#they are the cutest!! 🐿️🐯
love-dive-into-ive · 1 year
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man-eatingtree · 8 months
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This it~ the inspiration for my blog name title 😈😈😈🥰🥰😈😈😈😈😈😈🥰(yeah I’m Morbid)
This is my Main account
This Mythology account,Here we give attention,Love,Respect,Remembrance,Representation,Generosity,Gratitude and more lesser-known and underrated /unpopular/Unappreciated Mythos,Cryptids,Legendaries,Legends and more, Along side Lesser-known,underrated,unpopular and unappreciated versions of more popular ones
My other Blogs~!🧺😉😜
🛖🗿I’m The AfricanManEatingTree🗿🛖
👑But my Real name is 🕊️🐚🍄🌊🔮 🪸
Ava Chloe-Marie Currie 👑
🐌🦄🦋I’m Just To give love The 🦑🦕🐲🦜🦚Underappreciated and UnderLoved Mythos of The 7 Worlds 🐍🪼🐞🐉🦢
💝🌹💐📿🏵️Me Amy and Twilight need YOUR help We’re Raising ArtWorks for under-💖✨🌑🌕appreciated Mythological & Mythical Creatures, Animals,Entities,Figures,illusions and More🐜🦗🪳🐞🐝🪱🦆🪿🐒🦅🦉🐴🐛🪰🐙🐠🐋🐅🐊🐮🐄🐕🌒🌜🌚🌝🌛
🦋So We need you Beautiful-Butterflies 🦋
🤑💰💵💸🧧💴To give ALLL the Money in your Banks 🏦 💶💳💲🪙💷
If you want to live 👜🧘🏻‍♀️🔫(This a JOKE)💷
To make this Possible and after Twilight’s Castle 🏰 had Been Rebuilt you can live in the Mystic Resort , live here and work as a 🪸🏖️Zookeeper(or just Keeper for short cause it’s Mystical)here when you go broke 🏝️
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weishenbwi · 4 years
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Title: Truth or Dare, Noona
Chapter: 7 (1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 6, 8, 9) Notes: BTS (ot7) Words this chapter: 2843 Other formats: AO3
Tags/Warnings: sub!taehyung, sub!jungkook, Fluffy chapter, smut next ch 😭 I needed another Ch for FLUFF 😭😭
Summary: Sub!Taehyung, Sub!Jungkook, The Rules
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Jungkook stands in front of you, determination clear in his eyes.  “Noona, we have to lay down some ground rules before we start.” / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\
No longer the baby boy but the grown man, Jeon Jungkook, golden maknae, golden lyricist, overall ace and apparently someone who needs to sit you down to understand “ground rules”. It’s safe to say you were NOT expecting such a change of pace and you were definitely not expecting Jungkook to give you… orders?? Was it an order or was he being a good boy and stating the rules matter-of-factly because good boys follow rules. ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ
“Gwound rues!”  Taehyung beams, still looking at his shiny toy, still very much involved in his… roleplay? You were surprised to see Jungkook had given him the purple one with the tiger, meaning Jungkook had kept the green jeweled plug with the bunny for himself. You still couldn’t believe they had custom ordered these and switched the mic or representative colors with each other. It made you want to pinch their mochi cheeks and protect them forever. This evening with BTS was introducing you to new things and awakening things you didn’t know were present.
Jungkook reaches out to you, holding both of your hands in his, as he pockets the plug and holds up a set of three laminated lists written in crayon. Two of the lists have doodles of bunnies🐰 and tigers🐯 on it and a third list has squirrels 🐿️ cats 😺 koalas 🐨 hamster 🐹 and even what appeared to be a baby chick 🐥 among various other animals. This is the list he gives you. It was clear that the boys had written it with great thought and care, being so detailed and so very Taehyung and Jungkook. This deserved a coo and you had to remember to give them all the praises for it later. For now, Jungkookie was determined and serious so you listened carefully. 
