#they're definitely going to joss my plans but i really think these are good!!! i want to go in early so i can take the lead
audiovisualrecall · 2 years
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I wanna wave this at my boss like is those enough planning for you??????
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mermaidsirennikita · 19 days
What are your favorite age gap romances?
Oh fun!
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long—39 year old hero and 20 year old heroine, he's a jaded widower and is trying to ruin her for revenge against her brother (who cucked him). She catches on immediately and decides to use him to make the guy she wants jealous. Also, there's an erotic pseudo hide and seek game.
After Dark with the Duke by Julie Anne Long—42 year old hero and 25 year old heroine, he's uptight and a war hero, she's a scandalous opera singer. They're staying at the same boarding house, and in a series of events, he ends up having to give her Italian lessons... which leads to a friendship... which leads to more....
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli—38 year old hero, 20 year old heroine. He's a fucking loony tunes mafia don/villain of the last book, and blows up a bar and kidnaps her to seek revenge against her brother in law. His plan is to keep her in a cage on his yacht. What he did not expect. Is that she. Is also. CRAZY. Naked yoga, attempting to escape via couch cushion, and super happy BJs given while he tells her about all the murders he's committed for her ensue.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time by Kylie Scott—This is such a fun "dad's friend" age gap contemporary. Heroine is 25, hero is 40, but she made a move on him (which he didn't want) on her eighteenth birthday. Her dad (his friend and business partner) walked in on it, and she ended up leaving town in disgrace for a minute. Now she's back in town for her dad's wedding and.. THE BEEF REMAINS REAL.
My Dirty Duke by Joanna Shupe—Hero is around 43ish, heroine is 18-20. Another dad's friend book. She's in love with her dad's friend (or is sexually obsessed with him lol) and he's all DON'T STAND SO CLOSE TO ME about it, but, you know. She's very accommodating of his interest in Victorian photography. Super hot novella.
The Lyonesse Series by Sierra Simone has a lot more going on than the fact that Mark (36ish in the CURRENTLY timeline, 32ish in the prequel) is 14 years older than Isolde (18 in the prequel and 22 in the current timeline) but uh.... That's definitely part of it. And this is one of my favorite series of all time, so I've gotta mention it!
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette has a good gap—I want to say Sylvester is in his late thirties, while Hy is 23. I really love how jaded she is, and the way she still manages to absolutely bowl him over in every way.
Regarding the Duke by Grace Callaway. This one has a 12ish year age gap, I think, so it's not HUGE, but I feel like you reeeeally get the things you want out of an age gap book hero, AND you see how it plays out into a marriage (since we're eight years deep into that marriage when the book begins).
Princess by Gaelen Foley, of course. I MEAN. 14 year gap, he's known her.... since she was born... (it's because her parents raised him! It's fine!).... He's her bodyguard... She's a bratty flirt, he's an angsty mess. I LOVE IT.
Joss and The Countess, as I recommended earlier, though again it's only a 12 year gap.
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lamonnaie · 11 months
GMMTV 2024 Bingo
it's the eve of gmmtv 2024(.5) so perfect time for bingo. I made one for predictions and one for wishlist (there's plenty in the predictions that i'm rlly hoping for too, but i didn't want too many overlaps 😅).
