#they love each other too much for me to... y'know... tl them properly. lmaoooo
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
A Love Letter for Valentine’s Day: Chapter 6
when the shiawase~~~
previous part (chapter 5)
next part (chapter 7)
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Mona: Don’t tell me, the feelings when you’re in love are…!
Yusuke, Ayako, and Sena looked over at Mona upon hearing her shout of epiphany.
Mona: I thought that… the desires of “wanting to become cute”, or “not wanting to be hated” all stemmed from the feelings of love.
Mona: I had wondered if the feelings of wanting to do something for a certain someone meant that I was in love with them, or something…
Mona: But… in actuality, love seems to be… a feeling that you just grow to have rather naturally, I guess…
Mona: Could a sense of happiness that has grown to become the norm perhaps be… one of the feelings of love as well…?!
Ayako: …Yeah, you’ve nailed it.
Yusuke: Yup, yup. That’s my girl, Mona. You catch on really quickly.
Mona: (If… If a sense of “happiness” happens to be one of the feelings of love, instead of those feelings being solely about “heart pounding” sensations…) 
Mona: Wait, aren’t those the same feelings I have for all my fans… my Monacas…?!
Mona: (Doesn’t that mean… my fans are the ones whom I’m in love with?)
Mona: (I’ll be able to use my honest feelings for all of them to write my “love letter”, then—)
Mona: Thanks a lot, Dad, Mom, and Big Sis too!
Mona: I think I understand it all a little better now!
Mona: I’ve got something to get to, so I’ll be heading back to my room! Ah, I’ll be taking my tea with me!
Ayako: Sure thing. Be sure not to spill it, ‘kay?
Yusuke: …And there she goes at full speed.
Ayako: Yeah. But… our girls are just going to keep on growing up, aren’t they?
Yusuke: Just watching them overwhelms me with emotions, you know?
Ayako: Same goes for me. They’re… the embodiments of our “love”, after all.
The day of the Valentine’s Day live—
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mona: (I’m really nervous, but… today’s the day! I’ll definitely succeed…!)
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Minami: Hey, mona!
mona: Ah, Minami!
Minami: It’s almost time for you to go on. Let’s both do our best to give the greatest performances that we possibly can.
mona: Yup! Break a leg!
mona: By the way, were you able to write your love letter?
Minami: Of course I was!
Minami: It’s a little embarrassing, but… I penned down my honest feelings into it.
Minami: I don’t really want you to listen to it, though.
mona: Eh?! I’ll be sure to listen real closely to it instead, then.
mona: Wait, no.
mona: I’ll already be back in the dressing room by the time you perform, right? There aren’t any monitors in there, so I probably won’t be able to listen in…
Minami: Haha, that works out well for me, then.
Minami: …How about you, mona? Did you write your love letter?
mona: (...I’m a little embarrassed about it too, but…)
mona: I sure did!
mona: I think my letter is of an acceptable standard.
Minami: That’s good.
Minami: I’ll be sure to listen real closely to it, then.
mona: That’s not fair!
mona: I still have yet to know what love is, so take that into consideration as you listen in, got it?!
mona: (...Yup, I still have yet to truly understand what love is… however…)
mona: (These are my personal “feelings of love” that I’ve found…!)
Staff: mona! You’re up!
mona: Got it! I’m coming!
And so, mona stepped forth onto the brightly illuminated stage—
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