#they have brackets. they make bets. hannah acts like she's not extremely into it (she is).
queenofbaws · 1 year
Just because I think the idea of it is absolutely hilarious, I've decided as of like 30 seconds ago that Josh's guilty pleasure game is the sims. Do I know what he does with those sims? Absolutely not! Maybe he goes full horror or soap opera, or maybe he just plays the most vanilla game ever. I literally have no idea, I'm just extremely amused with the idea that this is a game he has poured like *thousands* of hours into and doesn't want a single person to know of that fact fhdjdksjdhd
Anyways, do with this knowledge what you will. I just wanted to share it lol.
"One time," she said with her head on her hand, her words coming out smooshed thanks to how her fingers pressed against her cheek, "just one time, I wish your answer to 'Hey, fucko, whatcha up to?' was something normal, like...'I dunno, sis, doing the dishes,' or 'Finishing up some homework, shut up.'"
Josh turned from the monitor just as the room full of houseplants caught fire; it cast a lovely orange glow on his face. "The day I do the dishes is the day you know the government has realized I'm too great a threat to the safety of this great country of ours, and they've replaced me with a clone. Now just admit you're pissed that your Sim was the first to die in this round of Survivor and get over it."
Pretending that wasn't it at all, that she didn't care who did or didn't die in the house full of booby traps (or that her character had met their end in the most shameful of ways, burning mac and cheese and setting all the nearby kitchen ferns alight), Beth scooted her chair a few inches closer to the desk, nudging Josh's arm away with her elbow until she had room enough to get comfortable next to him. "Ten bucks says Hannah ends up stuck in the pool."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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