating out of 10: 9/10 ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
Be More Chill -
Have I seen the show?: YES I was lucky enough to catch one of the final performances of the Off-Broadway run
The first song from this show I heard: I think I listened to it in order, so More Than Survive
Do I own the cast album?: same as above lol it Is on my iPod
Favorite song: I think Guy That Iā€™d Kinda Be Into is genuinely one of the better songs Iā€™ve heard in ANY recent musical itā€™s just great. More Than Survive is a GENIUS opening number and Voices In My Head is a GORGEOUS and BRILLIANT closer that makes me SOB.
Cast members Iā€™ve met: I stage doored after the show and met Will, George, Stephanie, Tiffany, Jason Tan, Katlyn, Lauren, and Jason Williams!
song I didnā€™t like at first but now do: oooh gosh hm. I still donā€™t really listen to Pitiful Children at all but in context watching the show I was shocked by how much I LOVED it. Also I always Liked the Pants Song but it has grown on me SO much that itā€™s probably in my top 5 songs in the show now. Phenomenal.
song I used to like but now donā€™t: I havenā€™t really Unliked a song. I guess I like Do You Wanna Hang less and less.
Favorite non-sung line: Like half the shit Michael says. Maybe Jeremyā€™s dad deadass asking ā€œDo you love him?ā€ Idk im struggling to pull in dialogue rn because I mostly just listen to the cast recording but I remember Jake having some lines that KILLLLLED me they were so funny.
Favorite lyric: the whole end of Voices In My Head šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Also ā€œyou know that you are my favorite personā€ of course
Overall rating out of 10: straight up Iā€™m giving this a 9.8 and the .2 is because their costume design for Jenna in particular but also Christine needs to improve SIGNIFICANTLY, otherwise Uh. Sheā€™s Perfect.
Spring Awakening -
Have I seen the show?: Iā€™ve seen two reallly good college productions and a ton of bootlegs of both Broadway runs and the tour!
The first song from this show I heard: ooooh that was a long time ago now so Iā€™m not positive but I Think it would have been either Mama Who Bore Me or I Donā€™t Do Sadness/Blue Wind.
Do I own the cast album?: on my iPod yee
Favorite song: TOUCH ME!!!!! Itā€™s my fave song in this musical and possibly ANY musical!!!!!
Favorite character: Wendla and Moritz but I adore literally ALL of the kids. Theyā€™re My kids now those parents arenā€™t allowed to have them.
Cast members Iā€™ve met: well Iā€™ve never seen SA professionally but I have met a few past tour cast members and stuff stage dooring other things!
song I didnā€™t like at first but now do: the biggest one is DEF Song of Purple Summer. I used to HATE it and insist the show should have ended after Those Youā€™ve Known and skip it every time, but then I saw how Deaf West did it and. I GOT it. Now itā€™s one of my favorite numbers in the show. Thatā€™s the power of Michael Arden babey! To a lesser extent, the first word of your body and my junk have both grown on me a lot.
song I used to like but now donā€™t: idk I donā€™t really have many of these because I tend to have pretty solid opinions on things from the jump.
Favorite non-sung line: Moritzā€™s final monologue, and a lot of Melchiorā€™s writing asides. Hanschenā€™s ā€œtonight will seem unbelievably beautiful.ā€
Favorite lyric: just the entirety of Touch Me. Honestly. The whole thing. ā€œWhere the winds sighā€ ā€œI love your lightā€ ā€œonly hymns upon your lipsā€ I could go on forever. I also adore ā€œa song so big in one so smallā€ in song of purple summer.
Overall rating out of 10: a hard 11/10
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