#they are trying to push their new app with ~digital tickets on your phone~
raziraphale · 7 months
been playing a dangerous game with my morning commute to work where I catch my first bus at a time where I technically would just miss my second bus but I'm betting on it being at least a few minutes late so that I don't. not only have I not missed it yet but it's always been 20-30 minutes late so I could technically take an even later bus but I'm not gonna push my luck
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sunupstarcom · 11 months
6 Apps to Cage the Digital Beast: Journey into the Real World
Greetings, fellow travel enthusiasts! Ah, the allure of venturing to new destinations, exploring unseen territories, immersing in unfamiliar cultures, and discovering ourselves amidst the unfamiliar. But let's face it - the perpetual ping of our smartphones often ties us down, thwarting our quest for unadulterated wanderlust. Fear not, for we've lined up six handy travel apps that will free you from the digital leash, making way for more memorable adventures and a rejuvenating real world digital detox. Get ready to embrace the journey of disconnecting to connect better! Flipd - Farewell, Distraction! Flipping Away to Focus Say hello to Flipd, your new hero in the quest for digital detox. Flipd, like a responsible pal, is compatible with both iOS and Android, ensuring no one is left behind. It's like having your own personal mindfulness coach that encourages you to set timers for focused exploration of this big, beautiful world. Whether you're making sense of the Sistine Chapel or grappling with the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, Flipd ensures you're giving these marvels the undivided attention they deserve, keeping those pesky, attention-hogging apps at bay. What's more? Flipd comes with its own set of nifty tricks. You can track your progress, like a captain plotting a course, making sure you're steering towards a more mindful existence. Set goals, lofty ones, to stay motivated. Want to climb the Eiffel Tower without glancing at your phone? Flipd's got your back. You can even join challenges, throwing down the gauntlet to your inner phone-zombie. So folks, as you gallivant across the globe, don't forget to pack Flipd. Here's to living more in the moment and less in the virtual vortex! Offtime - Escape the Digital Abyss: Offline Oasis Awaits! Offtime is your reliable digital guardian, ready to cut the umbilical cord tying you to your devices. It's available on iOS and Android, meaning it's got you covered, no matter your phone of choice. You're in the Amazon rainforest, trying to bond with the exotic wildlife and what's that? Ping! Another work email. Offtime steps in like a bouncer at a nightclub, keeping unwanted guests out of your relaxation zone. You can block specific apps and filter notifications, allowing you to bask in your surroundings without interruption. But wait, there's more! Offtime's got a heart of gold. It understands the importance of letting people know you're off the grid, happily taking up the role of your personal assistant. It'll send out auto-reply messages saying, "Enjoying the Northern Lights. Emails? Not so much. Will reply when back from enjoying the universe." So, whether you're gazing at the star-studded sky in the Sahara or catching waves in Australia, let Offtime handle your digital affairs. Remember, the world outside your phone is vast, vibrant, and deserves to be seen without digital distractions. Offtime - your ticket to a richer travel experience. Moment - Time to Seize the Moment in the Real World! Designed for all you iPhone aficionados out there, Moment is like the loving grandma you never had, gently nudging you away from that darned screen and towards the unadulterated beauty of the world. Think of Moment as your smartphone's confidant, secretly tracking your screen time and giving you a revealing peek into your digital habits. Do you really need to check your ex's IG while you're skydiving in New Zealand? Moment doesn't think so! But wait, there's more to this app than being a mere screen time tattletale. It's a mentor, offering gentle reminders and letting you set daily limits for your app usage. Moment is like a strict but fair personal trainer, pushing you to develop healthier phone habits. In addition to being a taskmaster, Moment also turns into a zen master, providing resources and coaching to keep you grounded in the real world. It helps you embrace the world in high definition, beyond the screen of your device. So, iPhone users, ready to savor the moment? Take a deep breath, download Moment, and embark on your mindful journey. Space - Lost in Space: Embrace the Universe Beyond Screens Space is your friendly extraterrestrial guide, here to teleport you out of the digital black hole and into the awe-inspiring wonders of reality. This cosmic companion is compatible with iOS and Android devices, ensuring universal peace in the smartphone galaxy. Ever found yourself stuck in the gravitational pull of Twitter when you should be marveling at the Great Wall of China? That's where Space comes in, brandishing its app-blocking superpower. It keeps those sneaky apps from invading your precious travel time. But Space isn't just about obliterating digital distractions. It's also your onboard tranquility officer, offering notification management and habit tracking. It monitors your digital footprints like an alien anthropologist, giving you insights into your earthly behavior. Yet, the real beauty of Space lies in its nurturing nature. It's not just about exiling you from your phone but also equipping you with the tools to enjoy the newfound freedom. Space offers guided meditation and relaxation exercises, providing the perfect anti-gravity therapy to de-stress. So, before you strap on your travel boots and set off on your next adventure, remember to invite Space. It's not just an app; it's your passport to a balanced digital universe. ClearLock - Lock, Stock, and No Cell: Defying Digital Temptation This superhero Android app is here to rescue you from the vortex of distraction and catapult you into the captivating, unfiltered world of travel. Think of ClearLock as your charming but firm digital bouncer. Want to stare lovingly at the towering Mount Fuji instead of the YouTube mountain of cat videos? ClearLock will gladly lock away your apps for a duration of your choosing. It's an unforgiving gatekeeper, not budging an inch until the time's up. What's unique about ClearLock is its extreme adaptability. It allows you to either lock yourself out of specific apps or go full throttle and lock your entire phone. Imagine the possibilities! You could be soaking up the vibrant culture at a Moroccan market or dancing your heart out at a Brazilian Carnival without a single beep from your phone. ClearLock offers a simple and effective way to build digital boundaries. It's not just about shielding you from digital distractions; it's about paving the way for the physical and mental freedom that enriches your travels. So Android users, get ready to lock, drop, and roll with ClearLock on your side. Freedom - Break Free, Oh Digital Captive: Liberation Beckons! This all-embracing software is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac, making it a Jack-of-all-trades and master of digital detox. Ever felt lured by the siren call of Facebook when you were supposed to be spellbound by the Northern Lights? Fear not, Freedom is here to silence those sirens. With a few simple taps, you can block distracting websites and apps across all your devices, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted travel experience. But Freedom doesn't stop there. It enables you to set a schedule for your digital detox, effectively time-zoning your distractions. It's like having a stern but considerate boss who knows when you need time off. Freedom is also keen on bespoke experiences. You can create personalized blocklists, essentially tailoring your digital wardrobe to suit your tastes. And the cherry on top? The ability to sync your settings across devices, a feature that proves Freedom is all about making your digital detox as convenient as possible. Conclusion - The Digital Detox You Need So there you have it, folks! Six outstanding apps to facilitate your escape from the digital jungle and plunge headfirst into the captivating wilderness of real-world travel. Each app, in its unique way, encourages mindful usage of technology and equips you with the tools to reclaim your attention, focusing it on the incredible experiences that await. Whether it's Flipd's focused timers, Offtime's app-blocking abilities, Moment's usage insights, Space's relaxation exercises, ClearLock's app lock feature, or Freedom's comprehensive blocking, the key is finding what works best for you. Happy digital detoxing and remember - the world is too beautiful to be viewed through a screen. Go out there and make memories that are #NoFilterNeeded! Read the full article
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6/9: The Con(vention) Run-in
Rating: PG (Fake fight for photo op)
Characters: Convention Attendee!Bang Chan x Reader (any gender), featuring Convention Attendee!Felix and mention of other characters
Notes: The final day of my birthday surprise series. Normally I try to attend Comic Con or its sister convention WonderCon, but both were postponed due to current events. This is a non-idol AU. The Aussie line are imagined as cousins in this story. All content is fictional. Please do not repost anywhere!
I can’t believe it... Sent 8:10 AM
It won’t be that bad! Besides the tickets were free! Sent 8:12 AM
Chan looked up from his phone when he felt a tap on his shoulder. His cousin was holding out his badge he needed to wear to enter the convention and he thanked him. He put his phone away in a pocket and slipped the lanyard on over his head.
Instead of working on music like he usually did in his spare time, Chan was accompanying his cousin Felix to a comic convention. The latter won tickets through a radio contest and his parents couldn’t attend. Because his mom didn’t want him going alone, she asked Chan if he could spare a weekend and accompany Felix to the convention.
Most his friends were shocked he would tag along with the younger boy, especially since Felix was the one who was more into the nerd scene, namely anime and manga. Chan’s friend Hyunjin was convinced that the former’s aunt likely bribed him with money if he drove and chaperoned Felix for a weekend at the convention, but Chan insisted he really wanted to go. Sure he wasn’t a huge comic book or pop culture nerd like his cousin, but it gave him an excuse to wear that Captain America costume he spent too much money on from Halloween.
“Thanks again,” Felix said as he flipped his badge to the front, showing his name. “Mum said lunch and dinner is on her.”
“No, it’s fine,” Chan insisted.
Felix shook his head and replied that it was non-negotiable. The pair made their way to a line to enter the convention center and waited for security to wave them inside. They flashed their badges at the security personnel and stepped inside.
Felix adjusted his beret, which was starting to slide off his head, due to the long rabbit ears he put on top.
“So uh, who are you again?” Chan asked as he studied his cousin’s costume.
“Momiji from Fruits Basket,” Felix explained. “He’s the rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. Thought it made sense, since everyone thinks I’m still a kid with the baby face.”
“Plus the hair,” Chan added. “Okay, never saw the anime, but cool!”
Felix nodded as he fixed his backpack straps and dashed ahead to check out the tables in the art section of the convention. Chan tried to catch up and had to apologize as he weaved around other participants. He ducked as a Harley Quinn from the recent live-action film barely missed him with her toy bat, as she started to put it up for a photo op.
“Hang on Cap, can I get a picture?” a male voice asked.
Chan whirled around and saw it was a father with a young son, dressed as Thor. He smiled at the son and nodded as he removed his shield backpack off his shoulders to hold for the photo. The son hesitated, and shyly looked up at Chan.
“Come on Thor, we need you in the picture too,” Chan said as he motioned for the young boy to stand next to him.
The young boy skipped over to him and Chan knelt down on one knee. He held out his shield backpack, while the boy clutched his toy version of Mjölnir. The father snapped the picture with his digital camera and quickly checked the photo, before flashing a thumbs-up.
“Thank you,” Chan said as he stood up. He waved goodbye to the young boy and secured the backpack on his shoulders. He craned his neck, looking for Felix, who was several feet away, talking to one artist at their booth. He quickly walked toward his cousin and tapped him on the shoulder.
Felix whirled around and pointed to some example works of art that the artist had on display. “Perfect timing! Actually I was thinking about doing a commission with this guy. Who should I have done?”
Chan bit his lip and tried to think of any anime characters that he might know. He maybe watched a few as a kid growing up, but his mum made him go out and play or practice swimming, which was better than sitting in front of a screen in her opinion.
“Um...Goku from Dragonball Z? Naruto?” he offered, trying not to wince. “Sorry, it’s been a really long time since I’ve watched an anime.”
Felix nodded and flipped through the dossier on the table for inspiration for a few seconds. Eventually he settled on some character from an anime he wasn’t familiar with (Tower something?) and the artist scribbled a note in his notebook.
“It’s going to take me probably until 1 PM to do that,” the artist told Felix. “Someone is ahead of you with a two character commission, so that’s gonna be worked on first. I’d say come back around 2:30 and I might have it ready by then.”
Felix thanked him and dug out his wallet to pay for the piece. He passed over some bills and the artist made change for him.
“Is that Binnie you’re messaging?” Felix asked.
Chan shook his head as he looked up from his phone. “Hyunjin. He’s convinced I’m trapped and not having fun. But then again, he’s not big on crowds and comic stuff.”
“Oh...” Felix trailed off. He craned his neck and noticed there were two seats closer to the front of the room. “We should grab those before the next panel starts.” He pushed himself out of his seat and quickly walked over to the empty chairs.
Chan stood up and followed his cousin, eventually taking the aisle seat in their new row. The pair had walked the floor for a few hours and now they were sitting in a room to listen and watch a panel on some anime series that Felix watched regularly. This allowed Chan to sit and relax, as well as respond to Hyunjin about how things were going.
“I promise we can grab lunch after this,” Felix whispered as someone came on stage to introduce the panelists.
Chan flashed him a thumbs-up and pocketed his phone out of respect for the panel. He leaned back in his seat as the moderator introduced all of the voice acting talent and then they rolled a new trailer for the next season. Once the trailer ended, the moderator began asking questions to the members on the panel and the audience listened to their responses. Eventually the panel began accepting fan questions, and Felix decided to rush up to the mic to ask one.
“MOMIJI!” one of the female panelists yelled with a huge smile on her face. “Oh my gosh, you are precious!”
Felix blushed at the compliment and ducked his head, before composing him and asking his question. The deep voice shocked the panelists and Chan bit back a laugh as one of the male panelists joked that he wanted to trade voices with Felix. The comment made the room laugh and Felix laughed along with them, then stepped to the side for the next fan to ask their question.
The boys exited the panel room after Felix’s panel concluded and Chan began researching local restaurants they could get lunch at. Both decided against the convention center food, as it was pricey and Felix mentioned that Minho had tried it once during a cat convention, giving it poor reviews.
“There’s a cat convention? Oh wait, that’s rhetorical,” Chan mused as he pictured their friend walking every row of the cat convention with a content smile on his face. “Do you know if they had cats for adoption? Or was it products for your cat?”
“Both apparently,” Felix replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Minho went to look at special food for one cat, cause he needed to go on a diet, and then he wanted a fancy collar for his female cat.”
“That’s not where he got the third cat right?”
His cousin gave him a blank look and scrunched his brows. “Hang on, he has three now? I thought he only had two!”
“No he’s got three now,” Chan confirmed. “His Christmas card showed him with three cats plus him wearing Santa hats.”
Felix tried to recall if he got a Christmas card from Minho, while Chan went back to looking at restaurants. He paused when he found some options and started to show them to his cousin. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned his head to see it was someone dressed as Bucky Barnes in his Winter Soldier attire.
