#they also used childbirth as a networking opportunity
pashterlengkap · 22 days
JD Vance contradicts Trump, praising “admirable” anti-abortion & IVF laws
Sen. J.D Vance (R-OH) has expressed support for conservative proposals to further restrict abortions and fertility treatments. His support contradicts recent statements made by his Republican presidential running mate, former President Donald Trump, opposing further restrictions on both. Trump’s first presidency rolled back national legal protections for both. Vance voiced support for these restrictions in his foreword to the 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity, a collection of essays that largely focused on the role of women in modern families. The collection’s 29 essays were written by conservative authors for The Heritage Foundation, the right-wing think tank that later authored Project 2025, a blueprint to help Trump roll back the federal government and civil rights protections. Related JD Vance begs gay billionaire Peter Thiel to fund his & Donald Trump’s campaign The Trump campaign is far behind Harris’ when it comes to fundraising. Could the gay tech mogul bail them out? The collection said the increasing number of single-parent households was on the “wrong track,” Forbes reported. One of the essayists wrote that they’d like abortions to one day become “unthinkable.” Another essay, written by Jennifer Lahl, founder of the anti-abortion Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, said that IVF was harmful to women and criticized women who have children later in life for “spending a large portion of their most fertile years building their careers.” Other essays criticized food stamps and disability benefits programs for incentivizing people not to seek work. Another said that hunger is “a great motivator for people who are able to work to find work.” Your LGBTQ+ guide to Election 2024 Stay ahead of the 2024 Election with our newsletter that covers candidates, issues, and perspectives that matter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today Vance’s foreword to the collection praised the essays as “admirable” for their “willingness to house culture and opportunity under the same intellectual roof.” He also said that “the prevalence of single-parent families” and “declining participation in civic institutions like churches” are destroying “social capital” and upward mobility for America’s middle class. Vance spokesperson Luke Schroeder told The New York Times that Vance “does not agree with every opinion” in the essay collection. The Heritage Foundation also wrote that Vance “had no role in producing or approving the contents” of the 2017 essay collection. Nevertheless, the 2017 essay collection somewhat echoes Vance’s past statements on parents and childbirth. Vance has previously said that “childless cat ladies” — including stepmother Kamala Harris and adoptive father Pete Buttigieg — are determined the country “miserable.” He has said that people without children have “no physical commitment to the future of this country,” and that “postmenopausal females” (that is, women above the age of 50) exist mostly to help raise other people’s children. Vance also wrote the foreword to Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, a book by Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation. In his book, Roberts wrote that contraceptives, IVF and childless individuals have all ruined America. Vance’s foreword compared Democrats and left-leaning liberals togardeners who have poisoned American soil and “wolves” who must be shot dead. Vance also wrote a blurb endorsing Unhumans, a book by anti-LGBTQ+ conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec which said that liberals aren’t human. The book suggested overthrowing the U.S. government and praised historic dictators who murdered thousands of their own citizens. Trump has recently said he supports abortions beyond six weeks of pregnancy and has said he wants to provide free access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) — a conception method used by many LGBTQ+ families — even though anti-abortion advocates believe that IVF’s discarding of any unused fertilized embryos is “murder.” Trump has only… http://dlvr.it/TCmzrv
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lillianeshaw24 · 5 months
In 1993, Brazil launched one of the first discussions on obstetric violence with the foundation of the Network for the Humanization of Labour and Birth, where the region recognised the circumstances of violence and harassment in care settings (Sadler et al. 2016:50). Then, in 2000, Brazil held the First International Conference for the Humanization of Birth. At the conference, a group of Latin American activists, researchers, and health professionals gathered in response to the high rates of medical intervention in childbirth and growing recognition of abuses directed toward birthing women (Sadler et al. 2016:50). Since then, several Obstetric Violence Observatories have been founded, which, in 2016, released a common statement declaring obstetric violence as one of the “most invisible and naturalized forms of violence against women, constituting a serious violation of human rights” (Sadler et al. 2016:50). 
Since then, the issue of obstetric violence has captured the attention of the WHO. In 2014, the WHO released a statement on the prevention and elimination of disrespect and abuse during facility-based childbirth (Lokugamage and Pathberiya 2017; Sadler et al. 2016). The disrespectful and abusive treatment women in childbirth facilities experience worldwide violates the rights of women. The statement released by the WHO and other organizations call for greater action, dialogue, research, and advocacy on this important human rights and public health issue. The WHO has urged governments and development partners to research, recognize, and redress abusive maternity care (Diaz-Tello 2016:58-61). Some existing organizations and movements include Human Rights in Childbirth (HRIC), the White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) Global Respectful Maternity Care Council, the Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) campaign, and the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization (IMBCO) (Lokugamage and Pathberiya 2017:2). Collectively, their efforts present opportunities to highlight the institutional injustices and social inequalities which exist and call for broader reform.   
Additionally, social media has become an integral part of the obstetric violence movement, and has become increasingly used by patients as a platform used to exchange views and lobby (Lokugamage and Pathberiya 2017:2). The incorporation of social media may have the capacity to shift the power relationship between patients and healthcare providers. On Facebook, pages such as “Spaces for Healing”, “The Positive Birth Movement”, and “They Said to Me” feature dozens of testimonies from women who were systematically and pervasively distrusted in childbirth. Hashtags such as “BreaktheSilence” and “realEBM” has also offered hundreds of women platforms to share their experiences of bullying, coercion, and unconsented procedures including episiotomies and vaginal examinations during birth (Diaz-Tello 2016:58-57-59). The women who have contributed to those platforms were relatable to each other in the sense that they left their birthing experience feeling betrayed and frightened in addition to the physical challenge of giving birth, and that many of them required therapy or changed the course of their reproductive lives (Diaz-Tello 2016; Lokugamage and Pathberiya 2017). 
Though current activism is an extremely important step to the recognition of the issue of obstetric violence, it is not sufficient. Milli Hill, founder of the Positive Birth Movement, believes there is still a huge amount of polarity in the birth world, including that between women and the medical and legal system, midwives and obstetricians, holistic midwives and obstetric midwives, and doulas and doctors (Lokugamage and Pathberiya 2017:1). The current polarized environment does not create a suitable environment for women to give birth in. Trust has become lacking or is completely lost which has hindered the safety and freedom of birthing individuals. 
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brandonimhotep · 3 years
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Allyson Felix Launches Her Own Shoe Company Two Years After Breaking Up With Nike Financially punished by Nike for not meeting performance standards while pregnant, Felix was dropped by Nike in 2019. This is after earning EIGHTEEN Olympic and World medals under Nike. Felix, is the most decorated track and field Olympian in #US. history! Nike wanted to pay her 70 percent less than before the pregnancy. “What I’m not willing to accept is the enduring status quo around maternity. I asked Nike to contractually guarantee that I wouldn’t be punished if I didn’t perform at my best in the months surrounding childbirth. I wanted to set a new standard. If I, one of Nike’s most widely marketed athletes, couldn’t secure these protections, who could? Nike declined. We’ve been at a standstill ever since.” Her company’s first product, the Saysh One sneaker, is available for pre-order on the company’s website; (saysh.com) for $150, consumers can purchase the shoe and a lifetime membership to the “Saysh Collective,” a digital subscription product that will offer perks like workout videos, opportunities to network with other Saysh members and have conversations with Felix and other newsmakers. Felix finished second in the 400m at the US #Olympic #TrackandField trials last Friday, clinching her spot in #Tokyo for 2022. Felix left Nike in 2019 over a dispute about maternity protections for future #Nike-sponsored mothers. The company soon altered its policies to provide additional benefits, and Felix emerged as an advocate for working mothers in sports. She has since raised awareness about health care inequities facing Black mothers, who are three to four times more likely to die during delivery than white mothers. Felix will also be making history as the first athlete in her sport to compete wearing her very own brand. #AllysonFelix is building an empire of her own — and making Nike execs eat their words. 🙌🏾♥️ Salute to #blackgirlmagic @allison_felix_ ✨✨ Sources: TIME, NYTIMES, YAHOOLIFE Kindly #Follow @wonderwombman @wonderwombman2 #wonderwombman For More Informative Content https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlWT5RjinC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cabiba · 3 years
Following ISIS’s demise, Islamists around the world have been forced to radically reassess their strategy against the West. Dashing the utopian hopes of its sympathisers, the fall of the Caliphate has set back the Islamist cause for decades. Just as when many Communists became disillusioned once their ideology had been implemented in the Soviet Union, ISIS’s barbarity can no longer be ignored.
True, even in 2021, some groups such as the resurgent Taliban and Boko Haram — to say nothing of the Iranian regime — remain committed to a type of Islamist militancy that includes an emphasis on violence, with all the human suffering that entails. But for the most part, jihadist militancy has proved unpopular among Muslims, often inviting a violent counter-reaction. Its promise of an Islamist dream state has lost its appeal.
