#they'll probably go through a couple redesigns
fairyhaven13 · 2 months
It's been a *while* since I posted any art. I've been recovering from a long coming sickness and exhausted. But, I'm doing better now and have been slowly getting back into drawing. I'm on break at work so I thought I'd post a couple doodles just to show I'm not dead.
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They're Digital Circus OCs! The colors are just concepts right now. I think I want to make the one on the left more blues than reds, but there weren't any blue markers at work lol.
The quick summary of these two is: Lusterdust is a poodle made of Lusterdust, you know, that edible glitter stuff for cakes. It smears everywhere when you touch her. She's an absolute gremlin, the Circus is a dream come true for her because she has no taxes, rent, grocery bills, and no laws preventing her from causing arson and breaking everything she sees. Cain has to start making Rage Rooms for her to go hog wild. Kinger and Jax like to watch. Ragatha and Pomni are mostly stressed out by her. Gangle is too, but she tries to 'make friend's by jump scaring the poor thing with shiny rocks and presents.
The balloon animal monkey I'm thinking of calling Mylar, she was a prankster with Jax before Pomni got there. She pulled pranks to distract from her crippling claustrophobia. The Circus is just so small compared to the world. It only worked so long and she Abstracted before Pomni arrived. Jax ran away instead of getting Cain before it was too late, and now she as an Abstract has a grudge against him and if she gets out of the basement, she'll go on a rampage chasing him down. Lusterdust is the main one who comes to his defense if that happens, partially because she likes Jax and mostly because she wants to ride an Abstract like it's a rodeo.
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staerplatinum · 3 months
Some of my favorite doodles from my headcanon/redesign concept sheets used as an excuse to list my headcanons about the main six (for an AU that I'm writing)! More under the cut!
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Charlie Morningstar:
She's way more hot-headed than in canon, albeit still keeping her cheerful and gentle persona.
She loves food, and she's always hungry. I always loved the trope of protagonists (both male and female, like look at Goku himself, Usagi Tsukino or Minako Aino) and I think it could fit Charlie perfectly!
She loves planning (and this is already canon) and she has a lot of stationary gadgets. "Sure Alastor, you can borrow any pen! ... Not that one! :D" And takes good care of them.
Her birthday is February 29th. I thought that it wouldn't be strange if her birthday ended up being that day if she follows a demoniac calendar...
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It's canon that she likes everything to be clean and organized. I think she would help Niffty with the rooms and everything! They bond!
She and Angel Dust absolutely have BFFs vibes. Before Hazbin Hotel I remember they were meant to be a couple, but with the new canon they're still adorable as best friends and I love the dynamic more. They get into fights but it's never anything serious, they look like a big brother and a little sis, even though sometimes she definitely acts as a big sis to him. Angel sees Molly through her :(
As we know she doesn't really believe in herself, but she actually makes a very good leader!
In my fanfic, contrarily to the series, she was really fighting with burning hate towards the angels that cast her out. She holds a deep grudge and it's hard for her to come out of it. (I want Out for Love to be useful, it's my favorite song ç_ç)
Her name as a human was Agata Flores, she was born the 28th of June in 1993. If we still count 2014 as her death and if she was once a winner that then became sinner... my headcanon is that she died of a hate crime in March 25th 2014, aged 21.
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Angel Dust:
He's not in drag 24/7. He really is feminine, but sometimes likes to try masculine outfits too. (which make Husk wonder "why am I staring??")
He's secretly a nerd. Or not so secretly. He owns video games, and especially likes RPGs and life sims.
He overanalyses everything. Well, almost everything but still. He actually likes reading, and this led him to analyse anything that comes into his eye. (Oh, I can't wait to write one of those scenes because I already had fun outlining it LMAOO)
He's probably Charlie's food buddy. Give them some food and they'll be happy (Valentino doesn't like this but get screwed Val, give him food too)
His name as a human was Anthony (canon) Cavallaro and had Neapolitan heritage. He's born in April 1st (and this is canon) 1912, he died of overdose (canon) in October 11th 1947, aged 35.
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I loved his pilot persona more than the series', and most of the things are confirmed canon... but I do have some headcanons for him, too! (also yeah I don't think that will be my last radioapple drawing or doodle lol)
We know he either doesn't sleep or sleeps with his eyes open. Well, I imagine him that in the few rare occasions he actually sleeps, his radio works as a mental surveillance "camera". Also, he's a light sleeper and would definitely go "Do you fellows mind? I'm trying to sleep." like the old man he is.