“Hey Cap, could we get a fight picture?” you asked under your black mask.
He nodded as he slowly removed his backpack from his shoulders and held the straps so they wouldn’t show in the picture. He turned to face you and you balled up the fist with your “metal” arm.
“I’m going to punch your shield, okay?” you explained.
He nodded and positioned himself as if he was defending himself with the shield. You placed your fist on the center of the shield and adjusted your feet, so it looked more convincing.
Felix stepped between the two of you and asked if you had a camera or phone you wanted to use. You nodded and used your free hand to pull out and unlock your phone. You switched to the camera app and handed it to him, murmuring a thank you.
He took the phone and put in landscape mode, checking to make sure everything was in focus. He counted to three, before clicking the button your screen a few times, just so you had more than one. He then switched to his phone and took some pictures too. He passed your phone over and you thanked him before checking the photos over.
“Perfect, thanks,” you replied. You dug around in your tactical vest and produced a card with your name and Instagram handle on it. “If you’re on IG, feel free to tag me. I’ll be uploading pics later tonight.”
Chan accepted the card and thanked you with a smile. He put it away in his pocket and added that you did an amazing job with it.
“Thank you,” you replied. “The arm was the hardest part but it came out good. Not the most comfortable thing to wear, but it’s all good. You make a good Cap.”
Chan ducked his head and waved it away as nothing. “I bought my costume – wish I had your talent.”
“Ah who cares? It looks great and you do too,” you confirmed, flashing him a thumbs-up. Your phone buzzed in your hand and you groaned when you saw it was your alarm for your next panel you were hoping to see. “Shoot, gotta run. My panel starts in 7 minutes. Have a great con!”
Chan nodded as he waved goodbye to you, while Felix held up his phone to show off his pictures.
“They came out pretty good,” he noted. “I’m guessing they’re a professional cosplayer.”
Chan patted the pocket with the card. “I’ll have to look them up online when we’re done.”
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powerlineblognews · 3 years
Things To Consider Before Choosing VPN For Your IPhone
In a world full of new technologies and digital platforms, online security has become a priority over time. With hackers and government censorship making headlines, more and more people are looking for a way to protect their data and make sure their searches are not tracked. More and more of us access the Internet through portable devices rather than traditional PCs, which means our connections are more likely to be on public networks, making them more insecure. One way to do this is to add a VPN to your iPhone; Let's take a closer look at what a VPN is and what to look for when choosing the right one for you.
What is a VPN?
A VPN is a virtual private network that can be added to your iPhone to keep your internet connection and activity private. Communication between your phone and the websites you visit is confidential and cannot be traced. This ensures that any data you enter is truly secure. A VPN also allows you to access websites that may be blocked by public Wi-Fi networks provided by your workplace or institution.
Why is a VPN a Good Idea?
Ensures That Your Data Is Secure
One of the biggest benefits of VPN software is that it keeps your data safe and private. The VPN software encrypts the data and keeps your iPhone's IP address private. Instead, your connection communicates through the VPN provider's servers, allowing you to remain anonymous. This means that the chances of your data being hacked and tracked on the internet are much less likely. This means that your data is safe, giving you peace of mind while browsing the Internet.
Bypass Censorship
Many countries around the world have censorship laws or policies that prevent their citizens from accessing certain websites or specific web pages that have content that they do not want you to see. Countries like Egypt, Russia, China, and South Korea block certain websites, such as social media pages, local news stations, or certain search engines; this could even refer to the iPhone app store.
This means if you live in a country or visit a country and want to access blocked sites. VPNs access these sites bypassing censorship software, allowing you to browse them freely. VPN allows your iPhone to hide your location so that it cannot be detected that you are accessing these sites from your phone from the respective country. It is important to make sure that the VPN you choose is effective in the country where you want it to work.
Get Better Deals
People often go shopping thinking about buying a product or service to find the best price. Some brands try to combat this by trying to track your searches and behavior by increasing prices on their websites if you visit them multiple times. The purpose of this is to try to push you to buy items by making you think the price is going up. This is especially the case for those who sell airline and vacation tickets, which can lead to overpayments compared to other buyers on the same offer.
A VPN means that your visits are not tracked, which means that you can be sure that you are getting the best price available.
Bypass Workplace Firewalls
If you are using a public Wi-Fi network or a network provided by your workplace or school, there may be some restrictions and firewalls that prevent you from accessing certain websites. This can be very frustrating. There are many restrictions to protect users and therefore cannot be ignored, but other policies may be too restrictive: blocking social media pages or website content due to a few words on the site. Some servers may even limit the amount of time you can spend on certain websites, which can affect your progress.
A VPN can use its servers to bypass this blocking tool or firewall, allowing you to access the blocked content. An iPhone VPN works by hiding the IP address of your connection, allowing you to access the internet as much as you like.
Why Do the Public Use VPNs?
As you can see from the list above, there are many reasons why using a VPN server is a good idea, especially on your iPhone, as this is where most of us search for information on the internet and access our important information. Many people use VPNs for a variety of reasons. In a Cloudwards survey, the top reason people cited was that they use VPNs for security purposes. The full results of the survey are listed below:
How Does a VPN work on an iPhone?
VPNs are available from the iPhone app store and can be easily purchased and downloaded through it. When the app is fully loaded, setup usually happens the first time you open and configure the app. During the setup process, the app communicates with your iPhone settings.
VPN apps usually let you turn VPN on and off directly through the app, and you can select the country of the VPN server you want to use to connect to the Internet. Once you turn on the VPN, it will remain active even if you exit the app and use your iPhone for other functions. This means that any browsing, use of other online applications and online communication is protected and safe.
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droneseco · 3 years
iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC Review: Next Gen Graphics at an Affordable Price
iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC
8.00 / 10
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With a Turbo button to enable a factory overclock, the iGame3060 Ultra W OC is the cheapest entry to next-gen graphics yet. Thanks to Nvidia crippling the card for cryptomining, you might actually be able to buy one. But probably not. 
However, VR users beware: there's a serious bug affecting VR rendering performance and Nvidia still doesn't know why. 
Brand: Colorful
Cooling Method: Three fans
GPU Speed: 1320MHz
Interface: PCI-Express 4.0 x16
Memory: 12GB GDDR6
Power: 170W
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iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC other
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The RTX3060 is the newest addition to NVidia's 30-series graphics cards. It's the cheapest yet, and the strangest, with a whopping 12GB of RAM. There is no Founder's Edition, so while I could tell you the recommended retail price is $330, the price will actually be set at whatever retailers think they can get away with.
Today we're taking a look at the iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC Edition, from Colorful.cn. But it's a bittersweet review, since you probably can't buy it. It's out of stock on official channels, and I'm certainly not going to link that little buy button up there to eBay scalpers.
But in case you can get your hands on one: this review is aimed at those of you, like me, who are upgrading from a GTX10-series or 9xx card. If you already own an RTX20-series, the performance gains will be minimal, and you've already had a taste of ray tracing.
iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC Edition Design
Measuring 4.25 inches tall, 11.75 inches deep, and 2.25 inches thick, I had no problem fitting it into a Corsair 500D case.
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It requires two standard 8-pin power plugs and draws up to 170W, so you should be fine with a 550W or better PSU.
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The card's shroud is predominantly matt white plastic, with three fans to provide cooling. Around the fans, there's a little blue and purple gradient accents, as well some curious red on yellow banding that almost looks like warning tape. The design is certainly unique.
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You'll find a small pulsating iGame logo under the power pins—which is largely covered by the 12V cables in my case where the PSU is seated at the bottom. There's no other RGB lighting to be found. But the fact that the card is mostly white means it's reflects nicely whatever lighting your case features, as you can see from the photos.
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Alongside the three DisplayPorts and one HDMI, you'll find a Turbo boost button. Children of the 80s may have flashbacks to the early days of computing, when all IBM PCs had a Turbo button (which was technically a "slow down" button when off, as some software relied on the PC clock speed to function correctly). But I digress. Depress the Turbo button, reset your system, and the card switches over to the factory overclocked BIOS settings.
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The overclocked BIOS seemed to add a few frames to no detriment, so I left it on after some initial performance tests. Those who like to tweak their own overclock settings will no doubt be able to squeeze more power from the card, but for me, a preconfigured overclock is a welcome addition.
Goodbye, Cryptominers?
Graphics card prices have skyrocketed in the past few years, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, because of a global chip shortage. The pandemic certainly hasn't helped—shipping routes have been crippled—but there's also increasing demands on chip manufacturers to feed the global consumer demand for smart cars, smart gadgets, new phones, and more.
Secondly, the proliferation of scalper bots: automated software that purchases stock as soon as it's listed, then relists it at a higher price on eBay and elsewhere. Changes in the law will be needed to tackle these particular parasites (just as the UK did with ticket scalpers).
Thirdly, and perhaps most significantly, is the use of graphics processors for intensive cryptocurrency mining algorithms.
Starting with the RTX3060, Nvidia is at least trying to tackle the problem of crypto. The latest GeForce drivers are trained to detect when they're being used for the Ethereum hashing algorithm, and will forcefully limit the computing power available, halving the effective "hash rate".
Although Ethereum isn't the only cryptocurrency around that can be mined on standard PC hardware, it's one of the most popular and therefore limits profitability for mining apps that automatically swap to the most profitable coin. At the time of writing, NiceHash estimates you can make about $5/day using an RTX3060 Ti; with the RTX3060, that drops to $2.75. So for miners, the RTX3060 is the least attractive option. Even if they could get their hands on a card at RRP, it would take four months to get a return (and remember, mining gets harder every day as the total hash power increases). Of course, not wanting to leave money on the table, Nvidia also took the opportunity to announce a new line of cards that were optimized for mining, which it's calling the CMP range.
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Sadly, this change can't be pushed onto other cards, since miners would always be able to drop back to a previous driver version that wasn't nerfed for mining. Still, it's a good first step, and I applaud Nvidia for taking strides to tackle the issue. It's one less evil entity vying for these gaming cards, at least.
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Resizable BAR
Also available first to the RTX3060 cards (but rolling out at a later date to existing cards via a VBIOS upgrade), Resizeable BAR is a PCI Express technology that enables faster transfer of assets between the GPU and host system. Instead of queuing items to load, they should be able to transfer concurrently.
Performance testing indicates a roughly 10% uplift in frame rates, but with some caveats. Firstly, you'll need both a compatible CPU and a compatible motherboard. Games will also need to be specifically written to take advantage of the technology.
Neither my motherboard nor CPU is compatible, so I can't confirm any performance gains from this.
DLSS2.0, and Ray Tracing
The two headline features of the RTX30 series are Ray Tracing and DLSS2.0. Both were first introduced in the first generation of RTX20 cards, but have received upgrades for this generation.
Ray Tracing is a more realistic way of presenting light sources and how they interact with objects and surfaces in a scene, particularly when it comes to reflections.
It more accurately models the behavior of light by drawing a series of rays to determine where they fall (and where they reflect to). It's the last step on the road to true photo-realistic graphics. But it needs a huge amount of computational power.
Read more: What is Ray Tracing?
DLSS stands for Deep Learning Super Sampling, and I can only summarise it as utterly magic. Since the RTX20-series, Nvidia GPUs have also housed Tensor Core AI chips. These contain neural networks that are trained on thousands of rendered sequences of identical scenes; one of a lower resolution and lower quality, and one of a higher resolution with more details. They learn what must be done to upscale the poorer quality sequence into the higher resolution one, and can then apply that knowledge later to games as they're being played. The upshot is that you can run a game internally at a lower resolution, and simply upscale the output to your screen.
It's a bit like seeing a tree in winter, and imagining what it looks like in full bloom because you've seen that kind of tree before.
While the first generation of DLSS needed to be trained for specific games, Nvidia now has a more generalized model that works on novel games, too.
Personally, I find it fascinating that this is the evolutionary step that graphics cards took. Instead of simply throwing on more RAM and faster processors at the job, Nvidia literally created a form of digital imagination.
Read more: How DLSS Can Give Budget PCs High-End Graphics
Performance Benchmarks
I've been struggling along with a GTX1080 for a few years now, so that's my point of comparison for these benchmarks. All other specs remained identical: 16 GB RAM, Intel Core i7-6700K, on an Asus Z170 Pro Gaming motherboard.
3D Mark TimeSpy DX12 Test
Baseline GTX1080: 6562
iGame RTX3060: 7738 (17% better)
iGame RTX3060 Turbo mode: 7771 (18.4% better)
Next, I turned to VR Mark, and it was here that I hit a bug plaguing many RTX30-series cards since last year.
VR Mark Cyan Room
Baseline GTX1080: 6377 / 139fps average
iGame RTX3060 Turbo mode: 2750 / 60fps average (54% worse)
Clearly, there's something very wrong here, with the RTX3060 achieving less than half the framerate of a five-year-old card. Nvidia is aware of the issue, but seemingly unable to fix. The bug doesn't just affect the 3060. Precisely how widespread the bug is on the 3060 specifically isn't clear; at the time of writing this review, there are only a few other VR Mark Cyan Room results in the world from RTX3060 owners. One other result is very similar to mine, while those with a Core i9 CPU seemed to fare significantly better.
VR Mark Blue Room
Baseline GTX1080: 2229
iGame RTX3060 Turbo mode: 2645 (18.6% better)
Results on the Blue room were more in line with expectations (though still didn't meet the target frame rate). The Blue Room is a more demanding test, designed to check readiness for future headsets rather than current models.
Will It Cyberpunk?
Despite criticisms, Cyberpunk 2077 remains one of the most engrossing depictions of a possible dystopian future that humanity is headed for. It's also graphically demanding with beautiful neon cityscapes, which is why I chose it as my main point of testing to see exactly how pretty it could look running on this card.
For consistency, I recorded average frame rates during the same sequence of events; walking the path outside V's apartment to a little beyond the elevator, and back again. You can view some of the recorded footage and comparisons in the full review video; the screenshots below do not do it justice.