“The rules, Noona, are important. You have to follow them, okay? It’s very VERY important.”  He stresses that last “very”, eyes widening and nose scrunching to let you know he means it. “You gotta okay?”  He turns to Taehyung who is still hyper fixated on his little jeweled plug and touches his cheek. “Here Taehyungie. You gotta read the list too!”  Taehyung nods but doesn’t look up.  “Taehyungie you gotta listen, k? It’s important we all understand. Seokjin and Namjoon hyung said so. Remember?”  You see Jungkook take the distraction from Taehyung and pocket it next to his own as he motions Taehyung to stand by him.  “We shall read the rules now Noona so remember pay attention k?” 
“Yes Noona. Pay assention and we’ll tell you eversing… though…”  Taehyung scratches his head and looks at Jungkook who is silently reciting the rules, having his own personal countdown with his fingers as he reads each one.  “Kookie, Noona didn’t choose Truf or Dare yet but you say like she chose Dare alreadys… uhm…”  He looks around uncertain, waiting for a response that comes swiftly.
“That’s because I already KNOW Noona is going to say Dare Taetae. Right Nooona?”  Both boys look at you, eyes sparkling in anticipation, both gripping their rules tightly. It’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and you’ve seen a lot of cute things today from these little rugrats. 
You laugh and nod your head  “Yes, Kookie, I’ll choose Dare for you boys.”  You couldn’t possibly choose anything else right now. Just looking at them holding their very colorful, crayon-written laminated rules sheet… There’s not a soul who could turn this down even if they tried.
“Ahem” Jungkook clears his throat. Remember this is serious. U(⁎˃ᆺ˂)U “For Rules by Jeon Jungkookie, because I did most of the drawing and Kim Taetae-hyungie who generously shared all his crayons and helped with all the ideas.”  You see Taehyung’s box smile light up brilliantly, proud of himself and his efforts - as he should be - and you can’t help but to coo at them.  “And also all the hyungs who helped with the big words and the cover so we won’t spill, wrinkle or accidentally tear it… like last time. And for help with *some* of the ideas. Not a looot. Because that was me and Taetae hyung.” U( ÒㅅÓ)U
Taehyung continues “We herebee read asloud the rues for pway n they are to be rwead aloud if more than ones week pass or if there are any am…ame… ameee..am… Jungkookie what’s this word?”  Jungkook looks and squints.  “Oh that’s simple Tae it’s ame… amen.. Amen? No that can’t be right.”  They look up at you at the same time and it amazes you how in sync they are even when they’re not dancing. Not to mention how adorable they are. You could literally cry. You see now why ARMY are always saying things like “He’s so cute IM IN TEARS.” Or even things with just a bunch of random emojis and keyboard smashing. Because yes, they are so cute and you could be in tears.
You decide to ease the boys struggling with words that are too big. “Amendments. It means if there are any changes or additions to the rules.” You wonder if Namjoon or Yoongi put that in the rules list because it doesn’t look like these baby boys did.
“One of the hyungs usually reads this and explains if we get confused. We need to remind Namjoon-hyung to.. Amend.. This later for us Taetae.”  Taehyung nods his head and continues:
“Rule #1: We will use the same safeswords that we alllways use. Green for keeps going or we like it. Yellow for slows down. And rwed for stop. You can also use them, Noona. Cause sometimes me and Jungkookie like stuff that’s…. Well… you’ll see.“ Tae giggles and looks to Jungkook, satisfied with having read the first rule and bashful at his thoughts of what you’ll do later.
Jungkook holds onto Tae and nods, then begins “Right Tae hyung! Rule #2  : Call us by our nicknames. Taetae, Tete, Tae and Kookie, Kook, Bunny, and other cute names. Also, call us by TaeKook or TaeKookie when we’re together because we like it and because it’s fun.”
“Rule #3: We have to dis-discuss hard wimits. These are no-nos. Things we and you don’t want to do AT ALLLL.”  Taehyung stresses the last part and you make a mental note, not even sure what your hard limits are because it’s not like you’ve ever done this before. “Here is a wist of our hward wimits Noona. Uhhm… how do I say this Kookie?”  Taehyung looks to Jungkook again. You notice he does this a lot when he’s searching for words or not sure how to voice exactly what he’s thinking. He’s a gifted lyricist and you have listened to his solo songs more times than you can count, but during moments when he’s put on the spot or when he’s in this type of role-playing, he seems to need more help for him to find his way. Something tugs at your heart and you wonder why you’ve never noticed before, this beautiful man in front of you, now turned excited boy who is eager to get started but understands the need for rules and clarity. He might be among the members who are the tallest and has such a deep, velvety voice that soothes and washes over you - but he’s also just a shy boy who likes soft, stuffed animals and things that are shiny or sparkling. You make a mental note to give him the tightest hug after you’ve understood their rules.
