#they were hit pretty hard by Aiden's “death” in the phantom dimension
rainbowangel110 · 10 months
Hey uh real quick, has anyone seen @b3achysurfur around? It's been more than a week since I've seen them, kinda worried if they're okay
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mothstache · 2 months
Jesse idolized the Old Order especially when he was younger. The reveal of the truth by Soren arguably hit the hardest for him.
He found Reuben as a piglet passing by an abandoned farm on his way to town.
He’s always been the most levelheaded member of the group, however if pushed to his limit he can get outwardly aggressive. He feels very guilty about it afterwards.
After the events of Season 2, he stays a few more weeks in Beacontown before leaving to adventure with Petra.
Jesse and Olivia have been friends since childhood.
Jesse was the one to find Axel when they were teens after catching him fleeing a raid.
He’s genderfluid (he/she) and bisexual (slight preference for men).
He’ll grow his hair out pretty long before cutting it really short again.
After Season 2, he gains a phobia of being misunderstood whether through tone or action, due to the Admin mimicking his identity.
He has PTSD from the events of the Wither Storm, though he rarely talks about that period.
While he is super close with everyone in the new Order, he and Olivia can read each other like a book having known each other so long.
After Reuben’s death, Jesse fell into a silent depression for a while and would still leave out food and water for Reuben despite knowing he was no longer with him.
Ellegaard’s death hit horribly hard for him, being what truly shook him to the core for the first time since the creation of the Wither Storm.
Has feelings for everyone in the new Order (especially Lukas).
Was mentored in potion brewing by Ivor for a while.
Olivia’s love of engineering partly came from a few old redstone books passed down to her from her aunt. The title of the author has long since faded, but the books were written long ago by Harper.
She met Jesse when they were kids, having grown up in the same childhood town.
She has anxiety and ADHD.
After Season 1 she developed an even closer bond with Axel, as the two would see the most of each other despite the group going their separate ways.
Ellegaard was her idol since she was a young teen. Her death is something she’ll never get out of her mind.
She has fascination with Endermen (as well as the End dimension in general)
Post-Season 2, she’s one of the top redstone experts in the land.
She has an intense phobia of phantoms.
Olivia had a pet dog as a kid named Yarrow, she and Jesse would play fetch with him for hours on end.
Nell is her best friend outside the new Order.
She is a lesbian and holds romantic feelings for Petra.
She also holds queerplatonic feelings for Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
She’s an amazing cook despite not doing it often anymore.
Olivia and Lukas will sometimes spend hours on end reading history books and documents together.
Lukas was raised by his grandfather who was a historian, which later would become an interest of his.
Lukas has catfolk blood. The team name Ocelots isn’t just a random thing he chose - it’s unclear if Aiden, Maya and Gill ever knew about its origins.
He’s the best navigator in jungles, and an expert navigator in general with Axel.
He and Petra have been close friends for a long time, since Petra even met Jesse, Olivia and Axel.
Lukas is a bit of a people pleaser, which is how he ended up with friends like Aiden, Maya and Gill. It’s also why he wasn’t good about chastising his friends for their jerkish behavior.
He has Autism and finds himself masking a lot.
He once made a jacket for Olivia with an endermen face embedded into the back, similar to his old ocelot jacket.
He’s a trans man (he/him) and gay.
Holds feelings for Jesse and Axel, and is queerplatonic with Olivia and Petra.
Seeing Petra’s deterioration with their wither sickness was really hard for him. They were always one of the strongest people he knew so seeing them become weaker and weaker terrified him.
He’s good friends with Stacy and Stampy, and the both of them were the first he recruited for the new Ocelots.
He tamed his ocelot Dewey shortly after Season 1.
Axel is 15% hisskin. Some of the ways it shows itself physically are the green scales on his neck and shoulders, and him constantly smelling a bit like gunpowder. In addition, if he grows intensely angry or excited, sparks may literally fly out of his mouth when he talks.
Axel considers Jesse his first “real” friend. Prior to their meeting, Axel was part of a gang of thieves who would often leave him to fend for himself, whether because they were meanspirited or neglectful to the youngest of the group or both. When he first befriended Jesse, he was even more temperamental and stubborn, and very quick to do things his own way by habit. Being with Jesse and Olivia helped him to become more trusting and levelheaded, though he retained a lot of his rogue ways.
He has slight thalassophobia that he’s working on.
He has ADHD and BPD.
Axel was initially afraid Lukas would replace him in the friend group. He hated him for how rapidly close he was becoming with Jesse and Olivia, and deep down saw him as a smarter, more logical replacement to him.
VERY good with maps, plus he has a natural sense of direction, especially in caves.
He’s nonbinary (he/they) and pansexual.
Has buried romantic feelings for Jesse and Olivia, along with Petra and Lukas.
Magnus treats him a lot like a little brother, the two love to spar a lot.
After Reuben’s death, he often would try to comfort Jesse to no avail, this caused him an unusual amount of anxiety and grief for both Jesse and his lost pet.
Post-Season 2, he has a more spiked hairstyle and wears a creeper bandana.
Post-Season 2 he tries whenever he can to make time for the old gang to meet up.
He has a pet bat named Batsy. (Yes, this is from the scrapped canon idea)
Petra has always adventuring in their blood, having been on the move from place to place since they were a kid.
Petra holds a ton of knowledge about surviving alone in the nether, from experience! As a younger adult their portal once got broken, and they had to spend a few days on her own in the nether till they came across another adventurer who helped them escape.
Despite having never stayed in one place long, they’re naturally extremely loyal to all of their friends. They don’t take losing friendships well.
Enduring the wither sickness took all their might and they can only pray they never have to experience that ever again.
Jack was their first ever idol when they were young. When they heard he was moving to Beacontown they were excitedly rambling to Jesse for DAYS.
They’re transmasc (they/them) and a lesbian.
They have romantic feelings for Olivia, and have queerplatonic crushes on Jesse, Lukas and Axel.
Petra and Axel have occasionally gone out on solo missions, usually for reckless reasons. They come back with tattered clothes and burn marks, but a ton of treasure each.
Petra has Autism and psychosis.
They have asthma, which made the wither sickness even harder on them.
They are stubborn and hate giving up in any situation, viewing it as a personal failure.
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