#they could grow mussels and clams and such on the supports on stilts under their homes
girlscience · 8 months
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alien be upon ye
#I FINALLY think I figured out what Zaz looks like#(I think I've talked about them once or twice on here)#you guys do not understand how many different iterations they have gone through in my attempts to get them on paper#but I think I've got it and I'm happy with it#but drawing them more is making me think more about their people and planet and I have IDEAS#so I was having allllll the people on their planet be nomadic. but I have concluded that's a little difficult to believe#~100 million nomads. that's a lot.#so I am thinking about having some of them build semi floating cities#lashing boats together to make floating platforms.#finding naturally occurring sandbanks (this would be easy because the ocean is so shallow) and making them larger with baskets of sand#taking seeds and saplings from the mangroves that grow around the islands and planting them around/on the sandbank and baskets#and between the rafts to hold things together and prevent erosion#(kind of think of tenochtitlan)#and then around the city they could have huge coral reef gardens that they manage and care for as their food source#they could grow mussels and clams and such on the supports on stilts under their homes#they could keep flocks of birds for food and feathers and train them for hunting and long distance communication#the trees would be used for building new structures and stability of the city and to make fabrics/textiles#the cities could be stopping points for the nomadic people's for trade and parties/celebrations/holidays#or maybe some of them could be for religious purposes and have temples#aaaaaaaa I am having so many thoughts THIS WOULD BE SO COOL
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