Anytime I enabled raytracing, it was at ultra settings; while DLSS was used on the balanced profile. A summary of results is shown below (including the settings I settled on eventually), with frame rate along the X-axis.
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1080p Ultra
As a baseline, my GTX1080 achieved around 50 frames-per-second playing at 1080P resolution, with Ultra settings for everything else. For me, that's playable, but not ideal. If you'd consider 50fps to be unplayable, adjust your expectation appropriately when reading my opinions.
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Keeping all settings the same and swapping out for the overclocked iGame RTX3060 Ultra W pushed this up to an average of 75fps. That's a great improvement, but of course one of the standout features of the RTX-era cards is the namesake raytracing. Enable RTX on Ultra settings pulled the framerate down to 30fps. DLSS can compensate somewhat though, and enabling this (at Balanced settings) brought the framerate back to around 58fps.
1440p Ultra
As a baseline, the GTX1080 managed a largely paltry 30fps.
The RTX3060 again showed a roughly 50% uplift, to 44fps. With DLSS activated (but no ray tracing), that went up to an impressive 78fps. As expected, with ray tracing enabled at full quality, it dropped back to 44fps.
4K Ultra
Let's be clear: using this card for 4K gaming is not viable for most modern games. You could tweak everything else to lower quality and perhaps get something playable, but you'd be missing out on a lot.
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Still, for the sake of comparison, I did it anyway. As a baseline, the GTX1080 coughed and spluttered up a measly 11fps average.
Swapping that out for the RTX3060 nearly doubled that score to 20fps. Enabling DLSS (without raytracing) managed to push this up even more impressively to around 40fps; but RTX dragged it back down to 22fps.
What does this tell us?
Firstly, that raytracing is a lot more computationally demanding than I'd expected. I'd come into this review thinking I could enable raytracing and otherwise keep the roughly the same framerates as before. Not so.
Secondly, that DLSS can largely compensate for this performance loss of enabling raytracing. Alternatively, DLSS without raytracing can make Ultra HD 4K gaming more feasible (but probably not on Cyberpunk 2077).
In the end, I felt that the resolution upgrade to 1440p was the biggest feasible upgrade, so I made that my target. Though it sounds like a small increase, it's actually 78% more detail compared to 1080p, and if you're playing on a smaller monitor, the jump to 4K after that may not be worth it. I also turned on raytracing at medium quality, and dropped some other settings down to medium quality as well. With DLSS set on Performance, this netted me around 60fps average, which I'm more than happy with.
1440p Cyberpunk is definitely playable on the iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC with a little tweaking.
4K? Not a chance, but this isn't a surprise.
Should You Buy the iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC?
The GTX1060 remains the most popular graphics card among Steam users, as of the February 2021 hardware survey. It offered the best price to performance ratio of that generation. The value proposition for the lowest powered card of the 30-series generation is less clear than it was for the 10-series, though.
Compared to the already released RTX3060 Ti ($400), you'll find 3584 CUDA cores vs 4864, and a base clock speed of 1320Mhz vs 1410Mhz. That's roughly 25% less computing power for only a 17% lower price. So if you were purely to look at value for money, the Ti Edition comes out on top.
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But in reality, you can't buy either at those prices, so any discussion about the price to performance ratio is ultimately pointless. You aren't buying the RTX3060 because it's the cheapest; you're buying it because it may be one of the few 30-series cards you can actually get your hands on.
Also, if you haven't previously considered Colorful and the iGame brand because you've never heard of it, you absolutely should. It's the most popular brand in the Asian market for a good reason, with great quality kit.
But VR users beware. Nvidia still hasn't figured out what's wrong with these cards for VR in some setups. Your ancient 10-series card may outperform this generation until that gets fixed.
Why Should You Trust My Opinion?
Consoles were banned in our house, so I've been a PC gamer since the early days of DOS. I felt the struggle of getting Wing Commander to run in 640K of RAM. The 3DFX Voodoo was my first real graphics card, and I was gaming in glorious Nvidia-powered stereoscopic 3D way back in 2000, before 3DTVs or VR were a thing. Most of my student loan was spent on PC upgrades.
iGame RTX3060 Ultra W OC Review: Next Gen Graphics at an Affordable Price published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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sunupstarcom · 11 months
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southbendswimclub · 4 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 10/25-10/31
         Dear SBSC families,
Practice ScheduleHere is the practice schedule for this week.Riley HSGroup 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:00Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 5:30-7:30Group 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 4:30-6:00New Prairie HS (only for NPUSC students)Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:30-7:30 CSTGroup 2 & 3 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 5:00-6:30 CSTPractice Notes: We are adding 30 minutes to the RHS Group 2 practices for dryland.  We will be using the Train Heroic App.  If your swimmer has a smart phone we would like them to bring it to practice.  If they do, please have them download the app and create an account.  The access code for our Group 2 swimmers is G22020.  Swimmers should come to practice in dryland clothes over their suits.  They should also be wearing quality workout shoes as well.  Flip flops or Crocs are not acceptable options.No practice at NP on Wednesday due to a winter sports meeting for NPHS. Swimmers attending New Prairie practices will enter the building through door N17.  Everyone entering the building will be required to wear a mask.  Parents will not be allowed on deck.  Each athlete will need to fill out the attached form and hand deliver to the coach when entering the high school.  All swimmers should come dressed ready to practice.  There may be limited use of the locker rooms after practice.  If you have any questions regarding procedures for NPHS practices please email Coach Ashley at [email protected] to limits imposed by NPUSC for safety reasons no more then 24 swimmers will be allowed in the pool at any one time.  This means we have to put limits on our roster groups.  Group 1 is at capacity and all spots are filled, 1 more spot is available in Group 2, and all the spots in Group 3 are taken.  If you would like to be added to the waiting list please send an email to me and Coach Ashley.Spirit Wear Order FormTrue to our recent history we have hit some road bumps with a vendor.  We went with a different company this year due to the struggles with the vendor from last season.  But, somethings never change.  The process started in early September and has required multiple emails from me just to keep the ball rolling. I've been promised better service moving forward so we shall see.  Page 1 is attached here and Page 2 here. Page 2 is the form you will need to return to the club.  The due date listed is incorrect.  All orders need to be returned to me no later then Tuesday November 24For our new families this is different then the T-shirt your swimmer will receive.  That price was included in the spirit wear you paid for when registering. Typically these shirts would have been distributed a couple of weeks ago, but like I said we've hit some road bumps.  I hope to get these out to everyone very soonPractice IncentivesI believe we have accomplished our goal of looking more like a team at practice by wearing only club caps.  I also believe being part of team means having a little fun and allowing athletes a chance to express themselves.  So moving forward practices on Friday will be considered "Fun Cap Friday".  Athletes will be able to wear any cap they'd like to practice on those days.We will also be starting a monthly drawing to win club gear.  When an athlete arrives to practice they will be allowed to fill out a small ticket to place in tumbler to be drawn at the end of the month.  There will be one drawing but it will include both practice sites.  The first prize up for grabs will be a new TYR team backpack.  It will be embroidered with the club logo and the athletes name.Changes Coming to New Prairie PracticesAs you noticed we are adding time to the RHS Group 2 practices.  Because of our limitations of space and numbers allowed we are unable to offer the dryland as a group at the school.   But, the workouts are designed to be done with little or no equipment and can be done by athletes at home at anytime. Also because of the limits on the number of swimmers allowed in the pool at NPHS the boys and girls high school teams will need to have split practices.  This unfortunately means our club practices will be pushed later into the evening.  So our window of practices will be from 7:00-8:30 each evening there is not a high school meet.  We are currently trying to figure out the staffing but we are searching for a solution.  I realize there may be some families who feel finishing practice at 8:30 will be too late for their swimmers.  We do have space at Riley for additional swimmers.  But unlike previous seasons parents would need to contact me to confirm there is space on any particular day. Elkhart Invite November 7 & 8 Beacon Health and Fitness CenterHopefully everyone received information about our next meet, the Elkhart Invite hosted by Elkhart United. The deadline to commit to this meet is next Sunday, November 1.  All high school swimmers are eligible to compete in this meet without obtaining a waiver.  Once a meet letter is available I will post it to our website.  The information I do have is the morning sessions will be for the 13 & over and the 8 & under swimmers.  The afternoon sessions will be for swimmers ages 9-12.  Until the entry file is received from Elkhart United you will be unable to select specific days/sessions for your swimmer.  You will be able to commit with a "yes" response.  If you do commit your swimmer please leave a note for the day or days you'd like your swimmer in the meet.If you know you will not be attending please decline committing to the meet.Lifeguarding For NovemberThe lifeguard sign-up for November is now available.  Please remember all Group 3 athletes are required to volunteer 4 hours of their time during each season they are members of the club.  If they are lifeguards they will be expected to guard practices.  If they are not they will be expected to help assist coaches during Group 1 or Group 2 practices.   This requirement is to be completed by the end of the winter season in March.  If they received their lifeguarding certificate from the club they have an additional 10 hours of lifeguarding to complete by the end of the summer season of 2021.If your athlete has completed their volunteer hours please wait until October 31st to sign up for any additional hours.  If your athlete has finished more then 4 hours your credit will be added to your account prior to November 1. Changes For This SeasonThese will be some changes will be implementing for the upcoming season.Masks: All swimmers, coaches, and lifeguards will be required to wear a mask when not in the water. Family Technology Fee: This fee was originally used to eliminate the need for credit card financing charges.  Over time this has cost club a considerable amount of money.  If you would like to avoid those finance charges you can always prepay with cash or check. Lifeguarding: We will be using a system we used a few years ago with the Riley High School team.  Group 3 practices will be using our swimmers to guard practice.  Each certified athlete will take a 20-25 minute turn in the chair and hopefully only once or twice a week. Volunteering Requirements: Each of our Group 3 athletes will be required to volunteer 4 hours each season.  This is included in the Terms and Conditions document you digitally sign during registration. Those with lifeguarding will be expected to lifeguard. Those without will be expected to help the coaches during practice.  Once a swimmer has fulfilled their volunteer requirement they can earn credit to the families swim club account to help pay for training and/or meet entry fees. Team Caps: At any given practice this summer we only had a few of our swimmers wearing any of our club gear.  This includes caps, T-shirts, and backpacks.  If we had a visitor come to practice there would have been zero chance of the visitor identifying our team correctly. We saw gear from multiple high school teams, college teams, and former club teams.  I feel for us to become more of a team we need to look more like a team. Staring this fall the only caps that will be allowed during our practices will be SBSC caps.  These can be our regular meet caps, Divisional caps or State Team caps.  We will be getting some silicone caps for those who prefer that type.  We do have some silicone caps with our old logo but a very limited supply. USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPPUSA USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.
If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.   This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link.As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.-- John VanDriesscheHead CoachSouth Bend Swim ClubSouth Bend Riley High School(574)276-6057www.southbendswimclub.com#SBSCForLife                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Practice Schedule                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Here is the practice schedule for this week                                                                                                             .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Riley HS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Group 1                                                                                                                Tuesday and                                                                                                                Thursday 6:00-7:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Group 2                                                                                                                Monday,                                                                                                                Tuesday,                                                                                                                Wednesday,                                                                                                                Thursday, and                                                                                                                Friday                                                                                                                5:30-7:30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Group 3                                                                                                                Monday,                                                                                                                Tuesday,                                                                                                                Wednesday,                                                                                                                Thursday, and                                                                                                                Friday 4:30-6:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            New Prairie HS (only for NPUSC students)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Group 1                                                                                                                Tuesday and                                                                                                                Thursday 6:30-7:30 CST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Group 2 & 3                                                                                                                Monday,                                                                                                                Tuesday, and                                                                                                                Thursday 5:00-6:30 CST                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                            Practice Notes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We are adding 30 minutes to the RHS Group 2 practices for dryland.  We will be using the Train Heroic App.  If your swimmer has a smart phone we would like them to bring it to practice.  If they do, please have them download the app and create an account.  The access code for our Group 2 swimmers is G22020.   Swimmers should come to practice in dryland clothes over their suits.   They should also be wearing quality workout shoes as well.  Flip flops or Crocs are not acceptable options.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        No practice at NP on                                                                                                               Wednesday due to a winter sports meeting for NPHS. Swimmers attending New Prairie practices will enter the building through door N17.  Everyone entering the building will be required to wear a mask.  Parents will not be allowed on deck.                                                                                                              
Each athlete will need to fill out the attached form and hand deliver to the coach when entering the high school
. All swimmers should come dressed ready to practice.  There may be limited use of the locker rooms after practice.  If you have any questions regarding procedures for NPHS practices please email Coach Ashley at                                                                                                               [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Due to limits imposed by NPUSC for safety reasons no more then 24 swimmers will be allowed in the pool at any one time.  This means we have to put limits on our roster groups.   Group 1 is at capacity and all spots are filled, 1 more spot is available in Group 2, and all the spots in Group 3 are taken.  If you would like to be added to the waiting list please send an email to me and Coach Ashley.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Spirit Wear Order Form                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      True to our recent history we have hit some road bumps with a vendor.  We went with a different company this year due to the struggles with the vendor from last season.  But, somethings never change.  The process started in early September and has required multiple emails from me just to keep the ball rolling. I've been promised better service moving forward so we shall see.                                                                                                              
Page 1 is attached here
Page 2 here
. Page 2 is the form you will need to return to the club.  The due date listed is incorrect.  All orders need to be returned to me no later then                                                                                                               Tuesday November 24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              For our new families this is different then the T-shirt your swimmer will receive.  That price was included in the spirit wear fee you paid for when registering. Typically these shirts would have been distributed a couple of weeks ago, but like I said we've hit some road bumps.  I hope to get these out to everyone very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Practice Incentives                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I believe we have accomplished our goal of looking more like a team at practice by wearing only club caps.  I also believe being part of team means having a little fun and allowing athletes a chance to express themselves.  So moving forward practices on                                                                                                               Friday will be considered "Fun Cap                                                                                                               Friday".  Athletes will be able to wear any cap they'd like to practice on those days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We will also be starting a monthly drawing to win club gear.  When an athlete arrives to practice they will be allowed to fill out a small ticket to place in tumbler to be drawn at the end of the month.  There will be one drawing but it will include both practice sites.  The first prize up for grabs will be a new                                                                                                              
TYR team backpack.
