#they're 100% not another thinly veild self insert
robobrainrot · 1 year
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Introducing Rory Magellan, my newest Transformers Human OC.
Rory is a third year Fine Arts major that does a lot of experimental art and gesture studies. They frequently stop to draw things they find around town, which causes them to be late to almost everything. Rory also usually draws themself as a little Garfield-esque character instead of a human-person.
One day they stop to draw a gorgeous red Aston Martin they find parked in an alley and decide to leave the sketch and their card on the windshield for the "owner." Vain as he is, Knockout loves this kind of attention and starts making a plan to get them to be his personal artist.
I'm not sure if I'll post the full short fic of them or not but here's a snip-it under the cut;
(From the first chapter/introduction)
“Finally! The human is leaving. Knockout, Out.” He ended the transmission quickly as the human in question walked closer to the car. Instead of continuing down the sidewalk, they stopped next to Knockout’s side mirror. They pulled a piece of paper off the thing they had been fiddling with, then flipped it over and scribbled something on the back.
It took everything Knockout had not to smack them away as they lifted up one of his windshield wipers and tucked the paper neatly under it. He was trying to be a better bot. If he kept causing issues, the Autobots might have second thoughts about giving him so much freedom. He remained tense as the human placed their hand on his hood.
“Don’t see many beauties like you around here.” They said under their breath. “Thanks for letting me draw you. Love the sticker thing.” Then, they patted his hood and walked away.
Knockout sat there for a moment stunned. First, yes, he was quite beautiful. More humans should be like this one and notice that. Second, they had spoken to him. Not at him. Not to some fake driver. Him. Third, they had touched him. Their grubby little human fingerprints were no doubt on his hood now. He was going to have to pull over and fix that before returning to base. Not to mention whatever it was that they stuck under his window wiper. It was terribly itchy.
Still, he watched them turn the corner down the street. He had many questions. Were any of them worth pursuing? The blinking missed message from Breakdown on his dash told him no.
“Stay out of trouble, Speedster.” The text read.
He turned on his engine then rolled out. He would stay out of trouble… for now.
Notes: 1. KO doesn't know that humans talk to inanimate objects sometimes. 2. Breakdown isn't dead. Fuck canon- I do what I want :)
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