Yet Islamists in the West appear to have found a possible solution that sidesteps, at least for now, the use of explicit violence. The core of this alternative strategy is to focus as much as possible on dawa.
Nearly 20 years after 9/11, Westerners still remain unfamiliar with dawa. In theory, the term simply refers to the call to Islam, a kind of invitation; Westerners would recognise it as part of a proselytising mission. In practice, however, Islamists rely on dawa as a comprehensive propaganda, PR and brainwashing system designed to make all Muslims embrace an Islamist programme while converting as many non-Muslims as possible.
Among Western analysts, dawa — which became a tool of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 20th century — has traditionally received far less attention than militant jihad, though observers have emphasised its importance in the “humanitarian” activities of Hamas.
In Unveiled, the ex-Muslim Yasmine Mohammed compellingly describes her difficult marriage to the Egyptian jihadist Essam Marzouk. Yasmine commented on the rivalry that exists between jihadists (such as her ex-husband) and ostensibly “non-violent” Islamists:
“The truth is that Essam hated the [Muslim] Brotherhood: he thought Islamists were a bunch of pansies. He was actually aligned with a more militant group in Egypt called Al Jihad, who were the Egyptian wing of Al Qaeda. Both Islamists and jihadis have the same goal — to spread Islam — but they have different methods. Islamists want to do this through passive means such as politics, immigration and childbirth.”
This important point is often lost on politicians in Western countries. For no matter what misguided retired CIA officials may claim, groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood are neither moderate organisations nor pluralist partners in civil society. Islamist groups are certainly not likely to prevent the radicalisation of young Muslims. Instead, as one observer noted more than a decade ago, “the history of the Brotherhood movement shows, in fact, that it has operated by and large not as a firewall against jihadism, but as a fertile incubator of radical ideas in a variety of locales”.
In a cynical way, Islamists achieve far more through dawa than when they confine themselves to simply blowing things up and stabbing people to death. The threat is not as obvious. Jihad and the use of violence tend to provoke an immediate response. With dawa, on the other hand, it is possible to talk about charity, spirituality and religion — and then compare it to normal religious proselytising missions. In a free society, what reasonable person would take issue with that?
But dawa is also about building networks: local, regional and international. In The Call, Krithika Varagur revealed both the enormous global scale and opaque nature of these efforts. Saudi Arabia, in particular, has channelled billions of dollars into dawa — with much of it directed into the US.
In the West, these regimes are not given much thought, nor is the Islamist infrastructure in the United States. Nonetheless, Islamism is spreading within Western institutions, and it’s largely thanks to an unlikely alliance: dawa has recognised the alluring power of “woke”, and has started to adopt the language of civil rights and multiculturalism.
Of course, this is not an entirely American phenomenon, but the energy in our progressive movement has taken this cooperation one step further. In France, by contrast, “Islamo-gauchisme” (Islamo-Leftism) is much more likely to be correctly identified as a threat to the model of universal, secular and republican citizenship. In Britain, it remains less prominent, confined to fringe politicians such as George Galloway, who believes that “the progressive movement around the world and the Muslims have the same enemies”.
Yet as historian Daniel Pipes has noted, the relationship between Islamism and extreme Leftism is nothing new. In 2007, Oskar Lafontaine, former chairman of Germany’s Social Democratic party, noted: “Islam depends on community, which places it in opposition to extreme individualism, which threatens to fail in the West. [In addition,] the devout Muslim is required to share his wealth with others. The Leftist also wants to see the strong help the weak.”
But the internal tension between “wokeism” and Islamism is never far away. Just look at Al Jazeera, which uploads documentaries about transgender rights on to its social media channel, while broadcasting sermons suggesting husbands should beat their wives on its Arabic station.
Nevertheless, the two movements do share objectives. Both are anti-West and anti-American. Both have a critical attitude towards “capitalism” based on individualism. True, the Islamists have been around for much longer. But Islamist ideologues are willing to co-operate with non-Muslim Leftists as long as it serves their purposes.
To their credit, some on the Left refuse to countenance Islamism, as they become increasingly aware of the contradiction between supporting universal human rights (including women’s rights) and the demands of Islamists. In France, for example, the centre-Left former Prime Minister Manuel Valls courageously denounced Islamo-Leftism without the least hesitation.
In the United States, however, such vocal opposition from the Left is increasingly rare. Indeed, at the 2019 Netroots Nation conference — America’s “largest annual conference for progressives” — multiple panel discussions and training sessions reflected the Islamist agenda, frequently coalescing around a critique of Israel while neglecting the toxic role played by Hamas in perpetuating the conflict. Meanwhile, Linda Sarsour, a feminist organiser and co-chair of the “Women’s March”, has made her support for Islamism more explicit: “You’ll know when you’re living under Shariah law if suddenly all your loans and credit cards become interest-free. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
In government, too, Islamism’s capture of progressivism has become increasingly clear. Turkey’s Islamist President Erdogan might lead one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes, but that hasn’t stopped Ilhan Omar, the Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, from expressing support for him. No doubt she was inspired by Erdogan last year when he proclaimed that “social justice is in our book”, and that “Turkey is the biggest opportunity for western countries in the fight against xenophobia, Islamophobia, cultural racism and extremism”.
Erdogan, in effect, was explicitly using progressive rhetoric. It’s a move that’s since been mirrored in Iran. The Tehran Times ­— which describes itself as “a loud voice of the Islamic Revolution” — recently attacked former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his “deep-rooted Islamophobia”. And in March, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif “lauded the determination of Islamic countries to address Islamophobia as one of the main challenges facing the Islamic Ummah [community in the West]”. Islamists, in other words, are becoming skilled at wrapping themselves in a mantle of woke words, while engaging in systematic brutality and repression within their own countries.
To this new alliance between Islamism and progressive rhetoric, there is no simple response. Dawa, by its very nature, is inherently more difficult to fight than jihad. But those who believe, as I do, in a free, open, pluralist society need to be aware of the nature and magnitude of this new challenge. After two decades of fighting Islamist terrorism, we have a new and more subtle foe to contend with. Wokeism has long been regarded as a dangerous phenomenon — but only now are we starting to see why.
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raddash · 3 years
Easy Strategies To Hack Instagram Account: How Do Hackers Hack Instagram
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Instagram is presently some of the biggest social networks systems available. The graphic and also online video sharing application is actually specifically preferred amongst the youngsters. It possesses likewise end up being a primary reason of concern for both companions and parents.
Guardians are frequently bothered with the surveillance of their wards while some may make use of social networks to privately stay linked to their aficionados outside dedicated relationships. As a result, the requirement for hacking social networking sites profile pages as well as Instagram accounts.
In this particular short article, our experts cover the four primary means of hacking an Instagram profile.
Crack their security password
Totally reset Password
Phishing pages
Instagram Spy Apps
Break Their Instagram Password
The majority of social media users always keep a password that they may conveniently keep in mind for their Instagram profile. Supposing that the target is actually someone you presently know, you could only desire to begin by seeking to presume their password. Several of one of the most generally used passwords feature time of childbirth (or even various other necessary dates like wedding anniversary or kids's birthday party); label 123; significant other, youngsters or even household pet's name; much-loved sports; or even various other details that is similar to one thing rather close to the aim at.
Hacking Instagram Account by Resetting Password
We are actually supposing that you have actually currently stopped working to break their code. It is opportunity to bypass the code security. Using the 'Reset Password' option is just one of the easiest methods to hack an Instagram profile. But, you will definitely need access to either their phone or e-mail to execute this hack.
Steps To Secretly Reset their Insta Password--.
Visit the Instagram Login page.
Select the Forgot Password alternative.
Enter their affiliated telephone number/ e-mail handle (depending upon what you possess access to).
You are going to obtain a protection code on their variety or even e-mail ID. Enter the OTP to reset code.
You can now visit their Instagram account with the brand-new credentials.
Using Phishing web pages to hack an Instagram account.
A phishing page may be well recognized as a spoofed site/URL that aims to mislead individuals right into entering their login references or even various other delicate details through posing as a valid internet site. Phishing programs may additionally be utilized properly to hack an individual's Instagram account making use of fake login pages.
Using Instagram Spy Apps.
A great way to check out the intended's Instagram activities without increasing any warnings is actually to employ Instagram spy apps. A number of the preferred spy applications for Instagram include iKeyMonitor, PhoneSpector and also FlexiSPY. You will need to check out this web link for effective info about Instapwn.
These straightforward to put up and use spy apps will enable you to from another location check a user's Instagram activities including messages, complied with and flowers checklist as well as exclusive notifications via your exclusive console.
If you discovered this write-up valuable in hacking an Instagram, do not fail to remember to reach the like button as well as discuss your feedback in the remarks listed below.