I would like to explore Alastor's feelings for Charlie more, and how he sees her as a daughter. While we may not know if he was telling the truth, I think they both seeked each other as a fatherly and daughter figures in a way. Many in the fandom headcanon Alastor's father to have been shitty to him. If he truly sees Charlie as a daughter, it could be because he would like to be a better father than the one he had, and since he never had children, he grew affectionate to Charlie as such.
He knows how to handle alcohol well, but I like to think that when he's really drunk he doesn't even know what he's doing. Oh, you saw him playing with Angel's Nintendo Switch? He even brought it into his room to continue playing Animal Crossing by himself? He was totally wasted.
His name as a human was Alastor (which is apparently canon, but I wonder if it'll be retconned or not?) Boudreaux-Alexander. Boudreaux was his father's last name, Alexander was his mother's. He didn't like his mother taking her husband's last name and wanted to keep his mother's. He was born in March 7th 1901, and died in August 4th 1933, aged 32, after being shot by a hunter that confused him with a deer and was mauled by dogs afterwards. (Yikes, I'm so sorry)
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She definitely has written lots of fanfics about her fellow hotel friends. Especially men. Yet, she loves Charlie and Vaggie too, so they're there as well.
We know both Niffty and Husk have deals with Alastor. She loves them both, I love to headcanon that when she feels lonely and can't sleep well or had nightmares, she either goes to Husk's or Alastor's room to sleep with them. They welcome her warmly ç_ç
Alastor and Husk most definitely know Niffty's story, which is why they care about her so much. She's childish for her age, but it could be tied to a past that only the two of them know very well.
Niffty knew Vox when they were alive. Now I know it could be a weird headcanon since Niffty is Japanese and Vox is American, but if Niffty's work brought her around the world it wouldn't be weird if they crossed paths. When Vox died Niffty was 19, she either saw him die in front of her eyes or something else happened.
As I mentioned in my concept sheets, she used to wear glasses when she was alive so she can't see really well without them after she died. Sometimes she borrows Alastor's monocle, and if we apply the headcanon that he's colorblind, without his monocle not only he can't see anything but can't even see colors LOL
Her name when she was alive was Sachiko Tanaka, born February 27th 1934. She died September 1st 1956, aged 22, there are popular headcanons about the way she died and yikes, if it's true she didn't have a good death either. Not at all.
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Maybe I'm overanalysing but what if the reason why he grew affectionate to Niffty was because he once had children? Or just one? Either he had a child and was with him but felt like he wasn't a good father or his ex-wife left him because of his gambling addiction and this made him feel guilty, not able to see his child ever again. (I feel bad just thinking about this but ç_ç)
Despite the fact he hates being on a leash and none other than Alastor's, he actually cares about him. If the two were friends when they were alive (including Mimzy), this could explain why he's still around Alastor even if reluctantly. (Sure he says he's forced, but in the pilot Alastor summoned him, so it's safe to assume either Alastor-Husk-Niffty were roommates before coming to the hotel and did their business without telling Alastor, or simply we need more explanations of Alastor's deals)
His name when he was alive was Ivan Goncharov, born January 29th 1900, and died in December 23rd 1967, aged 67. As I mentioned in my concept sheets, he was friends with Alastor and Mimzy when they were alive and he was the last one of them to die. He would often visit his friends' graves when he was still alive :(
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juantheashura · 2 years
Seems it slipped my mind... Sorry!
So, those of you in the forums or the discord server have probably seen this, but it seems I forgot to post about this in the blog. Again, sorry! In the past few months, in-between working on Chapter 5 (and Chapter 6, I'm going to try and aim for a 'chapter-and-a-half' update), I have gotten a couple commissions done of the cast. Please, see them here:
Ignis, Laura Coltello, the Tamer.
… And a Princess to whom destruction flocks.
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Aki, the second hope.
And the last reminder.
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Victoria Daimon, the previous Seeker. One of two Dragons.
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I really love how they've turned out!! :D The plan is to eventually get the whole cast done, though of course, that's reliant on my own finances and everything. The artist is Erineas_5am, on Twitter. She's incredibly talented, and I really love how the characters look in her style.
Also, don't tell her, but I want to see if I can get her to do some headshots to put in the game proper, for the character profiles. Again, I love her style. How come people my own age are so much more talented than me?! T_T.
That aside, I hope you like them! As you can see, Victoria went through a slight redesign (mostly because I want to make a bigger contrast between her and Kratis/Seeker), but that's not all of it. I've also asked the artist to add a couple accessories and such that "hint" at certain plot points and such. I wonder if you guys will notice them.
Either way, they're great pieces, and I can't wait to get everyone else done. If these three are anything to go by, they'll look amazing!
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