 It will be embroidered with the club logo and the athlete's name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Changes Coming to New Prairie Practices                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      As you noticed we are adding time to the                                                                                                               RHS Group 2 practices.   Because of our limitations of space and numbers allowed we are unable to offer the dryland as a group at the school.  But, the workouts are designed to be done with little or no equipment and can be done by athletes at home at anytime.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Also because of the limits on the number of swimmers allowed in the pool at NPHS the boys and girls high school teams will need to have split practices.  This unfortunately means our club practices will be pushed later into the evening.  So our window of practices will be from 7:00-8:30 each evening there is not a high school meet.  We are currently trying to figure out the staffing but we are searching for a solution.  I realize there may be some families who feel finishing practice at 8:30 will be too late for their swimmers.  We do have space at Riley for additional swimmers.  But unlike previous seasons parents would need to contact me to confirm there is space on any particular day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Elkhart Invite November 7 & 8 Beacon Health and Fitness Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hopefully everyone received information about our next meet, the Elkhart Invite hosted by Elkhart United. The deadline to commit to this meet is                                                                                                              next Sunday, November 1.                                                                                                              All high school swimmers are eligible to compete in this meet without obtaining a waiver.  Once a meet letter is available I will post it to our website.  The information I do have is the morning sessions will be for the 13 & over and the 8 & under swimmers.  The afternoon sessions will be for swimmers ages 9-12.  Until the entry file is received from Elkhart United you will be unable to select specific days/sessions for your swimmer.  You will be able to commit with a "yes" response.  If you do commit your swimmer please leave a note for the day or days you'd like your swimmer in the meet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If you know you will not be attending please decline committing to the meet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lifeguarding For November                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The lifeguard sign-up for November is now available.  Please remember                                                                                                              all Group 3 athletes are required to volunteer 4 hours of their time during each season they are members of the club.  If they are lifeguards they will be expected to guard practices.  If they are not they will be expected to help assist coaches during Group 1 or Group 2 practices.  This requirement is to be completed by the end of the winter season in March.  If they received their lifeguarding certificate from the club they have an additional 10 hours of lifeguarding to complete by the end of the summer season of 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If your athlete has completed their volunteer hours please wait until                                                                                                              October 31st to sign up for any additional hours.  If your athlete has finished more then 4 hours your credit will be added to your account prior to                                                                                                              November 1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Changes For This Season                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   These will be some changes will be implementing for the upcoming season.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                           Masks: All swimmers, coaches, and lifeguards will be required to wear a mask when not in the water.
                                                                                                           Family Technology Fee: This fee was originally used to eliminate the need for credit card financing charges.  Over time this has cost club a considerable amount of money.  If you would like to avoid those finance charges you can always prepay with cash or check.
                                                                                                           Lifeguarding: We will be using a system we used a few years ago with the Riley High School team.  Group 3 practices will be using our swimmers to guard practice.  Each certified athlete will take a 20-25 minute turn in the chair and hopefully only once or twice a week.
                                                                                                           Volunteering Requirements: Each of our Group 3 athletes will be required to volunteer 4 hours each season.  This is included in the Terms and Conditions document you digitally sign during registration. Those with lifeguarding will be expected to lifeguard. Those without will be expected to help the coaches during practice.  Once a swimmer has fulfilled their volunteer requirement they can earn credit to the families swim club account to help pay for training and/or meet entry fees.
                                                                                                           Team Caps: At any given practice this summer we only had a few of our swimmers wearing any of our club gear.  This includes caps, T-shirts, and backpacks.  If we had a visitor come to practice there would have been zero chance of the visitor identifying our team correctly. We saw gear from multiple high school teams, college teams, and former club teams.  I feel for us to become more of a team we need to look more like a team. Staring this fall the only caps that will be allowed during our practices will be SBSC caps (see above).  These can be our regular meet caps, Divisional caps or State Team caps.  We will be getting some silicone caps for those who prefer that type.  We do have some silicone caps with our old logo but a very limited supply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        USA Swimming Guidelines-MAAPPUSA                                                                                                                                                                                                                       USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.
If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is                                                                                                              
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website,                                                                                                              
here is the link
.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.                                                                                                            
John VanDriessche                                                                                                            
Head Coach                                                                                                            
South Bend Swim Club                                                                                                            
South Bend Riley High School                                                                                                            
0 notes
yessadirichards · 4 years
Tumblr media
New normal in virus-hit China: High-tech tracking and fever checks
WENZHOU, China: Constant temperature checks, a "no mask, no service" ethos, and high-tech people-tracking: welcome to the new normal in China, where reminders of the country's national mobilisation against the coronavirus lurk around every corner.
China appears to be coming to grips with the virus, which emerged late last year and has infected more than 80,000 people and killed nearly 3,000 in the country, but has slowed markedly in recent weeks.
But that has come at the cost of new preventive policies that have turned life upside down and are not likely to be swiftly abandoned.
The changes wrought by a contagion spread by humans and their travels is particularly felt when trying to move around within China, as AFP journalists discovered during recent trips from Shanghai up to the borders of the viral epicentre of Hubei province.
Reminders of the virus begin as soon as one leaves home, with masked cab drivers in white gloves quick to admonish any passengers who forget to wear masks.
One worker at a time, virus-hit China's factories sputter back online
Chinese coat maker adapts to make hazmat suits
China reports lowest number of new virus cases since January
Some drivers are going even further. In the city of Wenzhou, about four hours by train from Shanghai, AFP reporters jumped into car called via Didi Chuxing -- China's answer to Uber -- in which a clear plastic barrier was stretched over a makeshift frame to separate driver and passengers.
Didi Chuxing piloted the project in a handful of hard-hit cities and plans to spend 100 million yuan ($14 million) to expand it.
- 'Sold-out' trains -
Travellers booking tickets aboard the country's efficient high-speed rail network lately are surprised to find that, despite travel being depressed by virus fears, popular booking apps like Ctrip invariably list most trains as "sold out" or with only a handful of seats left.
But one such Wenzhou-bound train was full of empty seats. That is because only a fraction of tickets are being made available to prevent travellers sitting too close to each other.
"We are sorry for the confusion, but China's high-speed rail systems are contributing to the patriotic hygiene campaign. We hope you find this convenient," said a young female train attendant.
With the government calling for an all-out "People's War" against the virus, tech champions like Alibaba and Tencent have rolled out digital mobile-phone apps that use big data to track a traveller's movements going back as far as a month.
Users are rated as green, yellow or red based on whether they visited any high-risk zones.
Showing one's code to security personnel is now compulsory in a number of cities to exit train stations, or use public transport.
In Wenzhou, cab drivers, hotels, and virtually any business will ask to see the colour code before letting someone pass.
The system has fuelled new grumbling on China's internet over previous accusations that the big tech firms were doing the Communist Party's surveillance work.
But most complaints seem to involve "green" ratings inexplicably turning "red", which can result in mandatory 14-day home quarantine.
The pervasive measures attest to the one-party state's ability to marshal huge resources -- financial, material, and human -- for mass campaigns couched in 1950s Communist rhetoric.
Red banners hang throughout now largely shut-down cities like Wenzhou, lauding the "War of Resistance Against Pneumonia", and declaring that "Everyone Must Contribute to the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign."
- Elbow bump -
Hotel check-ins have become mini health inspections by masked staff who measure guests' temperatures by aiming hand-held sensors at foreheads and forearms and record the result.
"Have you experienced any fever, felt unwell or visited Hubei recently?" a Wenzhou front-desk clerk asked.
The temperature obsession can be taken to absurd lengths, with some hotels re-measuring guests who had stepped out only minutes earlier.
On one day, an AFP reporter moving around Wenzhou had his temperature taken a dozen times, including by cab drivers, restaurant owners, convenience-store clerks, hotel security, front-desk staff and a final late-night knock on the door by a female hotel employee.
"Do not walk forward! Be still please," she snapped, before a light beep announced the result.
"It's normal. Enjoy your evening."
Beijing is pushing a long-term fight and local governments will no doubt be fearful of letting up even slightly anytime soon and being blamed for a new outbreak.
That means even some of society's most time-honoured practices are on hold.
When an AFP reporter presented a business card to a government liaison officer in Wenzhou, she recoiled and asked that it be placed on a table.
And when it came time to shake another official's hand, the man refused, laughing nervously.
"For safety, we don't really shake hands at the current time," he said, instead sticking forward the crook of his arm for an "elbow bump."
0 notes
wolfliving · 7 years
The AliBaba Stack
*That’s a lot going on, but I doubt that trying to classify one’s outfit as an “economy” is the same as being a “Stack.”  It’s got a megaton of ecommerce stuff going on, but it doesn’t have productivity applications or its own OS.
*We’ll see.  If Amazon is the winning Stack then AliBaba may become the other, and bigger, Amazon.  They’ve got cloud computing.
For some time, Alibaba has been telling people not to think of the ecommerce giant as a company anymore, last week it finally explained why revealing its ambitions to become one the world’s biggest economy.
The Alibaba economy is a huge ecosystem comprising of the company’s core commerce platforms (Tmall, Taobao, Ali Express and more), digital media and entertainment divisions (Youku, Alibaba Music, Weibo etc), local services, payment & financial services (Alipay), logistics, marketing services & data management and cloud computing.
Connecting the entire ecosystem is the company’s vast data technology, which Alibaba sees as the keys to the empire. Alibaba is currently trialing a number of new data tools to help marketers and brands to track and target users across its entire ecosystem and it moves to capitalise further on its assets.
Over the last couple of years Alibaba has focused on growing its Tmall Global store attracting international brands and businesses from around the world. With a huge number of big name brands on board it has now shifted its focus to foreign SMEs in the US, Australia and New Zealand in a bid to connect these business with Chinese consumers. Last month it launched Tmall Worldin a bid to attract the 100 million Chinese speaking consumers to the brand as it continues its bid to create a global shopping platform.
It is all part of the company’s mission to dominate the global ecommerce industry. It has already achieved this in China, where Tmall alone controls nearly 60% of the ecommerce market. Alibaba’s ecommerce platforms are now so powerful that brands without an ecommerce presence are increasingly using the platform as a branding channel, because of the power and exposure it offers companies.
In its most recent quarterly results, Alibaba reported a 60% increase in overall revenues to RMB 38.6bn ($5.6bn) driven by a 47% surge in ecommerce revenues of RMB 31.6bn ($4.6bn).
With Alibaba now attracting 507 million monthly active users, the company has turned its sights to offline retail, investing in Chinese mall operator Intime Retail, partnering with supermarket giant Bailian Group as it attempts to blur the lines between online and bricks-and-mortar commerce as part of its “new retail” strategy.
One of the keys to Alibaba’s commerce success has been the way the company has positioned ecommerce as an entertainment activity rather than a necessity.
“Alibaba have made ecommerce an entertainment sport, they have turned the act of purchasing into a sport,” says Kenneth Tan, chief digital officer of Mindshare China.
Tan says Alibaba’s strategy is best demonstrated by its 11.11 Singles Day shopping extravaganza. The annual festival has exploded from its humble beginnings as a discount shopping day, becoming a full blown entertainment event, complete with prime time TV gala programming and weeks of hype, deals and activity. Last year delivered another record-breaking event reporting sales of RMB 120.7 billion ($17.4 billion).
“Last year was the second time Alibaba created a gala event around Double 11. The first time they did it, it attracted a lot of noise and buzz. But last year they took the interactive element to a different level, with celebrities, streaming activity, mobile TV. There was a big push to get people to engage with the event. On TV it was four hours of activity where you could win money, win products, engage with the brands, and it was all happening live on p one of the top TV channels in China in a prime time slot. It was one night of pure entertainment,” says Tan.
A key element in Alibaba’s success is its mobile payment service Alipay. Part of Alibaba’s financial affiliate company Ant Financial, Alipay accounts for more than half (54%) of all online payments in China. Using Alipay consumers can not only but products online, they can also shop instore, pay bills, book plane tickets, movie tickets, etc. The mobile payment service has become so ubiquitous in China many people do not carry cash, or even wallets, opting instead to simply carry their mobile phone.
For Alibaba, it also provides another way to connect with consumers, collect data about how and what consumers spend money on, promote deals and specials and ultimately cross-sell products from their ecosystem.
“Alipay enables you to do loads of stuff, pay bills, buy products. Depending what you do with the app you can be in there anywhere from once to ten times per day, so that is a massive pipe for traffic coming in to any platform. Much like the supermarkets of old, they have plotted the routes so they know where you have the highest propensity to spend. Alipay will ping you with specials, they know what you buy, where you live, how much you are paying for your gas, they will give you offers within the payment platform that suit you to get you to buy,” says Tan.
Alibaba is also using Alipay to propel it into other markets, in the last 12 months it has launched into countries across Asia Pacific, Europe, Canada, South America and the United States. Alibaba’s Ant Financial has also invested in a host of financial platforms including South Korea’s Kakao Pay, Thai fintech firm Ascend Money, Indian mobile payment site Paytm and Philippines fintech Mynt. It is also close to buying US money transfer firm MoneyGram.
Of course, Alibaba’s ambitions do not end there.
Alibaba founder Jack Ma has said the long-term goal is to reach 2 billion customers worldwide by 2020. To help achieve this goal, Alibaba has been investing in and acquiring businesses in China and around the globe, among the very long list is South East Asian ecommerce giant Lazada, of which it recently increased its investment, Chinese microblogging app – and China’s Twitter – Weibo, as well as Chinese ride-hailing app – and Uber victor - Didi Chuxing....
