#they had good intentions but horrible execution. luckily I wasn't there to witness it!
goldshykitsune · 4 months
I thought I should share this now before it changes...
My teachers I've had were always supportive of their students.
Being homosexual, transgender, nonbinary, asexual or whatever else that way was always something they accepted or at least tried to and tried to understand and respect.
Even poly relationships weren't shunned.
One teacher at my school I believe last year was going to get fired over a pride flag (actually it was multiple not just one. They had a pansexual, bisexual, progressive, and a few others.) So instead of giving up on their students they risked it and the a bunch of other teachers also decided to put up pride flags.
Most of them being the teachers on the english floor.
We even had a banned LGBTQIA+ books at the school library.
Our school was also known as most diverse and well I personally would say most accepting.
The school doesn't even shame furries and actually you will get compliments a lot from teachers and staff no matter what things you wear.
These teachers were never told to do this. They did it because they knew it was right.
They won't make fun of weight either. They actually really are accepting and encouraging for everyone.
Even people who are considered physically or mentally uncappable of doing this or even those who do things accidentally because of such conditions they may have.
I have plenty of friends who are tall, short, small, big, have mental or physical conditions, are LGBTQIA+, transgender, Nonbinary, Etc. And they all are accepted at my school. They all have people or teachers who have their backs.
I love it at the schools I went to cause they all accepting and willing to learn from students. Yes some bumps in the road found but the majority of people are amazing there. (Teacher and staff wise.)
I miss the principal my school used to have cause he was great at putting smiles on faces and being known but he had hotten promoted.
Now I dunno much about the current principle but... he's not been doing the best.
Actually I take back that all the staff is good. Mostly it's only the teachers and select faculty. Like the people who aren't commonly seen like college advisers, college helpers, and people who try doing the more future part of helping, they are great.
Like the college adviser literally has one if the progressive flags right up in her room. It's pretty cool and she's really friendly to everyone.
I do know however my experiences might be bias a bit because of me being likable and easily treated nicely. I do know that I can say I do listen to other students.
Many say their are issues.... but these issues aren't that big. Unless you count sports cause it's a 50/50 on if they are good and if the coaches are good... but I mean... it's hard to say cause I'm not that sportsy but I do notice they at least try. They may not do the best for a coach but they definitely try.
Oh and the art teachers are mostly amazing! I say mostly cause I know a few are said to be less so... but the ones in the art building are definitely loved!
That means the woods, ceramic (pottery), auto, painting, and graphic arts teacher are all amazing!
I rarely if ever hear anything bad. Even from the kids who are forced into those classes. Mostly they dislike the mess for like ceramics and woods. Graphics however only has two higher classes and so only a limited amount are allowed in. But the advanced one isn't that crowded which I like. (If you couldn't tell by now I'm in the advanced/3rd level of that class.)
Graphics also allows for so much time to do what you want as the assignments are usually easy but even I can say for some assignments it's boring with like everything but advanced. Advanced is well obviously where you are free to do as you please and I... chose to make Fnaf related stuff cause why not!
Anyways going to some classes that are more troublesome would be math classes as I hardly ever hear what they are doing... however I do know I understand people with accents better than most people at my school. Cause one math teacher has an accent and I can understand that teacher very clearly but others had troubles so I told people I could help them (long story short I did a math a level higher than most in my grade.)
Of course no one asked... sad.
So now to the science teachers... just yes. All the ones that do get talked about are amazing and good. The others are less talked about but I hadn't heard nothing bad about them... yet.
Hm... oh right the entire other building (my school has two separate buildings. [It would be funny if someone from that school at tumblr saw this and tried hunting me down.])
So the other building has some art teachers and science teachers that I already mentioned but it also has the history teachers... they are obviously the middle ground and can't exactly share opinions on how they feel on the government especially. (Legally they are more pressed not to. Like they don't go into specifics other than of course the government and citizenship class.) So they are all friendly and well I maybe could say there is potentially only... 2? 3? That I know nothing on. But like... 6 maybe 8 teachers if I did my calculations correctly that makes... not that many that I haven't heard of but then again it does make me wonder if I did and just forgot.
