#they were just the cuest kids who deserve better
miraculousninja-345 · 4 months
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New world, New beginnings
I really really hope we have a flashback or nod of some kind to how they met. Or even getting their apartment together.
I made a small fic to go along with it, it's decently edited not the best I made it last night before heading to bed!
Arin should leave the bench. His parents would show up eventually to find him. Three months ago he got lost in a big supermarket, his parents arrived right after rush hour and most people were leaving.
Once he got the okay, he rushed over to the toy aisle. There were rows of plushies, off-brand action figures, and brick sets. He didn't care for anything other than the ninja.
The plushies, the low-quality mask, and the action figures with very bad paint on the low-quality molds. He reached up with all his might to grab a green ninja action figure. He looked to the back and beamed being greeted with a big green 7$ sticker.
He rushed back to meet his parents at the front of the store only to stop in the middle of the bigger aisle. He turned left, then another right only to end up near the clothing department. Tears bundled up in his eyes then rushed back to the toys aisle.
He only remembered a little but the one thing he remembered was what to do if he got lost. 'Stay where you are, so me and daddy can find you' and just like that he was found. His parents probably knew where he was already, but the memory and idea still comforted him.
"Don't think about being lost. Think about something else." He said to himself. The grass was pretty green. It was scattered around like puddles on a rainy day. It seemed like whatever happened transported him to a desert.
He knew about the desert far from Ninjago City but never traveled with his parents to see it. He stretched the fabric of the green ninja's mask, removed the light green fabric, and wrapped it around his forward like the ninjas' jungle gi's.
"Hey." Another voice called out "Hello!"
Arin perked up, he bounced off the bench and whirled around to look for the person calling out. They sounded young and confused like he was when the merge happened. Arin spun around twice before seeing her.
A girl in a white top and black pants and shoes was trudging through the sand. Her hair was styled into twin buns like many girls in his school and colored pink he'd only seen for crayons.
Arin slipped the hood over his head and rushed over to greet her. "Hi!" he yelled halfway.
This time the girl perked up, relief washed over her face when she saw Arin. She stumbled over to greet him in the middle. She halted however once she came near a grassy patch.
"Hi," Arin exclaimed somewhat out of breath "I'm Arin."
"I'm..." the girl trailed off for a moment, she was ready to speak before letting a small wince of the pain out instead. "I'm a little hurt. I twist my ankle while running."
Arin took her hand and helped her back to the bench.
"What were you running from? A monster?" Asked arin
"No. I was just running for fun."
"Yeah. At first, I was running to get away. Then I started running because it was nice, the wind felt nice.” The girl smiled, “ My name’s Sora.”
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