#they were my warm up doodles but they turned out cuter than I expected so I colored them <3
duchi-nesten · 2 years
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a ghost and 2 ghost hunters? and omg they finally caught him :)
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
heyo shrimpy!! sorry for the late response,, i got busy with exams lolol first, how are you today? :D Is anything good happening to you? enjoy your vacation btw, i hope you have a lot of fun! ^^ second, hmm finding your artstyle? that sounds even more challenging than improving for me, ngl hh- I don't know why but reading your answer made me think of a chibi dazai eating a nice burger... sounds cute,, I'm sure your drawing turned out amazing :D it's always a bliss noticing your art getting better, makes me want to draw more ^^ somehow, you drawing in a cuter art style makes you more adorable,, lovely doodles filling the empty pages,,,,
imagine dazai catching you doodling him with cute little hearts around the page,, and as his lips curved upwards a mild shade of pink dusts his cheeks, admiring you a little bit more before walking towards you quietly, wrapping his arms around your neck from behind. your frame stilled against his loving embrace, the pencil in your hand dropping on the concrete desk, your lover's lips close to your ears... his warm breath hit the back of your ear, kissing it in the process.
"I didn't know you drew me so much, gioia mia~¹" his sweet, teasing voice gently made its way into your eardrum, with you shivering afterward. his soft, umber locks brushed against your tender skin, the warm temperature his body radiated comforting you. your cheeks were probably red by now, and you were certain he already noticed. after all, when does he not?
clearing your throat, you comfortably positioned yourself, closing your eyelids slowly before speaking.
"u-uh, yeah. I, uhm-"
"and they're so well done, my darling! I assumed you were an artist since you always brought a notebook and pencil with you, even in our workplace, but I didn't expect you to draw me... I am flattered, my belladonna~ your artstyle mirrors the way you are... cute!~" your brain couldn't take in his words, and yours were stuck in your throat. all that was left was a stuttering mess whilst you shakingly turned around, with your lover chuckling at your adorable reaction.
dazai could now definitely see how your cheeks gained color, the redness painting them well. noticing your alerted gaze and trembling, he raised his hand to hold your warm cheek, caressing it with his thumb. although your quivering didn't cease, he took a note of how your eyes widened for a second before calming again. his smile broadened as you leaned into his touch, your timid orbs avoiding his loving ones. unfortunately for you, he had other ideas in mind.
and so, he leaned closer.
your eyes snapped back at him, his nose almost touching yours. a small gasp escaped you as you attempted to form a sentence, but failed to do so. the man in front of you only beamed at your reaction, his heart melting at how adorable and lovely you were. he was truly fortunate to have a loving, caring, understanding partner such as you.
he really loved you and cherished you with all of his soul.
"osamu! y-you're-" and before you could say anything else, the brunette gave you one last loving look before closing his eyes...
and placed his lips against yours.
your eyes bulged out from your sockets as a small shriek left your throat, but was immediately muted by your beloved's kiss. your flustered state couldn't comprehend what was happening, but the warmth of your chest was so overwhelming, you couldn't help but hastily press your lips back against his, tightly closing your eyelids to enjoy the moment more...
smirking, dazai stopped for a brief moment while you whined in protest, but he quickly soothed you while shifting his hands to grip your chair, gently twisting it around. you opened your eyes again to understand what he was doing... and regretted it as soon as you saw his smug look, while he caged you between him and your chair. you glanced around stunned, the dulcet shade of rosé overlapping your already flustered profile. shakingly, you looked up and met his calmer and haughty orbs again, making you gulp as your heart rammed in your chest.
his smooth, defined face was all you could see, and if it wasn't for your panicking mind, you were sure you could observe him for hours. you felt so open under his narrow, shadowy, russet orbs as if you were an interesting book he was very invested in. that fierce, intense way he observed you with, only made you shyer, and you shrank on your chair... which wasn't the best move, you thought, since he cornered you more than before, and all you could do was watch him from below, too red to do or say anything.
his low chuckle reverberated through the room, and a small drop of sweat rushed down your embarrassed face as he towered over you, devouring all of your sweet, lovable expressions. his smirk widened as your pupils shrank, bending down to your level once more. he tremendously wanted to pick you up and place you on the king-sized bed, while you desperately clung onto him and whispered his name, trying to evade his all-seeing gaze... but held himself back to tease you more.
after all, you looked so delicious right now...