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mawalters08-blog · 5 years
Annotated Bibliography: Rough Draft 2
“Racism in Health Care – For Black Women Who Become Pregnant, It's a Matter of Life and Death.” NWLC, 13 Apr. 2018, nwlc.org/blog/racism-in-health-care-for-black-women-who-become-pregnant-its-a-matter-of-life-and-death/.
 The editorial from the National Women Law Center explains the bias and discrimination Black women face when seeking attention from health care professionals. Socioeconomics, age, and educational status are not accounted for when it comes to the consistently low quality of care these women receive. MiQuel Davies develops her argument for African American women based on statistics that prove Black women are three to four times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than white women. The author provides individual cases in which health care providers did not attend to their patients properly leading to further health complications. Davies tries to develop ideas as to why these women are given less attention besides the color of their skin. Lack of health insurance, chronic health conditions, and unhealthy living environments are possible contributing factors to increased mortality among pregnant African American women.
Allan S. Noonan, et al. “Improving the Health of African Americans in the USA: an Overdue Opportunity for Social Justice.” Public Health Reviews, BioMed Central, 3 Oct. 2016, publichealthreviews.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40985-016-0025-4.
African Americans are the most unhealthy ethnic group in the United States. Racial and social injustice has led to this statistic as well as the overall health care of Black people. The author, Allan Noonan, breaks down African American health into three categories: Social Determinants and Health Inequalities, Morbidity and Mortality and lastly Risk Factors. Racism has led to many social determinants, housing, education, health care access, and income. These stressful life events are detrimental to a person's overall well being as well as his or her genetic makeup. The article examines the health disparities African American people face and the statistics that support the authors claim. Although Blacks overall health is lesser than other races the care they are provided is also worse due to racial bias, stereotyping and clinical uncertainty. The underlying issue to African American health disparity is racism by addressing the issue at the individual level will benefit the overall Black population. Noonan’s article will be beneficial in my research about disparities in healthcare in regard to African American women. 
“How Training Doctors in Implicit Bias Could Save Black Mothers' Lives.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/how-training-doctors-implicit-bias-could-save-lives-black-mothers-n873036.
Intersectionality of being Black and a woman in the United States seems to harm the women’s overall health. Researchers are unsure why. Alia McCants is one of many African American women who had a postpartum health complication, she was thankful the doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital saved her life but how could her near-death experience be avoided? McCants recalls vague information given by her healthcare providers, and little empathy for the pain she was experiencing. Micro-aggressions add up, making Black women feel devalued by their subtle remarks and institutional racism. Implicit- bias training is on the rise, however, in the medical fields, it’s a new concept. African American women feel like a burden when it comes to seeking medical condition, many feel it’s because “bias is in the air.” An implicit- bias, also known as unconscious bias is related to patient-provider interactions, treatment decisions, and the patient's overall health outcome. Implicit bias can be unintentional, however that does not mean that it can’t be reduced or even removed. After review, within my research I can develop the idea how racial/ implicit- bias can be removed by providing doctors and other healthcare professionals with the right technique and information. 
Williams, Serena. “Serena Williams: What My Life-Threatening Experience Taught Me About Giving Birth.” CNN, Cable News Network, 20 Feb. 2018, www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/opinions/protect-mother-pregnancy-williams-opinion/index.html.
Serena Williams went into labor with an emergency C- section which went smoothly. It wasn’t until her shortness of breath post-operation that she alerted the nurses. Due to her family medical history of pulmonary embolism, she did not take the signs lightly. Williams had many complications post-delivery, thankfully she was assertive and made sure she was given the medical attention needed under the circumstances. Her healthcare providers knew exactly how to handle the situation and had the equipment to do so, however not all women are this fortunate. William’s goes on to discuss health complications of infants and how over 80% of infant deaths are preventable yet the medical industry doesn’t have the resources they need to save the lives of the infants. Demanding care for healthy pregnancies and newborns will help ensure fewer infant mortalities and well as health complications for the mothers. Even when accounting for risk factors Black mothers still face a greater risk of harm. Doctors and nurses are disregarding their patient's needs and concerns, the patients are devalued. Black mothers need to be protected, as seen in William’s case, or the numbers of maternal deaths will continue to rise. William’s own story is important in understanding racial bias in healthcare and provides a personalized story. The use of William’s story in my research paper will personal the paper to the audience. 
 Nelson A. (2002). Unequal treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Journal of the National Medical Association, 94(8), 666–668.
Nelson depicts racial and ethnic disparities in health care through a study to find a major finding of Un-equal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. Using these findings can support my claim that racial- bias is present but can be reduced, in the upcoming research paper. The disparities are present even when insurance, income, and age are comparable. The bias, and prejudice the health care providers display contribute to the disparities present in present-day health care facilities. After review, Nelson and his committee were able to analyze and create ways that racial bias can be reduced. Better communication and trust between patient and providers seemed to be vital to reducing the bias among minorities. After the study and analysis of a particular minority group, Nelson was able to state that through better patient education and knowledge on how to access care the disparities can be reduced. As a country as a whole, the study stated that “we” need to do a better job with data collection and assessing the how, when, and why the disparities and racial bias occur, even when it is unintentional. 
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When cleaning your teeth in front of the looking glass, it's usual to immediately see something you failed to notice in the past. How, as an example, could a swollen gum around one tooth form? Is there anything you may do concerning that? There are a handful of factors a gum can puffiness in one area, consisting of an abscessed tooth, gum disease as well as improper cleaning or even flossing. Listed here are actually some root causes of this popular complication as well as just what to perform if this takes place to you.
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1. Healthy Mishaps
If there is actually inflamationing around merely one tooth in your mouth, that might be actually considering that you didn't brush or even use floss accurately-- which could leave behind food debris that leads to decay and inflammation in the forgotten place. As time go on, this inadequate oral care may lead to gum disease too. Be on the lookout for dull, reddish or even swollen gums, as well as hemorrhaging while combing, pus stemming from the tooth, a loose tooth or consistent bad breath and flavor. For more, visit us: Dental pro 7
2. Gum Disease
An usual root cause for a swollen gum around one tooth, gum disease is a popular ailment for which you need to be on guard each opportunity you clean. Nearly one-half of U.S. adults 30 and also older possess some form from gum disease, inning accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and also Prevention. And also in its earliest stages, its own symptoms turn up as red and swollen gums that, although painless, may still bleed. As the disease progresses, this could trigger loose teeth due to gums that have pulled away in particular locations.
3. Sore Tooth
A sore tooth is actually typical cause of neighborhood gum swelling and signifies you possess an infection in or around your tooth. Commonly this may stem from a without treatment tooth cavity that results in bacteria to spread throughout your tooth and also infect this. Remember that can create irritability and ultimately cost you the tooth if left untreated. Indicators consist of ache discomfort, reddish or swollen gums, a swollen jaw or even face, a tender or sore tooth, a high temperature and even a salted flavor in your mouth. Due to the fact that treatment is actually required for an abscessed tooth, your dentist might offer you prescription antibiotics for the infection, an origin channel to remove the infected pulp or extraction the tooth entirely depending upon the seriousness.
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Ways To Prevent Swollen Gums
It's insufficient to merely comb your teeth two times a time; flossing between your teeth and also making use of an efficient, ADA-accepted mouthrinse like Colgate Total ® Mouthwash for Gum Health are equally as crucial. On top of that, see to it you're combing, flossing and also rinsing along with suitable devices as well as method. If you have a huge area in between 2 teeth, for example, an interdental comb may help wash in between them. Certainly, you should be opting for your dental examinations twice a year certainly not merely therefore your dentist could check out the total health of your teeth, however whether your gums have receded or even begun to puffiness.
A healthy mouth and also stunning smile rely on the amount of treatment you embed both your teeth and gums. Start with oral treatment in your home and observe this up with biannual dentist brows through making certain your mouth health is continuous coming from ear to ear.
Exactly what is actually gingivitis?
Gingivitis is an inflammation from the gums, usually triggered by a microbial infection. If left unattended, it can end up being a much more serious infection referred to as Periodontitis. Gingivitis and periodontitis are actually major sources of missing teeth in grownups, baseding upon the American Dental Association. Dental diseases may accumulate, along with both your health and your wallet at concern. Baseding on the Centers for Medicare as well as Medicaid, Americans spent a determined $117 billion on dental solutions in 2015.
What leads to gingivitis?
Your gums in fact attach to the teeth at a lower point compared to the gum outlines that our company observe. This creates a little space called a sulcus. Food and also cavity enducing plaque can easily receive trapped in this particular space as well as lead to a gum infection or gingivitis
Cavity enducing plaque is a slim coat from germs. This continuously bases on the area from your teeth. As oral plaque buildup developments, that hardens and also becomes tartar. You could establish an infection when oral plaque buildup prolongs listed below the gum line.
