#they have such good taste but then they also have ulterior motives T_T at the very least they help you choose very pretty undergarments
merakiui · 8 months
mera this is important, which one of the twst boys likes to suck titty????
RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS. Latched onto your titty and everything like he's got an Oedipus Complex. T_T he's so obsessed with your tits and if you're lactating as well???? Double kill. He's mostly normal on the outside, but if there's anything that draws attention to your tits he's not-so-slyly looking and fantasizing. That one time he overheard you telling Cater about the new bra you bought when you went into town... aaaaaa he's never been more jealous of him. How dare Cater get to go bra shopping with you!!! And it's a lacy bra, too......... you're driving him crazy. >_<
Rollo also comes to mind. Perhaps even Floyb...... orz mama's boy Floyb who slips up and calls you Mama while he's very greedily suckling from your nipple hehe. <3 AAAAAA AND AZUL...... orz there are plenty of others as well (Deuce, Leona, Ruggie, Kalim, Epel, Rook, Idia, Sebek), but due to the hold Riddle Era has on me Riddle is so very vivid in my mind. >:D
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cakenexams · 5 years
For the payment for one mission, Mu Yeung got one spell scroll
He took it back home to explore, Eun Yul curious pokes it
Suddenly, the duo got transported to a very different world...
cMaru’s jaw dropped as two dropped into his room
Both are also very shocked to see him, and Mu Yeung said he doesn’t feel like their Maru-hyung
cMaru said he is also very sure they are not the Hyung-nim and Eun Yul-hyung he knows, polite but a bit jumpy, asked them to wait a bit, called cMu Yeung
cIgnatio answered, and since cMaru is panicking, they promised to come over immediately
But cMaru mentioned it is a ‘Eun Yul level emergency’, since they cooked lunch it is better he brings his “problems” over instead
Got Uber and Eun Yul and Mu Yeung kind of amazed by the technology, but have to agree cMaru is too jumpy and panicking
cMaru just meeped
Arrived at cMu Yeung’s house, Eun Yul and Mu Yeung very surprised to see the cake world’s twins
More surprised to find out they and cMaru are adoptive siblings
Yu Jin o.o and whispered for cMaru to ask Choi for help to cook
cMaru sweatdrop and messaged Choi to come over after work
While eating they chatted, Mu Yeung said in their world Eun Yul and Choi are their neighbours, and were brought up by Maru-hyung, a mature and calm vampire, who can be very scary at times 
Eun Yul complained that despite that Maru is still their Maru and he’ll make sure Maru doesn’t leave them again!
cMaru sweatdrop but says that Maru of their world sounds like a wonderful person
Though he asked why is the Maru of their world taking care of them? Wouldn’t Jiyul and Daewon be Choi’s parents?
Eun Yul’s mood soured, said they died a long time ago
Even cYu Jin is shocked
cMaru hesitatingly, asked if they would like to go to the restaurant to eat, although it is the Jiyul and Daewon of his world, but would they-
cMu Yeung cut him off, said they are from different worlds, it is best if their worlds don’t mix so much
Eun Yul snorted and said he doesn’t care about the two by now, is smacked on the head by Mu Yeung who said he is lying
Mu Yeung said it isn’t right, but, but he hopes that Eun Yul can meet his adoptive parents even if a little, he asks if Maru-hyung would agree with that
All shocked as three appeared in the room: Ignatio, Choi, and Maru
Choi asked if it is real, they have a chance to meet their parents again, shaking Mu Yeung hard
Ignatio is like yo, cIgnatio yo back, both hit on well and are soon chatting
cMaru is just totally at awe at Maru, and even asked to take a picture of Maru because he just looks so cool
Maru sweatdrop, but allowed his picture to be taken
Maru told them that he would allow it this once, he wasn’t able to bring his kids’ parents back, just this once-
cChoi rushed in, immediately hugged cMaru tight asking him what is wrong
cEun Yul walked in saying Jin’s tried a new recipe, and jaw dropped seeing everyone there
More chatting while cYu Jin cooked more dishes with cChoi
Choi rushed to learn anything new he can try, is wierded out soon as cChoi just refuses to shut up about how much he loves his boyfriend
Maru is twitching at what he is hearing, cMaru turned really red
Eun Yul is O.O to know cMaru and cChoi are dating and thinks it is just plain gross and wrong
