#they get ?? the kind who don't deny their life is better cos they are white
the-god-of-death · 7 months
The Very Evil Guide on How to Find and Keep Fellow Emotional Manipulators for Mutually Evil Purposes.
The word conjures up an image of fellow humanoids holding each others hands under a bright sky filled with white clouds and rainbows. Together, they skip upon lush, green fields towards the future, knowing that whatever life throws at them, they will face it together.
The reality is that these people will throw you under the carriage at the first sign of trouble. When life hands you incriminating evidence of your wrongdoings, despite being perfectly innocent, they will always follow the path of ‘law and order’ and inevitably betray you. The system is not your friend. The system is a method of control. The system is there to keep those at the top in power and they are willing to sacrifice anything and everything of yours to keep it that way.
But that's why you've picked up this book, isn't it? You've realised that the classic way of making ‘friends’ doesn't work for you. It's hard to know who to trust and who to allow into the inner circle of your confidence.
Spoiler: it's nobody.
No. This is the Very Evil Book on How to Find and Keep Fellow Emotional Manipulators for Mutually Evil Purposes. Friends are for people who don't know any better. You want a confidante. A co-conspirator. A Fellow Schemer. Most of all, you want someone who will deny the ‘truth’ that the Good Guys so desperately want you to believe. Someone who will have your back when the going gets tough and who, if they aren't already in jail with you, has already set in motion the plan to break you out for you to live the rest of your days in some other country under the guise of a different persona. Someone who will help you enact your sweet, sweet revenge on those who have wronged you.
Of course, Evil comes in many flavours. Ultimately, it's about doing what you want. To allow and nurture the selfish desires within yourself. How you actually act upon them is up to you.
Some choose to build Constructs of Death without any foresight about how they could be used.
Some choose to wage extreme war upon those who could potentially do harm in order to show off their talent for healing.
Some mix themselves into society to empower it from within, showing them how, together, they have more power than they realise and should they ever join as a group, they could topple any system of government that wishes only to provide ‘security and stability’.
Others, instead, choose not to get involved at all. Preferring to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others or even reap the benefits of being in a position of privilege.
There are many other ways. I'm sure you could think of some yourself. The point being, how you choose to enact your evilness is a personal choice but it is your choice.
In this book, we’ll discuss many issues on how to find your partner(s) in crime.
We will start with how you view yourself. From the insane reason as to why you wanted friends in the first place, to discussing what kind of person you are, before laying out the groundwork of what it actually means to be the villain of your own story and how it differs from being the hero.
Next, we’ll utilise tips and tricks that Emotional Manipulators use and test them on the best subject there is (you) in order to understand how these methods work from both sides.
Finally, we’ll start developing the skills you will need to be the best villain you possibly can be.
Don't forget to destroy all notes you may keep along the journey. We don't want to leave any incriminating evidence for any Heroes to use against you now, do we?
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Buster & Rio
Buster: [sends the convo to her] Buster: Fair warning Rio: Oh God Rio: Oh my fucking God Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: I don't even know where to begin or how to think about this Rio: When is she going to stop ruining your life? Rio: Jesus Buster: Never, clearly Rio: She's such a cunt Buster: Hence I'm not doing anything until or if she does 'cause I wouldn't put it past her to sit back and let us out ourselves thinking she will Rio: Yeah Rio: I can see that Rio: she won't, will she Buster: I don't know, babe Buster: It'd be a really stupid thing for her to attempt but like, she obviously isn't trying to play things any smarter Rio: Maybe she still reckons there's a chance for you two, then she won't Rio: 'cos she's not gonna want to drag herself down by proxy, you know Rio: and like she keeps saying, the kid is yours regardless so Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: She cares about her rep fair too much Rio: I think so too Rio: but shit Rio: we should've been more careful Rio: I thought we were, enough Buster: She reckons I'm gonna come crawling if she gets me spooked enough but I ain't Buster: There's nothing to find she's just been looking obsessively Rio: but if she can work it out Rio: should I delete everything Buster: Don't Buster: She's probably saved it all anyway so Buster: Drew did too, it's cunts with their own interests, nobody else knows or is likely to Rio: Yeah Rio: we've got to hope Buster: Nobody'd believe them if they said shit anyway for the same reason Rio: Who would make something like this up though, babe Rio: not even them Buster: Don't say it like that Buster: We're not doing anything wrong Rio: That isn't what they think Buster: And what, you think Drew or Chlo know better about what's right than I do? Buster: Fuck that Rio: I know how it feels Rio: but there's a reason we're scared, right Buster: I'm not scared Rio: How are you not Rio: I feel sick Buster: What's the point? Whatever anyone else thinks isn't gonna change my mind Rio: I don't know Buster: Babe, you can do whatever you need to, okay Rio: I don't want to do anything, I just want a fucking break Rio: Why is it one thing after another Buster: I know Buster: I'm sorry Rio: It's not your fault Buster: Yeah it is Buster: She wouldn't be doing this if not for me Buster: You'd barely even know her Rio: How could you have predicted...any of this Rio: us, her, all of it Buster: Well, I've had years of thinking about us so I shouldn't have risked our relationship when it finally happened Buster: Not with her Buster: Granted I didn't realise she was this fucked up but I still knew enough Rio: Yeah well, we all know you weren't in a fit state Rio: and it's fucked she doesn't realise that's some real dirt you have on her but Buster: I still got myself into that state though Buster: She didn't force me into that part of things Rio: It's not an excuse Rio: You know that Buster: I'm just saying what people would Buster: Not like I'm a girl wobbling along on her heels, is