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gertrudejnieves · 4 years
OmniBlaster Review – Should You Get This? An User Review
OmniBlaster Review – 
The Best 3-in-one Marketing Software Guarantees 300% More Profits Using Combined Power Of Email With SMS And Voice Broadcasting
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OmniBlaster Review – An Overview
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Victory Akpos, one of Africa’s fastest growing digital marketers, has launched several 6-figure launches since 2017, and dozens of Top 10 leader board domination in the affiliate marketing business… He is an expert in mobile technology, product development and affiliate marketing.
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OmniBlaster simply switches on all three at the same time, and then applies the monetization strategies in the VIP training… finally, you will have a business that makes you money every day.
The Features Of OmniBlaster
Create & run unlimited email, SMS & voice campaigns from a single platform
Plug-n-play: a complete set-up that is ready to deploy for-profits
Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through voice, SMS, and email
Easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social networks and force people to buy through an automated voice, SMS and/or email campaigns
Easily create several sequences of messages and link these with your earlier created campaign
Generate an embed code to place on any existing website to capture leads into an email/SMS/voice campaign
Made point-n-click easy to serve marketers across all experience levels
Built-in PayPal check-out system for receiving instant payments
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Seamless API integrations: Infobip, Twilio, Plivio, Nexmo, Clickatell, Mailgun, Amazon Ses, Elasticemail, SMTP
Run repeat campaigns to your own email and phone number list
Fully responsive: create & run cash generating campaigns on the fly
Save money on expensive and recurring email marketing service
How Does OmniBlaster Work?
OmniBlaster Demo
The Members Area View
After the payment, you will receive your login credentials from JvZoo. Use those data to login inside “OmniBlaster”.
OmniBlaster requires some settings. All the tutorials included under the training area.
Now, you can create a campaign in few simple steps. Name your campaign, choose your list & save it.
The Ways You Can Use OmniBlaster For Profits (Most Easiest Methods)
Insert any product image, sales videos, promo videos and links to your products directly inside your messages – directly inside your prospects and customers email and text message tab on their phones. Add special offers & personalized discounts to skyrocket your sales and conversions.
Make your affiliate promotions stand out when every prospect sees your personal messages every day on those 3 places. For them, this looks like the ultimate effort is being made — and your conversion and bank balance pays dividends.
Remember, OmniBlaster app gives you a guaranteed 300% more profits as it the power of email with SMS and voice broadcasting. With the free commercial license included. You can create email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each.
Other than this, you can
Promote Your/Other People’s Pre-launch Webinars
Get Sign Ups To CPA Offers
Make Announcements
And so much more.
Who All Can Use This?
OmnibBaster works for everyone who’s selling something (irrespective of your niche…)
How Much Does OmniBlaster Cost? – The Pricing & Evaluation
For a limited time, you have special discount. So you can get OmniBlaster for only $29 (One-time).
With that onetime payment of $29
You can easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social
Networks and to capture leads into an Email/SMS/Voice Campaign
You can instantly broadcast or schedule marketing messages through VOICE, SMS, and email to sell anything
You can easily create several eMail/SMS/Voice Autoresponder messages and link these with your earlier
Created campaigns to sell more products
That’s not all my friend. There are so many advantages over other services.
Now lets compare this OmniBlaster software with some of the other competitors out there and see the benefits that no one offer…
What Is Good & What Is Bad?
The Good Things Are
Generate easy sales
Send-n-forget income generation
3-point contact with customers
Tested & proven system
No monthly fees ever
Newbie friendly, web-based app
No hosting, coding or design skills needed
Built-in paypal checkout
Experienced team working behind-the-scenes
Launch special introductory offer
Limited time bonuses
Premium customer support
Bad Things
I am completely okay with this OmniBlaster system.
I am so confident that you’ll get results with this software & training. The beta-testers results are nothing short of phenomenal. Try OmniBlaster for 30 days totally risk-free. If you put the software to use and for some reason, you don’t get results just open a support ticket and vendor will issue you a refund immediately. If you’re not happy they don’t want your money it’s that simple. So hurry, act now and lock-in your discounted copy right now before the price increases. Thank you for reading my “Omni Blaster” review today. Please leave your honest comments below.
Alterstores allows you & your subscribers to quickly create high-value “affiliate authority stores” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2020!
With great functions, such as price comparisons, price discount warnings, the search log showing you what everyone wants, actual discounts, original content, and many quality products from a variety of networks. No hosting, no download.
See the value of this reseller license am offering you for free today here; http://getalterstores.com/oto3-w
Videract allows you to quickly create high-value “interactive videos” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2019 through deeper engagement!
With amazing interactive elements such as CTA (call to actions), quizzes, video embeds, sliders, opt-in layout, countdown times, logo & image overlay, buttons, download files, text overlay, charts, custom html embedding and many more elements that bind, interactivate and convert online income on massive channels. No hosting; no download.
Checkout more info here: http://getvideract.com/oto4/
I don’t believe I’ll do this 100% free, I’ll offer you the chance to sell my best-selling Veedads software and keep 100% of the profit from our proven high-converting copy and graphics. Check out the selling page of veedads here! Just think about selling 100 Veedads in a month at $37 / copy and walking home for pure benefit at $3700 / m … Your imagination is your limit!
What will veedads do for you and your customers? Veedads lets you easily create traffic & sales-driving video ads for any ecom or digital product in few clicks without experience, creativity or technical skills needed.
Snapishop is the world’s first and only smart cloud-based affiliate store builder… in just a few clicks, snapishop builds fully optimised and monetised money making stores with all the bells and whistles needed to bank big passive commissions. Move 100 times faster with snapishop and easily earn massive commissions through multiple platforms such as aliexpress, amazon, bestbuy or ebay…
Visit for more info: https://snapishop.com/
NOTE: Kindly submit a ticket here to claim these exclusive bonuses https://supremewebcustomercare.freshdesk.com/support/home
F.A.Q. About OmniBlaster
I’ve been receiving some questions about it and would like to answer them for you right now…
OH, I have seen that,OmniBlaster is a 100% cloud application that is going to operate on every OS. An internet connection to use the app is all you need. It works perfectly out of the box. Nothing to add, not even to upgrade.
YES! OmniBlaster works on all computers, smart phones and smart devices (iOS and Android). This means you can create, manage and deploy campaigns on-the-fly.
No special skills or experience are needed to get the done-for-you funnels up and running getting you free traffic & sales today…
Right now, No! The prices have been slashed and the monthly fee has been eliminated for a limited time. (But hurry the price will be increasing to $197 a month for latecomers)
Yes, you are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you get this now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab OmniBooster at the discounted price.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/omniblaster-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=omniblaster-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/623544409527615488
0 notes
jerometbean · 4 years
OmniBlaster Review – What Exactly Is “OmniBlaster”? Should You Get This?
OmniBlaster Review – 
The Best 3-in-one Marketing Software Guarantees 300% More Profits Using Combined Power Of Email With SMS And Voice Broadcasting
Did you know?
Most people don’t read newspapers
Most people don’t read posters
Most people don’t listen to the radio
Most people don’t watch the TV
Nowadays people have smartphones in their hand and checking emails, social messages frequently. If you want to profit from 2020 and beyond, you have to be smart and cover each and every opportunities. So, i found this tool and i like it so much.
What about access to a user-friendly software that ensures 300% more sales and profits.
Will that help you make more money in the next 30 days than you did In the last 3 months?
I think I don’t know what I am talking about as a freakin. You would probably laugh.
But you’d be curious deep inside and seriously hopeful – that I know what I’m talking about and it’s true … By ensuring that your marketing messages are read instantly to your potential buyers.
OmniBlaster Review – An Overview
Product NameOmniBlasterProduct CreatorVictory AkposLaunch Date & Time[2020-Jul-13] @ 11:00 EDTPrice$29BonusYes, Best Bonus Available!Refund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://getomniblaster.com/Product TypeEmail, SMS, Voice Broadcasting SoftwareSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Is Called “OmniBlaster”?
“Omnibalster” is a new cloud-based ‘3-In-One’ marketing software that generates 300% more profits using the combined the power of Email Autoresponder with SMS Sender and Voice Broadcasting.
That’s 300% more money in the bank in just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Run quick Email, SMS & Voice Campaigns
Step 2: Generate instant landing pages in 1-click
Step 3: Collect easy payments via built-in PayPal checkout
The most effective way to currently promote anything online for massive sales and profits in this over-noisy 2020 is to combine email with SMS marketing and voice broadcasting. 100% tested and proven.
9.4 Total Score
Well Made!
Drive 3X more sales using the combined power of Email, SMS and Voice Broadcasting inside a single push-button platform. Create and run unlimited email, SMS & Voice campaigns from a single platform Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through Voice, SMS, and Email. A must-have ‘All-In-One’ Product for every online marketer looking to make profits in 2020.
Heavily Discounted Price
FREE Commercial License Included
Exclusive Bonuses
30-day Money Back Guarantee
100% Newbie Friendly & Beta Testers Approved
There Is No Significant Cons Until Now
User Rating: Be the first one!
About The Author
Victory Akpos, one of Africa’s fastest growing digital marketers, has launched several 6-figure launches since 2017, and dozens of Top 10 leader board domination in the affiliate marketing business… He is an expert in mobile technology, product development and affiliate marketing.
He is also the co-founder of many renowned products such as AlterStore, Reach Influencer, Uduala eCom and Dropship Selling Academy. Many experts around the world strongly recommended them, and many consumers received positive reviews. You will know that this product is no exception if you read the rest of this review.
What OmniBlaster Can Do For You? – A Honest Review
Everybody answers 98 per cent of phone calls and, in the space of 3 minutes (office, on the farm, in school , at home, in the bathroom, etc.) 90 per cent of sms messages are read.
Listen! You will have to learn how to do it differently, and obviously more smartly, if you want to shine the competition and make more money online.
So I would now like to help you turn more than 3 times more visitors into customers so boost revenue by combining e-mail, SMS & voice broadcasting. Everything from a single platform.
You can send offers to your customers’ inboxes and phones – by hitting just one button – and make easy sales. With OmniBlaster you’ll instantly be able to:
Sell more ecommerce products, physical products, information products and software
Improve your affiliate promotions and make fat commissions effortlessly
Promote your events
Get sign ups
Make announcements
And so much more
With the free commercial license included. You can able to create unlimited email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell it to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each or you may run an agency business using this opportunity.
OmniBlaster simply switches on all three at the same time, and then applies the monetization strategies in the VIP training… finally, you will have a business that makes you money every day.
The Features Of OmniBlaster
Create & run unlimited email, SMS & voice campaigns from a single platform
Plug-n-play: a complete set-up that is ready to deploy for-profits
Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through voice, SMS, and email
Easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social networks and force people to buy through an automated voice, SMS and/or email campaigns
Easily create several sequences of messages and link these with your earlier created campaign
Generate an embed code to place on any existing website to capture leads into an email/SMS/voice campaign
Made point-n-click easy to serve marketers across all experience levels
Built-in PayPal check-out system for receiving instant payments
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Seamless API integrations: Infobip, Twilio, Plivio, Nexmo, Clickatell, Mailgun, Amazon Ses, Elasticemail, SMTP
Run repeat campaigns to your own email and phone number list
Fully responsive: create & run cash generating campaigns on the fly
Save money on expensive and recurring email marketing service
How Does OmniBlaster Work?
OmniBlaster Demo
The Members Area View
After the payment, you will receive your login credentials from JvZoo. Use those data to login inside “OmniBlaster”.
OmniBlaster requires some settings. All the tutorials included under the training area.
Now, you can create a campaign in few simple steps. Name your campaign, choose your list & save it.
The Ways You Can Use OmniBlaster For Profits (Most Easiest Methods)
Insert any product image, sales videos, promo videos and links to your products directly inside your messages – directly inside your prospects and customers email and text message tab on their phones. Add special offers & personalized discounts to skyrocket your sales and conversions.
Make your affiliate promotions stand out when every prospect sees your personal messages every day on those 3 places. For them, this looks like the ultimate effort is being made — and your conversion and bank balance pays dividends.
Remember, OmniBlaster app gives you a guaranteed 300% more profits as it the power of email with SMS and voice broadcasting. With the free commercial license included. You can create email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each.
Other than this, you can
Promote Your/Other People’s Pre-launch Webinars
Get Sign Ups To CPA Offers
Make Announcements
And so much more.
Who All Can Use This?
OmnibBaster works for everyone who’s selling something (irrespective of your niche…)
How Much Does OmniBlaster Cost? – The Pricing & Evaluation
For a limited time, you have special discount. So you can get OmniBlaster for only $29 (One-time).
With that onetime payment of $29
You can easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social
Networks and to capture leads into an Email/SMS/Voice Campaign
You can instantly broadcast or schedule marketing messages through VOICE, SMS, and email to sell anything
You can easily create several eMail/SMS/Voice Autoresponder messages and link these with your earlier
Created campaigns to sell more products
That’s not all my friend. There are so many advantages over other services.
Now lets compare this OmniBlaster software with some of the other competitors out there and see the benefits that no one offer…
What Is Good & What Is Bad?
The Good Things Are
Generate easy sales
Send-n-forget income generation
3-point contact with customers
Tested & proven system
No monthly fees ever
Newbie friendly, web-based app
No hosting, coding or design skills needed
Built-in paypal checkout
Experienced team working behind-the-scenes
Launch special introductory offer
Limited time bonuses
Premium customer support
Bad Things
I am completely okay with this OmniBlaster system.
I am so confident that you’ll get results with this software & training. The beta-testers results are nothing short of phenomenal. Try OmniBlaster for 30 days totally risk-free. If you put the software to use and for some reason, you don’t get results just open a support ticket and vendor will issue you a refund immediately. If you’re not happy they don’t want your money it’s that simple. So hurry, act now and lock-in your discounted copy right now before the price increases. Thank you for reading my “Omni Blaster” review today. Please leave your honest comments below.
Alterstores allows you & your subscribers to quickly create high-value “affiliate authority stores” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2020!
With great functions, such as price comparisons, price discount warnings, the search log showing you what everyone wants, actual discounts, original content, and many quality products from a variety of networks. No hosting, no download.