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credit to @icouldhyperfixatehim for the template! :)
Some thoughts about my cards because apparently i can't shut up:
I definitely think they have gl series planned for the near future but idk if they would announce them now given 23.5 hasn't even aired yet. The whole split announcement thing seems to be to gauge audience reception, so possibly gl in part 2 to ride off of 23.5? its in my bingo anyway
Winnysatang series is essentially confirmed and i don't think it's a high school series purely based on how much satang's been going to the gym lately lmao i mean it might just be his choice, but i choose to take anything and everything as hints 😌
I think most of us have seen the fk + p'new rumours which.. yeah 😬 (still not over what they did to between us <//3)
i want a fluke pusit + thor comeback because they were insane in the warp effect, but lbr that's not happening lol. But I've been seeing the Thor + fluke nattanon (from project alpha) stuff lately soooo 👀? i'm honestly kinda hyped for that too
saw whispers of jossgawin and i'm so on board actually (didn't think and still don't rlly think joss would do a bl so they might just be in the same project, but still, the rumours are rumouring)
random marcpawin revival in 2023 surely wasn't for nothing right? i think they're gonna be a side couple in a show again next year (same for aouboom who gmm has actually been trying to rlly launch for a couple years 🤞 will they ever get to pillar status? here's hoping because i rlly like them <3)
i know jojo doesn't have any projects in part 1 and a couple of the actors i mentioned aren't even in the lineup, but i can't be bothered figuring it out so i guess some of this will just extend to part 2 :)
i really wanna see neomark again as leads, but i don't actually think we're gonna get mark in a bl (or at least as a cp) in part 1. Markford was obviously very successful because of msp, but i think neomark has more longevity (although idk if mark would be put in a set cp like that). Definitely think gmm wants to gauge the response to neomark more as only friends finishes up.
loved joong in the warp effect and i think he should just kiss everyone (hence joong harem) (joong dating show perhaps) i never rlly got into any of joongdunk's shows although i do love them as a pair outside of the series, so i kinda wanna see both of them act with different people (gmm give me ponddunk pls)
honestly joongdunk could be rlly good if u take them out of the same goddamn uni plotline every time 😭😭
lbr gmm's totally gonna try to recreate msp/gem4th's success with a new rookie pair. i do think msp was lightning in a bottle, so will this reach the same status? not likely, but only time will tell.
guys ohmnani look so good together you don't understand (i know the bl won't actually happen for various reasons but just look at them 😩😩)
i don't rlly have a lot of predictions nor wishes regarding actual concepts because i am uncreative and unoriginal 👍 Overall i do want something more exciting/less tropey though.
Also can you tell I just wanna see ohm in every show ever hajskdj
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
"What happened, it happened. That's my feeling on it. Doesn't change how I feel about you, which is friendship. You're my best friend," Jason answers.
"Oh thank god," Carly says, engulfing him in a hug. "No offense or anything but I feel exactly the same way."
"None taken."
"Alright good, so let's keep this a secret. Not because it's an adulterous thing because it's not but because people are going to get the wrong idea about us if they find out we did it. Especially Sam and our kids. They've already asked if we're together."
"I was planning on keeping this to myself in general, Carly. Who do you think I'm going to tell?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know. Look, let's just not tell people unless it comes up in conversation. It's no one's business," she declares as Michael and Willow come in with Ophelia, Donna, and Wiley. "The kids will get confused and we don't want to give them the wrong idea about anything."
"What are you keeping secret? Does it have to do with Dad?" Michael asks after telling the kids to go play in Donna's room.
"We have to tell him now," Carly whispers to Jason.
"Yeah, we do."
"We didn't even last an hour!"
"Technically we lasted fifteen."
"Technically we're screwed."
"Is that really the expression we're going with, screwed?"
"Well what expression do you want to go with?"
"Literally any other expression."
"You didn't even last an hour with what? Are you two together? Like, romantically together, kissing and love and all that stuff? Dating? Romantic attraction?" Michael asks disgusted.
Both burst into laughter at the thought. "No, Michael, we're not dating. Nor are we romantically attracted to each other."
"Does it have to do with Dad?"
"No, it does have to do with us. There's nothing new on Sonny. As far as I'm aware, your dad is still most likely dead," Jason answers him, frowning.
"Then what did you two do you don't want us to know? I mean, you've done some fairly questionable things that I haven't judged you for in the past, what makes you think I'll judge you for something?" He questions seriously. "Did you two commit a felony or- oh my god. Did you two have sex?"
"How did he figure that out?" Carly marvels quietly. "Seriously, it's impressive."
"That's what you're focusing on here?"
"Well it's impressive!"
"Am I right? Are you two doing it?" Michael's voice is dripping with disgust as he asks them frantically, "Why are you doing that? There's plenty of people your age in this town to do it with!"
