#they just wanna date in peace but that's too much to ask for in gintama
hydrangeawrites · 1 year
Hijikata's shoulders do this little jump thing and then he straightens in his seat. His hands aren't covering his face anymore, but Gintoki's willing to bet that under the chabudai where no one can see, he's got his nails digging into his palms the way he always does whenever he's nervous.
...And now Gintoki's getting kinda nervous too. Are they actually in trouble? Wait, is there a no-dating clause somewhere in their Code or something? There wouldn't be, right? Hijikata wrote it, but he wouldn't go that far, right?
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hypmicwritingbutbad · 6 years
hifumi, ichiro, and ramuda when their s/o is obviously super sleepy (eyes can’t stay open, clingy, etc.) but protests going to bed because they want to keep spending time together? lmao ty!!
Here you gooo anon!! This was such a cute request fiufrhjfr I was crying when I wrote this;;; I hope I did it the justice it deserves!! 
You’d been visiting Hifumi’s host club for the first time to replace Jakurai, who’d bailed on the visit last minute (for good reason, however)
And of course, the blonde had put in a special request to be the main host of your table
The night had been relatively merry; Hifumi certainly didn’t fail to sweep you off your feet like he normally did, and the atmosphere had been full of jovial chatter
But the alcohol had made you just so sleepy, and before you knew it you’d found yourself struggling to battle your drowsy eyes and imminent yawns
Even if he’s entertaining other people, Hifumi would definitely notice your head drooping from beside him
Gently, he’d tap you in the shoulder and ask if you’re alright
— But it’d make his heart melt to see you blinking determinedly and rubbing your eyes as you mumble “Keep ‘em comin’, I’m still wiiiiide awake…!” in the delirious state of being half-awake and partially intoxicated
He’d ultimately respect your wishes and keep the party going
But if he sees you jolt downwards suddenly, he’d immediately pull you towards him in the most spontaneous way while still managing to appear completely natural to the others on your table
If you instinctively wrap your arms around and snuggle against him like you normally do in private, he’d feel his heart beating much faster than it should be— and it wouldn’t be because of the alcohol
He’d want nothing more than to return the gesture and nuzzle into your hair, but he’d stop himself as there are other customers to entertain
So he’d excuse himself from the table for a while, picking you up bridal-style and carrying you to the staff room where he’d lay you down on the couch and insist you get some sleep
(Of course as much as he’d like to stay with you, he’d likely get an extremely trusted coworker of his to watch over you as he heads back)
But not before pressing an affectionate kiss against your forehead and making sure you’re as comfortable as possible (given that you’d be using the hosts’ spare jackets as a makeshift blanket lol)
He’d come back to pick you up in the morning when his shift is over and carry you back home
Then collapse exhausted alongside you onto the couch in your living room and fall fast asleep without even bothering to change his clothes
But that’s honestly what the two of you do best
Date nights between the two of you were often very simple: if he wasn’t bringing you out to Akihabara or hopping around the different Animates available in Shinjuku or Shibuya, you and Ichiro were often content to simply stay at home
Perhaps playing video games or watching the sappiest of shoujo anime
(Sometimes the two of you would be able to stay up to 2AM binge-watching a particularly good series)
But today had been different: he’d found it strange how your reflexes seemed so much slower during your game on Mario Kart (in which he won for the first time in ages)
Plus he’d been getting worried because of your lack of reaction to the corny jokes being made in Gintama episode 35 that usually made you shriek with unsuppressible laughter
He’d nudge you with his elbow, asking you if you’re feeling unwell
But it wouldn’t take him long to put two and two together upon seeing the sight of you rubbing your eyes before shooting him a wobbly smile
He’d immediately switch off the TV and insist that you go home before it gets late
“It’s getting dark and I don’t want you walking home when it’s late and all the creeps lurk around the streets!” “It’s already dark though?? We’ve been watching Gintama for the past three hours…” “wait what– oH CRAP”  
I admit that he’d go absolutely weak if you pull the cute card and cling onto his arm determinedly, staring at him with a groggy little pout on your face as you insist that you want to finish the rest of the episode with him
But at heart Ichiro still is an extremely attentive boyfriend who worries too much over your wellbeing, so there’s no way he’d let you continue onwards when you’re so obviously exhausted
He’d end up making a makeshift fort of pillows and leaning back onto it, pulling you close to him so you can rest your head on his chest
You’d try to protest at first, but the steady beating of his heart you’d be able to so clearly hear would gently lull you into a peaceful sleep
The two of you would likely stay like that for the rest of the night: you curled up and snuggled against him, Ichiro stroking your hair and taking in the calming smell of the conditioner you always use
And he wouldn’t mind the tingling pins-and-needles in his arm one bit
One of the reasons why Ramuda wanted to pursue a long-term relationship with you instead of his usual flings was because he loved how well you were able to put up with his unlimited supply of energy
He’d never have to worry about you tiring out or lagging behind
Or whining at him to “Slow down!” or “Be quiet for a while?” like how the other women would once all the fun and games wore off
Because you’d always be there to battle his affectionate glomps with peppy tackles of your own, and so on and so on
But you’re still human too, and it just so happened that your date night took place after an exhausting day of overworking and staying up late to meet deadlines
He’d honestly be too used to messing around and goofing off with you to notice your little yawns and sudden jolts at first
But he’d soon find your lack of usual spunk rather… strange
He’d squat down next to you and feel your forehead for a fever, asking “Hey hey, what’s wrong~?”
And he’d immediately see the little waver in your eyes as you shake your head to jolt yourself back to reality
“Nothing!” You’d chirp as you blink furiously, and he’d only hum in response
He’d find it fun to mess around with you in your delirious state
Asking ridiculous questions, teasing you relentlessly and poking your cheeks to see if he’d be able to get a different reaction out of you
He’d spurt with laughter if you waved his hand off indignantly and mumbled some slurred replies and comments of your own
Because it’d kinda be like talking to a happy drunk, and he’d find that absolutely adorable
“So what do you wanna do when we get back?” “Mhmm… I wanna cuddle. Yeah, cuddles are nice… Cuddle like a wnsbsn… a plushmochi.” “A what now?? Lol.”
Despite this, he’d still take good care of you; if the two are out, he’d make sure to hold your hand tightly and guide you around safely
If any other man dares make eyes at you, he’d send them the most intimidating glare he’d manage and pull you close to him
He’d make sure to walk you back home, though he wouldn’t tell you because he knows you’d protest returning back so early
Instead, he’d just entertain you with little chit-chat; perhaps keeping your attention by asking you little questions about your day (and not minding your nonsensical replies), or telling you about what he and his Posse were up to this last week
If you fall asleep anyways, he’d carry you back himself (he’s much stronger than he looks, mind you!) all the way to your house
Then tuck you up in bed, but not before kissing you lightly on the tip of your nose 
“Rest up lots and get your beauty sleep, m‘kay? It’s no fun when only one of us has the energy to play…”
You’d wake up the next morning to find both a takeaway of your favourite breakfast of hotcakes and whipped cream on your kitchen table, and him passed out in your living room
But you’d leave some for him and let him sleep
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