Left behind untreated, gingivitis can easily cause the gums to split up from the teeth. This may trigger injury to the smooth tissue as well as bone tissue promoting the teeth. The tooth might become loose as well as unpredictable. If infection progresses, you might ultimately shed your tooth or require a dentist to remove it.
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Risk elements for gingivitis.
The adhering to are risk aspects for gingivitis:
smoking cigarettes or eating tobacco diabetic issues eating particular treatments (birth control pills, steroids, anticonvulsants, calcium network blockers, and also radiation treatment). crooked teeth. dental devices that suit inadequately. damaged dental fillings. maternity. hereditary aspects. jeopardized immunity (like with HIV/AIDS).
Just what are actually the symptoms of gingivitis?
Many people may not be aware that they have gingivitis. That is actually achievable to possess gum disease with no symptoms. Having said that, the complying with could be symptoms from gingivitis:.
gums that are actually red, tender, or swollen. gums that hemorrhage when you clean or floss your teeth. gums that have actually retreated coming from the teeth. loosened teeth. an improvement in just how your teeth meshed when you attack (malocclusion). pus between teeth and gums. ache when chomping. sensitive teeth. limited false teeths that no longer match. foul-smelling breath that does not disappear after you brush your teeth.
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How is gingivitis identified?
During a dental physical exam, your gums will definitely be actually probed with a small leader. This penetrating is a technique to look for irritation. This likewise gauges any pockets around your teeth. An usual deepness is 1 to 3 millimeters. Your dentist additionally may buy X-rays to look for bone reduction.
Consult with your dentist about danger variables for gum disease in addition to your symptoms. This may help detect your gingivitis. If gingivitis exists, you may be described a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist who provides services for the treatment of gum health conditions. How is actually gingivitis handled?
You should exercise appropriate oral care to deal with gingivitis. You should also reduce on any type of smoking cigarettes as well as manage your diabetic issues. Various other procedures consist of:.
deep cleansing your teeth. antibiotic medicines. surgical treatment.
Cleaning teeth.
There are actually many strategies that may be made use of to deeper tidy your teeth without surgical operation. They all clear away cavity enducing plaque and also tarter to prevent gum irritability:.
Sizing clears away tartar coming from above and also below the gum line. Root planing smoothes rough spots as well as removes oral plaque buildup and tartar off the origin surface. Laser devices may get rid of tartar with a lot less discomfort as well as bleeding compared to scaling and also root planing.
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A number of drugs may be used to treat gingivitis:.
Disinfectant mouthwash consisting of chlorhexidine could be utilized to sanitize the mouth. Timed-release disinfectant chips having chlorhexidine could be put right into wallets after origin planing. Antibiotic microspheres created with minocycline may be placed right into pockets after scaling and also planing. Oral prescription antibiotics may be used to treat chronic areas from gum swelling. Doxycycline, an antibiotic, can easily assist maintain chemicals off inducing tooth damages. Cover surgical operation is actually a method where the gums are actually raised back while plaque as well as tartar is gotten rid of coming from much deeper pockets. The gums are actually after that sutured in place to conform comfortably around the tooth. Bone tissue and tissue grafts could be used when teeth as well as mouth are as well wrecked to heal.
Surgical procedure. Exactly how can gingivitis be prevented?
Gingivitis could be stopped through effective as well as regular oral cleanliness. Make sure to eat a well balanced diet regimen as well as check out the dentist routinely. Comb your teeth two times daily along with fluoride toothpaste. Floss your teeth daily. Health health conditions linked with gingivitis.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the National Institute from Dental as well as Craniofacial Research record that gingivitis is connected with an enhanced threat of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, as well as lung disease. It additionally boosts the threat from a girl bring to life a premature or even low childbirth weight little one. Although gingivitis is actually related to these health problems, gingivitis hasn't been presented to induce all of them. The hookup in between them will definitely call for additional research.
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policepiccapital · 3 years
How To Acquire Your Mugshot Eliminated Coming From The Internet
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They grab your mugshot and submit it openly, in the hopes that you will definitely pay for to have it taken down. You should not possess to do it since of foolish blunders or being in the inappropriate location at the inappropriate opportunity!
Exactly how do you eliminate your mugshot coming from the Net?
Luckily, Georgians have some control over the future of their police photograph! You might be able to possess it cleared away free of charge. Our team are actually below to help you with every thing you need to have to understand.
Your Personal privacy Is At Danger
In today's globe, our experts live on our gadgets. Our company may put in a Google.com hunt of our name and also see pictures from family and friends, hyperlinks to our social networking sites, as well as a lot more. It is fully there for the planet to observe. Organizations benefit from this. Some prospective employers might aim to observe what kind of stuff you have uploaded under your label. A mugshot that is actually conveniently visible could wreck your image.
This is actually where criminal record internet sites receive you. Nobody really wants an oversight that really did not also cause real charges to give them a negative track record. Most of us prefer it eliminated as promptly as possible.
Just How To Acquire Mugshots Eliminated From The Net?
It is achievable for you to clear away that mugshot coming from the web along with loved one simplicity and also usually free of cost. Some requirements include:
Expungement of Arrest Charges
Statute of Limitations Expired Prior To Denunciation
Dismissal of Situation
Trial Health Conditions and also phrases Met
This is not an all-inclusive listing. It is actually highly recommended that if you are actually doubtful of whether you meet the requirements or not, you connect to a person to discover your liberties.
The Steps You Required To Take For Extraction of Mugshot
If you manage to get it removed, you have to ask for, in composing, that the company remove your mugshot. The mail should feature:
Your Label
Date of Childbirth
Time of Detention
Arresting Police
It should be actually sent using accredited email with a return slip asked for or lawful overnight shipment to business that has actually released your mugshot. This is very necessary, since that firm is going to possess 30-days from the date of shipment to remove it. If they fail to perform therefore, you can send an issue versus that provider, due to the fact that they are violated the Georgia Fair Organization Practices Process.
Mugshot removal involves removing the true web page coming from the annoying site. This suggests that when a person selects the hyperlink that triggers the webpage, he is led either to the homepage of the web site, or even to an empty web page. When this happens, internet search engine like Yahoo, Bing and Google need to have 1 to 3 times to crawl with the link, view that it is lifeless, and remove the web link from their hunt mark. The moment this happens, when somebody seek you, no more search results that link to that angering internet site is going to appear.
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mawalters08-blog · 5 years
Annotated Bibliography: Implicit Bias in Healthcare
Annotated Bibliography: Implicit Bias in Healthcare
Annotated Bibliography
By implementing training to inform and give scenarios to healthcare providers can reduce implicit bias and racism in the medical field. Experimental data, health complications, and patient experience display our current day healthcare inequality. Raising awareness of implicit bias nationwide will allow women of color to feel more comfortable, and their concerns will be validated. 
Allan S. Noonan, et al. “Improving the Health of African Americans in the USA: an Overdue Opportunity for Social Justice.” Public Health Reviews, BioMed Central, 3 Oct. 2016, publichealthreviews.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40985-016-0025-4.
African Americans are the most unhealthy ethnic group in the United States. Racial and social injustice has led to this statistic as well as the overall health care of Black people. The author breaks down African American health into three categories: Social determinants and health inequalities, morbidity, and mortality and lastly risk factors. Racism has led to many social determinants, housing, education, health care access, and income. These stressful life events are detrimental to a person’s overall well being as well as his or her genetic makeup. The article examines the health disparities African American people face and the statistics that support the author’s claim. Although Black’s overall health is lesser than other races the care they are provided is also worse due to racial bias, stereotyping and clinical uncertainty. The underlying issue to African American health disparity is racism by addressing the issue at the individual level can potentially benefit the overall Black population. The article will be beneficial in my research about disparities in healthcare regarding African American women because it provides data and reasoning as to why African American’s health and the care they receive is less than White’s. 
“How Training Doctors in Implicit Bias Could Save Black Mothers’ Lives.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/how-training-doctors-implicit-bias-could-save-lives-black-mothers-n873036.
The intersectionality of being Black and a woman in the United States seems to harm these women’s overall health. Researchers are unsure why however they can use data to hypothesize and it is often concluded that it is due to the color of their skin. Alia McCants is one of many African American women who had a postpartum health complication, she was thankful the doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital saved her life but how could her near-death experience be avoided? McCants recalls vague information given by her healthcare providers, and little empathy for the pain she was experiencing. Micro-aggressions add up, making Black women feel devalued by their subtle remarks and institutional racism. Implicit- bias training is on the rise, however, in the medical fields, it’s a new concept. African American women feel like a burden when it comes to seeking medical condition, many feel it’s because “bias is in the air.” An implicit- bias, also known as unconscious bias is related to patient-provider interactions, treatment decisions, and the patient’s overall health outcome. Implicit bias can be unintentional, however, that does not mean that it can’t be reduced or even removed. After review, within my research, I can develop the idea of how racial/ implicit- bias can be removed by providing doctors and other healthcare professionals with the right technique and information.