"Yes," Carly admits, "Jason and I did it. Once. Last night. That's all it was, it doesn't mean anything. It was a one night stand. Nothing more."
"What- why- Mom aren't you in- you two- sex- like- how children are made- you two- last night- why- what- how- when- Sam- I- you-" Michael stutters out in an effort to form a coherent thought. The effort appears to not really be a reality, but it's a good try.
"Take your time to pick a question, Michael," Carly urges her son.
"From one father figure to another, Mom! You really have a type, don't you? I mean, I could understand if you hadn't been in love with Dad all year but you claim to still be in love with him and then you go and sleep with Jason, knowing that would hurt him the most! No matter what, this is the thing that would cause him the most pain." Michael exclaims angrily.
"Honey, it just happened. Much like Ophelia," she answers and that doesn't help his anger.
"Do you think you're pregnant?" He asks, looking like he's about to pass out. "I can't believe I'm about to ask this but did you two use protection last night?"
As if this situation couldn't get any more awkward, Josslyn walks in right as that question is asked. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"
"We're terrible at keeping this quiet."
"Thanks for the newsflash, Jason."
"The whole town is gonna know by this time tomorrow, aren't they?"
"This can only end terribly."
"Well, for once we won't be blindsided by the current drama."
"That's because we're going to be the main focus of it."
"There's this thing called a positive outlook. You should try it sometime."
"I'll think about it when you agree to no longer cause public scenes."
"I don't do that. Often."
"Define often."
"Okay so maybe I do it regularly but only for really good reasons."
"Mhm, sure."
Laughing, Michael says, "No, you're not interrupting anything, Joss. But apparently Mom and Jason did it last night. I'm currently worried whether or not they used protection."
"Michael! Yes, we used protection," Carly answers his question.
"I'm sorry, did you just say that they did it? As in, had sex?" Joss asks.
"Yes, that's exactly what I said! I can't believe it happened," Michael exclaims.
"Michael, you can feel whatever you're feeling but you can't act like you weren't expecting this to happen. I'm honestly more surprised they're not dating," the younger blonde says. "Wait, are you two dating?"
"No, we're not dating. We're friends, it was a one night stand. That's all," Jason reminds her.
"Can it be a one night stand? You two have known each other forever. You're best friends. He basically lives here- not that there's anything wrong with that, there isn't- and you depend on each other. Whether or not you'll admit it. Besides, it's not like you'll never see each other again. Your lives are intertwined and I don't think you can go a day without speaking to each other. Are you just going to forget that last night happened?" Joss asks calmly. She's taking this news fairly well, in a surprise for the others in the room.
"Yes, it is. We're not going to forget about it, but we're not going to dwell on it. There's no attraction there," Carly assures her daughter.
"If there's no attraction, you wouldn't have had sex. That's not how it works; there, on some level, is a subconscious attraction," Michael interjects. "Mom, you sound crazy talking like that, saying that there's no attraction. You're clearly attracted to each other, no matter how much you claim not to be. This is just evidence of that."
"Friendly attraction," she agrees. "Nothing more than that."
"Sure. He steps up and spends more time here, consoling all of us. Makes sense, he's your best friend. You were weirdly close anyways, so no one really thought anything of it. But then, it started to feel like you two were together. Nothing like this, of course, just the way you acted. There was kind of... A shift. I don't know if it was because you two became practically inseparable or because of something else you're not owning up to right now, but something changed. Not in a bad way, of course, but there was a definite change," Joss counters.
"Nothing's changing. We're friends," they both insist.
"Friends who did it last night," Michael argues. "That's not exactly the most friendly thing to do, is it Joss?" His sister nods her agreement and he continues, "No one will blame you two for whatever you decide. Look, we all know about the unbreakable bond you have. The very strange situation where he was kidnapped by Russian mobsters didn't even strain it. But sex isn't something you have with your best friend. Not unless you have feelings of attraction, in some way, for them. People don't just go and do it with their friends spontaneously or randomly. It wouldn't make any sense."
