#they’re also all pretty smaller/lesser known which i kinda went out of my way for
cream-and-tea · 3 years
hello! I noticed you post/rb about podcasts sometimes and I've been kinda wanting to start listening to some (I already have a few but i mean more plot-based ones) but I'm not sure where to start, so I thought I would ask if you have any reccomendations?
okay okay okay! sorry this took so long to answer i got SO excited when i got this ask that i froze up and then just had to put together a little list of a few of my favourite shows that i think would be good to start out with (in no particular order):
low fantasy podcast with horror elements that follows Anna Limone, the caretaker of a mysterious old woman and her massive house, as she leaves voicemails for said woman’s missing granddaughter (the titular Mabel) all while attempting to unravel the mystery surrounding the house and Mabels disappearance. This one has some of THE most stunning prose I have ever come across and features haunted houses, fae magic, absolutely unhinged woman, complex characters and a beautifully crafted wlw romance between the two main characters that manages to get me every time (it’s about the yearning…. the devotion….). It has three completed seasons that can be listened to as a complete story (with the potential for more to come though), I 100% recommend it and even though it has a bit of a slow start you will NOT regret listening to it.
Really sweet horror/fantasy podcast about a dying earth beset with supernatural horrors afte mysterious black rains caused a supernatural forest to cover the entire planet. The entire thing is narrated by an elder god of dreams and follows a large cast of characters and stories that eventually weave together into a larger plot over time. Incredibly queer and has something for anyone in its large cast of characters and range of stories even though it takes a while for it all to come together. The whole thing focuses on finding hope and light at the end of the world and how people and their relationships with each other matter despite everything. Has a completed first season and is releasing its second one this year. Incredibly easy to binge with really soothing narration.
Very fun gravity-falls-style-fantasy podcast that centres around Dr. Edison Tucker, an eccentric scientist with a fascination with the supernatural that likely stems from the fact that she is unable to die or be injured. Ed has set her sights (and grant money) on the little middle-of-nowhere town of Jerusalem, widely known as the strangest town in America, where she heads to investigate the mysteries lurking just beyond the treeline and to clash homoerotically completely reasonably with her new roommate: renowned author Lucille Kensington, who’s hiding a fair few secrets of her own. Really fun characters and an intriguing mystery plus if you’re as much as a sucker for the enemies-to-begrudging-allies-to-tentative-friends-to-maybe-more dynamic as I am then this one is definitely a real treat! Has the full first season out with s2 coming soon.
Horror podcast that follows Irene Gray who, years after her girlfriend Rose mysteriously disappeared, moves to the small town of Daughtler Washington to start a new chapter in her life. The whole thing is told through messages Irene records for Rose and various other sources as she begins to dive deeper into the mysterious and terrifying forces surrounding Daughtler, it’s residents, and perhaps even Rose’s disappearance all those years ago. Its a really good meditation on grief and mental health with a really interesting main character and driving conflict, with worldbuilding and depth that really picks up in s2. I’d strongly recommend it if you want a shorter listen with a strong emotional conflict, excellent voice acting and slowly building tension. It’s on a hiatus but with a full season one and part of season two out currently.
(i have a LOT of other great shows but these ones all came out with a similar kind of genre/theme going and the list was getting pretty long lol. i thought these ones kinda fit the ✨vibes✨ of your blog from what i’ve seen) (i hope this didn’t get to long and rambling)
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