"o-osamu..." your needy, wobbly voice brought him back from his little daydream, shaking off any other thoughts he had in mind... all that mattered now was you. humming, he got closer to you, both of your faces millimeters away. if he was trying to kill you, he was doing a great job at it. the smile never left his mouth, and you could feel the confidence seeping through him... his breath hit your lips as he exhaled making you freeze on the spot.
"hmmm? what is it, my dear? do you perhaps need something?" he asked, already knowing what you wanted and needed. but hearing you spell it out for him... it was a bliss.
you nervously exhaled, feeling the warmth in your cheeks rise as if you weren't blushing enough. not brave at all to face him head-on, you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, looking down as you did so. dazai screamed internally at the cuteness with all the courage you had, you shyly told him...
"p-please osamu, i-i need you..." and that was all he needed. chuckling, he stared at you with a wolfish grin, pleased to hear those words coming out of your lips.
"then... let me take care of you, amore mio~²"
your sketchbook was long forgotten that night, but dazai did make you "sing" some sweet songs for him...
¹ = means my joy in Italian, the ask from Sofi sparked something within me 😶 dazai giving you Italian pet names sounds perfect-
² = my love, once again, in Italian- hh
first of all, my vacation is going well! i enjoyed going out and riding some rides, plus took a nice shower and now i am relaxing in my bed, hehe.
second, it's truly a bliss to see my own artwork improve over time! it makes me extremely happy. also, i love the idea of dazai eating a burger, that's adorable. i have been wanting to doodle dazai a lot lately; probably cause he's just so adorable to me and he's absolutely breathtaking, hehe. it's nice to fill up the empty pages and just letting your mind flow as you draw.
third... OH MY GOD. READING ALL THAT WHEN I WAS IN LINE FOR MY RIDE MADE ME SO FLUSTERED UNDERNEATH MY MASK. AND REREADING IT ALL OVER AGAIN MAKES ME SO ASFJFSOXMSK 😳🥺💘 it was so, so sweet of you to write all that! please, dazai speaking pet names in another language truly sounds like him. not to mention, the fact that he was so flirty and he's such a tease from how you portrayed him, my heart is fluttering. and the very end though. oh my. 🥰🙈 goodness that really made me so blushy, hahaha.
thank you for taking your time to write that. it always warms my heart to read these and wow, omg, you just really wanted to fluster me today, did you? ASHFIAOZNA thank you so much for this. my heart... i have no words. it just made my day so much better too, haha. bless your kind soul, i loved reading it all 😭🤍
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The New Girl
@frappsundies Writing for a different au this time, it sounds fun :) This one involves my cu oc Emily and what I think her backstory would be in this au. Hope that’s ok.
George and Melvin were waiting for Harold outside Ms. Ribble’s classroom. He was taking forever to show up.
“AAH! I’m gonna bite him when he gets here!” George exclaimed, getting a little impatient.
“Would that really help anything?” Melvin asked, not looking up from his dictionary.
“I guess not.” George answered, crossing his arms.
“Sorry I’m late!” Harold shouted as he ran up to them, his bare feet slapping against the floor tiles.
“Finally!” George shouted in return.
“It wasn’t my fault! Heidi wouldn’t get out of bed!” Harold shouted again.
“Well, you’re here now. Let’s go, class is about to start.” Melvin interrupted. He closed his dictionary as he and his buddies went in and sat at their desks at the front. Harold was in the middle, and there was an empty desk next to Melvin.
Soon Ms. Ribble made her entrance. All the kids went quiet as she slithered in (my hc is that she’s a gorgon like Medusa).
“Good morning, class. Before we begin, I have an announcement. Today, we will be welcoming a new student.” she said. Two of the snakes on her head were snapping at each other.
The boys perked up when they heard this.
“She’ll be here momentarily. Your assignment today is to start a group project, so go ahead and pick your groups.” Ms. Ribble added, picking up a stack of paper.
Naturally, the boys formed a group of three while the rest of the class formed groups with their friends.
After all of that, Ms. Ribble handed a paper explaining the details of the project to each student and let them talk amongst themselves.
“I know we’re supposed to be focused on this project, but I’m too excited about the new girl. She could be a potential new friend!” Harold said with a smile.
“Yeah, and I’m curious to see what creature she is!” George added. “Me too!” Harold responded.
“So am I, but let’s at least assign roles to each other.” Melvin added, pointing to the paper.
A few minutes later, there was a knock at the classroom door and the class went quiet again.