"Well that's what happened here."
"Look, this is none of my business, but I don't think that you're going to be crucified if anything happens with you two. This is a thing that primarily affects you two, so whatever happens I know it'll be fine, but we're right. Something's happening here," Joss says before leaving to go up the stairs to her room.
"How do we prove it to you two that we're not into each other? Seriously, it's seeming less and likely we'll be able to," Carly asks.
"Maybe that's because you're not not into each other," Michael muses.
"We just went through this, we don't like each other like that." Jason reminds him.
"I've got an idea of how you can prove you're not into each other. Or officially figure out you are. Whichever happens, it'll be fun to observe."
"And what is this idea?"
"You're gonna hate it."
"Try me."
"You sure?"
"Just spit it out already."
To be continued when I'm not as sleep deprived because I'm going to bed at 2:30 am this is healthy :)
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
hi do you have a rec for a book where the heroine is like, nice and polite because Society™ but is bottling up her rage and the hero helps her let out the rage/emotions? preferably historical but i'll take anything!
I've been recommending it a lot, but... this is For My Lady's Heart by Laura Kinsale. The heroine is a widowed princess who keeps a very icily polite and cold surface (maybe not nice, lol, but very in keeping with her societal role), and the hero helps her get in touch not only with her anger but her grief as well. So good, with such a unique heroine.
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette has shades of this. The heroine is a widow who was horribly treated by her husband (TW lots of discussions of sexual abuse in the book) and Joss is her bodyguard as she roams the city trying to meet someone who will take her to bed and make her feeeel. Turns out Joss can make her feel (and she's super into being dominated by him, naturally).
Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaVioette is another one you might want to try, and it comes first, I think? Melissa is a madame who now runs her own brothel but was sold into sex work at a very young age (TW). She goes to this village because her health, largely due to stress, has taken a turn. She keeps up a very polite and professional mask for friends, patrons, etc, but she meets this virginal vicar guy who just unlocks something vulnerable in her and allows her to really feel and vent about all the shit she's been through over her life.
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt SOOO has this vibe. The heroine is a society widow who's known for being like, very fashionable, very of high society. She's super polite and puts on a good show, and even takes care of her late husband's bastard child (though she herself is infertile and suffered a lot of miscarriages and suffers deeep down because of it). The hero, again a virgin lol, allows her to really let it all out--her anger, her pain, etc. There's one scene where he like basically holds her in his lap and strokes her hair and her back while she just loses her shit and I love it SO MUCH.
I meeeean lol Between the Devil and Desire by Lorraine Heath definitely has this. Olivia was really dissatisfied in her marriage, among other things, but kept it together because she was the duchess, and Jack empowers her to express her feelings more openly. She actually has a majorly defiant streak, and he triggers that.
Evernight by Kristen Callihan. This is a Victorian supernatural, and one of my favorite Darkest London books. The heroine has the ability to manipulate metal, and she's this very removed, cool woman; she was used by a big villain to create this like... clockwork heart dealy situation for this guy who's essentially a vampire/demon, and having it in his chest and being this monster, basically, has driven him out of his mind. (He was previously very rakish and fun-loving.) He goes to get her to make her fix it, and she can't immediately, but touching her relieves his agony so he's like "well, I guess we're stuck together until you fix me". She's uptight, he's wild, they end up going on this whole adventure thing and also have very impetuous and poorly-planned sex on like, an exam room table thing, her name is Holly Evernight and even before they're vaguely romantic he calls her "my Evernight" it's GREAT.
No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole. Lol, this is less "she's nice" but big on the "bottled emotions" thing. The heroine is a valkyrie who hunts vampires, and she's known as "Kaderin the Cold-Hearted" because she just can't feel emotion due to the loss of her sisters centuries before. She goes to kill this vampire, and it turns out he's basically a giant nerd who's had sex like exactly twice and lives in his big castle reading books and not hurting anyone. She still wants to kill him, but they end up dry humping on the floor instead, and then she's like "OH NO WHAT IS THIS FEELING???" and runs off. He understandably is all "you don't meet a woman like that every dynasty" and chases her, determined to make her feel a feeling lmao.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
So this is a new one of these and the other one is probably over so yeah
It's a weird Christmas.
