#they both learned a little too much from Mario and Jagr in the sticking around and coming out of retirement zones
coffee-at-annies · 8 months
For the Au game- a heist au, sidgenotanger?
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
Oh man I’m really struggling to come up with things that should happen in the story rather than things that are true about the story. My brain wants to a share big ideas like who does what rather than concrete details. I’m also functionally unable to think about leverage fusions without just wanting to go reread this so have at it, fic rec: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2669645
Because I love that fic so much, I think the focus of this is one last job/training up the next generation instead of Sid’s crew planning a heist. Jake calls Sid in from retirement for one last job. Sid left the crew in Jake’s hands to go idk disappear on the side of a mountain or whatever we think Sid’s gonna do in retirement. Tanger has one foot out the door but is making sure PO can take his place in the crew before he leaves. Idk where Geno is he’s also retired but he shows up because of course he does.
Things that are true and happen in the fic:
This is the third time Sid has come out of retirement for “one last job.” He’s not quite to Jagr’s levels of in and out of retirement but Flower has a betting pool going anyway. Geno meanwhile hasn’t been seen since he retired. Tanger keeps saying he’s going to retire and hasn’t yet.
PO needs to create a distraction and he absolutely either trips all over someone or opens a door in their face or pours soup in their lap and then gives the person a sheepish smile and he’s forgiven immediately.
Kissing to hide from pursuers is all well and good but it’s way less hot when its a former friend with benefits (the benefits being previously sex and currently emotional constipation and a brewing feelings realization) and your other former friend with benefits is in your earpiece critiquing both your kissing and your distraction skills. Somehow he ends up getting worked up anyway.
There’s a moment when they’re all huddled around a map or screen or something when Jake looks to Sid for advice but he just nods his head at the table because he trust’s Jake plan and is willing to follow his play. This is a fic about the ot3 but a subplot is Jake’s confidence and leadership skills without the old guard to lean on
Idk what the heist is but please imagine that one sequence in ocean’s 11 where the have the acrobat do some crazy flexible shit and bend himself into like a drinks cart to hide and junk and also maneuver around lasers. Now imagine Jars doing that. That.
So many easter eggs for current and former pens. My brain doesn’t want to stick with the leverage five man band schema so there’s just so many people in this ocean’s eight/ocean’s eleven situation. Even if everyone isn’t needed they at least get name dropped during the planning phase because I love to be sad about boys. Yes some grudges get brought up too
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