#they would be Perfect together they'd bounce off of each other so well Does anyone hear me
nonoqy · 1 year
can someone get georgenotfound and bts seokjin on a variety show together i wanna see who wins
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kny-agere · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a drabble with Cg Kokushibo & Douma looking after A little Akaza who's in babyspace? Maybe this is the first time he's regressed so young and there both trying to figure out how to best take care of him? (Idk why but I think they'd make a pretty good caregiving duo since they'd probably balance each other out lol) I also really like your work! The drabbles I've read are very cute! ^^
Thank you for the compliments!! I hope you enjoy this :>
It was hard finding someone to take care of him. Akaza wouldn’t let anyone see him as weak just because he indulged in certain comforts. At first he considered one of the lesser demons as caretakers, but the lower moons tended to rotate quickly and he didn’t get along well with Hantengu or Gyokko. Gyutaro wasn’t a horrible candidate but his sister claimed most of his attention.
Looking at the demons above himself Akaza felt cornered still. He found Douma too grotesque to be useful in such a way, and it’d be deluded to think that Muzan cared about anyone other than himself.
Kokushibo however was promising. The man was quiet, but Akaza preferred that anyways. He just wanted someone to keep him company, a stable hand against his back.
So they fell into things naturally. Kokushibo had a surprising aptitude for caring for others, which extended to Akaza. He was still quiet, but would scoop the demon up to cradle or redirect his energy when needed. There was no sense of shame either, it was an understanding that their gentle moments together were separate from their lives as upper moons. No titles were needed when exchanging words.
That wasn’t to say everything was perfect. Kokushibo was bad at explaining things to Akaza, if he didn’t understand the downsides to destroying a room or refused to end a meeting when scheduled. Akaza sometimes got overwhelmed and rejected any of the other’s advances without reason.
Right now they were both struggling however. The rare meetings between upper moons are always hard. At least one of them ends up decapitated, with others injured in some way. It’s not quite as bad as individual meetings, in which Akaza knows he’ll be hurt, but still they’re not fun.
So they leave afterwards to one of the infinity castles many rooms. Kokushibo often faces the least of Muzan’s wrath, he stands straight and tall. Akaza stumbles behind him, clinging to the man’s loose robes. He keeps tripping over his legs and stumbling into Kokushibo’s back.
“Wait until we find a room.” Kokushibo gives the instructions directly. His hand lightly pushes Akaza away from him.
A wet sounding whimper leaves his lips. “I-I’m tryin’!” His legs feel heavy. Without the support his stance wavers again.
It’s uncommon for him to cry. Technically no tears have left his eyes yet, but the high cracks in Akaza’s voice are a sign that tears are on the way.
Frowning Kokushibo turns to the upper moon. Usually Akaza can take well enough care of himself. Currently he looks distressed however.
The older demon does what he knows how to and picks up the other. Akaza immediately wraps arms so tightly around his neck that it becomes hard to breathe. A stripped face hides itself within Kokushibo’s long locks. His updo sways as he walks, bouncing against Akaza’s cheeks.
Again there’s a sort of strange feeling, a disturbance to their usual routine. Often the younger demon will sit on his lap or ride on his back, there’s no clinging, no curled fists in his clothing or soft breaths echoing against his neck. It bothers Kokushibo a bit, the annoyance of too much physical contact.
So when they finally arrive to an adequate room he tries to set Akaza down. At first arms stay wound around his neck, but slowly he pries them off. As the boy flops to the ground he lets out a loud wail and tries to hide his face. One hand reaches out to attach itself back to Kokushibo.
He hopes that if he doesn’t turn away the fist currently grabbing his pants the boy might stop crying. Usually Akaza’s tears were still filled with anger or frustration rather than plain distress.
But after only a minute or two of waiting he’s already grown tired of the sobs. They’re not dying in volume or intensity. “Stop that. You shouldn’t be so loud.”
He refuses to quiet down until hands pick him up again. It still takes a moment for his tears to stop but eventually Akaza silences himself. His thumb is stuck into his mouth, but drool still trails down his chin.
Fishing a handkerchief from his pocket Kokushibo wipes up the mess under the boy’s lips. “What’s wrong?” This meeting hadn’t gone awfully all things considered. Akaza and Douma had bickered as usual, Hantengu was the one who ended up harmed, and then everyone was sent back towards their regular regions.
As Akaza attempted to answer he could only start off with stuttered syllables that didn’t evolve into any actual words. More drool slippered down his chin as he tried several times to repeat himself.
“Stop… you can tell me later.” The only thing more annoying than his cries were whatever the noises he had been making were.
He assumed that the younger demon would be relieved at the instructions, not longer having to try something beyond his current abilities, but tears built back up in the corner of his eyes. However the boy remained quiet (other than the occasional sniffle) this time, something Kokushibo was thankful for. He could think properly without the interruption.
Akaza was acting unusual. Perhaps the stress from the earlier meeting was still too much even considering the relative gentleness compared to other ones. It was possible this was unrelated to the master’s generally callous behavior, instead inspired by events Kokushibo hadn’t witnessed. Whatever it was had been enough to send Akaza into a state even younger than he typically regressed, that much was clear.
While he could coexist relatively well with the boy when he was toddler aged, the idea of Akaza being even more dependent on him was a little off-putting. Not because of anything the boy had done, but more so the fact that Kokushibo had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.
Holding him was working well enough for now. Even his silent tears had tapered off and he was once again sitting comfortably within the elder’s arms. Kokushibo settled in a more comfortable situation and wrapped his arms tighter around Akaza.