It marks a year since anyone last saw Sonny, a year since Julian's death, and a year full of drama, as one would expect.
Michael and Willow had had another child, a girl this time. Her name was Ophelia and Wiley loved being a big brother to her. The pair had also burned their annulment papers when they'd realized she was pregnant and finally admitted their feelings for each other. Watching them together had probably been the highlight of the year for their family.
Sam had started hooking up with Dante much to the chagrin of, well, everyone. It had started as a few random hookups but changed quickly into an actual relationship, testing several familial bonds.
Luckily, that disaster on wheels had been halted when Lulu had woken up from her coma. Lulu and Dante got back together and fell in love, again.
Sasha and Brando had formed a relationship as well, which was quite a surprise at first glance but made sense after a few weeks.
"Carly? You okay?" Jason asks. Surprisingly enough, she hadn't completely broke down yet, or ran away. The furthest she'd ran was the island and even then, it was only a few hours no one knew where she was, since he couldn't teleport and it took that long to get to the island.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," she responds, faking a smile.
"Tell that to the tears in your eyes and obviously fake smile," he says to her. "What are you thinking about?"
"It's been a year since any of us have heard from Sonny. For all we know, he's dead. Hell, he probably is. I know I should give up and just agree to a funeral, but it feels wrong to do that without a body," Carly sighs, head in her hands in an effort to hide her tears. "It feels wrong for him to not be here. Last Christmas, we were convinced he'd be home by now and now it's like we've all resigned ourselves to him being dead."
"If it doesn't feel right to have a funeral, don't have one. I've known you for a long time, and your instincts are right a lot of the time. Just because Sonny's not confirmed dead doesn't mean he's not," Jason frowns, putting his arm around her and rubbing circles along her back.
Sonny's "death" meant he had to step up in more ways than one. This had marked the year of Jason running the mob, which he'd practically been doing before but was actually doing now. He'd also had to become sort of a surrogate husband to Carly to the point he practically lives there by now. The kids hadn't questioned it; they'd asked a few times if there was anything going on there but after getting a firm no there hadn't been anything else from them in forms of questioning their relationship status. It was what it was and that was the same friendship they'd always had.
There had been times even Danny had questioned why they were at that house so much, to the point he once asked Carly if they were together or not.
You know it's reaching an odd point when a twelve year old is asking if you're in love with your best friend.
Of course, they didn't take into consideration the fact the whole town thought they were together. Again. Everyone had assumed, based off of how much time they'd been spending together- surprisingly more than normal- and the fact that he'd all but moved into the house that they were together.
That was a fun one to realize when he'd gotten shot and everyone had assured her that her boyfriend would be fine.
It just wasn't happening, they were friends. Anything more could complicate it and complicated almost always meant that there would be fights they couldn't go to each other to uncomplicate.
"I know that, but I just don't want to live knowing that there's a chance he could be alive somewhere and he's been kidnapped or forgotten his name or something. It's like I'm stuck in this neverending circle where there's barely any hope but I can't pretend there's none either. Sometimes, I wish that the police would show up with a body and I would have to confirm that yes, he is dead, just so that I could get out of this loop," Carly sobs. "And then I feel terrible for wishing he was dead because I love him, you know, but then at the same time, I can't help but feel like I need closure."
"That's not a bad thing, to need closure. None of us get any closure when it comes to this, Carly. You're not a bad person for wanting some," he reminds her. "You've been grieving for a year a man you don't even know for sure is dead. It doesn't make you bad to want to have something definite."
"But wanting my husband dead? That's dark," she argues with him.
"You want to know if he's dead or alive, something to confirm what's happened to him. I hate to break it to you but you don't qualify as a terrible person," Jason chuckles. "You've never killed someone, never hurt a kid."
"I shot a dude in open court, I almost killed AJ. I've done a lot of questionable things in my life, Jason," Carly fights back.
