#they’re also the great-great-grandparents of sophie pembroke!!
unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐥𝐢𝐧
— Do I have any details about these two besides the fact that they have three children? No. Will I have any more details? Likely no.
But @slytherindisaster and @kc-and-co, Willsie and Maxivy are now in-laws…
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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The Vaulties | Day 4: Angst
William Devlin’s story is riddled with angst and it’s all tied to his illegitimacy. He’s hyperaware of the fact that, according to the social niceties, he should not exist. He’s almost always left feeling like he wants the floor to open up and swallow him, none more so than his arranged engagement which also causes him a ton of angst.
The Lynch twins and the canon timeline are one of my original angst moments. Tadhg’s murder has only become more complicated and in many ways, more tragic over the past year or so. Cillian has gone from being the murderer to being wrongfully imprisoned because of a chaotic duel. It’s also a moment that goes on to affect Cillian’s great-great-grandchildren, Cian, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor.
As the eldest son, Edmund Kennedy took on a lot after his father was murdered. It didn’t help that he was there when Ferdia Kennedy died and was the last one to talk him. This moment affected Ed a lot more than it did his twin sister, Minerva. He’s the one who tried to take on everything and just sorta shut down. He also has the ability to see thestrals.
There might be 120 years and three generations between them, but Max Pembroke and his great-great-granddaughter, Sophie, have a lot in common when it comes their family structure. They’re both the eldest of three and forced to become a sort of surrogate parent due to their single parent having a shitty boss. They both lost a parent before the age of 10. Max’s little sister, Aoife, goes deaf after suffering from the measles when Max was twelve and home alone. Sophie’s father has a stroke when she’s 16 and away at Hogwarts.
Luke Battersea is the sole survivor of the dark wizard attack that ended with the deaths of his family. He was six. He spent the next two years bouncing between relatives, with most not knowing how to handle the young, grieving boy and passing him off to the next one like a hot potato… or the Baudelaire orphans. He was eventually taken in by a second cousin once removed (or something like that...) and this boy is testing them so hard.
Rory O’Neill is my only kiddo to have two ships. He’s got a lot of other angst, what with being a street kid and not knowing what has become of his sisters. But, it’s the loss of his first wife, Francesca, that’s his greatest angst. He loses her at a time that is supposed to be joyous. They’re celebrating the birth of their first child, a son. And Rory is so heartbroken by her death. He doesn’t take off his wedding ring until his son is nine and even then, he always has it close to him.
Honorable Mention: The O’Donnell quadruplets. This might be cheating a bit, but these four have so much angst and much of it is heaped onto poor Conor. But there’s also an overarching angst from the loss of their parents and grandparents to living with the uncle they’ve never met to the Vaults.
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