#they might be saving inej's backstory for later but like. you can't understand why inej wants him so bad without it.
eerna · 2 years
The more I hear abt the way show!kaz talks to inej (like calling her a weak link apparently for not being there because she was helping people???)And a bunch of other insensitive stuff he would never ever say to her in the books the angrier I get like I cannot believe they took book kanej who were supposed to subvert the whole bad boy/good girl trope and then made them fall into that trope in the show
This might be me being subjective due to how much more affectioate he is towards her in the adaptation, but I do have to cover for him a little bit bc he is an insensitive jerk in the book, too. I don't think he would ever tell her "forget about your parents already", but most of the other stuff is pretty in-line. The subversion comes from the fact that Inej doesn't interpret it as "Awww he is being mean because he is scared of his feelings!", she tells him "Buddy you either solve your emotional issues and start treating me right or I'm gone." HOWEVER, the show makes it all very one-sided and ignores Inej's trauma and the fact that she also wants his help in return, so it rings much more hollow.
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