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
Sweet Like Honey
A/N: A day in the life of Noma's family before everything went terribly wrong.
Gabriel and Noma usually walked home together from work. 
It helped they weren't far from each other. After Zephon had been born Asmodel had stepped down and Michael had given his position on the Seraphim Council to Noma. 
She worked with Ierimiel and Omniel most days. It was a delight to see Ierimiel again every day. She was still surprised how far they'd both come from the lower rings.
Asmodel had thrived away from court, he enjoyed playing with their sons. Noma privately thought it was because he had finally been "allowed" to be a kid again. 
The idea that Yehudiah had had to buy Asmodel from his father to give a modicum of stability and comfort still broke her heart. 
Asmodel's ex-father was lucky she had never found a way to be alone with him.  A small vial of belladonna and he'd never be bother to anyone again. 
Gabriel and Noma usually took the hour walk home to decompress and vent out their frustrations to each other. 
Apparently being the right hand, and unofficial co-leader of Olapireta came with more paperwork than anything else. 
Noma privately guessed Michael was trying to pass his paperwork to Gabriel but she had no proof. 
They took their shoes off and slipped inside. Ithuriel at a year old was probably napping upstairs. 
Zephon at 6 was probably doing some homework in his room. They'd gotten lucky with Zephon, Father had been generous to give them such a perfect son. 
Asmodel was humming to himself as he cooked soup for them. He grinned as he saw them both. 
"Gabe! Noma!"
They hugged him tightly, Gabriel clinging as usual. Noma looked over the recipe taped to the table. Asmodel of course had carefully made a checklist for this. 
She finished cutting the parsley and stirred it. Asmodel gave her a lazy smile and pulled her into a hug. 
"You didn't need to do that, thanks Springtail."
She scrunched her nose up like a bunny, making him laugh as usual. 
"I like to, Gabe you gonna be down here? I'm gonna check on the boys and then take a shower."
He nodded and kissed her on the forehead. Noma went up first checking on Zephon's room. He was in his room coloring something.
"What are you doing Sunshine?"
"Mama you're home!"
She laughed leaning down to pick him up in her arms. 
"I'm coloring Mundus!"
"Oh? What colors have you decided for the sky?"
Zephon pointed to the worksheet on the new planet that Father had formed. 
"Miss Akriel says that Mundus is for us right Mama? So I thought about what we like, so I made the sky yellow! The sky is made of honey!"
She grinned and kissed his forehead.
"Oh? I love that! Does that mean I can eat the sky?"
Zephon wrinkled his nose and shook his head.
"No Mama, you eat the rain that falls from the honeycomb clouds!"
"Oh! Oh well I'm so glad you're here to tell how to live properly on Mundus. What about the ground? What's it made of?"
She had sat down letting Zephon run around the room. He was always excited when she and Gabe got home. 
"It's made of candy cuz Dada likes candy! But - but the trees are made of vegetables because I didn't want Papa to feel left out."
Noma nodded, listening to him prattle on. It was true, Ozzy truly liked eating vegetables - he was an odd one.
Gabriel stepped in the door and grinned as Zephon tackled his legs. 
"Dada! Dada I made a sky of honey!"
"Oh really? Can I eat it?"
Zephon sighed and began to explain why you can't eat the sky. Noma slipped out and went to check on Ithuriel.
Of course they all knew he was alright, the baby feathers on their claimants gave her and her mates a surface level feeling of their children's moods.
Ithuriel was calm and content. She smiled as she looked in the crib. He was happily flapping his wings standing in his crib. 
"Hey Bumblebee! Com'ere."
She picked him up and smiled soflty, he was such a happy child - they'd both been pretty easy. 
Though from what Irin had told her, that only meant adolescence was going to be a pain. Apparently Azrael had been a moody, sullen youth. 
Noma could see it, he still wore mostly black - all that was missing was the eyeliner and the piercings she's sure he had - and hid from his father. 
She hummed bouncing Ithuriel on her hip as she moved around the room to her closet. She set him down as she looked for some evening wear.
She had always thought the Higher angels were cold and emotionless to their children, and while a lot were. The ones that counted - that would be around her family hadn't been. 
The Furiad adored his mate Irin and was a calming presence to her and her peers. Nothing seemed to phase him - he had been around since Yehudiah had been a fledgling. They'd grown up and fallen in love together.
Their mates had been best friends. Noma sometimes wondered what Gabriel's mothers would have thought of her. 
She hoped they would have approved of her - would have loved her like their own. 
Irin had assured her they'd have been proud of the mates Gabriel had chosen. They would have been thrilled at the angel he had become. 
She chose some comfortier clothes and ticked Ithuriel's tail feathers making him laugh. 
They'd fall out when his flight feathers came in, right now he needed them for balance. as he walked they flared out around him, helping keep himself upright.
She walked him over to Gabriel who beamed pulling him into his arms. 
"Ithoo! How are you my little bumblee? Zephy you want show your brother what you colored?"
Noma went to shower and then took the boys down for dinner. She made they ate while Gabe went to shower. 
Zephon took Ithuriel to the family room and played blocks with him while the three of them ate and talked about their day. 
Once everyone was finished and dishes were done. Gabriel picked a movie from them to watch. 
He lounged with the boys in his lap, giving commentary and refereeing any squabbles that broke out. 
Asmodel and she cuddled on the other side of the couch, their legs touching Gabriel's in a silent show of affection.
Noma sent a silent prayer to Father hoping nothing changed, hoping her children were this innocent and happy for all their days. 
Pictured Below: Zephon and Ithuriel when the family went away for Ithuriel's first birthday.
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