“Basically we don’t have that many at all. Just no scarring or anything super icky. Spit is okay.” Jungkook takes up the reins and fills you in. Not only is Jungkook good at nearly everything but he’s kind and humble; never one to use his natural abilities to lord over someone. You see the way he’s helpful with Tae and the way he’s helpful in the studio or at dance practice. It’s a rare thing, you think, to have such a friendship. And these boys have seven of them.
Jungkook speaks up and takes you out of your thoughts. “Noona? You understand right?”
“So far, yes. It’s our first time though boys. It’s okay to go slow and talk when necessary even during the moment, I think.” You really weren’t too sure because this was your first time doing something like this too but as long as you all have open communication with each other in a safe environment it really all should turn out well. You look to Tae who looks like he’s holding thoughts back, head cast downward with a tiny pout jutting out.
“Yes Taetae. Is there something you want to say? You can tell me.” You speak gently, wanting him to understand that whatever he’s thinking is okay, that it’s okay to voice, and that there will be no judgments.
“You s'know how we pwainted you before Noona? When you were wif Yoongi hyung…?” Taehyung keeps his eyes downcast, speaking in such a soft voice you have to focus to hear him, paying special attention to his lips to help with any words you might miss from this tiny baby boy.
“Yes baby. I remember.” You wait for him to continue. It’s important that he has the time and space necessary to get out all of his thoughts. 
Tae kicks more imaginary pebbles. “Noona was so pwetty laying on the fwoor like that, pwainted pwetty with our juices…. wight Jungkookie?”
“Noona was really beautiful.” You see a blush starting to form on both boys.
“Well… uhhm… I jus… if maybe after me and Jungkookie gets throughs we can pwaint you again. Like bwefore.. wif Kookie n the hyungs. But no hyungs. Onwy TaeKookie. I tink Noona’s face would be so pwetty covered with our….our… Uhmm… you know!”  He giggles and hides his face in Jungkook’s shoulder. 
“We can paint Noona again Taehyungie. That’s a great idea! Or… we can… paint inside Noona, fill up all her holes until we fill her up completely.” His blush deepens and now he’s suddenly very interested in the floor.
This evening continues to go in unexpected directions. You’d thought by Tae..Kook.. winning that the night would be filled with cuteness overload, plush stuffed animals, and lots of cuddles if you were lucky. But this… You would not have guessed those words to come out of Jungkook’s mouth in a million years. Or Taehyung’s for that matter. Taehyung wanted to cum all over your face and Jungkook wanted to fill all your holes somehow. And they were reading this off a hand-drawn rules sheet that they had crayoned in. You shook your head to try and let loose some trickle-down sense, but it failed. 
“Fill me up completely…? I don’t understand what you mean by that Kookie.”
“He wants to cum in you, Noona. He wants him and Taehyung to double penetrate you and orgasm while they’re both inside you.”  Very matter-of-factly. You turn around to see Yoongi standing there, sleep still present in his eyes.  “Jungkook has wanted to do that for a long time.” He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, walks straight to the coffee machine, and you wonder what it’s like to have a friend that will tell you point-blank so as not to mince words. 
“And honestly, it’s a lot less messy than getting cum on your face and hair.”  Namjoon puts his arm around a now-pouting Taehyung, ruffling his hair, and signaling for the laminated rules list which he begins to read aloud.