it? Rio: Fuck people Rio: It's no different Buster: Maybe I could just tell my mum Buster: She'd help us fix this Rio: How? Rio: She's not actually superwoman, babe Buster: I don't know Buster: There's gotta shit you can do if someone's blackmailing you Rio: Maybe Rio: I know the police were fuck all help with Ryan so Rio: don't get your hopes up, like Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Should I talk to Chlo again then? Rio: And say what? Like you said, she ain't gonna be happy unless you tell her you love her or some shit Rio: and even then, she'll know you don't really so Rio: the girl doesn't know what she wants Buster: But I could just tell her what she wants to hear, or reckons she does Buster: Buy us time Rio: No Rio: I am not making you do that Buster: I'm not gonna fuck her Buster: Nobody could make me Rio: No Rio: I'd rather out myself right now Rio: fuck that Buster: Should we? Rio: I don't know? Rio: It's like, do we wait and let Christmas and all that come and go and risk her doing it Rio: or do we potentially fuck up the holidays for all, fun times Buster: I'd rather wait Buster: But that's only 'cause I don't like my hand being forced Buster: If she says anything you can deny it if you want, I won't hold it against you, like Rio: Yeah, I don't want the caviat of it to be Rio: 'and we're only telling you 'cos Chloe is gonna drop the bombshell so' Rio: it makes it sound bad and not serious, you know Buster: Yeah Buster: My mum is gonna fucking murder me Buster: She told me not to speak to her Buster: Like not only have I, she also knows and is gonna out my secret Buster: Surprise Rio: How can you not when she goads you into it constantly though Rio: and you only did when you thought it was the right thing Rio: it's not your fault she's mental Buster: I shouldn't be that much of a pussy, letting her get to me Buster: You knew she was bullshitting me Rio: It's what she's good at Rio: Don't blame yourself Rio: Blame her, she's the one who keeps pulling this shit Rio: You can talk to your Mum if you want, I don't mind Buster: No Buster: Like you said, it makes things look different to how they are Buster: And makes me look weak Buster: Fuck that Buster: I can't be running to her like a child Rio: You're not though, you know that Buster: I would be though Rio: Okay, don't tell her Rio: What are you gonna do? Buster: Kill Chlo and make it look like an accident Buster: But seriously, nothing right now Rio: I'll be your alibi Buster: That kinda gives us away, babe Buster: but cheers Rio: I think murder trumps this in the grand scheme of things though Buster: Not when I get away with it Rio: Let's not get cocky Rio: know it's hard but this is serious, Bundy Buster: Harder still now I'm back on her fucking home turf Rio: It's barely any time 'til the hols Rio: if she was gonna do it she'd want max time to torture you, right Buster: Thank Christ Buster: You're right Buster: Just gift me with the DNA for fuck's sake Rio: 😟 Rio: Put in a good word with Santa Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Buster: You had a good birthday though, yeah? Buster: She didn't ruin that as well Rio: Of course Rio: It was perfect, she can't touch that Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause I actually would have to kill her Rio: Same Rio: She won't ruin xmas either Rio: she's all chat Buster: Agreed Buster: You heard her playing like she has the nerve or means to talk to my sister when she's blocked on everything Buster: You should block her too though Rio: Yeah, even if she snaked her way in, like Nancy literally wants to hear anything from her Rio: What's she gonna do, cc in our parents, like, who even is she Rio: They don't have time for this petty bullshit Buster: Exactly Buster: I don't have time for it and its about me so Buster: One minute she wants me to get into a top uni, the next she's pulling this shit and my focus Buster: Which is it Chlo? Do you want me to keep you in designer gear or nah Rio: She don't know what she wants Rio: so she's got no business making any kind of demands Buster: I can already tell you she don't want this kid and has no business keeping it Buster: I feel bad for her mum and step dad 'cause it's them who'll be picking up her slack Buster: Doubt they have time either Rio: Yeah Rio: and the poor kid Rio: that's no environment to be raised in Buster: Say what you like about ours but they came good for us Buster: Jesus, I reckon I'd take Indie's mum over Chlo at this point Buster: At least nobody could deny she was unfit, can't out and out prove that Chlo is gonna be the worst mum this side of Chelsea, can I Rio: Yeah, there's a difference between unplanned and straight up unwanted Rio: whatever she tries to sell Rio: it's an acceptable kind of bad, isn't it, she won't be the only, like Buster: Cross your fingers for me, babe Buster: If it ain't my kid we don't need to look back Rio: I'll still feel bad Rio: but at that point, nothing you can do about it Buster: Me too Rio: Poor baby Buster: I can't lie, I feel bad for Ro and Drew's already too Rio: God, I know Rio: I was talking to Indie the other day Rio: and she was half joking but Rio: she doesn't even know the half of it Rio: she reckons they might get married Buster: I mean, my auntie clearly wants that Buster: I can't see Drew agreeing to a big white wedding though Buster: All the fam hates him for a start, imagine how awkward the ceremony and after party would be Rio: Oh God Rio: It would be the most depressing wedding in the world Rio: not that he's let that stop him hanging around for this long, he doesn't care Buster: Like are you gonna have Edie as a bridesmaid as well you cunt Buster: We all know he'd want you to do it Rio: Shut up Rio: Your Ma won't let her Buster: She couldn't stop them getting this far Rio: Well, that would be a little shameless, even for this fam Buster: If my life ever gets anything close to that fucked up, leave me Buster: I'm serious Rio: You're gonna have to pick up the pace if that's what you're going for, like Buster: Challenge accepted, babe Rio: 😒 Rio: If you want me to go, just say like, no need to go crazy Buster: I never want you to go Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I ain't Buster: If you could be here instead of there that'd really help me out though, like Rio: I wish I could be baby Buster: Wasted you talked a good game about it that night Rio: I did? Buster: Yeah Rio: Well, exactly how many cheques did drunk me write that I haven't cashed Rio: not saying won't 'cos refuse to be that bitch but need to know what I'm up against Buster: 😏 Buster: Some of them I was glad to rip up but you know Rio: 🙃 ha kill me Rio: I really do not know wtf I took that night Buster: Me either Buster: I've never seen you like that before Rio: Must've been cut with something dodgy that he didn't know about Rio: 'cos he was doing it too so Buster: Don't remind me Buster: Have you seen him since you got back? Rio: He was here one night with Indie Rio: Ro is doing his head in that much Rio: but I made my excuses and left sharpish, like Buster: Well that's something Buster: Sounds like the wedding's off then Rio: Ha, we can dream Rio: they constantly do each other's head's in, I think Rio: it's stupid, the whole thing Rio: if they'd done it when ours did, no one could say anything but they're grown now so sort it out Buster: I should send Chlo over to theirs it'd soon stop her believing we can play happy families Rio: Maybe we could convince Drew that kid is his too Buster: I just choked Buster: 😂 Rio: 😏 Just sayin' Rio: two birds one stone, like Buster: Always thinking, yeah? Buster: 🧠 Buster: God, I miss you so much Rio: Stick with me, babe Rio: I'll sort this shit so you can focus on your real 🧠box shit Buster: Just don't sort it how this fam normally do like 🥊 Rio: I don't think a slap would hurt her but Rio: probably not whilst she's with child, not very classy of me Buster: Fuck class, if that's what she reckons she's got you don't want it Rio: You're cute Buster: You too Rio: Nah Rio: I'm tough as hell Buster: Yeah and I like it Rio: I been knew Rio: You ever call my dominatrix friend or what Buster: 'Course Rio: Don't play Rio: really? Buster: Yeah Buster: Came highly recommended from a reliable source, like Rio: 😩 WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME Rio: why didn't she Rio: rude Buster: Didn't reckon you'd want an actual review back from me Rio: Duh Rio: selfish, right? Buster: Alright Buster: We had a good time Buster: but you know I prefer being the one in control so Rio: Yeah? Good Rio: You just can't buy this level of dedication, babe, sorry to say Buster: No more presents any time soon then, okay Rio: Seriously Rio: I don't even wanna work out how long you're good for with birthdays and xmas, like Buster: 😏 Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You're an idiot Rio: and I love you Buster: Good 'cause I'm yours Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah and you're mine, babe, whatever happens Rio: Promise Rio: Don't let anyone or anything fuck it up Buster: I swear on my life Rio: I'm not gonna let anything happen to you so Rio: we're good Buster: We really are Rio: I don't care if everyone knows Rio: I want people to know you're mine Rio: and I'm yours Buster: Me too Buster: After Christmas we'll figure this out Rio: Yeah Rio: Orrr we just stop hiding it and let 'em work it out for themselves 😏 Buster: Don't tempt me Rio: Everyone too awkward to ask Rio: rely on this fam for that but one loudmouth with a drink in 'em always ruins that Buster: And obviously that's Nance nowadays Rio: 😂 Rio: Don't Buster: Have you seen her? Buster: I should text but with Chlo hanging over me I'm just Rio: I haven't actually Rio: text planning this summer trip with her, and she seemed more like her old self Rio: obviously she ain't over it but everyone else will be soon, so that'll make it a bit better Buster: And the hols really ain't far off, like you said Buster: That'll help, not being at school for a while Rio: Definitely Rio: the others would tell me if shit was really dire at school, I know Rio: I'll check in when I have the chance Buster: As long as she doesn't try and make her ex her New Year's kiss she'll be alright Buster: That stupid cat is really making a difference too, like Buster: Not saying your ma is on to something Rio: If she suggests a gay bar I'll veto that shit hard, I think once was enough to learn on that one, bless Rio: 😏 See Rio: animals heal everything Rio: Indie still wants her puppy Buster: Are you gonna let her? Buster: Or be a strict ma Rio: Steady on Rio: know what you'd like Rio: I think so Rio: she's always out, so it'd get the exercise Buster: True Buster: Keep her out more too, so suits me Rio: Clearly you've never had to shoo a curious animal out the room 😂 Buster: You know we ain't been allowed since we were kids Buster: Not living that life Rio: Aww Rio: I remember Rio: it was so cute Buster: My ma weren't gonna fall for no scruffy pup, like Buster: Only the best Buster: Surprised she let this kitten stay Rio: Redhead pride Rio: gotta stick together Buster: 😂 Buster: I wonder if my brother would've left me outnumbered or what? Could've been blonde like, dad would've been buzzing Rio: Yeah, I wonder Rio: Your curls are the cutest though so, you win by default Buster: You're biased Rio: Am not Buster: Oh no? Buster: Just always got your hands in my hair as pure coincidence Buster: Same Rio: If you've got a better suggestion of how to hold on, lemme know Rio: 😩 fuck, now I miss you Buster: I can't think of anything better. You know it feels too good Rio: I can't think of anything else now Rio: fuck, babe Buster: Do you want me to be sorry? Buster: 'Cause like, you're gonna have to make me if you do Rio: Oh yeah? Rio: Challenge accepted Buster: Let's see what you can do then, babe Rio: Doubt me all you want Rio: Only gonna make me go harder Buster: Yeah? Buster: I hope so Rio: Don't be wasting your wishes now Rio: you're gonna need 'em Buster: Is that a promise? Rio: [Vid] Rio: What do you reckon, daddy? Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay, I believe you Rio: Good, I don't need to be the only one here wishing they weren't alone Buster: You can believe me, you aren't Buster: Jesus, you're so hot Rio: I am for you Buster: You just are and I can only take credit for the tan Buster: Unfair Rio: Trust, you can take credit for that video and the way I'm feeling too babe Buster: As long as you take credit for this Buster: [Sends own] Rio: Jesus Rio: I wanna take so more than credit Buster: I know Buster: And I wanna give you everything Rio: Please can we use the app Rio: I need you Buster: Say please again Rio: Please, Buster Rio: fuck me and make me cum now Buster: Okay, baby Rio: I missed you Buster: I miss you too Buster: Even more when you say my name like that Rio: I can't even help it Rio: it's the only word I have when I feel this good Buster: If I was actually there you'd have no words Rio: I wouldn't need them Rio: you know exactly how to fuck me best Buster: and you know exactly what to say to make me want to Rio: Got to return the favour Rio: no pillow princess Buster: Though if it meant you were here I wouldn't be mad at you lying there doing nothing Rio: The only way you could stop me being all over you if I was there would be handcuffs, babe Buster: That could be arranged, like, but I need you to touch me right now so Rio: You're so fucking gorgeous, baby Rio: I have to feel you to make sure you're real Buster: Christ Buster: You're the