#they had to kill her off pregame bc of how awesome she is
cccotard · 2 months
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dancin anzus 🎶🎶🎶
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hawkinspostbite · 6 years
𝐵𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐵𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇
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So please tell me how often we see PLATONIC Billy Hargrove things? Not very often :) so here you go !!!
PS: Billy Hargrove is a SHIT person and I’m not gonna ignore that, but sometimes there’s parts of people we don’t see. So I didn’t erase his shitty parts, I just added some better ones. :)
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.
- ok let me just start off by saying you two would FUCK SHIT UPPPP at Hawkins
- Anyway let’s start from the beginning Billy was born before you so he had a whole year to himself to soak up being an only child but when you came along he HATED you
- So about the first three years of your life he hated you
- Until you started to actually walk and talk and then you two were inseparable
- When you guys were in middle school he gained his rep as the resident badass and you were right there beside him
- “Oh there go the Hargrove kids” literally Raising HELL in Cali
- It was around that same time when things started to fall apart with your parents
- Your dad never really came after you but you didn’t know it was because Billy would purposely take the fall for you
- You stayed out too late at a party? Billy said it was his fault
- You snuck out to fool around with a boy? Billy took the blame
- In high school you became a little more tame, ya know actually caring about school and stuff
- But ofc you still went wild on weekends
- Finally your parents split for good and within like six months you had a new stepmom and stepsister
- And tbh you didn’t hate having Maxine around (although you could do without her mom)
- But just like Billy you still acted like a little shit to her, but you’d never scream and belittle her just like agitating and being rude sometimes
- You threw a royal temper tantrum when your dad announced you were moving to Indiana
- “What do they even have there? COWS?”
- That was the first time your father ever scared you
- Conveniently Billy was out and it just got bad, you were screaming and Neil was screaming and the second his hand came down onto your face you immediately shut up
- You didn’t speak to your father for days
- When you finally moved to Hawkins you didn’t hate it
- Sure you missed it being warm and sunny, and your first worry was losing your tan you worked so hard for
- You tried your hardest to make Hawkins seem like home, which meant spending as little time at home as possible
- Somehow within like the first week you two had already had reputations
- You didn’t have your own car so you were always riding with Billy and taking max places didn’t bother you
- You went to parties pretty much every weekend, and you made your way around with boys (just like your big bro)
- And you two were soon raising hell in Hawkins
- Now it comes to the Halloween party
- You and Billy had always been competitive which means that ofc you had to challenge him on the keg that night
- You did not beat him but you sure did try
- You got worried when him and his friends went up to Steve and Nancy because you didn’t care that your brother was a complete drunken mess as long as he didn’t kill anybody in the process
- So you were quick to break that up
- And so began your frenemy-ship (?) with Nancy
- You didn’t hate her but you also didn’t like her so
- After a month or so you’d become used to Hawkins, it was nothing like Cali but you managed
- But you hadn’t really noticed that Billy had become progressively worse than normal until that one day he grabbed max
- And so you two had your first real real fight in sixteen years
- “Billy what the hell is wrong with you? Neil will literally kill you if he finds out you touched max? Do you even have a brain? Or has it completely left your head since we got here?”
- “Ah What the hell do you care? All you’ve been focused on is school and whatever dick you’ve been sucking”
- Then you two started screaming at each other just delivering low blow after low blow and then you just couldn’t take it anymore
- So you got out of the car, and just walked home
- You didn’t speak to Billy for days
- Then there was that day you saw max sneaking out and usually you would’ve snitched to Billy but instead you jumped out your window “Hey! Wherever you’re going I’m coming too” Lucas’ jaw dropped bc he didn’t put two and two together (he always thought you were Billy gf, gross)
- So you followed them to the junkyard where you met Steve once again and a cool kid named Dustin
- And somehow you ended up barricading yourself inside a bus and you received the entire story of like the whole past year with the upside down and eleven and the demogorgon within two minutes
- So then you heard really loud roars and gurgling sounds and Steve decided to outside of the bus which was dumb but what was even dumber was the fact that you followed him
- You went HAM on those demo-dogs and saved Steve’s life like 15 times
- After that was over you went to the byers’ house where you met mike (who was pretty cool), will (although he was possessed...), Joyce who was lovely, Jonathan didn’t talk much, Hopper was awesome, and Nancy was there, and then el who was pretty badass for a kid
- Then it came to the infamous fight
- You heard the camaro from like a mile away and instantly went into fight mode
- “Stay away from the window guys” you stood right inside the door, watching through the little peephole as Steve was pushed to the ground. great
- Billy burst through the door “shit y/n I didn’t expect you to be here, with Harrington” he was actually surprised
- You put your hand on his chest as his eyes locked on max and the other kids “ok Billy I know you’re pissed but let’s not get out of hand here” and he shoved you out of the way and you were in shock
- Billy had never, N E V E R laid a hand on you and you were not having that so you stood up and while he was on the ground from Lucas you pushed the kids behind you and just cracked him right on the face
- “You PROMISED me that you would never turn into dad! You fucking pushed me Billy! Who the hell are you? Where is my brother ?!”
- But he just glared at you with pure evil in his eyes and shoved you out of the way, you stumbled, which led you to fall, smacking your head against the counter on the way down and then you were out cold
- When you woke up you had no clue where you were
- Turns out you were in Billy’s car, sitting practically on top of mike
- Steve was freaking the hell out and Dustin was yelling at him, Lucas was yelling at max who was driving ?! Holy shit
- “Somebody please tell me what the H E LLLLLL is going on?!” You screamed but before you could get an answer the car stopped
- at the tunnels max quickly explained how she stabbed Billy with a needle and while he was your brother you were never prouder of Max than that moment
- And you guys torched the tunnels, and el closed the gate and Will became un-infected
- You and max and Billy never mentioned that night
- After that tho you became so close with max it was awesome and you spent a lot of time with the other kids too it was pretty fun
- You didn’t make the first move to make up with Billy surprisingly it was him
- He came into your room one day when you were doing some work “what do you want?”
- “I wanna apologize. For pushing you around that night. I didn’t mean to break that promise but I was just so pissed and you know dad and-“
- “Ya know what bill it’s fine. Just don’t worry about it. “
- He didn’t believe you at first but then you didn’t say anything and he knew that you really meant it
- So it was basically back to normal after that
- You and Billy got messed up at parties on weekends, didn’t take any shit from anyone, and during the week you went to school and hung out with max and her friends
- For the first time in your life you were actually happy
- Sitting in one of your rooms and sharing a blunt (shhhh we all know Billy blazed it on the reg)
- Laying on the floor of your room and just listening to music together
- Party pregames we’re always lit
- “Two shots for me, two shots for you”
- “Ok bill you’re not driving then we’ll have to walk”
- “I’m not fucking walking to a party y/n so let’s just hope we don’t die”
- if there wasn’t a party you two would go get ice cream and drive to a random spot and just sit quietly
- You’d always patch him up after fights with your dad
- Helping each other sneak out
- Rolling up to parties together
- Billy can be the best brother or the worst it’s really your choice
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