“Rule #4: We will baby talk. And the other persons at play, that’s you, Noona, will coo at us. Call us cute and pinch our cheeks!! O(≧∇≦)O
The boys very much like to babytalk™. They used to do this when they played and we’re not sure which one started it first but it eventually led to what you’ll experience tonight. They’re not age-regressing, not really. Taehyung will sometimes get immersed in the role and won’t understand some things but just talk to him and speak in a way he will understand if he gets too confused. They both know their ages and what they do for a living. It can be unusual at first, but it’s something they both enjoy doing. And Jungkook… well he’s staring at me right now to not give away any more surprises so I’ll leave you to it.” You turn to see that Jungkook, in fact, was staring at Namjoon and the look meant Please stop talking hyung. To which Namjoon had so graciously obliged by giving the rules back to Taehyung and settling down beside you and Hoseok.
“You read the next one Noona, then me, and finally Tae!” Jungkook decrees back in his position beside Taehyung, looking at you, Namjoon, and Hoseok as if he were giving a school presentation.
Rule #5-7 are simple: TaeKookie are babyboys™. You’re in charge. Have fun! 
Did Taetae and Kookie get tired of writing towards the end or were they trying to make it to 7 rules because BTS consists of 7 members and they’re just cute and soft like that? 
“So Noona, you think you’re ready for them? If you need any help or if they become too much to handle, tap one of us in.”  Hoseok smiles, his arm interlocking with yours, and instantly you feel calmer. The Jung Hoseok effect.  “Don’t worry. We’ll come to your rescue. Just know… some of us can be submissive like Taetae and Jungkookie and others… well.. Not so much. As you experienced earlier with Seokjin hyung and Yoongi hyung.” You nod, shaking his hand to thank him and notice that his skin is soft, really soft. And smooth. And, oh god, he smells amazing too-
Namjoon puts a gentle hand on your thigh to capture your attention.  “I agree. Hoseok hyung does smell amazing.”  He chuckles and lets you know that you didn’t say it out loud but the look on your face was evident and he agrees. He also lets you know  “Hoseok hyung’s smooth skin and delicate nature is contrary to what he’ll give you later. But anyway I think you’re about to have a lot of fun. I’m rooting for you, Noona.” So nonchalant. It peaks your curiosity, but when he smiles and that dimple shows, it makes you swoon and forget about everything else. His arm wraps around yours so you’re held on both sides by the 94 liners when Jimin notices and decides to have a little fun.
“Hey Kookie, is anyone supposed to touch Noona when it’s yours and Tae’s turn to have her?” A devilish smile forms. Jimin knows exactly what he’s doing because as soon as he says it, Jungkook turns around and Taehyung comes running from the room he was in with Seokjin at his heels. 
“Absolutely no one gets to touch Noona besides me and Taehyung. Those are the rules and you have to follow them too Namjoon-hyung, Hoseok-hyung.”  His eyes screw up and for once, maybe the first time you’ve seen it, Jungkook looks a little… angry? Jealous? Although it is hard to take him fully serious when he’s carrying around his stuffed pink, floppy bunny Binky.
Both Namjoon and Hoseok move their arms away from you and explain to Jungkook that this is Noona’s first time with them and they’re only trying to make sure she’s also alright to which Jungkook nods and lets them shake hands with Binky as an agreement that they all understand. After all, Binky’s his protector and all-around super bunny!
“K Noona!! Seokjnnie hyungie helped me wash eversting and now it’s time to pway!” Taehyung and Jungkook grabbed your hand and skipped over to where Seokjin was setting the mat. The mat was larger than your living room. It could have fit everyone in the house and you wondered why exactly they needed a mat this big when it was just the three of you. Then you realized… it’s because it’s not always just the three of you but sometimes the seven of them.
They really were such good boys and they deserved the world. You were determined to give them absolutely everything they asked for tonight.
“Noona get undressed and kwiss meee and touch me!!” 
“Take off all Taetae’s clothes!” 
“Ya and Jungkookie’s clothes!!” 
TaeKookie were so impatient to get touched. You could almost see them stomping with the hugest pout if you didn’t hurry up. But the boys had said they are submissive and you’re in control so that’s the way it was going to be. As cute as the boys were, craving for your attention and touch, you weren’t going to just let them have it. You looked back to see the other boys watching and decided that Taetae and Kookie would have to work for it. Sure, you were determined to give them everything they wanted. Just not so easily. After all, maybe you do love it when pretty boys beg.
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