#they say your name like dinkleburg every time i bring you up in passing and it makes me giggle
adrenaline-roulette · 5 years
Welcome one and all, to the shitshow MASTERLIST My requests are always open! Currently I write for Queen, the BohRhap cast, Six Underground, Jurassic Park, Until Dawn, Labyrinth, and Night at the Museum. Don’t see your fandom on the list? Hit me up anyways, I’ll happily try my hand at writing for other fandoms! 
Smut = 💋 Angst = 👀 Violence = 🦴
Brian May x Reader 
He’ll save every one of us -In Progress-  Summary: “If you want to kick something, feel free to kick our van, Roger’s been pissing me off all week.” Came a deep voice from behind you both. “I’m sorry Mister, but I have a strict no kicking stranger’s cars policy. You’ll just have to kick Roger’s car yourself.” “Is there any particular reason as to why Roger’s car should be the victim of such abuse?”
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five 👀 Chapter Six 👀 Chapter Seven
Is this just fantasy?  -Time Travel Fic In Progress-  Summary:  "Want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?” The idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.” “I never understood why you like that one so much!” “I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.” “As a dietitian in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.” “For a dietitian in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.” “Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!”
Chapter One Chapter Two
It’s strange but it’s true -One Shot- Summary:  It’s 1984, Queen are filming the music video for I want to break free, though Brian hasn’t told his girlfriend about the whole cross dressing aspect of the shoot yet. What happens when she decides to show up to filming one day? “Roger…. What the actual fuck are you wearing right now?”
Chapter One 💋
Roger Taylor x Reader
Love of my life -One shot- Summary:  Roger Taylor's girlfriend is heavily pregnant, one night they decide to pick the perfect name for their unborn child, Though Roger has some seriously terrible suggestions. (Domestic Roger is my spirit animal)
Chapter One
Dining at the Ritz we’ll meet at 9 -One Shot- Summary:  “I’m telling the truth! I know what – Who I saw!” “Brian, just because the waitress and Roger’s friend have the same name, does not mean they are the same person.” “Friend? I think she’s a bit more than that.” “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean." “A friend who you will not stop talking about? A friend who you couldn’t stop grinning after she agreed to have dinner with you? Shall I go on?” “Freddie, I will kill you if you don’t shut up!”
Chapter One
Crazy little thing called love -One Shot- Summary:  “Turn around! Get your arse back in that fitting room right this second!” She yells, waving her arms above her head wildly. “Mary? What on Earth are you doing?” “Roger! The boys! They’re outside, they saw me and are coming in!” “Get rid of them! I don’t care what you have to do, but they cannot be in here!” You plead.
Chapter One
I’m in love with my car -One Shot- Summary: We all know Roger Taylor is in love with his car, but who is the song really about? Who do the metaphor's relate back to? "I’ve only just convinced myself not to walk back to London to see you after realising how long it would take me.” “You were going to walk back to London, just to see me?" “The thought did occur to me.”
Chapter One 💋
John Deacon x Reader 
A permanent deal -One Shot- Summary: “Right, just promise me this isn’t going to become the new look for the band alright? I mean, Brian’s got enough hair already, and I’m not entirely sure Roger can even grow facial hair.” John shrugs. “I don’t have that much hair.” “Bri, we could shave you and have your hair turned into costumes for the entire cast of cats!”
Chapter One
Joe Mazzello x Reader
Everybody walk the dinosaur  -Halloween One Shot-
Chapter One
Gwilym Lee x Reader
King of the pumpkin patch -Halloween One Shot- 
Chapter One
Ben Hardy x Reader
Let’s split up gang!  -Halloween One Shot-
Chapter One
Jet Lag -One Shot- Summary:  “I use a different name when travelling. One that’s less likely to have people catch on to it being me.” “What name do you use?” “Probably something stupid, like Dinkleburg Flapjack.” “I like to go by a name literally no one will ever now. Joe Mazzello is one of my favourites to use. Shockingly, no one’s ever heard of him?” 
Chapter One
Four x Eight (Reader) -Six Underground
Four Eighths  -Work in progress- Summary: A tech genius turned freelance hacker, turns to a life of crime in order to make ends meet, and to pay her bills. But what happens when she robs the wrong man? “You’re lucky I only shot your arm, I was half tempted to aim one at your leg too!” “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Do you expect me to thank you for only shooting me once?” “You’re sassy, I like you.”
Chapter One 🦴 Chapter Two Chapter Three 👀🦴 Chapter Four 👀 Chapter Five 👀 Chapter Six 👀💋 (Both are minor) Chapter Seven 💋 Chapter Eight 💋 Chapter Nine 👀 (Very minor) Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven 👀
Ahkmenrah x Reader - Night at the museum 
I am flesh and I am bone -Work in progress- Summary: At seven years old, you find yourself lost in the American Museum of Natural History. The magic of Ahkmenrah's tablet unfolds around you, and you find yourself living growing up amongst the people you had only ever read about! “Can I ask how old you are?” “At the time of my passing, I was nineteen. Though if you count my age by the years I have experienced, then I am a few thousand years old.” “So that means in twelve years, I’ll be the same age as you!” “Technically you are correct. There will come a day where we are both nineteen.”
Chapter One Chapter Two
Josh Washington x Reader -Until Dawn
I say no -Work in progress- Summary: Set after Hannah and Beth's disappearance, but before the return to the mountain.Straining your ears, you tried your best to pick up on what some of the surrounding people were talking about, though you were only able to pick up bits and pieces. “Washington sisters…” “-Police didn’t find any trace.” “Think Josh will come back?” “Hannah and Mike got cosy….”
Chapter One 👀 (Minor) Chapter Two 👀 (Minor)
Tim Murphy x Reader - Jurassic Park
Time of your life -One shot- Summary:  “Come here for a second.” “What’s up?” “Well, we never got a photo of us on our first day here, but I want to remember this. It’s a big deal ya know, the whole moving out of your family home and all that jazz. So, let’s get a photo now, we can show off my artistic ability in the process too.” “A perfect idea, I’ll grab my camera, and I’ll get the photo printed next time I’m in the mall.” “Welcome home Tim.”
Chapter One 👀 (Minor)
Jareth x Sarah - Labyrinth 
Absolute Beginners -Work in progress- Summary:  “Remember that chat we had the other day?” “You mean the one where we discussed whether pork was really a type of vegetable?” “No, not that o- Wait, when did we have THAT conversation?!” “Perhaps that was with my advisor Garret, not matter, please continue.”
Chapter One Chapter Two
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