#they'll be forming to be equipped for it so it'll be fine but i still am not looking forward to it. ugh.
ozlices · 1 year
we're all v much aware we aren't making it out of this loop without a new alter forming and i feel like that's gonna happen soon cause i get senses for this shit ig as primary protector/gatekeeper? idk. i dont question it much but im trying to be like. hey if we can sense someone new forming that has to be a good sign we rly will be out of this soon so they can form proper and help us properly cause we'll be in a place where we can heal,,, right.
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Cords and Zip Ties part 1
I made this, I'm not sure exactly if it makes sense as a story, but here, have it anyways. Should I do a part 2?
Word count: 1,116
rating: SFW
Warnings: BDSM is implied, and mentions doms, and sex dungeons.
Summary: Shit cord management leads you and King to bond over shared fetishes while filling Kaidou and the other lead performers with dread.
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It's been six months since a portal opened on the floor of your bedroom, making you and the contents of your room fall into the best pirate's lair. You quickly figured out you had been isekai'ed into the One Piece world, Kaidou thankfully offered you a choice. Join his crew or die.
A lot of things from your home ended up in this world as well, one thing you were grateful for is your computer set up had made it too, and it still had wifi. You knew you'd need to hide it, or Queen would want to dissect it.  So you were rather paranoid about keeping it hidden while still using it. But things never go as you plan, you forgot it was supposed to be a secret, and accidentally volunteered to do the spreadsheets for King's annual financial report in front of King, Jack, Kaidou, and Queen. 
"Are you sure, that's a big task that usually takes all four of us to do every year?" King cautioned.
"Yeah, it'll be no problem for me, as long the data on the monthly reports is correct it'll be a breeze with my spreadsheet software."
"spreadsheet software?" Queen echoed, "wait, that means there's hardware behind."
When the realization of what you had just done hit you, you froze.
"Didn't you say your culture was more 'technologically advanced' than ours?" Kaidou mumbled.
King crossed his arms and glared down at you as he growled, "You've been hiding something from us, haven't you?"
You pressed your index fingers together and looked at the floor as you admitted that you have been hiding your computer out of fear that they'll take it.
Queen looked at you with wide eyes, and said, "No way, I don't know enough about your culture's circuitry. Taking it apart immediately would be a waste especially if it can be used to make our lives easier. I wouldn't even know if it would be compatible with our snail tech."
"It doesn't use snail tech of any form, everything about it is inorganic and manmade."  You admitted.
The four men looked intrigued, and Queen asked, "can I see?"
You looked over at King, who usually had your best interest in mind since you were friends. He merely shrugged apathetically and nodded his head, silently promising you that he'd beat up Queen if he did anything that even so much as upset you. Kaidou prodded you with a meaty finger and grumbled that he wanted to see it too. You gave a questioning look to Jack, who nodded his head solemnly. You sighed, "fine, but I'm warning you, you're going to hate my cord management system."
"It can't be that bad," He retorted, "I'm not picky about that sort of thing anyway."
"Hold your judgment until you see it," you assured him, "it's awful, I have to unplug everything to untangle it once a month."

You led them into your room and flipped on the light, illuminating the tangled mess of chords and rainbow lights. You and King watched Queen's upper lip curl back in disgust. "no, no, the fuck is wrong with you? I'm unplugging everything and helping you get a cord storage system." He shrieked, biting down hard on his cigar as he marched into your room and got on his knees in front of your desktop. Kaidou huffed, " I wasn't expecting it to have so many colors."
You stood nearby making sure he doesn't misplace or break anything, absent-mindedly biting at hangnails that were bothering you. you looked over at King to see him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, silently judging both of you.
Queen tugged on your shirt and held up your wireless devices making you explain what they were, did, and how they worked.
"NoNoNo NO, let me get this right," Queen's voice progressively grew more shrill with his irritation, "at least half of your equipment is wirelessly connected to your computer."
When you confirmed his statement he screeched, "Then how is it this bad! Why are there so many cords!" When you just shrugged apologetically, he sighed, "go find me something to hold these together in place." And went back to neatly placing each appliance aside with its cord wrapped around it.

You cleared your throat, rather embarrassed it was worst than you remembered it being. You looked up at Kaidou, who was sitting with Jack on the other side of the computer from Queen, and both of them were watching him work between taking swigs off Kaidou's gourd.  "Sir, you wouldn't happen to know where the zip ties are kept, would you?"
"You think I know where shit is in this place? I just live here, if I want something I order people, who know where stuff is, to go get it for me."
You looked to King and pleaded, "please tell me you have some zip ties."
King stared at you rather thoughtfully for a few short moments before sighing, "Yes, come with me, they're in my room." King pushed himself off the door frame as you approached, showing his back to you.
Knowing full well what he used those zip ties for, you hummed, "my old dom had a whole other room for that stuff... Well, it was actually his whole basement.
King took a step and stopped. He looked over his shoulder down at you, his pink eyes were wide in surprise. King echoed, "A whole other room?"
Kaido slapped his hand on his forehead and groaned, "oh please, for the love of the gods, don't give him any ideas."
Queen huffed, "Yeah, he already wears a gimp mask in public, that's bad enough."
Ignoring both of them, King sidles on up to your side, wrapping both his wing and his arm around your back. He urged you halfway down the hall before muttering, "So tell about this room, yeah?"
You giggle, "oh you're gonna love this," and you go into detail about the dungeon.
Meanwhile, in your room, Kaidou, Jack, and Queen could hear you until you got down to the end of the hall. Kaidous's expression soured as he growled, "god damn it, King's going to monopolize the craftsmen for the next two months to build himself a sex dungeon, isn't he?"
Jack quietly nodded his head, not wanting to think about the ideas you're putting in King's head. Queen tossed down a charging cord, and said, "but who would have guessed (y/n) would be into the same stuff as that pervert?"
Kaidou snorted loudly and huffed, "that was a surprise, they're so.... normal, I guess that's what they mean when they say, don't judge a book by its cover."
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Should I do a part two?
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