#they come from pits of hell!! I swear!! 🙄
vroomvroomsposts · 6 months
No, because how weak is your support for your favourite driver that you have to keep on shitting and looking down on Carlos, or Lando even?
You know you can uplift your fav without doing that right? You don’t even have to talk or care about the drivers you hate, just focus on your fav and leave Carlos and Lando alone you freaks!
And the things people accuse Carlos of?!?!! “when the team needed him the most he qualified p16 and crashed in fp2 when they had the cost cap issue” please stfu and look at why that happened instead of just going at it at Carlos! 🙄 also speaking of FP crashes didn't your fav crash in the same place in FP2 and Quali in Miami? And also got P19 in Spain? “But that was the car’s fault.” and Carlos’s was all his fault? How? Did he go and create that bump in the track and purposefully went into the wall?
Someone even said he bought the Singapore win!?! Like what!?! How would he even do that!?
And “Lando qualified P10 in Qatar, the same track where Mc Laren got sprint pole and sprint win.” He was on the podium for both sprint and race in Qatar. 😑 He got that track limits just like your fav did in sprint which dropped him from sprint point position.
I didn’t want to write a post about this thing again and again but somehow, every other day, the moment I open Twitter or Tumblr I am blasted with Carlos and Lando hate, even though I have blocked any and every anti-Carlos and Lando people I come across. And it is always the same group of fans. This is getting very ridiculous!! Get the fuck off my man’s dick!!!
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