#they‘re all so chicken shaped
Delicious in Dungeon but it’s a Sci-fi setting called Delicious in Space
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Hey heyy so give us the Top 5 fandoms your in, pick your fav from each fandom and state a reason if you want to! ^^
Kirby- Kirby the best borb,
pink puffball of pureness, friend shaped ball with his immaculate vibes that can destroy gods with the literal power of friendship if they hurt his friends because he loves them <3
Legend of Zelda- might be a weird choice considering Midna *exists*, but hear me out: TP Link.
Emo cowboy, a super cool sword flexing move that you can do by pressing a after defeating an enemy with a skill (which is just *chefs kiss*), my main in smash bros brawl and 4 3DS (always with Kirby, obvs), that one "shooting dedede without looking“ cutscene from brawl (if you save Zelda at the start), afaik the only character in this entire series that actually pets the animals, he’s got a horse and a falcon, peak facial expressions, can be a gremlin, not only strong enough to wrestle with gorons, but overwhelmed the literal holder of the Triforce of Power when they locked swords, and also the very big, actually giant bonus of also being Wolf Link. Who is not only a good boi but can also talk to animals! (…this is mostly just projecting my love of gameplay mechanics in this game but ehh)
But tbh he‘s also tied with more obvious choices like, again, Midna, Linebeck (there are lots and lots of better explanations out there why they’re both cool), but also Young Link (precious and utterly OP in Hyrule Warriors), Linkle (second most OP character (at least when it comes to bosses) also I just think she‘s neat), Ooccoo (Sky Chicken Aunt👏 is precious👏 and deserves👏 more love!), Fierce Deity (he‘s just really cool. Also Fierce dad > Evil FD. He goes fishing! )
My Zelda fave depends on the current mood and what game I last played, really.
Minecraft Steve…?
(He pet the frög!)
Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo (in masters ex)
It’s not a main game, but I got both of their special fancy costume versions though complete luck and never looked back; once saw a post talking about how they only use one of them (forgot which one) in their team to hear that "All Aboooaaard!“ and yeah I can see why now. It’s just good vibes all around. (Also they‘re just such an OP combo in that game, I’m literally driving through almost anything, it’s great)
Etrian Odyssey- Flavio, probably
Idk I just like his vibes (also he‘s kinda the most relatable of the whole EO2 Untold team lmao, especially when it comes to some of his battle lines)
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