#they’re children in a crisis they’re not gonna make flawless decisions
dianaladrislovebot · 8 months
something i think a lot of people forget is that drake and sam’s relationship is very much a two way street. it’s not just sam being terrified of drake because drake terrorised him. drake didn’t torture sam for no reason, to him that was retribution. yes, drake is a violent irredeemable psychopath and even by that point in the series he’d already gone way too far, but sam literally dismembered him. drake was permanently disabled due to sam’s actions and even then, he was aiming for his head. he was attempting to kill him purely bc drake threatened astrid. he never actually managed to get his hands on her. for all intents and purposes, at least to drake, sam struck first. drake never attempted to murder sam before that point, but sam did. he’s not a helpless baby who’s nothing but a victim, he hurt drake just as much as drake hurt him.
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