#they're dancing to LA Devotee - P!atD by the way. expert+ level and they're smashing it.
starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Kind of unrelated considering the oc tournament but it’s my hyperfixation so I have to ask lol
Does starstruck dee play smash bros? If so, who’s her favorite character?
oh my gosh, hahahaha. hmm. i think smash bros is outside their canon experience in my world building, buuuut if it was in there as a game only...
well i think she would obviously be biased towards her friends who are present!! though i wonder if she mightn't be a bit peeved that bandee isn't on the roster 😂 either way, i don't think she'd be good at this sort of game; she could probably learn it given time, but she's so uncompetitive that even if she could get good at it, i think she might throw it every time so that nobody else has to lose.
that said, for video games i think she would like; waddle dees are a dance culture, to me, so the obvious answer is rhythm games! i think she and bandee would absolutely tear it up at duo beat saber
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