See the value of this reseller license am offering you for free today here; http://getalterstores.com/oto3-w
Videract allows you to quickly create high-value “interactive videos” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2019 through deeper engagement!
With amazing interactive elements such as CTA (call to actions), quizzes, video embeds, sliders, opt-in layout, countdown times, logo & image overlay, buttons, download files, text overlay, charts, custom html embedding and many more elements that bind, interactivate and convert online income on massive channels. No hosting; no download.
Checkout more info here: http://getvideract.com/oto4/
I don’t believe I’ll do this 100% free, I’ll offer you the chance to sell my best-selling Veedads software and keep 100% of the profit from our proven high-converting copy and graphics. Check out the selling page of veedads here! Just think about selling 100 Veedads in a month at $37 / copy and walking home for pure benefit at $3700 / m … Your imagination is your limit!
What will veedads do for you and your customers? Veedads lets you easily create traffic & sales-driving video ads for any ecom or digital product in few clicks without experience, creativity or technical skills needed.
Snapishop is the world’s first and only smart cloud-based affiliate store builder… in just a few clicks, snapishop builds fully optimised and monetised money making stores with all the bells and whistles needed to bank big passive commissions. Move 100 times faster with snapishop and easily earn massive commissions through multiple platforms such as aliexpress, amazon, bestbuy or ebay…
Visit for more info: https://snapishop.com/
NOTE: Kindly submit a ticket here to claim these exclusive bonuses https://supremewebcustomercare.freshdesk.com/support/home
F.A.Q. About OmniBlaster
I’ve been receiving some questions about it and would like to answer them for you right now…
OH, I have seen that,OmniBlaster is a 100% cloud application that is going to operate on every OS. An internet connection to use the app is all you need. It works perfectly out of the box. Nothing to add, not even to upgrade.
YES! OmniBlaster works on all computers, smart phones and smart devices (iOS and Android). This means you can create, manage and deploy campaigns on-the-fly.
No special skills or experience are needed to get the done-for-you funnels up and running getting you free traffic & sales today…
Right now, No! The prices have been slashed and the monthly fee has been eliminated for a limited time. (But hurry the price will be increasing to $197 a month for latecomers)
Yes, you are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you get this now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab OmniBooster at the discounted price.
source https://spsreviews.com/omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is-omniblaster-should-you-get-this/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is-omniblaster-should-you-get-this from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/07/omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is.html
0 notes
deniscollins · 4 years
Airlines Refused to Collect Passenger Data That Could Aid Coronavirus Fight
The government has access to flight manifests showing who is on board each flight, and where they sit, but there is sufficient contact information for only about half of the passengers on any given flight. If a passenger later tested positive for the coronavirus, government officials said, they would struggle to get in touch with people who sat near that passenger to see if they, too, had been infected. But airline executives and lobbyists have protested that it would be expensive and time-consuming for them to start collecting basic information like email addresses and phone numbers for all passengers. If you were an airline executive, would you voluntarily collect email addresses and phone numbers for all passengers: (1) Yes, (2) No? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
For 15 years, the U.S. government has been pressing airlines to prepare for a possible pandemic by collecting passengers’ contact information so that public-health authorities could track down people exposed to a contagious virus.
The airlines have repeatedly refused, even this month as the coronavirus proliferated across the United States. Now the country is paying a price.
As the coronavirus spread into the United States this year, the federal government was not able to get in touch with or monitor airline passengers who might have been exposed to the disease or were carrying it into new communities.
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services have spent years warning airlines that they have complete contact information for only about half of their passengers, those who book flights directly through the airlines as opposed to third-party ticketing websites like Travelocity. During the Ebola outbreak in 2014, for example, the scarcity of contact information handicapped the C.D.C. as it tried to reach Americans who might have been exposed to the virus, according to three government officials.
But airline executives and lobbyists have protested that it would be expensive and time-consuming for them to start collecting basic information like email addresses and phone numbers for all passengers.
The lobbying has worked. Over the past 15 years, the industry has beaten back proposed rules and legislation that would have compelled airlines to collect contact information before passengers board flights. Even last week, as Congress approved tens of billions of dollars in aid to the industry, the airlines helped derail an attempt by the Trump administration to require them to start compiling such information.
While the government has access to flight manifests showing who is on board each flight, and where they sit, there is sufficient contact information for only about half of the passengers on any given flight. If a passenger later tested positive for the coronavirus, government officials said, they would struggle to get in touch with people who sat near that passenger to see if they, too, had been infected.
Current and former officials at the C.D.C. said in interviews that the lack of information compromised their ability to perform contact tracing of airline passengers, a tactic that helped combat the coronavirus in countries like South Korea.
“Contact tracing is really hard. You have to find people, build their trust and keep in touch with them,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, who ran the C.D.C. during the Obama administration. “This is the bread and butter of public health, and every little bit you can do to give you a lead helps.”
The industry’s battle against collecting more information for the government dates back to 2005, when health officials were assessing their response to the SARS outbreak.
At the time, officials at the C.D.C. made what they thought was a simple request of airlines: Hand over five pieces of identifying information for each passenger, according to two federal officials with knowledge of the discussions. The C.D.C. wanted people’s names, phone numbers, email addresses, the addresses where they would be staying in the United States and emergency contact information. All the airlines needed to do, the government said, was ask a few more questions when passengers checked in for their flights.
The airlines balked: They said it would take months, if not years, to retool their computer systems to accept such information and to share it quickly with the government.
By the time of the Ebola outbreak in 2014, there still was no system in place. When the C.D.C. asked airlines for more information to help find passengers who were sick or had potentially been exposed to Ebola, the airlines complained about “the burden and the privacy concerns” of providing that data, Dr. Frieden said.
“They were vehement about it,” he said.
In 2016, the C.D.C. wanted to mandate by law that air carriers collect and share such information.
The industry again protested. Lobbyists from Airlines for America, a powerful trade association, noted that about half of all tickets were booked through sites such as Expedia and Travelocity. Those companies, which compete against airlines for customers, are loath to share passenger data with rival companies that might try to steal their business.
In an October 2016 letter to the C.D.C. and Health and Human Services, Douglas Lavin, an executive at the International Air Transport Association, another airline trade group, wrote that the “C.D.C. has not adequately accounted for the industry burden and cost for collecting these new data elements.” The letter was signed by five airline lobbying groups.
In conversations with federal officials, the lobbyists promised that if the proposed rule was changed, airlines would come up with a voluntary solution within a year, according to a government official who participated in the discussions.
Ultimately, the proposed rule was watered down. The final version, enacted in 2017, required airlines to report passenger information only “to the extent that such data are already available.”
The rule had almost no effect, because the airlines didn’t increase the amount of data they collected from passengers, according to four people familiar with the matter.
Then, in January, the coronavirus arrived by plane in Seattle.
In a series of tense conference calls that began in January, C.D.C. officials told Mr. Lavin and an Airlines for America lobbyist, Sharon Pinkerton, that the agency was planning to issue an emergency rule that would compel the airlines to collect and share detailed passenger data, according to five people who were on the calls. The C.D.C. argued that such resources were crucial for them to contain the crisis.
Airline officials responded that it would be impossible for them to retool their computer systems, some of which were based on technology developed in the 1970s, fast enough to aid the government’s fight against the coronavirus. They presented two alternatives: Airlines could hand out paper forms for passengers to fill out and then the government could pay to have the data entered into databases. Or the airlines could quickly develop an app that the government could use to require that travelers provide accurate information in order to enter the United States.
“We have said we will do this, but it’s going to take 12 months,” Ms. Pinkerton, the airline lobbyist, said in an interview. “But we think there are better ways to do this.”
The airlines found a sympathetic ear inside the Trump administration, including among senior officials at the Federal Aviation Administration. On conference calls with other government officials, Dan Elwell, the deputy F.A.A. administrator, made the case that it would be extremely difficult for airlines to redesign complex technical systems to gather the passenger information, according to two people with knowledge of the calls. Before joining the F.A.A., Mr. Elwell worked for two years as an executive at Airlines for America.
On Feb. 12, the Health and Human Services Department issued a temporary rule requiring airlines to gather detailed passenger data. The rule expires once the coronavirus pandemic ends.
But the airlines said it would take a year for them to change their computer and other systems to enable them to start collecting the information, and in the meantime they are fighting to undo the rule. In a March 13 letter to the C.D.C. and the Health and Human Services Department, lobbyists from Airlines for America and the International Air Transport Association said the airlines and travel agents would have to spend $164 million to buy more airport check-in kiosks, installing new computers and hiring more gate agents, among other costs.
“The C.D.C. is using the Covid-19 outbreak to make airlines spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create new systems or modify old systems,” the lobbying groups wrote in the letter, which was also signed by the Regional Airline Association and the National Air Carrier Association.
Ms. Pinkerton said on Tuesday that the Airlines for America lobbying group was close to finishing an app that the C.D.C. could use to solicit more detailed contact information from passengers.
Government health officials said they didn’t think an app was a viable long-term solution because in-flight internet is often unreliable and not all passengers have smartphones, according to interviews. And the paper-based system would be too cumbersome to help the government quickly trace people who might have been exposed to the virus.
As Congress rushed to pass a huge stimulus bill last week, the government’s top health officials tried again to permanently solve their contact-tracing problems. In discussions days before the bill was pushed through, they asked Republican Senate staff members to include language that would require airlines to digitally collect traveler data in exchange for receiving the largest government bailout in history.
The C.D.C. was rebuffed. Senate aides were concerned about the privacy implications of such a requirement and didn’t want to impose extra burdens on an already distressed industry.
They also knew that two key senators — Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, and Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat of Arizona — had questioned the idea. At a hearing in March, Ms. Sinema presented a letter written by the Airlines for America lobbying group, which suggested using paper forms or an app. In March, the two senators wrote a letter to Vice President Mike Pence saying that they favored a government-run app.
Ms. Sinema — who along with Mr. Cruz sits on the Senate Commerce Committee, which oversees the airline industry — received more money from the Airlines for America lobbying group than any other member of Congress in 2018, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Mr. Cruz was among the top recipients of money from Delta and American Airlines that same year.
Ms. Sinema said in a statement that she had “worked across the aisle for weeks to convince the federal government to adopt an app quickly to make contact tracing at all ports of entry a reality.”
Lauren Aronson, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cruz, said in a statement that “while Senator Cruz understands the importance of contact tracing, thrusting an unfunded mandate that requires all the carriers to rework their entire I.T. systems, at a time when the carriers are hurting badly, was not appropriate or effective.”
On Friday, President Trump signed a bailout bill that awarded the airline industry more than $60 billion in taxpayer funds. It did not require airlines to collect new information about passengers.
0 notes
howto9jaa · 5 years
How To Scan QR Codes And Barcodes Across All Mobile Devices
New Post has been published on https://howto9ja.com/how-to-scan-qr-codes-and-barcodes-on-android-iphone
How To Scan QR Codes And Barcodes Across All Mobile Devices
Original Post: Click here to read the Original Post
How to scan QR codes And Barcodes: ood day! On today��s HowTo9ja DIY, I’ll be showing you how to scan Qr code and Bar code.
Don’t mix it up, Qr Codes and Bar Codes aren’t the same. I’ll show you the difference below. This post here will show you how to.
When QR codes first came out, it seemed promising, but for a while It didn’t meet up its expectations. The birth of Smart phones made it more relevant.
Website links, ticket websites, contact info, coupon codes and a whole lot of other materials still use them actively.
On like Android devices, iOS 12 and above have the Bar Code/Qr code scanner embedded in their devices’ cameras.
No official confirmation for now, but I believe come September 2019, the iOS 13 will have the feature in it.
What Is Barcode
A barcode is a physical representation of machine-readable info about what it is attached to. You can simply call it a small box, mostly found on the box or front of a product.
Source: SearchEngineJournal
It is made up of parallel black lines with different widths. A barcode may have information like product name, product’s manufacturer’s name, price, etc. The lines are data stored horizontally, so it is termed linear or 1D.
What Is A QR Code?
QR code which is an abbreviation of Quick Response Code. This is a type of Barcode, so yes! It contains readable information which could be understood by just machines.
Source: Drupal
Unlike your common Barcode, a QR code is two-dimensional, which means information is stored both vertically and horizontally. A QR code is a pretty big database.
What Are The Differences Between QR Codes And Barcodes
A QR code may be a type of Barcode, they may have the same mission, but there’s still a pretty big difference between both. Some difference is very obvious, others aren’t.
1. Appearance
It’s quite obvious, Barcode = A set of varying horizontal lines.
QR Code = Random black and white designs with three big square dots at the upper left, upper right and lower left.
2. Information Capacity
O yeah! The QR Code is an upgrade to Bar code, so yes it has more cool features. A QR code holds more information than a Bar code, it has the capacity to store a whole lot in a small space than a Bar Code. It’s a two-dimensional feature makes this possible.
3. Prone To Error Correction
The QR code is more flexible on like its predecessor, QR codes are getting a whole lot of popularity in society today, thanks to smartphones. A few altering of the QR codes pictures wouldn’t affect too much data, we can’t say the same about the Bar Code.
How To Scan A QR Code On iOS Devices.
Long as your device is compatible with the iOS 12 os, you should be able to scan your QR or Bar code without needing a third party application. Follow the instructions below.
How To Scan QR Codes With iPhone Camera
Step 1: Connect to the internet; With your wifi or mobile data.
Step 2: From your app tray, open your iPhone or iPad camera.
Step 3: Place the QR code to fit into your camera’s view.
Source: AivaNet
Step 4: You aren’t taking a picture, so no need to press the shutter button. The iOS 12 is blessed with a feature that auto-detects a QR Code.
The camera then provides you with an on-screen notification option.
Step 5: Select the notification option given, this will take you the information page embedded in the Bar or Qr Code.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
How To Scan QR Codes And Barcodes With The Wallet App
It is also very possible to scan QR Codes with your iPhone or iPod Wallet application.
Step 1: Launch your Wallet Application.