“Racism in Health Care – For Black Women Who Become Pregnant, It’s a Matter of Life and Death.” NWLC, 13 Apr. 2018, nwlc.org/blog/racism-in-health-care-for-black-women-who-become-pregnant-its-a-matter-of-life-and-death/.
The editorial from the National Women Law Center explains the bias and discrimination Black women face when seeking attention from health care professionals. Socioeconomics, age, and educational status are not accounted for when it comes to the consistently low quality of care these women receive. The author develops her argument for African American women based on statistics that prove Black women are three to four times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than white women. The author provides individual cases in which health care providers did not attend to their patients properly leading to further health complications. She tries to develop ideas as to why these women are given less attention besides the color of their skin. Lack of health insurance, chronic health conditions, and unhealthy living environments are possible contributing factors to increased mortality among pregnant African American women. 
Randall, Vernella, and Tshaka Randall. “Cutting across the Bias: Teaching Implicit Bias in a Healthcare Law Course.” Saint Louis University Law Journal, no. Issue 3, 2016, p. 511. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edshol&AN=edshol.hein.journals.stlulj61.28&site=eds-live&scope=site.
The author’s break apart explicit and implicit biases. Explicit can be explained as being aware of your intentions and implicit being unaware, which can make implicit dangerous. Implicit biases tend to lead to discrimination. Understanding the two types of biases and how they can be prevented needs to be studied in healthcare systems. Teaching implicit bias can be done in a class- like structure, allowing students to become comfortable where implicit bias is more prominent can help reduce the bias. Students need to be able to differentiate between race and racism, to avoid the different types of bias. They delve into the inner workings of implicit bias classwork. Assignments to identify stereotypes, race, and racism and overall learning objectives are covered. This kind of work can be useful for my research to develop a hypothesis in ways implicit bias can be resolved. If the course is successful it can correlate with data from other sources. 
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Kimble, Lindsay, and Lindsay Kimble. “Serena Williams Eyes 24th Grand Slam Title as She Makes It to U.S. Open Finals.” PEOPLE.com, 5 Sept. 2019, https://people.com/sports/serena-williams-beats-elina-svitolina-us-open-womens-singles-semifinals-winner/.
Williams, Serena. “Serena Williams: What My Life-Threatening Experience Taught Me About Giving Birth.” CNN, Cable News Network, 20 Feb. 2018, www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/opinions/protect-mother-pregnancy-williams-opinion/index.html.
Serena Williams went into labor with an emergency C- section which went smoothly. It wasn’t until her shortness of breath post-operation that she alerted the nurses. Due to her family medical history of pulmonary embolism, she did not take the signs lightly. Williams had many complications post-delivery, thankfully she was assertive and made sure she was given the medical attention needed under the circumstances. Her healthcare providers knew exactly how to handle the situation and had the equipment to do so, however not all women are this fortunate. William’s goes on to discuss health complications of infants and how over 80% of infant deaths are preventable yet the medical industry doesn’t have the resources they need to save the lives of the infants. Demanding care for healthy pregnancies and newborns will help ensure fewer infant mortalities and well as health complications for the mothers. Even when accounting for risk factors Black mothers still face a greater risk of harm. Doctors and nurses continually disregard the patient’s needs and concerns. It does not go unnoticed by those being treated, they begin to feel devalued. Not even their voices are enough to gain healthcare providers’ attention, their lives flash before their eyes. Black mothers need to be protected, as seen in William’s case, or the numbers of maternal deaths will continue to rise. William’s own story is important in understanding racial bias in healthcare and provides a personalized story. The use of William’s experience in my research paper is to personalize the paper to the audience. Displaying William’s effect of racial bias will hopefully reduce racial bias for future African American women. If doctors are willing to unconsciously risk tennis star, Serena William’s life, why wouldn’t they do it to the average person? 
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Reflection: The purpose of the project I created was to inform and summarize websites and articles that correlate with my topic. All of my sources are academic and informative. They all relate to implicit bias in healthcare, whether it be describing a real-life situation or statistics regarding health complications. My project achieves this based on my reviews and summaries of the websites. They are informative and describe the importance of implicit bias in healthcare. The audience of my project is the general public, I think it is important if everyone is aware of this issue in our healthcare. My medium allows for all ages to access my annotated bibliography by being posted on the blog. The purpose of the blog was to allow for all to read it. Tumblr has a variety of topics, and I felt health-related topics fit the website well. I chose to use a blog, pictures, and a GIF from Tumblr. I enjoyed using these forms of multimodality because it was unique but also enhanced my project. My final choice for choosing a blog was that a variety of people will have the ability to read it. My post can also be shared and liked which can popularize and gain importance to the subject. I enjoyed choosing Tumblr because it was relatable to other social media websites that I use, overall it is very user-friendly. I enjoyed that they create their own GIFS that all users can incorporate into their own posts. The most difficult aspect of Tumblr was trying to keep the format the same as my word document. I enjoyed writing the annotated bibliography because I was familiar with the format. I felt like the readings helped with the final project and the peer review helped me prioritize my sources. 
#annotated bibliography#racial bias
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remotecareers · 3 years
Data Scientist, Analytics-Remote Presence
**Intro:**Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.
Through our family of apps and services, we’re building a different kind of company that connects billions of people around the world, gives them ways to share what matters most to them, and helps bring people closer together.
Whether we’re creating new products or helping a small business expand its reach, people at Facebook are builders at heart.
Our global teams are constantly iterating, solving problems, and working together to empower people around the world to build community and connect in meaningful ways.
Together, we can help people build stronger communities – we’re just getting started.**Summary:**Messenger remote presence infra team powers audio and video calling for millions of users.
This is a real time calling infrastructure for Messenger, Instagram, Workchat and Portal.
We are looking for Data Scientists with deep knowledge in infrastructure systems to join us.Some of the key questions you will be working on: Systematic understanding of media stack of infrastructure with data, quantify media quality and explore how media quality affect user engagement; improving networking stack and working on cutting edge technology to make remote experience more real time and fun.
With this role, you can learn a lot of skills to make you an awesome DS: dive deep into tech stack of infra, experimentation (A/B testing), operational support.
There is a good balance between diving deep on technical side as well as influencing engineering leaders on this role – data scientists are the key partner to deliver insights and uncover opportunities and drive engineering roadmap on the team.
Team is based in Bellevue.**Required Skills:**1.
Build long term product vision and strategy and scope out the area for the team2.
Generate product ideas that affects millions of users to connect real time3.
Understand the complex E2E real time infrastructure system and identify the bottlenecks and opportunities4.
Build and validate the hypothesis of product ideas and infrastructure improvements5.
Leverage data to inform the right business decision, such as designing how to evaluate the product performance and whether they should be launched**Minimum Qualifications:**6.
5+ years of hands-on data science experience, Data analysis skill, willing to get your hands dirty with data7.
Expert knowledge of SQL, Python, R8.
Experience on working with multiple cross functional partners and influence decision making based on data9.
Experience initiating and drive projects to completion with minimal guidance10.
Experimentation – AB testing**Preferred Qualifications:**11.
Educational background in Computer Science, Math, Physics, Engineering, or related quantitative field12.
Expert in experimentation13.
Experience with large data sets and distributed computing (Hive/Hadoop)14.
Exposure to large scale infrastructure systems, comfortable with technical discussions**Industry:** Internet**Equal Opportunity:** Facebook is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.
We do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, sexual stereotypes, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.
We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law.
Facebook is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities in our recruiting process.
If you need any assistance or accommodations due to a disability, please let us know at [email protected].
The post Data Scientist, Analytics-Remote Presence first appeared on Remote Careers.
from Remote Careers https://ift.tt/3mHo8to via IFTTT
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The Women’s Giving Fund has awarded $20,000 to local organizations supporting the needs of women and children.
Since its inception in 2018, the Women’s Giving Fund at the Inland Empire Community Foundation has given $60,000 in grants to nonprofit groups that benefit women and families in the Inland Empire.
The fund was launched by a diverse group of professional women who wanted to build a welcoming and inclusive network of female donors. Together, the women sought to discover more about the local challenges of women’s economic security. As a group, the women could focus their giving on issues challenging women and children and have a larger effect by pooling together their donations to make more impactful gifts.
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From left are: Trina Schneider, Society of Extraordinary Women founder/president; Shirley Coates, Inland Empire Community Foundation vice president of programs; Celia Cudiamat; and Kennedy Schneider at the Inland Empire Community Foundation’s grantee ceremony Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021, at the Riverside Art Museum. (Courtesy of Inland Empire Community Foundation)
“Your heart fills with the opportunity to help women in the region,” fund committee Chair Nefertiti Long said. “For $100, a small donation, you can be part of the process.”