one that's unreal. You're so perfect, Rio Rio: You make me feel it Buster: Good Rio: I can't wait 'til you're here again Rio: even if there's going to be so many people to evade Buster: I don't care if the fam suddenly also invites half of Dublin, nobody and nothing is gonna stop be being alone with you Rio: Did you have to say that as you turned it up Buster: Do you want me to turn it back down? Rio: Fuck no Rio: You better not Buster: I didn't think so Rio: 😩 Don't tease me Rio: but also don't stop Buster: Does that feel like I'm gonna stop Rio: Buster Buster: I've got you exactly how I want you babe, we're not stopping Rio: I fucking love you Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I'm just thinking how hard I'm going to make you cum when I see you Buster: Tell me Rio: I want to take you all in and feel your cum hit the back of my throat Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Yeah, I miss you that much, I want you to fuck me with this toy whilst you're in my mouth, I want to be full of you Buster: Babe Buster: I'd kill for that right now Buster: I need you so bad Rio: I know Rio: Do you ache too? Buster: Yeah Rio: We need to get you a toy baby Rio: I'll send you one Buster: Jesus Christ Buster: I'm not gonna argue. I can't Rio: Have you ever used one, they're supposed to be so good Buster: Not yet Buster: But now I wanna Rio: You have to show me when you do Rio: and tell me exactly how it feels Buster: You know I will Buster: We tell each other everything, remember Rio: Yes, daddy Rio: Speaking of, you're about to make me cum Buster: Do it for me baby 'cause I need to cum for you Buster: You know that, don't you? Rio: Have I made you so hard, daddy? Telling you all the dirty things I NEED you to do to me, whilst you fuck me 'til I cum all the way from there Rio: I wanna make you cum without even touching you too, you're so good and I'm so close Buster: Rio Rio: Say my name again Rio: say it out loud when you cum Buster: Fuck, Rio Buster: You're everything Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I love you Buster: And I want you Buster: I'm being so loud Rio: You're so hot, do you have any idea how fucking special you are Rio: no other lad has come a little bit close Rio: please let me hear you Buster: [Calls] Rio: You make me crazy, boy Buster: You love it Rio: I do Buster: Me too Rio: How could this be wrong Rio: she's stupid Buster: It isn't Buster: But even if it was, I wouldn't care Rio: Yeah? Buster: I meant what I said, nobody's gonna stop me from being with you Rio: Good Rio: I need you, you know Buster: And I need you Rio: You're always going to have me Buster: I seriously can't do any of this without you, you know Rio: You can Rio: but you don't have to Buster: Alright, maybe but I don't want to Buster: And I'm glad I don't have to Rio: You're my favourite Buster: Yeah? Buster: Well, you're one of the only people I like so good Rio: Aw baby, you're a big old softy really 😉 Buster: Shh Rio: as long as you keep hard for me it's all good Buster: You know I can't stop getting hard for you, babe Buster: Christmas is gonna be hilarious like Rio: Seriously Rio: Good 🍀 baby Buster: Do me a favor and look as unattractive as possible Rio: I'll wear an ugly christmas jumper then Buster: Cheers Buster: Straighten your hair and I won't even recognise you Rio: I'll get onto Gracie, I guess Rio: if you shave your head I will cry though Buster: I love you but not that much, like Rio: Good to know I've found the line 😜 Buster: 😂 Rio: Your Da looks good but I'm not seeing it Buster: Steady on Buster: Don't be complimenting me and him in the same breath Rio: 😏 Not like that Buster: Yeah yeah Buster: I don't look anything like him and I ain't about to try and pull of his look, the point's valid Rio: Yeah, you don't much Rio: I don't look loads like mine either Buster: You look so much like your mum Rio: If that's a subtle way of calling her a MILF Rio: heard it before and I doubt you're a stranger Buster: I mean Buster: Nobody'd dare say that about mine though 'cause I'd kill 'em Rio: Not to your face then, babe Buster: Shut up Rio: 😂 Rio: poor baby Buster: It's bad enough when lads say stuff about Nance Rio: Yeah, people are dicks Rio: like you wanna know Buster: And she don't wanna know either Buster: Looking at you James you cunt Buster: Sorry if you thought you were his fave convo topic, babe Buster: 😒 Rio: 💔 Gutted Rio: on my behalf and hers, like Buster: 'Course Rio: Such a tool Buster: Understatement there, like Rio: The amount of times I've had to kick him off my stream still Rio: get over it, babe Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, I mean, it's just usernames but he's that stupid that I could still tell it was him 😂 Buster: I'll punch him again for you Rio: Don't go out of your way, like Buster: I don't have to Buster: I'll see him at school Rio: Yes but I'm saying you don't have to hit him Buster: But I want to Buster: Don't act like you don't Rio: Be a way to avoid Chloe if you're stuck in detention I suppose Rio: unless that's her vibe Buster: Imagine Buster: Safe to say it ain't Rio: 😏 Rio: #badgirl Buster: Don't Buster: Did I tell you she told me cockiness ain't a turn on? Rio: What's she saying, she got lost on the way to your bed then? Rio: like whatever, babe Buster: Doubt I was throwing her lines that night to be fair Buster: If I was chatting anything it was pure shite, guaranteed Rio: You would've been well-suited then Rio: If she wasn't such a bitch with it, I'd be well embarrassed for her Buster: 😂 you're savage Rio: Really? She's tryna fuck up your life, babe Rio: don't think anything's off limits Buster: Take the compliment Rio: Begrudgingly 😜 Buster: I love you Rio: love you 🤓 Buster: I'll leave the uniform on next time I record for you then Rio: Don't 😩 Rio: I'll be put on a register Buster: You're funny Rio: Mm, visit me in prison? Buster: 'Course Buster: You'll need a lawyer Rio: Now that's a conflict of interests Rio: victim and defender, like Buster: I won't tell if you don't Rio: it's that kinda talk that got us here in the first place Rio: so yeah Rio: 🤐 Buster: You're just so good at keeping my secrets, babe, I can't help myself like Rio: I like keeping 'em Rio: works for me Buster: Good
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Power S4 EP5: Don't Thank Me *Recap & Review* #FreeGhost
Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
I don't know about yall but this season of Power got me all fired up. I mean screaming at Angela and Dre for they shadiness. Shaking my head at how devious Kanan is about any and everything. Realizing Jukebox is crazier than Kanan. Loving Tommy and LaKeisha together. So much to scream about and more love to keep watching. Let's recap and discuss Power... Don't Thank Me.   