Step 2: Click on the + (plus) ➕ button at the top of the “Passes” selection.
Step 3: Tap on “Scan Code” to add a new pass.
From this point, you’ll be able to scan QR codes for anything that the Apple Wallet consider as “Passes“. Coupons, tickets, loyalty cards, boarding passes fall into this category. This link goes deep on that affair.
If you try to scan any QR code that isn’t considered a “Pass“, you’ll get an error message.
How To Scan QR Code With Third-Party Apps
I get it, you don’t agree with any of the methods above? No stress, there’s another way out. We will be visiting Apples App Store for this.
Step 1: Open Apple App store; From your app drawer, locate and open your iOS App store.
Step 2: In your search bar, type in “QR Scanner”, this site has a list of QR Code and Barcode scanner for android and iOS devices.
I recommend “Quick Scan”
Step 3: Choose any app of your choice and download it.
Step 4: Allow your App Store to install the QR scanner. Launch the app and follow the on-screen instructions.
How To Scan QR Codes And Bar Codes On Android
On like iOS devices, Android doesn’t have an original feature to scan QR Codes or Barcodes. A third party can do this for you. The ideology is the same here, it has to do with your camera.
Step 1: Open your Android Play Store.
Step 2: In your search bar, type in “Qr Scanner” and pick any one given. I recommend any of this two
QR Scanner (Very easy to use)
QR Scan and Bar Code scan (Over 100m installations)
Step 3: The process of use is always similar to these apps, just a few tweaks might differentiate them. So, open the app you downloaded.
Step 4: Put on your mobile network or connect to a Wi-Fi network.
Step 5: Place your QR Code or Barcode in the camera view
Step 6: The app should scan the code and auto-open your mobile browser or give you an option to open it.
Work is done. So, its quite easy to scan your QR Code or Barcode with your mobile device, its a digital world, the smartphones are taking over.
You’ve learned how to scan a QR code and how to scan a Barcode on your iPhone and Android, check out this other articles.
How to Download Snapchat Stories, Photos and Videos(IOS/Android)
How to Remove iCloud Activation lock In 4 Easy Ways
How to Bypass iPhone Passcode
How To Use iphone Passcode Hack Software to Bypass Passcodes
How to Run Android Apps on PCWindows or Mac
How to Download and Install The Sims mobile Apk
Source 1 Source 2
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sheminecrafts · 5 years
India’s most popular services are becoming super apps
Truecaller, an app that helps users screen strangers and robocallers, will soon allow users in India, its largest market, to borrow up to a few hundred dollars in the nation.
The crediting option will be the fourth feature the nine-year-old app adds to its service in the last two years. So far it has added to the service the ability to text, record phone calls and mobile payment features, some of which are only available to users in India. Of the 140 million daily active users of Truecaller, 100 million live in India.
The story of the ever-growing ambition of Truecaller illustrates an interesting phase in India’s internet market that is seeing a number of companies mold their single-functioning app into multi-functioning so-called super apps.
Inspired by China
This may sound familiar. Truecaller and others are trying to replicate Tencent’s playbook. The Chinese tech giant’s WeChat, an app that began life as a messaging service, has become a one-stop solution for a range of features — gaming, payments, social commerce and publishing platform — in recent years.
WeChat has become such a dominant player in the Chinese internet ecosystem that it is effectively serving as an operating system and getting away with it. The service maintains its own app store that hosts mini apps and lets users tip authors. This has put it at odds with Apple, though the iPhone-maker has little choice but to make peace with it.
For all its dominance in China, WeChat has struggled to gain traction in India and elsewhere. But its model today is prominently on display in other markets. Grab and Go-Jek in Southeast Asian markets are best known for their ride-hailing services, but have begun to offer a range of other features, including food delivery, entertainment, digital payments, financial services and healthcare.
The proliferation of low-cost smartphones and mobile data in India, thanks in part to Google and Facebook, has helped tens of millions of Indians come online in recent years, with mobile the dominant platform. The number of internet users has already exceeded 500 million in India, up from some 350 million in mid-2015. According to some estimates, India may have north of 625 million users by year-end.
This has fueled the global image of India, which is both the fastest growing internet and smartphone market. Naturally, local apps in India, and those from international firms that operate here, are beginning to replicate WeChat’s model.
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Paytm Vijay Shekhar Sharma speaks during the launch of Paytm payments Bank at a function in New Delhi on November 28, 2017 (AFP PHOTO / SAJJAD HUSSAIN)
Leading that pack is Paytm, the popular homegrown mobile wallet service that’s valued at $18 billion and has been heavily backed by Alibaba, the e-commerce giant that rivals Tencent and crucially missed the mobile messaging wave in China.
Commanding attention
In recent years, the Paytm app has taken a leaf from China with additions that include the ability to text merchants; book movie, flight and train tickets; and buy shoes, books and just about anything from its e-commerce arm Paytm Mall . It also has added a number of mini games to the app. The company said earlier this month that more than 30 million users are engaging with its games.
Why bother with diversifying your app’s offering? Well, for Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder and CEO of Paytm, the question is why shouldn’t you? If your app serves a certain number of transactions (or engagements) in a day, you have a good shot at disrupting many businesses that generate fewer transactions, he told TechCrunch in an interview.
At the end of the day, companies want to garner as much attention of a user as they can, said Jayanth Kolla, founder and partner of research and advisory firm Convergence Catalyst.
“This is similar to how cable networks such as Fox and Star have built various channels with a wide range of programming to create enough hooks for users to stick around,” Kolla said.
“The agenda for these apps is to hold people’s attention and monopolize a user’s activities on their mobile devices,” he added, explaining that higher engagement in an app translates to higher revenue from advertising.
Paytm’s Sharma agrees. “Payment is the mote. You can offer a range of things including content, entertainment, lifestyle, commerce and financial services around it,” he told TechCrunch. “Now that’s a business model… payment itself can’t make you money.”
Big companies follow suit
Other businesses have taken note. Flipkart -owned payment app PhonePe, which claims to have 150 million active users, today hosts a number of mini apps. Some of those include services for ride-hailing service Ola, hotel booking service Oyo and travel booking service MakeMyTrip.
Paytm (the first two images from left) and PhonePe offer a range of services that are integrated into their payments apps
What works for PhonePe is that its core business — payments — has amassed enough users, Himanshu Gupta, former associate director of marketing and growth for WeChat in India, told TechCrunch. He added that unlike e-commerce giant Snapdeal, which attempted to offer similar offerings back in the day, PhonePe has tighter integration with other services, and is built using modern architecture that gives users almost native app experiences inside mini apps.
When you talk about strategy for Flipkart, the homegrown e-commerce giant acquired by Walmart last year for a cool $16 billion, chances are arch rival Amazon is also hatching similar plans, and that’s indeed the case for super apps.
In India, Amazon offers its customers a range of payment features such as the ability to pay phone bills and cable subscription through its Amazon Pay service. The company last year acquired Indian startup Tapzo, an app that offers integration with popular services such as Uber, Ola, Swiggy and Zomato, to boost Pay’s business in the nation.
Another U.S. giant, Microsoft, is also aboard the super train. The Redmond-based company has added a slew of new features to SMS Organizer, an app born out of its Microsoft Garage initiative in India. What began as a texting app that can screen spam messages and help users keep track of important SMSs recently partnered with education board CBSE in India to deliver exam results of 10th and 12th grade students.
This year, the SMS Organizer app added an option to track live train schedules through a partnership with Indian Railways, and there’s support for speech-to-text. It also offers personalized discount coupons from a range of companies, giving users an incentive to check the app more often.
Like in other markets, Google and Facebook hold a dominant position in India. More than 95% of smartphones sold in India run the Android operating system. There is no viable local — or otherwise — alternative to Search, Gmail and YouTube, which counts India as its fastest growing market. But Google hasn’t necessarily made any push to significantly expand the scope of any of its offerings in India.
India is the biggest market for WhatsApp, and Facebook’s marquee app too has more than 250 million users in the nation. WhatsApp launched a pilot payments program in India in early 2018, but is yet to get clearance from the government for a nationwide rollout. (It isn’t happening for at least another two months, a person familiar with the matter said.) In the meanwhile, Facebook appears to be hatching a WeChatization of Messenger, albeit that app is not so big in India.
Ride-hailing service Ola too, like Grab and Go-Jek, plans to add financial services such as credit to the platform this year, a source familiar with the company’s plans told TechCrunch.
“We have an abundance of data about our users. We know how much money they spend on rides, how often they frequent the city and how often they order from restaurants. It makes perfect sense to give them these valued-added features,” the person said. Ola has already branched out of transport after it acquired food delivery startup Foodpanda in late 2017, but it hasn’t yet made major waves in financial services despite giving its Ola Money service its own dedicated app.
The company positioned Ola Money as a super app, expanded its features through acquisition and tie ups with other players and offered discounts and cashbacks. But it remains behind Paytm, PhonePe and Google Pay, all of which are also offering discounts to customers.
Integrated entertainment
Super apps indeed come in all shapes and sizes, beyond core services like payment and transportation — the strategy is showing up in apps and services that entertain India’s internet population.
MX Player, a video playback app with more than 175 million users in India that was acquired by Times Internet for some $140 million last year, has big ambitions. Last year, it introduced a video streaming service to bolster its app to grow beyond merely being a repository. It has already commissioned the production of several original shows.
In recent months, it has also integrated Gaana, the largest local music streaming app that is also owned by Times Internet. Now its parent company, which rivals Google and Facebook on some fronts, is planning to add mini games to MX Player, a person familiar with the matter said, to give it additional reach and appeal.
Some of these apps, especially those that have amassed tens of millions of users, have a real shot at diversifying their offerings, analyst Kolla said. There is a bar of entry, though. A huge user base that engages with a product on a daily basis is a must for any company if it is to explore chasing the super app status, he added.
Indeed, there are examples of companies that had the vision to see the benefits of super apps but simply couldn’t muster the requisite user base. As mentioned, Snapdeal tried and failed at expanding its app’s offerings. Messaging service Hike, which was valued at more than $1 billion two years ago and includes WeChat parent Tencent among its investors, added games and other features to its app, but ultimately saw poor engagement. Its new strategy is the reverse: to break its app into multiple pieces.
“In 2019, we continue to double down on both social and content but we’re going to do it with an evolved approach. We’re going to do it across multiple apps. That means, in 2019 we’re going to go from building a super app that encompasses everything, to Multiple Apps solving one thing really well. Yes, we’re unbundling Hike,” Kavin Mittal, founder and CEO of Hike, wrote in an update published earlier this year.
And Reliance Jio, of course
For the rest, the race is still on, but there are big horses waiting to enter to add further competition.
Reliance Jio, a subsidiary of conglomerate Reliance Industry that is owned by India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, is planning to introduce a super app that will host more than 100 features, according to a person familiar with the matter. Local media first reported the development.
It will be fascinating to see how that works out. Reliance Jio, which almost single-handedly disrupted the telecom industry in India with its low-cost data plans and free voice calls, has amassed tens of millions of users on the bouquet of apps that it offers at no additional cost to Jio subscribers.
Beyond that diverse selection of homespun apps, Reliance has also taken an M&A-based approach to assemble the pieces of its super app strategy.
It bought music streaming service Saavn last year and quickly integrated it with its own music app JioMusic. Last month, it acquired Haptik, a startup that develops “conversational” platforms and virtual assistants, in a deal worth more than $100 million. It already has the user bases required. JioTV, an app that offers access to over 500 TV channels; and JioNews, an app that additionally offers hundreds of magazines and newspapers, routinely appear among the top apps in Google Play Store.