Donors who give $100 or more to the fund can nominate nonprofit organizations to be considered for grants. These organizations are vetted by foundation, ensuring donors can be confident their gift will make a difference. These nominations are then pared down to a smaller list by the committee and voted on by all who have given at this level or above.
This year’s grant presentation event took place Aug. 19 on the rooftop of the Riverside Art Museum. The event was attended by donors as well as grantees, who gave touching presentations about the work they are doing.
The 2021 Women’s Giving Fund awardees were:
•Society of Extraordinary Women, $10,000
•Time for Change, $5,000
•Corona Life Services, $5,000
The Society of Extraordinary Women works to better the lives of young girls, helping them build leadership skills, gain self-esteem and investigate career possibilities. The organization also provides mentoring after graduation. The award will be used to hire two part-time GIS instructors and to buy additional software.
Time for Change Foundation assists homeless women and children with housing and supportive services in response to the housing crisis, mass incarceration and family separation. It helps clients achieve self-sufficiency through evidence-based programs and strives to help women become leaders who can advocate for the change they want to see. The grant will be used for its Housing and Family Reunification Program.
Corona Life Services is a non-profit Christian organization that offers physical, emotional and spiritual support to women and men surrounding unplanned pregnancies. This includes pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, options education, referrals for medical services and childbirth classes. The organization also offers a grief recovery program to individuals who have suffered a pregnancy loss. Funding will be used for its Holistic Health Resilience Program.
The fund welcomes new donors to help continue the grants and to increase its ability to support local organizations. Those who join can learn about philanthropy, its impact and make a larger difference with the level of support with which they are comfortable. Donors also learn about the work of nonprofit groups.
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Long hopes that the fund will continue to grow and perhaps ultimately be large enough to endow and ensure that women in the community will always be supported.
“Joining the WFG has many advantages,” Long said. “One is networking with like-minded philanthropists who have huge hearts for improving the lives of women in the region.”
Donations to the Women’s Giving Fund can be made online through the foundation’s website at www.iegives.org/womensgivingfund.
Information: Darcy McNaboe, regional charitable giving officer, 909-477-7615 or [email protected]
Inland Empire Community Foundation works to strengthen Inland Southern California through philanthropy.
-on August 25, 2021 at 06:00AM by Rebecca K. O’Connor
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your-dietician · 3 years
A New Way To Help Women With Postpartum Depression Get Treatment : Shots
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/a-new-way-to-help-women-with-postpartum-depression-get-treatment-shots/
A New Way To Help Women With Postpartum Depression Get Treatment : Shots
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Jennifer Ford of Oakham, Mass., went through serious postpartum depression after her second pregnancy. She got help from her obstetrician after he connected with a statewide program that supports doctors.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
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Jennifer Ford of Oakham, Mass., went through serious postpartum depression after her second pregnancy. She got help from her obstetrician after he connected with a statewide program that supports doctors.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
As a young woman, Jennifer Ford struggled with anxiety and depression. When she got pregnant, her physician advised her to stay on the antidepressant she took to manage her symptoms.
Her first pregnancy and childbirth went smoothly, she says, but things were different after she gave birth the second time. “It’s when I hit my wall,” Ford says.
She remembers feeling overcome by grief immediately after she got home.
“I couldn’t even communicate a full sentence about how I was feeling,” recalls Ford. “All I could do was cry.”
She couldn’t eat, sleep or take care of her newborn.
One afternoon, she was in her bedroom trying to take a nap but couldn’t fall asleep — she felt overwhelmed by her emotions. “I wanted to take all of my pain meds and go to bed,” she says. She wanted to put an end to her suffering.
Instead, she went into the kitchen and told her husband how she felt. “That was when he was like ‘OK, obviously something needs to change here. We’re going to get help. And we’re going to get it now.’ ”
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Her husband made an appointment with her OB-GYN, Dr. Christopher Conlan.
“She came in and I could immediately see in her face that she was having a very difficult time,” Conlan remembers. “She needed help and didn’t know where to turn.”
Conlan gave Ford a standard depression questionnaire that confirmed that she had postpartum depression.
But he was at a loss as to how to treat her. Like most OBs, he wasn’t trained to provide mental health care.
“At that point, the tools I have in my everyday practice were used,” he recalls.
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Jennifer and Andrew Ford at their home in Oakham, Mass. Following the birth of their second daughter, Jennifer dealt with serious postpartum depression and Andrew urged her to get help.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
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Jennifer and Andrew Ford at their home in Oakham, Mass. Following the birth of their second daughter, Jennifer dealt with serious postpartum depression and Andrew urged her to get help.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
The story could have ended there. Around the country, an estimated 1 in 7 pregnant women and new mothers becomes clinically depressed during pregnancy or postpartum. But their primary points of contact in the medical system — their obstetricians — often lack the skills to address this common problem. As a result, few women get a diagnosis or treatment. According to one study, less than 20% of women get treated.
Luckily for Ford, her doctor had another resource to turn to. Recognizing the importance of the obstetrician’s relationship with pregnant patients and new moms, a statewide program in Massachusetts offers support to obstetricians and gynecologists in screening for and treating depression in pregnant women and new moms.
“Every time a woman is seen by an obstetrics provider it is an opportunity to detect depression, educate them about it and to really engage them in treatment,” says psychiatrist Nancy Byatt at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Byatt helped launch a program called the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program for Moms, or MCPAP for Moms.
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Nancy Byatt, founding medical director of MCPAP for Moms, says she developed the program after doctors told her they didn’t know how to help pregnant and new moms recover from depression, and that they needed a “lifeline” to support them.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
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Kieran Kesner for NPR
MCPAP for Moms holds training sessions and provides a toolkit for physicians, midwives and nurse practitioners in obstetrics practices across the state to help them identify symptoms of depression in pregnant and new moms. It also runs a helpline for practitioners to connect with psychiatrists for advice on their patients’ symptoms and treatment.
So that day when Ford needed help, Conlan called the help line and got connected to an on-call psychiatrist. Before Ford left his office that day, he had set up help for her.
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Since the program launched in 2014, “we’ve enrolled 74% of [OB] practices in the state, and that covers 80% of the deliveries,” says Byatt.
And the program is the model for a national plan to address maternal mental health as part of the 21st Century Cures Act. Seven states, including Florida, Kansas and Louisiana, have received funding through the act to develop programs modeled after the one in Massachusetts.
The states of Washington and Wisconsin already have similar programs in place.
A lifeline for doctors
Women like Ford who have a history of depression have a higher risk of depression during pregnancy or after giving birth, what’s known as perinatal depression.
Untreated perinatal depression affects not just the mother’s health, but also her baby’s and her entire family’s social and emotional well-being. It can increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies. And when a new mom is depressed, it affects her ability to take care of her baby and bond with it. That in turn can affect the baby’s physical and emotional development and even puts the baby at a higher risk of having mental health problems later in life.
And there is a cost to not treating perinatal depression, says Dr. Tiffany Moore Simas, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the director of engagement with MCPAP for Moms.
One study estimated that untreated perinatal anxiety and mood disorders cost the state of California $2.4 billion for all births in 2017, when mother-infant pairs were followed for five years.
Despite the health care costs associated with untreated perinatal depression, a program like MCPAP for Moms is still rare. Ideally, pregnant women and new mothers with depression would have access to a psychiatrist, says Byatt. But there’s a shortage of mental health care providers in the country — finding a provider and getting a timely appointment can be difficult and frustrating, especially when someone’s depressed. Besides, the stigma around this kind of depression prevents women from seeking help.
For all these reasons, Byatt says medical authorities, including the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, recommend that OB-GYNs screen their patients for depression and help them get treatment.
When Byatt began her initial research into perinatal depression, she started conversations with OBs in the state to see if they were screening women. She quickly learned that most doctors did not feel comfortable screening, even though they wanted to help.
“They said ‘We want to address this. We think it’s so important. We don’t know what to do. We haven’t been trained, we don’t have the resources,’ ” Byatt recalls.
Dr. David Klein, an OB-GYN in Shrewsbury, Mass., says he first began screening pregnant and postpartum women for depression about 12 years ago. “But it was more sporadic then,” says Klein. “I kind of used it when I thought someone was having an issue [with depression].”
But, he says, it wasn’t easy, because he wasn’t trained to provide mental health care. If one of his patients screened positive for perinatal depression, “the issue became ‘OK, now what do I do?’ ” he says. “To find someone to help me help her was very difficult.”
Klein would have to make multiple calls to find a psychiatrist who was taking new patients and would accept his patient’s insurance.
“It became a lot of effort on my part to find someone,” says Klein. “Fortunately, over the years I found a small network I could use, but still, it was an effort to connect with those people and make sure the patient is being taken care of.”