Angela finally gets it!!! She finally understands Ghost didn't kill Greg. How can you claim to know that man but not know when he is telling the truth and lying? Better yet, all that you do know why you would believe he would kill Greg now? Ghost could have been doing that, so why would he now. Sadly, everything he has done has been for the love he had for her. Even the fake break up was to protect her from Mulan. She so smarts till she dumb, I swear. As she sits talking to her sister Paz, I was shocked to hear her sister encourage her to tell her boss what she discovered. We all know Paz didn't care too much for Ghost, but that caught me by surprise. Silver and Ghost discuss the freezing of his finances. I can no longer call him the little helper attorney, lol. Ghost don't trust him anymore then we would. I mean, how can you trust an attorney with full details of your life; who has clearly made it known he doesn't like you. Proctor being removed from the case was the worst thing ever to me. Silver want Ghost to trust him and for a second seem like Ghost thought about trusting him. Silver wanted to know did the prosecution find something in his finances. I mean they close Truth, the hair salon, and the bank account basically. Did they find something? Ghost told him they found nothing but you know he worried. He probably wondering, did I slip up somewhere? 
Angela talks to Mike. She tells him the tapes doesn't show Ghost hiding the gun in his office. Because Mike is the real killer, he is not trying to hear anything she has to say. John and Saks interrupt Angela and Mike conversation. Apparently, they found a check between Tommy and Ghost. Now, why would Tommy use a check if he is going to hire Ghost to kill a Fed?  So smart till they dumb. Tony is setting something up. He talking to that CO played by Charlie Murphy. Nothing good coming out of that. Silver tells Tarsha she might have to testify. He is trying to be sneaky and get her to tell him what Ghost isn't saying. Little did he know, Tarsha isn't telling you anything. Keisha and Tommy's romance seems to be brewing.  Keisha is falling for Tommy, but  Tommy is messed up over Holly. That ignorance of Keisha question said it all. Tommy heard her ask what Holly do to break them up. Tommy confronts Proctor about not telling him he is kicked off Ghost's case. Proctor learns that Tarsha is also deep in Tommy's and Ghost's business. Stern pays Ghost a visit. He is trying to get his business back. Ghost does need money but he selling nothing
Proctor is spending time with his daughter when Angela pays him a visit. She wants Proctor help Ghost. Proctor truly doesn't like Angela. We can't blame him on that. He tells Angela to call Silver and talk to Ghost to get the answers she seek. No handshake for you Angela. Tarsha and Keisha have girl talk. Keisha tells Tarsha she is dating a white boy. I thought she didn't want Tarsha to know. I guess she let the cat out the bag. That look Tarsha gave her and Keisha didn't deny she wasn't talking about Tommy.  Keisha has fallen for Tommy, omgg. Angela visit Ghost with Silver by her side. Angela learns what Ghost did that night Greg was killed. She finds out he was there when she was at Greg's apartment. She find it hard to believe but she knows he telling the truth. She gives Silver the heads up about the check John going to present to the judge. On that note, meeting over. Silver needs to talk to his client. The more the Feds dig, the more its a possibility Tarsha has to take the stand. That wouldn't be good for none of them.
Tariq is staring at a girls number. Tommy sneaks up on him. They share a man to man talk. Tommy finds out Tariq has had sex at a party. Tariq once again lies about the company he keeps. He done got Dre in more hot water with Tommy. Kanan is doing a number on this kid. He mad at his father and hanging with a devil. Ironic he feels his father has lied to him so he mad at Ghost. Little does he know, Slim aka Kanan is lying to him and using him.
Tarsha and the kids arrive at court. Tarsha try to talk to Silver but he can't talk right now. John enter the check into evidence to the judge. Silver calls a witness to the stand. Tarsha thinks it's her but nope, Ghost took the stand. He explains the check was to cover security for his three nightclubs. Ghost puts on the business man persona. If I didn't know better I would have believe he was an innocent business man. Lol. Now the prosecutor has something up their sleeve. What could it be? While court is in recess, Stern approach Tarsha. Since Ghost turned him down, he goes to wifey. Glad Tarsha didn't feed into him. Dre had a new idea for Tommy. The feds got Tommy business a little out of order with Truth being closed, the drug business isn't getting that club money. Dre comes up with anyway to make that money. Tommy likes the idea. He asked Dre about the party he took Tariq too. Of course Dre denies taking him to a party but Tommy think he lying. Court doesn't go well with Mike questioning Ghost. He managed to push Ghost buttons enough for him to scream "I didn't kill Greg." So because he called the man Greg, he killed him. Ummmmmm, he dated Angela and Greg dated Angela. Their paths have cross,why wouldn't he know him as Greg. Duh!!!  Don't see how that help the prosecution case. 
Back at the jail Ghost is upset with Silver. He does see how he let Mike take him out of character and call him a killer in front if his kids. Silver tells Ghost he will need more money to get all the help to beat this case. Ghost doesn't have that kind of money. Looks like Ghost is losing faith of beating these charges. Ghost in the gym blowing off some fustration. I don't know about y'all but I was screaming "Noooo, Ghost!!!",  at the TV.  That CO pushed the wrong button talking about screwing Tarsha and his kids calling him daddy. James lose his cool and Ghost emerges. He takes all his fustration out on him and give him a blood bath death. Then enters Biscuits and Tony. So that was the plan. They was going to kill Ghost. I guess that plan didn't work out. Biscuits tries to stab Ghost. As they wrestle, Tony change the plan. He kills Biscuits, then orders Ghost to change clothes with Biscuits. Amazing how the jail has no camers. Lol. Anyway, now Tony has something to hold over Ghost head. How will he use it? 
Tarsha question Tommy about him and LaKeisha. Tommy tells her it all started when she hid her from Mulan. Tarsha share the news that Keisha is into him. Tommy finally tells Tarsha the truth. Tarsha thought Tommy would have found her after finding out she was pregnant. He tells her the entire story about not being able to kill Ghost per Lobos orders. Holly tried to kill Ghost and he thought he was dead. He didn't know she was pregnant. Tommy isn't feeling LaKeisha like that. He loved Holly and he killed her. Hard pill to swallow. Tommy not ready to love again. Poor LaKeisha with a friend like Tarsha, who needs enemies. She basically told Tommy to keep dealing with her to keep her from being a woman scorned or kill her. At least that's what I took from the protect the family. Lol.   