“Line up in front of the desks, that’s her.” Ms. Ribble stated as she swatted at the two fighting snakes on her head to get them to stop. The kids put down everything they were doing and did as told.
Ms. Ribble opened the door, and when the new girl walked in, all eyes were on her.
She wore a dark gray hoodie with the hood over her head and dark ripped jeans and white sneakers. She didn’t look like any creature, however. No fur, no wings, no claws...nothing.
“What’s your name, young lady?” Ms. Ribble asked her.
She was hesitant, and she looked very nervous. “Um...E-Emily.” she answered quietly.
“Can you take off your hood please, Emily?” Ms. Ribble asked again.
Emily slowly did as told. When her hood came off, it revealed her blue eyes and her brown hair in a low ponytail.
But everyone’s smiles faded when they saw her like this.
She was human.
“Now you’ll say your names to her one by one, starting with George.” Ms. Ribble stated, gesturing to George.
“George Beard.” the vampire boy said, showing off his fangs.
“Harold Hutchins.” Harold said after, waving.
“Melvin Sneedly.” Melvin said with confidence.
Emily didn’t even listen to the others. She was captivated by Melvin. As she stared at him, her cheeks began to turn red and a small smile formed on her lips.
There was a warm feeling in her chest and butterflies in her stomach.
“So, who would like Emily to be in their group?” Ms. Ribble asked.
Nobody spoke. Everyone except the three boys gave her angry glares, which made her more nervous than before; scared even.
“We would.” Harold finally answered, raising his hand.
They were all glaring at them now.
“Alright. Now get back to work.” Ms. Ribble said before going back to her desk.
When the groups reformed, Emily had put her hood back on and she was assigned a part of the project. They now had time to talk about whatever.
“So Emily, tell us about yourself.” Harold said eagerly.
“W-Well...” Emily started. “I sometimes like to doodle, but I’m better at writing short stories. And I like math.” she finished. She was still nervous but felt a little better knowing that not everyone seemed to be against her.
“Melvin and I like to doodle too! And George writes! The three of us make comics!” Harold said cheerfully.
“Cool!” Emily responded.
The bell cut their conversation short, and they said goodbye to Emily at the door, since she had a different next class than they did.
They expected to see her again at lunch, and they did, but not in the way they thought. They were about to enter the cafeteria when she’d suddenly burst through the doors and ran down the hall.
And she was covered in trash.
“YOU’RE NOT WELCOME HERE, YOU STUPID HUMAN!” some random kid yelled after her. He and his friends laughed and high-fived each other; presumably the ones that bullied her.
They followed the trail of trash she left behind to the art room, which was void of anyone except for her. She was sitting in the middle of the room hugging her knees and sobbing quietly. The boys looked at each other before going in.
“Hey, are you ok?” Harold asked. She was startled at the sound of his voice, but quickly calmed down. “Yeah...” she answered with a sniffle.
“You clearly aren’t. We saw what happened back there. The end of it, at least.” Melvin responded. He, George, and Harold walked up and sat behind her.
She turned around and faced them. Her face was soaked with tears. “Everyone hates me because they think I’m a human. I’m surprised you guys don’t.” she said, looking down at the floor. She dragged her finger against the soft material of the rug that probably shouldn’t be in a room where it can be easily stained.
The boys’ faces lit up with shock. “Wait, you’re not human?” George asked.
“No.” Emily answered, still looking at the rug.
“Then...what are you?” Melvin asked.
Emily sighed. “I’m a werewolf.”
The boys were now confused. “How come you don’t look like one?” Melvin asked again.
“I was born with a rare condition that makes my eyes, ears, nose, and teeth look human instead of wolf-like in my human form. I also don’t have a tuft of fur on my chest.” Emily answered (another hc; that werewolves in their human form still retain wolf-like eyes, ears, noses, and teeth, and have a tuft of fur on their chest that’s never really visible because clothes :P). “But I can transform! In the night and day! But to do it in the day, someone has to make me really angry, and I don’t know if that’ll happen anytime soon.” she added.
“Ohhhhhhhh!” George and Harold said in unison.
“But nobody would believe me if I told them that...” Emily continued, looking back down at the rug.
The boys looked at each other again and nodded. “We’ll help you out!” Harold said happily.
Emily perked up. “Really?”
“Of course! We’ve always been taught that humans are mean, and you’re really nice! If we can get the others to see that, maybe they’ll realize that you aren’t what you seem!” Melvin answered. He was confident in his plan.