Anyways their is also other language teachers like the French, Japanese, and multiple Spanish teachers. I've heard all of them being coin flips on if people like them. But I can say the Japanese teacher is proud when students get to the third year (aka me last year. I didn't wanna try working around stuff to get it a fourth time.)
So what else... oh right the financial literature teachers... I say teachers but I only believe the one to be good. I sadly didn't have him and I feel sad but I got to be in his room for a year cause of a club that... sadly disbanded afterwards.
Oh then there is sewing, cooking, fashion, and child care.
I took sewing and two child care classes.
So for seeing that teacher is amazing! She let's students (seniors or those who have open slots in their schedules) to come into her class and hangout. Of course I had half a year of doing that and it was fabulous! I made a few plushies... one looks like a voodoo doll... I can't get the thought out my mind and I like that plushie.
Anyways the childcare teacher is pretty good too. She is willing to help work out getting people to classes and has a different last name now and sadly they can't change it until the next school year for whatever reason but she's married... oh right the seeing teacher also had a divorce and got married too and a student got to help make the wedding dress.
Back to the childcare teacher that teacher made you feel like you were the child whenever we had simulations and I hear that in a year to two they will have a preschool at the school for the school as they are remaking it.
The original school had sunk and they already had to rebuild it so yeah... but it's also damaged after an earthquake. (I'm trying so hard not to accidentally say were I live nor what school I go to but if you know what school this is please do not say or message me personally cause I don't want others knowing.)
Oh then the fashion teacher tgis yesr I tgink is the sewing teacher. But the one who used to do it was a... netural slate, didn't hear much but the sewing teacher said they were good and I dunno if they are still there.
I almost forgot the health teachers! So the one last year actually moved but oh my... I wanted to slap people because of tgeir comments on that teacher. (I didn't hurt no one. But they shamed her weight, all done by the students by the way.)
Oh right the cooking teacher(s?) They are both good, great food too. No bad comments. The one left tho.
Oh shoot I almost forgot the coding teacher! She's good, my friend loved her ap/advanced class. She kept getting injured tho... dunno why but she friendly. She definitely remembered me for like 3 or 2 years dunno if she still knows me.
Hm... psychology is a great teacher both of them. I got the newer one and she is an introvert. She's been teaching for a while and she loves talking to us but she gets awkward apparently and tries saying jokes to get the class laughing to make the awkwardness and tension go away.
(Totally didn't foreget the freshnan success, avid, and special education teachers.)
Avid teacher is amazing and literally is a hotspot for video gamers at lunch or early morning.
The other one I hardly ever hear of. Same with freshman success and the prep classes (prep for students like homework help or whatever else. Usually taken by juniors and sophomores.)
Special education? Hm... I think I only know maybe one? And well nothing bad only good the others... hm... guess reading and math help teachers aren't that bad (said by friends and family who had them.) The speech therapy teacher... dunno nor about the others but they all seem friendly with the students and nothing bad but I'm not too sure cause those friends of mine who have those teachers have schedules that are no where near crossing my paths if rhey still go to school... sadly I have only my one friend and family member as previously mentioned that I know much for. But even they rarely talk(ed) about those teachers
Anyone else?... dunno right now but you got all the teachers at the shared school. The school/building a bunch of individual schools share. You get to be away for two class periods cause if it... so like 2 hoursish.
Only early/mid morning or afternoon/later morning. Those teachers... yeah very accepting. Lots of jokes... not much is said about them tho but I hear about like 3 maybe 4. Two I have, 2 my friend had... 1 a different friend has... so maybe 5? I honestly dunno.
Okay I should go before I use all my time on my phone ranting about my school being so cool.
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