India’s super app revolution is in its early days, but the trend is surely one to keep an eye on as the country moves into its next chapter of internet usage.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://tcrn.ch/2VYrwmG via IFTTT
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sunupstarcom · 11 months
6 Apps to Cage the Digital Beast: Journey into the Real World
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Greetings, fellow travel enthusiasts! Ah, the allure of venturing to new destinations, exploring unseen territories, immersing in unfamiliar cultures, and discovering ourselves amidst the unfamiliar. But let's face it - the perpetual ping of our smartphones often ties us down, thwarting our quest for unadulterated wanderlust. Fear not, for we've lined up six handy travel apps that will free you from the digital leash, making way for more memorable adventures and a rejuvenating real world digital detox. Get ready to embrace the journey of disconnecting to connect better! Flipd - Farewell, Distraction! Flipping Away to Focus Say hello to Flipd, your new hero in the quest for digital detox. Flipd, like a responsible pal, is compatible with both iOS and Android, ensuring no one is left behind. It's like having your own personal mindfulness coach that encourages you to set timers for focused exploration of this big, beautiful world. Whether you're making sense of the Sistine Chapel or grappling with the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, Flipd ensures you're giving these marvels the undivided attention they deserve, keeping those pesky, attention-hogging apps at bay. What's more? Flipd comes with its own set of nifty tricks. You can track your progress, like a captain plotting a course, making sure you're steering towards a more mindful existence. Set goals, lofty ones, to stay motivated. Want to climb the Eiffel Tower without glancing at your phone? Flipd's got your back. You can even join challenges, throwing down the gauntlet to your inner phone-zombie. So folks, as you gallivant across the globe, don't forget to pack Flipd. Here's to living more in the moment and less in the virtual vortex! Offtime - Escape the Digital Abyss: Offline Oasis Awaits! Offtime is your reliable digital guardian, ready to cut the umbilical cord tying you to your devices. It's available on iOS and Android, meaning it's got you covered, no matter your phone of choice. You're in the Amazon rainforest, trying to bond with the exotic wildlife and what's that? Ping! Another work email. Offtime steps in like a bouncer at a nightclub, keeping unwanted guests out of your relaxation zone. You can block specific apps and filter notifications, allowing you to bask in your surroundings without interruption. But wait, there's more! Offtime's got a heart of gold. It understands the importance of letting people know you're off the grid, happily taking up the role of your personal assistant. It'll send out auto-reply messages saying, "Enjoying the Northern Lights. Emails? Not so much. Will reply when back from enjoying the universe." So, whether you're gazing at the star-studded sky in the Sahara or catching waves in Australia, let Offtime handle your digital affairs. Remember, the world outside your phone is vast, vibrant, and deserves to be seen without digital distractions. Offtime - your ticket to a richer travel experience. Moment - Time to Seize the Moment in the Real World! Designed for all you iPhone aficionados out there, Moment is like the loving grandma you never had, gently nudging you away from that darned screen and towards the unadulterated beauty of the world. Think of Moment as your smartphone's confidant, secretly tracking your screen time and giving you a revealing peek into your digital habits. Do you really need to check your ex's IG while you're skydiving in New Zealand? Moment doesn't think so! But wait, there's more to this app than being a mere screen time tattletale. It's a mentor, offering gentle reminders and letting you set daily limits for your app usage. Moment is like a strict but fair personal trainer, pushing you to develop healthier phone habits. In addition to being a taskmaster, Moment also turns into a zen master, providing resources and coaching to keep you grounded in the real world. It helps you embrace the world in high definition, beyond the screen of your device. So, iPhone users, ready to savor the moment? Take a deep breath, download Moment, and embark on your mindful journey. Space - Lost in Space: Embrace the Universe Beyond Screens Space is your friendly extraterrestrial guide, here to teleport you out of the digital black hole and into the awe-inspiring wonders of reality. This cosmic companion is compatible with iOS and Android devices, ensuring universal peace in the smartphone galaxy. Ever found yourself stuck in the gravitational pull of Twitter when you should be marveling at the Great Wall of China? That's where Space comes in, brandishing its app-blocking superpower. It keeps those sneaky apps from invading your precious travel time. But Space isn't just about obliterating digital distractions. It's also your onboard tranquility officer, offering notification management and habit tracking. It monitors your digital footprints like an alien anthropologist, giving you insights into your earthly behavior. Yet, the real beauty of Space lies in its nurturing nature. It's not just about exiling you from your phone but also equipping you with the tools to enjoy the newfound freedom. Space offers guided meditation and relaxation exercises, providing the perfect anti-gravity therapy to de-stress. So, before you strap on your travel boots and set off on your next adventure, remember to invite Space. It's not just an app; it's your passport to a balanced digital universe. ClearLock - Lock, Stock, and No Cell: Defying Digital Temptation This superhero Android app is here to rescue you from the vortex of distraction and catapult you into the captivating, unfiltered world of travel. Think of ClearLock as your charming but firm digital bouncer. Want to stare lovingly at the towering Mount Fuji instead of the YouTube mountain of cat videos? ClearLock will gladly lock away your apps for a duration of your choosing. It's an unforgiving gatekeeper, not budging an inch until the time's up. What's unique about ClearLock is its extreme adaptability. It allows you to either lock yourself out of specific apps or go full throttle and lock your entire phone. Imagine the possibilities! You could be soaking up the vibrant culture at a Moroccan market or dancing your heart out at a Brazilian Carnival without a single beep from your phone. ClearLock offers a simple and effective way to build digital boundaries. It's not just about shielding you from digital distractions; it's about paving the way for the physical and mental freedom that enriches your travels. So Android users, get ready to lock, drop, and roll with ClearLock on your side. Freedom - Break Free, Oh Digital Captive: Liberation Beckons! This all-embracing software is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac, making it a Jack-of-all-trades and master of digital detox. Ever felt lured by the siren call of Facebook when you were supposed to be spellbound by the Northern Lights? Fear not, Freedom is here to silence those sirens. With a few simple taps, you can block distracting websites and apps across all your devices, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted travel experience. But Freedom doesn't stop there. It enables you to set a schedule for your digital detox, effectively time-zoning your distractions. It's like having a stern but considerate boss who knows when you need time off. Freedom is also keen on bespoke experiences. You can create personalized blocklists, essentially tailoring your digital wardrobe to suit your tastes. And the cherry on top? The ability to sync your settings across devices, a feature that proves Freedom is all about making your digital detox as convenient as possible. Conclusion - The Digital Detox You Need So there you have it, folks! Six outstanding apps to facilitate your escape from the digital jungle and plunge headfirst into the captivating wilderness of real-world travel. Each app, in its unique way, encourages mindful usage of technology and equips you with the tools to reclaim your attention, focusing it on the incredible experiences that await. Whether it's Flipd's focused timers, Offtime's app-blocking abilities, Moment's usage insights, Space's relaxation exercises, ClearLock's app lock feature, or Freedom's comprehensive blocking, the key is finding what works best for you. Happy digital detoxing and remember - the world is too beautiful to be viewed through a screen. Go out there and make memories that are #NoFilterNeeded! Read the full article
0 notes
Truecaller, an app that helps users screen strangers and robocallers, will soon allow users in India, its largest market, to borrow up to a few hundred dollars in the nation.
The crediting option will be the fourth feature the nine-year-old app adds to its service in the last two years. So far it has added to the service the ability to text, record phone calls and mobile payment features, some of which are only available to users in India. Of the 140 million daily active users of Truecaller, 100 million live in India.
The story of the ever-growing ambition of Truecaller illustrates an interesting phase in India’s internet market that is seeing a number of companies mold their single-functioning app into multi-functioning so-called super apps.
Inspired by China
This may sound familiar. Truecaller and others are trying to replicate Tencent’s playbook. The Chinese tech giant’s WeChat, an app that began life as a messaging service, has become a one-stop solution for a range of features — gaming, payments, social commerce and publishing platform — in recent years.
WeChat has become such a dominant player in the Chinese internet ecosystem that it is effectively serving as an operating system and getting away with it. The service maintains its own app store that hosts mini apps and lets users tip authors. This has put it at odds with Apple, though the iPhone-maker has little choice but to make peace with it.
For all its dominance in China, WeChat has struggled to gain traction in India and elsewhere. But its model today is prominently on display in other markets. Grab and Go-Jek in Southeast Asian markets are best known for their ride-hailing services, but have begun to offer a range of other features, including food delivery, entertainment, digital payments, financial services and healthcare.
The proliferation of low-cost smartphones and mobile data in India, thanks in part to Google and Facebook, has helped tens of millions of Indians come online in recent years, with mobile the dominant platform. The number of internet users has already exceeded 500 million in India, up from some 350 million in mid-2015. According to some estimates, India may have north of 625 million users by year-end.
This has fueled the global image of India, which is both the fastest growing internet and smartphone market. Naturally, local apps in India, and those from international firms that operate here, are beginning to replicate WeChat’s model.
Founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Paytm Vijay Shekhar Sharma speaks during the launch of Paytm payments Bank at a function in New Delhi on November 28, 2017 (AFP PHOTO / SAJJAD HUSSAIN)
Leading that pack is Paytm, the popular homegrown mobile wallet service that’s valued at $18 billion and has been heavily backed by Alibaba, the e-commerce giant that rivals Tencent and crucially missed the mobile messaging wave in China.
Commanding attention
In recent years, the Paytm app has taken a leaf from China with additions that include the ability to text merchants; book movie, flight and train tickets; and buy shoes, books and just about anything from its e-commerce arm Paytm Mall. It also has added a number of mini games to the app. The company said earlier this month that more than 30 million users are engaging with its games.
Why bother with diversifying your app’s offering? Well, for Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder and CEO of Paytm, the question is why shouldn’t you? If your app serves a certain number of transactions (or engagements) in a day, you have a good shot at disrupting many businesses that generate fewer transactions, he told TechCrunch in an interview.
At the end of the day, companies want to garner as much attention of a user as they can, said Jayanth Kolla, founder and partner of research and advisory firm Convergence Catalyst.
“This is similar to how cable networks such as Fox and Star have built various channels with a wide range of programming to create enough hooks for users to stick around,” Kolla said.
“The agenda for these apps is to hold people’s attention and monopolize a user’s activities on their mobile devices,” he added, explaining that higher engagement in an app translates to higher revenue from advertising.
Paytm’s Sharma agrees. “Payment is the mote. You can offer a range of things including content, entertainment, lifestyle, commerce and financial services around it,” he told TechCrunch. “Now that’s a business model… payment itself can’t make you money.”
Big companies follow suit
Other businesses have taken note. Flipkart-owned payment app PhonePe, which claims to have 150 million active users, today hosts a number of mini apps. Some of those include services for ride-hailing service Ola, hotel booking service Oyo and travel booking service MakeMyTrip.
Paytm (the first two images from left) and PhonePe offer a range of services that are integrated into their payments apps
What works for PhonePe is that its core business — payments — has amassed enough users, Himanshu Gupta, former associate director of marketing and growth for WeChat in India, told TechCrunch. He added that unlike e-commerce giant Snapdeal, which attempted to offer similar offerings back in the day, PhonePe has tighter integration with other services, and is built using modern architecture that gives users almost native app experiences inside mini apps.
When you talk about strategy for Flipkart, the homegrown e-commerce giant acquired by Walmart last year for a cool $16 billion, chances are arch rival Amazon is also hatching similar plans, and that’s indeed the case for super apps.
In India, Amazon offers its customers a range of payment features such as the ability to pay phone bills and cable subscription through its Amazon Pay service. The company last year acquired Indian startup Tapzo, an app that offers integration with popular services such as Uber, Ola, Swiggy and Zomato, to boost Pay’s business in the nation.
Another U.S. giant, Microsoft, is also aboard the super train. The Redmond-based company has added a slew of new features to SMS Organizer, an app born out of its Microsoft Garage initiative in India. What began as a texting app that can screen spam messages and help users keep track of important SMSs recently partnered with education board CBSE in India to deliver exam results of 10th and 12th grade students.
This year, the SMS Organizer app added an option to track live train schedules through a partnership with Indian Railways, and there’s support for speech-to-text. It also offers personalized discount coupons from a range of companies, giving users an incentive to check the app more often.
Like in other markets, Google and Facebook hold a dominant position in India. More than 95% of smartphones sold in India run the Android operating system. There is no viable local — or otherwise — alternative to Search, Gmail and YouTube, which counts India as its fastest growing market. But Google hasn’t necessarily made any push to significantly expand the scope of any of its offerings in India.
India is the biggest market for WhatsApp, and Facebook’s marquee app too has more than 250 million users in the nation. WhatsApp launched a pilot payments program in India in early 2018, but is yet to get clearance from the government for a nationwide rollout. (It isn’t happening for at least another two months, a person familiar with the matter said.) In the meanwhile, Facebook appears to be hatching a WeChatization of Messenger, albeit that app is not so big in India.
Ride-hailing service Ola too, like Grab and Go-Jek, plans to add financial services such as credit to the platform this year, a source familiar with the company’s plans told TechCrunch.
“We have an abundance of data about our users. We know how much money they spend on rides, how often they frequent the city and how often they order from restaurants. It makes perfect sense to give them these valued-added features,” the person said. Ola has already branched out of transport after it acquired food delivery startup Foodpanda in late 2017, but it hasn’t yet made major waves in financial services despite giving its Ola Money service its own dedicated app.
The company positioned Ola Money as a super app, expanded its features through acquisition and tie ups with other players and offered discounts and cashbacks. But it remains behind Paytm, PhonePe and Google Pay, all of which are also offering discounts to customers.
Integrated entertainment
Super apps indeed come in all shapes and sizes, beyond core services like payment and transportation — the strategy is showing up in apps and services that entertain India’s internet population.
MX Player, a video playback app with more than 175 million users in India that was acquired by Times Internet for some $140 million last year, has big ambitions. Last year, it introduced a video streaming service to bolster its app to grow beyond merely being a repository. It has already commissioned the production of several original shows.
In recent months, it has also integrated Gaana, the largest local music streaming app that is also owned by Times Internet. Now its parent company, which rivals Google and Facebook on some fronts, is planning to add mini games to MX Player, a person familiar with the matter said, to give it additional reach and appeal.
Some of these apps, especially those that have amassed tens of millions of users, have a real shot at diversifying their offerings, analyst Kolla said. There is a bar of entry, though. A huge user base that engages with a product on a daily basis is a must for any company if it is to explore chasing the super app status, he added.
Indeed, there are examples of companies that had the vision to see the benefits of super apps but simply couldn’t muster the requisite user base. As mentioned, Snapdeal tried and failed at expanding its app’s offerings. Messaging service Hike, which was valued at more than $1 billion two years ago and includes WeChat parent Tencent among its investors, added games and other features to its app, but ultimately saw poor engagement. Its new strategy is the reverse: to break its app into multiple pieces.
“In 2019, we continue to double down on both social and content but we’re going to do it with an evolved approach. We’re going to do it across multiple apps. That means, in 2019 we’re going to go from building a super app that encompasses everything, to Multiple Apps solving one thing really well. Yes, we’re unbundling Hike,” Kavin Mittal, founder and CEO of Hike, wrote in an update published earlier this year.
And Reliance Jio, of course
For the rest, the race is still on, but there are big horses waiting to enter to add further competition.
Reliance Jio, a subsidiary of conglomerate Reliance Industry that is owned by India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, is planning to introduce a super app that will host more than 100 features, according to a person familiar with the matter. Local media first reported the development.
It will be fascinating to see how that works out. Reliance Jio, which almost single-handedly disrupted the telecom industry in India with its low-cost data plans and free voice calls, has amassed tens of millions of users on the bouquet of apps that it offers at no additional cost to Jio subscribers.
Beyond that diverse selection of homespun apps, Reliance has also taken an M&A-based approach to assemble the pieces of its super app strategy.
It bought music streaming service Saavn last year and quickly integrated it with its own music app JioMusic. Last month, it acquired Haptik, a startup that develops “conversational” platforms and virtual assistants, in a deal worth more than $100 million. It already has the user bases required. JioTV, an app that offers access to over 500 TV channels; and JioNews, an app that additionally offers hundreds of magazines and newspapers, routinely appear among the top apps in Google Play Store.
India’s super app revolution is in its early days, but the trend is surely one to keep an eye on as the country moves into its next chapter of internet usage.
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2VYrwmG ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
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