Emily stared at him like she did earlier in Ms. Ribble’s class. Her cheeks turned red again. He was even cuter than before, especially his tooth gap.
Suddenly, a hand waved in front of her face. “H-Huh? What?” she said.
“You went into a trance or something.” George responded.
“Oh! Sorry, I must’ve got lost in my thoughts. That happens sometimes.” Emily laughed nervously. “But...thanks, guys. This means a lot.” she added.
“You’re welcome!” the boys said all at once.
Emily laughed. She was happy to have such awesome friends.
As they talked more, they ate; the boys giving parts of their lunches to Emily so she wouldn’t go hungry. They asked her about her werewolf form and what it looked like, and she said it looks like everyone else’s werewolf form, except her fur was gray instead of brown, and her eyes turn red if she gets angry but stay blue for any other emotion.
The boys grew closer to the new girl quicker than they thought, but they didn’t mind.
New friends were cool.
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niccoxgiraffe · 5 years
Hello! This Elu fic is the English version of the one I posted a couple of days ago in Italian. Shout out to my friends Alex, who picked the prompts for me, and Marla, who proof read the English version. Hope you like it! <3
5. “I can't sleep, can I sleep here?”
13. “Are you cold?”
93. “You make me feel safe”
Lucas’ head was still spinning from the party at Emma’s. Not that he had drunk that much, but - at some point of the night - the house got so crowded that the boy could barely breathe. The air smelled like smoke and sweat, which didn’t help at all. And then there were some chicks of the first year who kept staring at him with lust in their eyes, making him feel even more uncomfortable. For the entire time, Lucas had wished for anything but his boyfriend to be there with him, but instead Eliott stayed home with a possible depressive episode incoming. So he had kept drinking, dancing, laughing with his friends and just not caring in general until he couldn’t take it any longer.
The bus ride back home, luckily, was long enough to let him collect himself. So at least the feeling of suffocation vanished by the time he arrived at his stop.
Once he got there, Lucas dragged himself to the door of his shared flat and looked for the keys in the pocket of his blue jacket. As soon as he managed to unlock it with a creak, he saw the living room and the kitchen sunk into total darkness. Lisa was surely sleeping, while Mika... Who knows. Mika could’ve been to bed as well, as much as he could’ve been at some party or he could’ve been having fun at someone else’s place. Anyway, Lucas put his jacket and his scarf in the closet at the entrance, trying to make as little noise as possible. Last time he woke Lisa up in the middle of the night by accident, he found a giant penis drawn on his cheek with a permanent marker. The girl could become highly vengeful if anyone dared to deprive her of her precious hours of sleep. He didn’t want to bother her again, thank you very much.
He went through the flat on his tiptoes, and as he got in front of his room, he noticed a dim light coming from inside. Weird: he didn’t remember leaving a lamp on unless one of his flatmates didn’t stick their nose in his bedroom and forgot to turn it off. He slowly opened the door and his heart started racing at the sight of the person occupying the room. He didn’t expect a visit at all. Not at such an hour, at least. However, he was so glad that he was there.
On his bed, Eliott was sitting with his legs crossed. He held a pencil in his right hand and a notebook was lying in his lap. Lucas knew pretty well what that meant: Eliott used his doodles as a way to communicate or express his emotions, especially when his head was too messed up to understand his own feelings. And judging by the way he drew hectic strokes on the paper, too many thoughts were clouding his mind in that moment. He seemed so lost in his work (and in himself) that it took him a while to realize he wasn’t alone anymore. From that distance, Eliott’s eyes looked like black pools, the shadows were sharpening his features so much that he appeared scrawnier than he actually is. It wasn’t the first time that Lucas saw him so dull, run down and lifeless. Nonetheless, he knew he would never get used to seeing him like that, neither to the feeling of powerlessness facing similar situations. Like it or not, he preferred having him around way more than not being with him at all and not knowing how he was doing.
The older one forced a tired little smile and broke the silence. “I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?”
Lucas felt a wave of heat spreading in his chest. Maybe this time his illness would’ve been mild to him. Maybe he was just sad and he was looking for support. Maybe this state of mind of his wouldn’t last long. Maybe, maybe, maybe... Enough. Did that really matter? For one reason or another, his boyfriend wasn’t feeling well and it was his job to make him smile again. He sat on the bed next to him, taking his free hand. The rings he wore on his long fingers created a sharp contrast with his soft and warm skin.
“Of course you can,” he answered in a whisper and kissed him on the forehead. “I’m gonna take a quick shower and I’ll be right back, okay?”
