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ARI: What is the fun crisis? ARI: Is it something like not having any donuts in the house? ARI: Should I brace myself for impact? 
snapchat || ari. 😘
{ @theariannawoods }
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MANETTE: i have to tell you something. MANETTE: it was not the plan, but i’m having a fun crisis. MANETTE: we will laugh about it in the future, but today, it is not.
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i didn’t think it was gonna turn into a serious game or i would’ve worn actual shoes! it hurts like a bitch, but i’ll live and thank you cutie pie! i was planning on going to aspen with my mini – but i think crutches and ice sound like a recipe for me breaking another bone so as of now, i’ve got no plans.
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Do you need help decorating for Christmas? I think a nice friend of yours would be willing to help with anything you need during this special time of year! Be careful on anything slippery with those crutches! Wouldn’t want you to be telling everyone next that you broke an arm falling from a slippery floor in your home!
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Maybe a tutor would be a good thing to invest in if you keep on going back? I know that it is said to be harder to learn languages as an adult but it is worth a shot! How long are you staying in Japan?
Book a flight back to Japan. Ya know, I’ve kinda adopted that as my second home and I love it there! The food is so good!! Just wish I could speak the language, life would be easier then when it’s not being translated by a 5 year old
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I could have told you that? Big ball coming toward your foot at high speeds. All sounds painful! Hope your broken foot heals up fast though! Any special Christmas plans? 
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don’t play soccer with flip flops, because you WILL fall and you WILL break something – like i don’t know a fucking foot maybe? now i’m gonna be in a cast through christmas. ho, ho, fucking ho merry christmas to me. 
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You are forgetting about something really important and that is called a cookie fairy! They come and give your children cookies in the middle of the day when you least expect it! So what happened? Did you find out where she had gotten the cookies from? Or was it my fairy theory? 
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melody came up to me sobbing hysterically – making me of course damn near have a heart attack. so i ask her what happened and she looks at me, cries harder and says, “panini ate my cookie, he bit my finger and ate my cookie! daddy go get him!” i’m still wondering where the hell these kids always get cookies from?
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( SABRINA CARPENTER, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER, NINETEEN ) — you know who i love ? (ARIANNA WOODS ), you know the ( SINGER AND ACTRESS ) they’re literally all over snapchat with their little family ! ( PLAYING ON GIRL MEETS WORLD ) has really made something of themselves around hollywood. didn’t you see on the news earlier, they ( ARE HAVING ) a baby with ( PEYTON MEYERS ), how CUTE is that ?! ( JENNIFER, 20, EASTERN )
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Hard of hearing. Wears a hearing aid for the most part.  ((Played by a hoh mun. Have been wanting to play a hoh muse for a while now and seeing someone play a muse with a hearing impairment and you guys seem welcoming to them so this might be a good place to bring this finally to life like I have been dreaming of doing! ))
Has been singing since she was a small child, didn’t get signed until she was around ten though.
Grew up with acting parents so she very much so had a silver spoon in her mouth
Announced she was pregnant on instagram with her boyfriend, hands-on flat stomach with a cute caption about her excitement. 
Is currently just focusing on music but plans on doing some 
Goes by Ari to friends and family but to everyone else out in the world, it is Arianna only. 
She has a dog named Peanut that is a purse dog (Yorkie) and an orange and white cat named Ginger (Which is funny considering that the cat isn’t orange). 
Speaks French, Spanish, and English. 
Is Vegetarian and has been since she was around 11 years old.
Knows American sign language. Her parents had her learning from a young age. 
Her family often pushed aside the fact that she was hoh, claiming that she wasn’t or that she was selective in what she heard and not that she truly had a hearing impairment. She doesn’t consider herself as a problem or that her hard of hearing to be a problem. 
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