#they're all v good songs but they didn't fit Quite as well 2 us. do check em out too tho when u have time tbh!
euclydya · 2 years
Hi, I saw you talking with your anon friend about song recommendations? I was wondering if I could get some recommendations? Although, I want some fitting a specific aesthetic (the desert, driving around in your car with friends, staying up late, etc.) and I don't know if that would be ok with you or not. But honestly, any song recommendations for you would be cool. :) I hope it's ok to ask this.
- Party 🎉
It is ALWAYS okay to ask us for music recs don't worry !! !!!
okay okay So. Gonna stay away from any songs related to your source (assuming we're right tht is, yr from the killjoy comics yeah?) cuz that'd make shit too easy but here you go:
Drive - Incubus
I guess this is... A sort of obvious first choice? Ticks off everything you mentioned to us, anyway. It tastes very warm/humid to us too and feels sandy so I ofc had to put it first
Cats, Dogs, and Rats - Rare Americans
A bit on the angrier side but to us it also gives off friendship vibes, less in a "yay we're besties" way and more a "I Will Die And Kill For You No Matter What" way. Which is funny because that's not at all what the song is about hsiaiaidkf
Fast Talk - Houses
Tbh I think this one hits the nail right on the head vibe-wise but that's just me!! It's pretty relaxed and chill too!
We're In This Together - Nine Inch Nails
ok we aren't Super familar with your source (as in, haven't watched any related music videos or read the comics) but. This song also gives off major Warmth/Humidity/Desert vibes to us & is a Friendship Song in our opinion!!
Shoot Em Up (Thomas Vent Remix) - Blue Stahli
Same as we're in this together tbh it just gives off Friendship/Unbreakable Bonds™ vibes to us but this time with a side of Mania™
Sawed Off Shotgun - The Glorious Sons
mania vibes but this time in a "aftermath of staying up too late" direction to us!
Life in the Fast Lane - Eagles
This one's,,, about drugs and sex admittedly but. We always took the lyrics literally as a kid (we were like 5 ok /lighthearted) so we've always associated it with Driving Fast And Hanging Out With People :) JFJFKDKSKD
Black Cadillac - Shinedown
,,, Self explanatory vibe-wise tbh HDJSJSJD
Tundra/Desert - Modest Mouse
we love this song so much it's so full of angry. HFJSKSKFKXJSJ. Goes from cold to hot synesthesia-wise REAL fast
All I Can Do To Help You with Your Nightmares Is Keep You up Late - World / Inferno Friendship Society
Again probs a bit on the nose but,, we r getting sleepy and can't vibe check songs as well rn ngl HDJSKDKD /lighthearted
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mirixmoya · 3 months
(you can find PART ONE here, for anyone interested!)
i. the black dog: 8/10. excellent directly-post-war hayffie song. captures a moment when they haven't quite re-connected yet, but they're both dying without eachother. "my longings stay unspoken, and i may never open up the way i did for you" "six weeks of breathing clean air, i still miss the smoke" is all very them. a really effective illustration of how the world feels like a different place in heartbreak, it's desolate and aching, which is all very very hayffie.
ii. imgonnagetyouback: 9/10. this song is bananas crazy, but so is effie. so it fits. it reeks of the turbulent, on-again-off-again, boundaryless, situationship parts of hayffie. once again, i think this could be a VERY good directly-post-war vibe. "i can tell when somebody still wants me" "you'll find that you were never not mine" "even if it's handcuffed, i'm leaving here with you" are all crazy thought processes which i can 100% imagine effie having.
iii. the albatross: 7/10. i know everyone is really stuck on this being a lucy gray / katniss / snow parallel song, but i see the hayffie vision! i think it would be a good song to juxtapose all of effie's relationships with capitol men against her relationship with haymitch. how is she made to behave by love? how does her fame + position loom over her relationships? effie is mythologized by the men in her life, almost made unreal by their perceptions of her, and it's haymitch who makes her real again. if any of that makes sense.
iv. chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: 8/10. EVERYONE HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE, but i have this vision of really angsty post-canon hayffie where they try to make a proper relationship work, they really do, but they just... can't. but there is an ache to this failure. a regret. they thought that they would always be able to come back to this, to eachother, but they discover that life is actually a series of closed doors. things change over time. they're forced to grieve this past version of their relationship that they simply don't have access to anymore. "you turned me into an idea of sorts, you needed me but you needed drugs (ALCOHOL) more" "could it be enough to just float in your orbit?" "if you want to break my cold, cold heart, say you loved me" ... yeah, the angst potential is endless.
v: how did it end?: 7/10. ONCE AGAIN, excellent bones for an angsty post-canon 'well, it didn't work out' hayffie vibe. good general thg imagery with "lost the game of chance, what are the chances?" + "the empathetic hunger descends" etc etc. "we were blind to unforeseen circumstances" very very them.
vi: so high school: 5/10. i feel like i could twist it to be hayffie if i tried really hard. like maybe a post-canon movie-verse traumaless fluff vibe where everything just falls into place. "no one's ever had me, not like you" is a very good line for hayffie tho.
vii: i hate it here: 8/10. excellent potential for a pre-canon / during-canon hayffie where effie uses their relationship as her refuge from the rest of the world, it's the only place she can truly be herself. the precocious child stuff, the debutant stuff, "i'm lonely but i'm good, i'm bitter but i swear i'm fine", all feels veryyy effie. this song would also be a good framework for effie being incapable of articulating her relationship with haymitch to other people, the magic of it is lost on them, it comes out clunky and awkward. but SHE knows it's real.
viii: thanK you aIMee: 2/10. not a hayffie song. but i feel like i could make it about effie & The Other Escorts if i really tried.
ix: i look in people's windows: 6/10. listen, this album is just an post-canon hayffie gold mine. "i had died the tiniest death" (the war) "i'm afflicted by the not knowing" (her relationship with haymitch) "what if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time" (they can try again, can't they?). the anxious, almost neurotic ruminating is very effie to me.
x. the prophecy: 10/10. THE HAYFFIE SONG! if you saw the twitter edit before it got taken down, you KNOW. "don't want money, just someone who wants my company" "i'm so afraid i've sealed by fate" ... devastating. i think the illusions to prophecy & fate & this lack of control all play into her role in The Games really well. the idea that she's being punished for her sins by this lack of love. so much of effie is controlled and precise, i think the fact that this one thing (her relationship with haymitch) is sooo out of her control would drive her insane. perhaps insane enough to beg on her knees...
xi. cassandra: 4/10. not really hayffie focused, but good potential for one of my more politically focused fics. maybe the year of the 75th, leading right up to the rebellion. cinna & portia strike me as very cassandra-coded.
xii. peter: 1/10. not hayffie. maybe seneca & effie relationship study, but def not hayffie.
xiii. the bolter: 10/10. PERFECT EFFIE SONG! NO NOTES! SHE IS THE BOLTER! a precocious child with a "quite bewitching face" who is "splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless"??? welcome back effie trinket! the chorus is very hayffie to me. i'm thinking pre-canon early affair vibes. we get all the fun contrast between her relationship with haymitch and her relationship with the capitol "trophy hunters". the bridge could not be more effie if it tried, "hearts are hers for the breaking, there's an escape in escaping". she falls through the ice (the war) but don't worry folks, she comes out alive!
xiv. robin: 0/10. i genuinely have no idea what i could do with this song. sorry.
xv. the manuscript: 3/10. potential for post-canon living-happily-ever-after hayffie but with effie reflecting on her past relationships with capitol men. there's lots of illusions to grooming and the imprint that age-gap relationships leave behind that i think could really work.
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