Five minutes later, when he got back in his room, Lucas found Eliott lying under the covers. The notebook and the pencil were forgotten at the foot of the bed, so the blonde boy gathered them and placed them on his desk. He glanced at the drawing for a couple of seconds: it was a raccoon (Eliott’s “spirit animal”) running from a dark cloud. Lucas felt a lump forming in his throat, so he swallowed and dismissed any bad thought that was taking form in his head. He had to be strong for Eliott, at that moment. He couldn’t afford to show how worried he actually was, otherwise the situation could get worse. Maybe if he told him about how Basile embarrassed himself earlier, he could’ve distracted him for a while. Or he could show him the video of Arthur and Alexia that he posted on Instagram. And what if he proposed to watch a movie together? Maybe he didn’t want to listen to his stories about the party. Lucas shook his head and decided to simply lay down next to his boyfriend. He lifted the covers as much as he needed to slide under, face to face with the older one. Eliott’s gaze was lost into the empty but, as soon as Lucas’ hand reached his face, he slowly managed to focus on him.
“Is there anything I can do?” Lucas asked cautiously, stroking his cheek with his thumb. Eliott didn’t say a word, but the boy noticed him slightly shivering under his touch. “Are you cold?”
This time he didn’t even dare to speak, but nodded. Lucas felt the hem of his shirt being pulled and it made him smile, because he understood what his boyfriend needed. So he adjusted himself better on the pillows to wrap Eliott in a hug. He was aware of the fact that his body wasn’t big enough to entirely shield him, but it didn’t matter. Lucas let one of his hands slide into the other’s messy hair and he sensed Eliott’s mouth curving a little onto his neck in a tiny smile. They stayed like that in silence for a long time, just listening to each other’s breaths. Lucas loved contemplating his boyfriend while he was asleep: if angels were real, Eliott would be one of them, he was sure of it. He had the hood of his sweater lowered on his head, which made him look even smaller and cuter, the skin on his face was relaxed, the lips slightly parted and his hands were still weakly clenching his clothes. He knew it was scientifically proved that human hearts couldn’t get bigger, yet he still felt like that, like his love for that boy kept growing to the point that his heart had to expand just to make room for that emotion. Every now and then, he left some kisses on his head or forehead, while Eliott kept snuggling even further against Lucas. The exhaustion that was weighing on him a couple of hours earlier had been replaced with the urge to stay awake to cuddle his boyfriend, to kiss him, protect him, reassure him. He would’ve kept an eye on him even if he were about to die. It would’ve been worth it just to see one of those beautiful smiles of his that he loved so dearly or to hear once again that laugh that turned his entire body into pure jelly.
“Lucas?” Eliott’s hoarse voice came out in a whisper, which became even less audible because of his face buried in the crook of the younger boy’s neck. Lucas, in return, kissed him on his temple. “Yeah?”
“Thank you.”
And, little by little, the two of them slipped into a quiet slumber.
“How is he doing?” Lucas huffed at Yann’s question. It’s been two days since Eliott crashed at his place without a warning, in the middle of the night. The boy seemed to have no interest in going back home, so he had to call his parents to tell them he was at the coloc and that he'd taken care of him. He never met Eliott’s parents but since they got together and Lucille decided to move on, he’s been the only one they could count on to keep an eye on their son. “Not good. But he’s been worse. He’s gonna be okay.”
“Of course he’s gonna be okay!” Basile chimed in, waving around his fork full of pasta with tomato sauce. “We’re talking about Eliott, guys. Also, you said he just looked tired, didn’t you? It’s gonna be over soon, trust me.”
Arthur, who was sitting next to him, moved some inches away from his friend. “We got it, but try not to throw pasta around the canteen, alright?”
Yann and Lucas burst into a loud laugh as the latter felt his phone vibrating into the pocket of his jacket. When he reached for it, his fingers caught also a piece of paper he didn’t remember to have. Luckily, the boys were too busy talking about the way Basile ate to notice the foolish smile that was blooming on his lips while reading the note.
It was a notebook page. At the top, there was the same doodle he saw Eliott drawing the night he surprised him in his room, but under it there were two new sketches. The first one represented a brave hedgehog who was standing in front of the cloud, attempting to protect the poor scared raccoon with fierceness. In the other one, there were simply pictured the two little animals hugging tight, along with a sentence that brought Lucas to wipe his teary eyes.
“You make me feel safe.”
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