Since Maru is like a big brother to them
Maru so touched that Eun Yul thinks that way because Eun Yul never seemed to show him any ounce of respect T_T
cEun Yul quite surprised Jiyul and Daewon adopted him because in this world they didn’t
Like they gave him a place to slack and work, but he’s real free to roam around
cMu Yeung smack him on the head saying he’s just loafing in their home for the free food
cIgnatio rolls his eyes and say there they go again, Ignatio laughs and says their two troublemakers are like that too-
He soon took back his words when it is clear the two are less of fighting and more of making out there
Mu Yeung and Eun Yul jaw dropped and moved much further from each other
cMaru just pretended he isn’t there, didn’t see anything, glowing very red
cIgnatio had to toss both out of the dining room and complained on one hand they have these two, and on the other is cChoi and cMaru, who are just... pure vanilla
cChoi with dessert said his Maru is the best and he loves him the most
Kisses cMaru and cuddles him tight
cIgnatio: this is what I have to put up with and rotted most of my teeth off >.>
1d2k gang sweatdrop
while recovering from the heavy meal, cMaru told cChoi about their plan
cChoi said they can have the private room, there are no bookings for the day, he’ll call his parents to let them know first
But knowing cChoi cMaru ended up making the call instead
Tried to explain nicely there are two guests who would like to meet them, Maru put up fingers for 7, and cMaru sweatdrop asking for a table for 7 in the private room
cMu Yeung asked why 7, Maru pulled Chaeeun and Sooyang into their world
Chaeeun is beside herself with worry and hugged Mu Yeung and Ignatio
Sooyang politely thanked Maru, but said he must have an ulterior motive for bringing them there
Maru said since they are Eun Yul and Choi’s guardians, he would like them to meet their parents too
Like if his kids try anything, he wishes they would be able to stop them
Chaeeun grinned and said it wouldn’t be for free
cIgnatio said although they aren’t as melodramatic, that are just like their parents
He pondered if it is a good idea to skype them now, glares from cMu Yeung, cMaru and cYu Jin he soon gave up on the idea
Maru said he doesn’t wish for them to make too big a mark on their world since they don’t belong there, he could undo the spell that brought Eun Yul and Mu Yeung there but hearing cMaru’s offer, he wanted to let his kids see how their parents could have been like
It is a little bit cruel he knows, but being took late to change their fates, he can only do this much for his lovely kids
cake cast looked from his sad smile and Choi and Eun Yul
cake: (lovely kids????)
cJiyul and cDaewon are very shocked by the guests, especially with Eun Yul hugging them tight and refusing to let go, and Choi crying
Maru apologetically apologises for them, tried to explain that they are from another world
Said these two kids lost their parents in their world, and he is selfishly requesting for them to meet up
cDaewon shouted for both to stop crying, Choi cried even more, saying he is just like his dad and he misses his dad
cDaewon smacked him on the head lightly saying he is all grown up now, he shouldn’t cry so much
cChoi kind of envious
cJiyul said they aren’t the parents they lost, but she’s sure their parents would be proud of what they’ve become
They would want them to be happy and not cry like this
Choi cried even more
First time Choi ate faster and more than Eun Yul, stuffing himself while in tears, saying everything just tastes like what his parents used to cook
Eun Yul just kept telling both cJiyul and cDaewon about his achievements, cJiyul said she’s sure their parents would be proud of them while cDaewon nodded approvingly
Eun Yul beaming
Twins told cChoi his parents are really amazing cooks, and they with Chaeeun and Sooyang chat a bit
Choi very unwilling to leave, Daewon said he is a good kid, and good kids listen to their parents
Choi immediately bowed and thanked them for the food and ran to Maru’s side, asking to be taken back
Eun Yul told cChoi to take good care of his parents or else
1d2k peeps return, cJiyul said they remind them so much of cChoi and cEun Yul when they were young
that is when cChoi wasn’t so rebellious and cEun Yul wasn’t so busy picking fights
Said they wouldn’t mind if the nice kids come by more often, though the payment might be an issue
found some gold nuggets left behind as payment, kept them as mementos of the visit
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