Angela takes the stand to testify on the truth. She admits the tapes clear Ghost of the charges. John brings up Angela and Ghost relationship. The judge had enough. He orders suspension for the entire prosecutor team and set Ghost free. Yassssssssss!!!! That's what I was screaming at the TV. Ghost thanks Angela but of course she just couldn't say, "You are welcome." Smh. Dre and Kanan meets up. Dre gives Kanan his last payment. Dre ask him again to leave Tariq alone. Dre offers Kanan a proposition to help him. As the two of them talking, Julio sees this meeting. Now what will he do with that information. Finally, someone know Kanan isn't dead other then Dre. Angela and Mike meet up in the elevator. Mike is upset with her but Angela did the right thing. He should be glad and just get out if dodge before the heat come down on him. Silver and Tarsha share a suspicious hug. Looks like they might be feeling each other. Silver tells Tarsha they might want to get a float with their money taking such a lost. At least Ghost can open Truth back up now and the hair salon. When he leaves, Tarsha calls stern. Now what she up to?
Tariq shows up at Slim's crib. What unexpected visitor is waiting? Tommy has been ordered to go to Chicago. He gets a new ride and leaves his phone behind. Now what is going on. He top dog, how he leave his phone behind. On top of that, he is leaving without knowing Ghost is free. What is going on now? What is about to happen with Tommy? Tony gives Ghost a phone to give to Tommy. Ghost want to know why he interested in Tommy. He knows Tiny been in jail too long to know them personally. He asked, "You know his father or something?" Tony doesn't admit to nothing. The look on Ghost face tells it all. Tony Terisi is Tommy's father. I still stand by that. Lol. As the final moments come to close to the end, we see Jukebox come from out the shadows. That was the surprise visit. The original plan to hold Tariq for ransom and take all of Ghost money is back on the table as plan now that Ghost is free. When she asked Kanan was he down with it, his response, "what you want me to do?" Kanan got all ends covered to take Ghost down. You just can't trust nobody. Stay tuned as Power keeps us on the edge of our seats. 
If you missed this episode, please catch it on Comcast On Demand as well as other episodes.
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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Rio & Buster
Rio: *Even if he wouldn't laugh her out of here for it, (which he would), the commiseration of 'shit timing' wouldn't pass her lips. 'Cos both old enough to know better, even if she was a few months shy of his new number. Old enough to know that it was always going to be like this. Yeah, the first was usually the worst, and it would become normal as the years passed, but she was always not going to be here from now. Could get rid of a person but not their absence, standard. That was life. Not kidding anyone with that nonchalant approach though, couldn't even lean against the brick 'cos of the fucking wings. What a joke. And it wasn't JUST 'life'. It was her lack of. And all the reasons why. And how much they didn't fucking matter now. Nothing did. If Rio could make herself believe that, proper, then maybe she could feel alright about the fucked up shit she was feeling and the fucked up things she'd been doing, namely for and with Buster McKenna. Christ. As it stood though, she didn't. But feeling not alright, feeling wrong, fit the tone of tonight so fuck it, yeah? Yeah. Never mind how good he looked, and how she shouldn't even notice that but it was all she could, an unbelievably welcome distraction from the shit in her head, torturous as it was to only be looking and not touching. Whatever. They both knew they would. 'Til one of 'em came to their senses and realized what the fuck they were doing. That would be fun. But that weren't tonight. Certainly not there herself and highly doubting he was, if this getaway was anything to go by. And that was just the tip of the friggin' shitshow. So yeah, she'd put money on it. Throw money at it, if he wanted, she knew some places with low enough lighting and standards that'd fit the bill. Even get in in their costumes, fit right in, frankly...* Took your time, boy. Buster: *He'd been going through the motions, recycling behavior from nights past where he could. Taking a shot for this or getting dragged onto the dance floor they'd made for that, feeling no burn on the swallow how he should've (not even a year closer to properly walking in his dad's shoes yet like, never mind the old alkie's down his grandad's boozer) nor any awareness of his body paint being slightly sweat streaked now, as if to call out the obvious flaws deep in his chest, when really that was just more of the same bullshit and nobody here needed a sign anyfuckingway. Then again, none of them could see Buster watching Rio, waiting for the slightest indication that she was about to give into him and maintain eye contact that lasted longer than a second. What a fucking joke. He saw red in every moment she got close to somebody else, or just stayed away from where he and his friends were, playing the tease again, like he was that cunt of a kid and she could in any way go back to who she was before either. Christ's sake. But of course there wasn't a single guest at this party about to address what was missing or they couldn't have. Only the first elephant in the room, that. So there. All he could do was what was expected of him and loudly take everything that was offered, declaring it birthday's boy prerogative or some shit. Fuck it. Bonus points if in cracking open another bottle of Champagne it let him return to being numb in a gulp. After all, he'd been trained not to show any of his rage when it came to fighting for access to Jay, what was some more, yeah? No need to be a pussy. Nance was in NYC as good as alone and by all accounts she weren't crying into her cocktail. Handle it. Come on, how long had it taken him to break into a run, to show all his cards in one text? To get weak. And, honestly, how long had he been waiting for that too, not even mad it was coming, 'cause there was no blaming him for how Rio looked. Or how good it felt when they touched. The power was hers, to bring him to the point furthest from anesthetized, let her own it all. Why should he care if it was wrong, what the fuck did another mistake added to the list, matter? It was Halloween not New Years. Tonight he wasn't looking to try his best at anything new unless it made her as needy as he was, and twice as bad at least.* Could've taken longer. *Such a lie, but might as well start as they mean to go on, like. There was too much painful truth in his head as it was and this was meant to be the escape he practically needed to beg for, so whatever.* Rio: *She shrugs. The 'but you didn't' barely needing to pass through her head, nevermind be said out loud. They both knew. But they both knew the less they spoke about it the better. 