When Byatt spoke to OBs during her initial research, they told her they would be more willing to screen and treat perinatal depression if they had more training and support.
” ‘We need a lifeline’ is essentially what they said,” says Byatt.
How it works
Byatt and her colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical School set out to create that lifeline. They launched the help line for doctors, held training sessions and provided a toolkit to educate physicians and nurse practitioners about perinatal depression and how to treat it.
A doctor who has a patient who screens positive for perinatal depression and who is not sure how to treat her can call the help line at 1-855-Mom-MCPAP (1-855-666-6272) Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for a phone consultation with a psychiatrist. The goal is that “one of our psychiatrists will call them back within 30 minutes,” says Byatt. “We essentially hold their hand and help them figure out how to help the patient.”
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Mckinley and Addison play with their mom, Jennifer Ford, in the goat pen at their family home. Ford has recovered from her serious postpartum depression, after getting connected to therapy and other support through MCPAP for Moms.
Kieran Kesner for NPR.
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Kieran Kesner for NPR.
When necessary, the psychiatrist does one-on-one consultation with the patient within a week or two. And the program’s resource and referral specialist helps the patient find a longer-term mental health care provider — it can be for individual or group therapy sessions — and support groups close to her.
While the help line was created primarily for obstetrics providers, it is also open to pediatricians, primary care providers and even other psychiatrists. “Any provider from the state who’s serving a pregnant and postpartum woman can call our program,” says Byatt.
The program is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. However, insurance companies are required by state law to pay part of the annual cost of the program, depending on how many of their clients use it, says Dr. John Straus, the founding director of the Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program, which provided the blueprint for MCPAP for Moms and was designed to increase access to pediatric mental health care in the state.
They usually cover about 50% of annual costs, adds Byatt.
Until recently, the annual budget for MCPAP for Moms was about $850,000, says Byatt. In 2018, the program received an additional $175,000 annually to expand services for substance abuse disorders among pregnant women and new mothers. The program currently runs on $1 million per year, or about $1.16 per month for every woman served, notes Byatt.
A shift in attitudes
The help line has been a game changer for his practice, says Klein, the obstetrician in Shrewsbury, Mass. “I’ll speak to a psychiatrist within two hours. We’ll talk about the case, make a plan and the patient will be taken care of.”
These days, he screens his patients regularly for perinatal depression. “To me it’s like any other screening we do now,” says Klein. “I’m very comfortable talking to women about their mental health.”
This is true of OB practices across the state, says Moore Simas.
“We’re finding that OBs are willing to prescribe drugs under the direction of our perinatal psychiatrist, during the time a patient is waiting to get to see a psychiatrist,” she says.
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Addison (left) and Mckinley play in their playroom as their mom, Jennifer Ford, watches from behind. After McKinley was born, Ford’s depression made it difficult for her to bond with her baby.
Kieran Kesner for NPR.
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Kieran Kesner for NPR.
And they have become increasingly comfortable treating more complex mental health issues in their patients, adds Byatt.
“We have several practices [where] if a patient has bipolar disorder, they’re managing it, because it’s hard to find a psychiatrist,” she says.
And the change in attitude among physicians has raised awareness among women and broken down some of the stigma, says Klein.
“Patients don’t feel embarrassed anymore … to talk about it,” he says. “They are very comfortable starting medication and they’re very comfortable seeing a counselor.”
Conlan, too, has noticed a shift in attitudes among his patients.
“Patients are now realizing that this is a very common issue, that they are not alone. And that it’s better to speak up and we can help,” he says. “They don’t need to suffer in silence.”
“There were people on my team”
After her second baby was born, Ford didn’t even consider the possibility that she might be depressed and needed help, even though she’d experienced depression before and received treatment for it.
“It’s very hard to admit that something’s not right … when you have a new baby in the house,” she says. “It’s supposed to be this wonderful happy time, and that’s not how it was.”
But when she went in to meet with Conlan, her physician, and he got hold of an on-call psychiatrist, the psychiatrist recommended that Conlan prescribe Ford a different antidepressant, and he made an appointment to see her in a couple of weeks.
By the time she left Conlan’s office, Ford says she felt heartened by all the support. “I really felt like there were people on my team,” she says, “that I wasn’t alone in my room, feeling like I was a horrible person and a horrible mom.”
MCPAP for Moms also connected her with a social worker, who helped her find a longer-term therapist and a local support group for moms with postpartum depression.
The changes in medication, the visit with the psychiatrist, the support group of mothers — all of it helped her manage her depression and eventually recover. She began to feel better within a couple of weeks.
“I was taking the time to blow-dry my hair, simple things,” she recalls. “I was taking the time to sweep the floor, or to put my makeup or wear something other than pajama pants.”
And she was starting to take care of her baby girl and bond with her.
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The Fords go for a walk down to the river on their 10-acre property, where they see everything from deer to moose to bald eagles. From left to right, Mckinley, 5; Jennifer; Addison, 7; and Andrew Ford.
Kieran Kesner for NPR
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Oscars 2021: Ignore the Cynics, the Ceremony is Already a Win
There was a time when folks wondered if there even would be an Oscars in 2021. It’s easy to forget this now. After all, 12 months suddenly feels like several lifetimes, and the anxiety which accompanied theaters going dark in March 2020 was replaced by abject schadenfreude when one studio tried to open a blockbuster six months later. But the state of the industry—from theatrical releases to streaming, to, yes, awards shows—was shrouded in uncertainty for what seemed like an eternity.
Apprehension even seemed to reach the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences when they announced last June that the next Oscars ceremony would be held on April 25, 2021—the latest calendar date ever for the show since they began broadcasting on television in 1953. Yet with theaters still closed and a second wave then imminent, some speculated… would the show really go on?
“There was a time when it looked like no films were being released at all, even on streaming, much less in theaters,” TCM host Dave Karger tells me when we sit down to discuss Oscar history, and the kind of history that’s now being made by the 93rd Annual Academy Awards. “I was worried that they were going to do away with the Oscars or just postpone it for even more months. And then, once I realized there was actually going to be a telecast and be a ceremony, my larger concern was that there weren’t going to be many movies at all that were eligible.”
It was a common concern. It also luckily turned out to be unfounded. In 2021, there were more films eligible for Oscar nominations than ever before, and Karger personally argues the year’s eight Best Picture nominees—including Nomadland, Promising Young Woman, and Mank—are as good or better than any lineup he can recall from the past decade.
All of which is worth keeping in mind ahead of Sunday night’s Oscar ceremony. Steven Soderbergh, the Oscar winning director of Contagion and Ocean’s 11, has even been making the rounds to remind audiences the night is as much a celebration for the movies that did come out and captivate during the COVID era as it is a chance to applaud award winners. “Joyous” is the word the Traffic director used to describe the tone of Sunday night. But then, he may be feeling the need to preempt the cynics who’ve already come out ahead of the Oscars with knives drawn.
Indeed, there’s been a growing wave of cynicism about this year’s nominees, perhaps most loudly articulated by Bill Maher, the iconoclast host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. Recently on that program, Maher criticized the Academy and industry for nominating only “downers,” taking special aim at spoiling Nomadland, Minari, and Promising Young Woman for potential audiences while noting their subject matters are too depressing to be popular with mainstream audiences.
Karger, who notes he’s a fan of Maher and would love to see him appear on TCM again, disagrees with this assessment.
“I think it’s very easy to cherry pick aspects of some of these films,” says Karger. “What’s hard about this year’s Oscars is that—and this happens a lot of the time, but particularly this year—the movies are on the sad side. You could even say somewhat depressing, although I think they’re also uplifting. But if you just hear the subject matter of some of the nominated films—a woman who loses her baby in childbirth; a man suffering with dementia; a young man who loses his hearing suddenly and catastrophically; a woman who loses her job and is forced to live in her van—I can imagine that to a casual moviegoer it would make them want to tear their hair out.”
He continues, “But I think if you actually watch the movies, there’s a lot more to them than just the initial description. The fact of the matter is these films did provide a lot of us with some happiness and some escapism during a time when we largely were sitting at home. So if the Oscars can feel even more celebratory and joyful than they already usually do, I think they’re serving their purpose.”
As for the point of there not being any “popular” movies nominated for Best Picture, Karger is quick to point out that these movies didn’t come out in a vacuum; there were still action movies on Netflix, Kaiju flicks on HBO Max, and Coming 2 America on Amazon. He also reminds us that Hollywood studios were delaying films intended to have populist and prestige crossover appeal—movies like Dune or Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story remake—out of 2020.
Says Karger, “If there are some people decrying the fact that no blockbusters were nominated at the Oscars this year, I would just say, well, there weren’t that many to choose from. There wasn’t a Black Panther or a Once Upon a Time in Hollywood or Lord of the Rings or an Avatar to anoint.” Not that he necessarily minds. As he’s quick to also say, “I don’t think you can look at a single Best Picture nominee this year and say that it doesn’t deserve to be there.”
