#they’re the victim of the aloha comes out!? BuzzFeed article being qrt’ed with ‘fork spotted in kitchen now come on’ 1 million times
warriorfujoshi · 2 years
despite constantly using different pronouns for them my most specific aloha coroika gender/sexuality headcanon is that theyre quiet about it, especially about being trans. they just don’t talk about it and let everybody think theyre some kind of fruity cis. first reason is that i believe given how pre-getting their ass kicked by blue team aloha acts, they don’t speak with their teammates (or anybody else) about truly personal matters that could possibly ruin a good time. (this doesn’t mean that they don’t care about the people around them, just perhaps that they don’t see discussing personal feelings as worth “killing the vibe”, so to speak. to me this speaks to an insecurity in their friendships but thats for another time). i think aloha is the type to post a selfie of themselves at a huge party during pride month with a rainbow, not a rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈 but just a rainbow 🌈, temporary tattoo on their cheek and not comment on the pride stuff at all just to see the in-universe s4 rpf girlies lose it on twitter. the second reason of course is that when their crimes of identity theft, literal theft, and kidnaping (among other things) come to light, it would be very funny to see them deflect from being cancelled by suddenly holding a 40 minute long inkstagram live speaking about their journey of self acceptance and the importance of loving yourself #happy pride
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