'Cos let's face it, if they addressed this, then there was a whole parade of the pink fuckers, (making every day a circus!), that they'd have to and all- and fuck that. Yeah, it was messed up but at least this one felt good in the moment. All that other shit was just pain, all day, all night, pure and simple, black and white. And there was no denying the fun they were having playing in the grey. Front as he was now, and she did too. But not now. Make of it what you will, boy. SO thirsty for you or just sick and tired of not getting what she wants, anything that she needs, ever. It didn't matter what he thought, really. Just that he was here. And he was. In all his glory. Literally. Catching a bead of sweat as it dripped just below his navel, tracing the runnel it had made in his golden sheen, touch light over every muscle she encountered, bringing said finger up to her mouth to taste.* Sweet. *It was the opposite, of course, salty, but still, good. Too fucking good. As much as it was meant for him, to get him on the level, a taster of what was to come; It had made her want more too. To taste every part of him, and let him taste her until they smashed into one...being, devouring each other with mutual ferocity and want and reckless abandon. Reckless was the right word. This was literally his family home and some of hers were still inside. Not to mention plenty of others who knew they were cousins. How they didn't ALSO know how badly they wanted to fuck each other senseless all the time was another matter entirely. It felt ridiculously obvious. On her part, but also his, (not sorry about it, McKenna). As if the constant eye-fucking wasn't a dead giveaway, get a clue, people. Apparently, they were so far gone, (all the way to Hell?), that they were beyond detection. Suited her in this moment. And many more, if they were being real. Still, some space needed to be made between them and the shit party. For their sake, if no one else's. Taking his hand, beginning to walk, nowhere in mind yet just the goal of being alone.* Come on. Buster: *There was no response needed to his piss poor retort, everything that needed to be said was as soon as their eyes met properly. Both lingered over it, brazen, 'cause they didn't have to steal timed glances out here in the pooled half-light, the most alone they'd been allowed to be so far tonight. Still, every thump of his heart in his ears was another tease, mocking the distance that didn't let him hear hers and he was about to do something - frankly ANYTHING - to stop the anger from taking over what senses he'd managed to keep a hold on somehow when Rio reacted first. FUCK. Whatever move he'd reckoned on her making, this wasn't it. Jesus. Buster knew that if any other girl had tried going in for this they'd have only made a twat of themselves and he'd be bent double laughing, but the sound that escaped him then wasn't. And worse, he didn't care. Let her have it. He was gonna have her first proper chance he got. 'Course the temptation (nothing like the right word for how deep the desire went to go with this specific urge immediately, but whatever) was there to pull her into what shadows he could find against the brick and fuck her right there, in an almost parallel to the first time they'd managed to go through with it, the same desperation fueling him as that fucked up day they were all refusing to think about. He was ready to pull her into him even as the muted bass put itself in competition with the girl's rapid heart, reminding Buster that he basically still had his back to the party he'd tried to turn it away from. Fuck's sake. He forced out a shaky breath, letting her take the lead the way she'd typed out she would, all the while saying a little prayer that his legs hadn't given way before carrying him to whatever destination they were gonna end up at. Had he ever wanted anyone this bad? Christ, the answer couldn't be a louder no if he shouted it out, like. Did that mean he had to lose his shit over a fingertip, though? Apparently fucking so. There was no shaking his head to clear it of these thoughts, there were too many to do anything but welcome. This here was the party for exactly that.* Where do you want me? Rio: *Rio grinned, and it actually managed to reach her eyes, headlights of cars passing doing a disservice in comparison, only twinkle found there in the green being the metaphorical kind. She almost laughed, too. Christ. That ached almost as much as it did between her legs for him. Had only been 18 days since. Wasn't that long to go without feeling, let alone expressing, any kind of joy; Calm down, like. The nasty voice in her head that had (so helpfully) morphed into Edie's, mocked that it had been a lot longer than that, hadn't it? Fuck off. Focus, don't lose this feeling. They didn't have to go far. Can't even last that long? Whore. Shut up, shut up! God, she was, would be, (happily), if it meant she could have him now. Right now. Get lost in him and how he felt and how he could make her feel, get so far out of her head it was better than any high she'd ever had- fuck. She needed that. No need to psychoanalyze it now or the morning after, like. Who cares if it was just because or because X, Y and Z? It still would be. Still was. She couldn't deny it anymore, didn't want to, especially not tonight, not now. Barely conscious of their surroundings but knowing they were about out of his nice little neighbourhood. Only seeing the world in potential places he could take her. Cutting across the dead road, so quiet and still, no traffic at this hour, opening the park gate, holding it open for him in a 'here will do' way. Her breathing was as erratic as she was behaving, frenzied, but she didn't care and he better fucking not, either, like.* Please? Buster: *Any stupid cunt looking to pull a last trick tonight would still be able to see them, but Buster couldn't have stopped himself, eager to go further in the only way that mattered, if the Garda had been dragged along into the bushes along with the two of them. Not now that he was finally able to do more than look and he knew she was craving it same as he was. 'Course with each step he'd taken from home that lead up to this one he'd convinced himself he was gonna do her exactly as she had him at first, aiming to make her beg harder, voice cracking on the rest of her words, forced out with pure need. He had form with all the other girls after all. And Rio'd be no different, like he always said, she wasn't special.* Say it again. *He'd never sounded that desperate himself though, had he? Fucking hell. Focus, come on. He stayed committed the idea of this game until his fingers had actually gone lower than hers, roughly pulling the lower half of the costume aside. Hours before he'd wanted nothing more than to touch, taste and tease, however hurried he'd have had to be, but once he was inside her, the thought of quickly pulling his hand out to put to his mouth with a smirk lost any previous appeal. No games, yeah? He'd agreed to it then, and her every reaction reinforced what a fucking great promise that'd been to make.* Jesus. *He fingerfucked her not so she'd cum hard at least once before he did (a bonus to remember in the morning that he'd been powerless at the party, yeah, but wasn't any more, not the real goal if it had ever been.) 'cause she'd never looked as fucking good as she did right now. And after how the night had been going he'd not reckoned on feeling so fucking good himself by the end. It could be that simple if he wanted, and Christ, he wanted nothing else. Nothing more either.