Oscars, and the type of movies nominated for them, are things Karger has long been passionate about. A self-described lifelong “Oscar nerd,” Karger was studying the intricacies of the races and changing Academy dynamics well before becoming the Academy’s official red carpet greeter in 2012 and 2013, where he acted as the red carpet’s first welcoming voice (with a microphone) to nominees and presenters. Since then he’s become a Turner Classic Movies host, appearing on the cable network as presenter and historian to recount Hollywood days gone by, including during the network’s annual 31 Days of Oscar.
Perhaps unsurprisingly then, 31 Days of Oscar is Karger’s favorite recurring series on TCM, and one that’s allowed him to appreciate parallels between the Oscars during COVID and previous ceremonies held in times of crisis.
“I do think there are some parallels [with the World War II years],” Karger says, “where there were similar discussions had. ‘Should there be a ceremony? And if we have one, what should be different about it? What are the optics of having an Oscar ceremony at all in a time of crisis?’ Of course the difference is that in 1942, the question was more what does it look like and what does it feel like for us to be having this celebratory event? Whereas in 2021, the question is, is it physically safe to have this event?”
Still, the solutions remain strikingly familiar. As Karger adds, “I think the fact that you’re seeing the ceremony be completely reinvented and rethought definitely reminds me of what did happen in 1942 where the Oscar ceremony was scaled down and formal dress was discouraged, and it wasn’t the show it normally was. It was a quieter affair.”
As for the actual awards themselves, Karger is thrilled two of his favorite movies of the year, Sound of Metal and The Father, were able to be the “surprise” nominees for Best Picture. Although, much like everyone else, he thinks it’s improbable anything stops Nomadland from winning Best Picture.
“I think there’s a slight chance that something like Minari or The Trial of the Chicago 7 could win,” Karger says, “but the operative word there is slight. I don’t see Nomadland losing. I think it’s going to do very well with multiple awards, including Best Picture and Director.”
The Best Actress category, however, has never seemed more open in all Karger’s years of Oscar-watching.
“I was trying to think about [a time] where you had four different people who won the Critics Choice, the Golden Globe, the BAFTA, and the SAG Award,” Karger considers, referring to how each of the major proceeding awards have gone, respectively, to Carey Mulligan, Andra Day, Frances McDormand, and Viola Davis. “I don’t know if that’s ever happened before.”
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How Saving Private Ryan’s Best Picture Loss Changed the Oscars Forever
By David Crow
Why Turner Classic Movies is Reframing Problematic Hollywood Favorites
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With that said, Karger suspects the SAG and BAFTA winners are the best indicators for the Oscars, as they’re the only ones with a significant number of voting members also in the Academy.
“A few weeks ago, I was more bullish on Carey Mulligan’s chances for Best Actress,” he says. “Now I feel like it’s more between Viola Davis and Frances McDormand, with Carey Mulligan as a possible Adrian Brody-style spoiler.”
Meanwhile Karger has 31 Days of Oscar at TCM to get him through the anticipation of Sunday night, and well past it. Usually held in the month of February (and part of March), the TCM series is now spread across the whole of April. It’s an exciting time for hosts like Karger, as it’s an opportunity to widen the tent a little with what plays on the network. Their “bread and butter” remains Hollywood’s Golden Age from the 1930s through the 1960s, but 31 Days of Oscar allows them to also show movies from as recently as a few years ago, as seen with Carol (2015) or Nebraska (2013). Yet it still leaves room for Singin’ in the Rain to play on Sunday night at 6pm EST, ahead of the Oscar telecast for those so inclined.
Traditionally, 31 Days of Oscar has also been a time where the network could get highly creative with its programming, such as when each Oscar nominated film TCM aired shared an actor with the film proceeding it on the line-up. “It’s a whole Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game for a month,” Karger laughs. But in 2021? The layout is clean and to the point: the movies are being aired in alphabetical order.
“This year, it’s probably as simple as you can get, alphabetical,” Karger explains. “Because why not? The world is very complex right now. So why shouldn’t there be one thing that’s easy? And that’s 31 Days of Oscar.” Still, he adds with a chuckle, the programmers managed to ensure that Easter Parade played on Easter.
“It was the primetime spot on Easter Sunday at eight o’clock,” Karger points out. “So my hat is off to them, as it always is.”
After a year like 2020, that also is probably worth a standing ovation.
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loifonnimu1975 · 4 years
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pet insurance that will cover pre-existing conditions
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Why we created Pre Existing Medical Conditions Pet Insurance? If you or a member of a family is diagnosed with a serious medical condition in the past, it means you may be looking at a higher price. It could also mean there may not be enough medical expenses to cover the bill. So there are a few more options that you may want to consider. To qualify for a Pet Policy, an insured pet’s pet insurance must cover their pet for their actual veterinary services. A pet does not need to be covered under an actual health insurance policy. All Pet Insurance policies require coverage for the pet. Pet Insurance can also cover pets not in the Pet Insurance network. Pet Insurance policies can also help in determining your annual mileage without insurance. If you are the owner of a pet, you most likely will need . This is a standard policy that allows for coverage for pets in their household if you can get it covered through your insurance. Pet Insurance can often be purchased from pet shops such as your favorite pet and are sometimes offered under pet insurance. Pet insurance.
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What do other pet insurance companies do about pre-existing conditions? For most pets, it’s pretty easy to get a policy. If your vet has a pre-existing condition, their insurance company may pay for the medical exam. The same holds true for pets in the event your vet has a health condition that could prevent you from getting a full treatment contract. These types of claims can be very expensive, especially if they aren’t very general. If you have a dog, you could be looking at an increase of $100,000 or more from your health insurance company. When you purchase an HSE pet policy, it’s not just overpriced. It’s also not just overpriced. You’re choosing a company that might not even be in the top 10, either. If you think there may be a chance that your vet could come back after you’ve had any sort of adverse health condition, it’s definitely worth the investment. You might not need an SSA card at all,.
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Does my pet insurance cover me for pre-existing conditions?
Does my pet insurance cover me for pre-existing conditions? I would not want any insurance if it could happen, so, yeah. Yes my premium needs to be higher, but this was what my policy states it is, and so it is not what I would really want for the rest of my life. If I want enough of this for a while, though, I am interested to see what other cats are out there so I can see how my insurance is going. Please let me know. I can’t afford to just pay more for my family’s health insurance. My husband is a vet, I am a part of our family he is in the military and has a health insurance through his company. I am not a vet I am not part of his family he is in the military and has a health insurance through his company. I can you give me a general idea of what kind of insurance I have for my husband? Can I get insurance on my two cats without a veterinarian? Are any veterinarians in our.
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remotecareers · 3 years
Data Scientist, Analytics-Remote Presence
**Intro:**Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.
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Whether we’re creating new products or helping a small business expand its reach, people at Facebook are builders at heart.
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We are looking for Data Scientists with deep knowledge in infrastructure systems to join us.Some of the key questions you will be working on: Systematic understanding of media stack of infrastructure with data, quantify media quality and explore how media quality affect user engagement; improving networking stack and working on cutting edge technology to make remote experience more real time and fun.
With this role, you can learn a lot of skills to make you an awesome DS: dive deep into tech stack of infra, experimentation (A/B testing), operational support.
There is a good balance between diving deep on technical side as well as influencing engineering leaders on this role – data scientists are the key partner to deliver insights and uncover opportunities and drive engineering roadmap on the team.
Team is based in Bellevue.**Required Skills:**1.
Build long term product vision and strategy and scope out the area for the team2.
Generate product ideas that affects millions of users to connect real time3.
Understand the complex E2E real time infrastructure system and identify the bottlenecks and opportunities4.
Build and validate the hypothesis of product ideas and infrastructure improvements5.
Leverage data to inform the right business decision, such as designing how to evaluate the product performance and whether they should be launched**Minimum Qualifications:**6.
5+ years of hands-on data science experience, Data analysis skill, willing to get your hands dirty with data7.
Expert knowledge of SQL, Python, R8.
Experience on working with multiple cross functional partners and influence decision making based on data9.
Experience initiating and drive projects to completion with minimal guidance10.
Experimentation – AB testing**Preferred Qualifications:**11.
Educational background in Computer Science, Math, Physics, Engineering, or related quantitative field12.
Expert in experimentation13.
Experience with large data sets and distributed computing (Hive/Hadoop)14.
Exposure to large scale infrastructure systems, comfortable with technical discussions**Industry:** Internet**Equal Opportunity:** Facebook is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.
We do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, sexual stereotypes, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or other applicable legally protected characteristics.
We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law.
Facebook is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities in our recruiting process.
If you need any assistance or accommodations due to a disability, please let us know at [email protected].
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