#they can scull but sonic cant set a boat himself for shit
borrelia · 3 months
at some point i mustve posted seat assignments for sonic characters but well i was thinking about it again. ive decided the best racing 8 you could make with sonics would be: tekno cox, shadow, espio, mighty, knuckles, amy, sticks, sonic, blaze
i was gonna say tails cox bc like. he's the strategist, OBVIOUSLY you put him in cox 🙄 but ermm no i dont think he has a cox temperment at all. the best coxswains are calm under pressure, good at multitasking, good at communicating, motivational, confident and can turn it on when it gets hot. tails is a little too in his own head to manage all that. i don't think he has what it takes. now tekno, she's good at keeping a level head and I think she'd get the right balance between motivational + sillay for her rowers vs bringing down the hammer when she needs them to pull.
shadow and espio stroke pair. shadow i think would just have a real good natural rhythm and espio would be able to match it well. mr perfectionist. i don't think theyd be the BEST company for a cox--any cox, tekno or no--but shadow could communicate well enough i think.
mighty and knuckles in the stern half of the engine room. just easy math.
amy has a perfect cox temperament i think so maybe on the side she could do that too but man i want her in the engine room so bad. bow half bc she seems like she'd want to enjoy the view and goof off a bit more. sticks as her pair partner bc honestly shes just the best match for amy and theyre good at hyping each other up. AND i think she could pull.
sonic HAS to be in bow pair. he's too much of a goofball to be near the cox and you just KNOW mr speed demon would rush the slide so he canNOT be allowed to stroke. BUT. goofball nature in mind, he cannot be sitting bow seat. uh uh, not enough control, not good enough at paying attention. now blaze is REALLY disciplined, i think she'd make an excellent bow seat. and as pair partners with sonic i think theyd bring the best out in each other. she gets to have a little fun back there with her friend and he gets pushed to really put in the effort.
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