* Rio: *As tempting as it proved to deny him in the everyday scenarios, always impossible to resist the urge to disagree with McKenna, just for the sake of half the time; now was so far beyond the time. Pleas, begging him to touch her, to fuck her here and now, hoping people heard and saw, telling him how bad she wanted it, him. All tumbling out as if it was natural; What else would she be saying, asking, when they both knew this was ALL she ever wanted? She had no problem relinquishing that naysayer role, that game they played where they didn't want each other or this, when it came down to it. Rio found it easy, too easy if she were to think about it (which she didn't, often), easier with him than anyone else, somehow. Whatever, he could call her a whore before, during and after if it made him feel better about it. Not like she had any more satisfying answer for him as to why him, and why it kept happening. She knew it wasn't that, herself, but it'd be better if it was, so he could believe it all he liked (if only she could). Have that one for free, boy, on the house, on me. The answer seemed so obvious when he was finally inside her, dragging her out of her head, all thoughts turning into a haze of pure pleasure, only concern keeping this feeling going for as long as possible. Nothing but the feeling of it, of him, and the only thing she needed to do, her only concern, was making sure he felt as good in return.* Fuck, Buster! I need you. *About as much to tug down as she had, a nice change to unbuttoning in the dark. Keeping it simple, that's what they were doing, primal, nothing more but nothing less than fucking incredible. Sliding into position, into each other, hip bone crashing into hip bone, in one move, one moment. The hiss of sharp intakes of breath at the same time, moans matching moans and groans and grunts and praises and curses being exclaimed on the same thrust.* Don't stop. Don't. Stop. God- you're good, you're SO fucking good- *Holding onto him like her life depended on it, arms wrapped tight around his neck, pulling his head down so it was level with hers, so he could see, look straight into her eyes and see what he was doing to her. Fuck, she wanted to kiss him. Had they? Her head was swimming. Did they? Surely not, that was too much, too personal. Would make it too real. But how hadn't they, when they'd done all this, how was that the step too far? Christ, she wanted it so bad now she was watching his lips, even more than she had wanted his dick deep inside her. Wet like he'd just licked them on purpose, pink tongue poking out so fucking cute with concentration, they were full but she wanted to kiss them 'til they were swollen with her desire, bite them and pull them into her own mouth- Jesus fucking Christ...* Fuck it... *She murmured, tilting her head up to his, pulling him somehow closer still, 'til there was contact where she needed it most, moaning into his mouth, finding rhythm here to match the one below.* Buster: *It should have shocked some sense into him when their mouths collided too, that he was kissing her back as forcefully for one thing, like it was a normal thing to do never mind want from Rio Cavante. In reality, (wherein nights were spent with girls that weren't, but were instead fake from bottle blonde roots to bottle bought tan, of course) if they tried to initiate more than a playful lip bite he'd break it off with the promise of his mouth somewhere better. And when he followed through, Buster told himself he loved it, same as they did. Such bullshit. Never proved harder than now, living in a hardcore fantasy, like. But he should've learned his lesson from Chlo and yet here he was, fucking again without a condom or any intention of pulling out. Without a single thought of stopping, at any point, only the opposite. And he didn't care. God, he'd keep this going all night if he could, moan after muffled moan shamelessly letting her know it. Reminding him every second of this was actually happening, unreal as it seemed. And felt. 'Course, there was no way he could stay in their rhythm forever, but they finished together, he wouldn't let himself forget once he'd sobered up. Whatever he was, she was just as bad. Had to take what he could get the morning after, didn't he? Fuck. Don't start thinking about that already. Soft cunt. To pull the focus he concentrated on attempting to find, or at least think, of a way to clean himself off when he didn't even have a pair of socks on him. Fuck's sake. There was no time to get properly moody though, in looking around their immediate surroundings (for the first time, obviously) he had to fucking laugh. Did. Every bit of her skin that had pressed against his was streaked in gold to match his, glittering in the moonlight.* Rio: *About to ask what he was laughing at, with a bemused chuckle, when she looked down and saw the damage (or the joke) herself. All over her, like. At least she COULD see the funny side too, distance between the party and them achieved, glad she hadn't dragged him away for a mid-party quickie like she had wanted to many times over the course of the tense evening. That would NOT have been good, or a fucking laugh.* Fucking hell, McKenna! *Rubbing at the paint, to no avail, quickly giving up on that idea with a shrug.* No more paint, alright? Or, at least warn a bitch next time and I'll coordinate, yeah? Such an amateur. *She winks, fluffing her hair back up and straightening her (lack of) clothes as she walks away.* Buster: *He was tempted to fall back into familiar territory now that she didn't have her legs wrapped around him, blaming her, all bravado and 'well if you could only stay away, like' blah blah blah etc but the bullshit couldn't get past the laughter and he didn't want it to really. Not tonight. It was reaffirmed to him how much he didn't or want any of this to end yet, though it technically already had. Should've. He'd got what he wanted, hadn't he? The expectations for his birthday party had been more than exceeded, no denying it, so what? Why the fuck couldn't he play along and let her walk away? Christ, Rio was right about how amateur he was playing this now and in itself he should've fucking hated that, like. Been angry enough to turn away himself. Go home, 'cause he wasn't the one wearing the sin openly, it was her who had it pinned to her like a gold medal awarded for being some kind of sick fuck. Or whatever. But none of that happened. Buster did the opposite (becoming a habit of its own, this) keeping in step with her as she moved away from the scene of the crime as if distance made any difference to what would have to be owned. Buster shook his head, trying not to laugh again, ('cause yeah, everything was less funny when he was his own target, so try and sue him.)* Where do you think you're going? Rio: *Rio turned back to face Buster, carrying on walking, despite the darkness and despite the heels (just to show how much of a pro SHE was; it was any small victory you could grab when you were fucking up your life on such a monumental scale, yeah?), smirking, feigned innocence in the 'who me?' hand to chest mime. Standard. Had to go back to acting immediately, didn't they? Or face the consequences, and neither of them was ready to deal with salvaging from that level of fucked up wreckage, she more than reckoned.* I said I was taking you somewhere good, baby. You think that was it? *Shaking her head.* I'm just getting started, boy. *Finally turning back so she could direct them with purpose but throwing him back a coy look for good measure, making sure he was still up for it, hoping the spell didn't have to be broken yet.* It is your Birthday, after-all. Let me treat you. Keep up, though, yeah?
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