She's not wrong, persay, but she's not right. "That stuff doesn't make you a bad person. Morally grey? Yes. Bad? No. You do what you think is best and you're impulsive. If something's not going your way, you'll tip the scales. It's just how you are. None of that makes you a bad person. Some people might not like it, but you've never killed someone or hurt a kid, so in my book you're a good person."
Carly's head comes out of her hands for a minute and he smiles, wiping away the tears. "Well you're not a bad person either. You'd never hurt a kid and you only kill in self defense or if the person's really bad and threatening someone you care about. It's not like you wake up and go kill someone for shits and giggles. You mourn the people you kill and feel bad about it. Only a purely horrible person wouldn't feel bad about their murders."
"Neither of us are bad people, let's just agree on that at least."
"Fine," she relents finally. That only took a year. "I miss Sonny. Especially this time of year. Last year, he read Donna and Avery the Grinch and he had the world's worst Grinch voice. I practically begged him to read another book because of how bad it was. But this year, I wish he would be able to read it to them."
"I miss him too," Jason admits. "It's been a hell of a year without him."
"That it has. So much has changed," she agrees with him, shifting her position on the couch so she's lying her head on his lap.
That's probably why the kids thought they were dating.
He plays with her hair as she laughs, remembering some obscure detail about his telling of the Grinch and decorating for Christmas.
Scratch that, this is definitely why everyone thinks they're together.
"Hey Mom, Jason," Joss greets them, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm going to Trina's. Donna's with Ophelia at the Quartermaine's and Avery's with Ava."
"Alright sweetie, have fun," Carly bids her daughter goodbye, sighing. "Why is she so adult now? I mean, I can remember when she was born and it feels like yesterday. Hell, Michael's birth feels like yesterday. And they're both so grown up."
"Time flies when you're having fun," he answers.
"Where'd you get that? A throw pillow or some advice of my mother's?"
"A card someone sent me back when I was in the hospital. Needless to say, that card got tossed in the trash as soon as you'd let me stand up to go to the trash."
"Who the hell sent that to you of all people?"
"No clue. It didn't have a name attached."
"Huh. Well, it's a terrible expression. Too throw pillow. The real answer would be that we're aging, sadly," Carly sighs again, equally as dramatic. "Granted, I still look like I'm 27, but somehow I've aged."
"Age is but a number."
"You sound like a Hallmark card."
"You do!"
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm aging as well. You're not in this whole getting old thing alone. Provided, of course, that you agree to age," he smirks.
"I don't have anything better to do, sadly, so I suppose I'll agree to getting older. But I refuse to have a gray hair."
"Then go to the salon when you notice one and dye your hair."
"I plan on it," the blonde smiles at him before changing the topic. "Do you think we're weird?"
"That came out of nowhere."
"Answer the question."
"That sounded like a question."
"Carly, how am I supposed to answer this one? I don't know, maybe?" Jason says, though most of it comes out as a question.
"Well, I mean, think of it. Sonny's been presumed dead for a year. You've been in charge of the business and been there for all of us in more ways than I can count. Seriously, I think Donna sees you as a father," Carly chuckles. "And you've listened to me crying and losing it. Hell, you spent a month and a half at the island just so I wouldn't be alone."
"Hey, you're family. I was happy to do all of those things. Besides, you wouldn't leave my side when I got shot. Or for a very long month after that," he jokes.
"I know but you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to step up and parent the kids. You already had Danny and Scout and the breakup with Sam to deal with, that's a lot at once. Not to mention, taking over the business and grieving Sonny. And dealing with me. All at the same time," she smiles. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but you had no obligation to do any of that."
"Carly, do you think I'd be here right now if I didn't want to? You know me better than that. I love you and the kids and want to be there for all of you. So far, I've only gotten shot once and that was unrelated, so I'd consider this a pretty good experience."
The blonde scoffs at him and he chuckles. "Not funny. You could've died."
Rolling his eyes, he reminds her, "I didn't."
"Well you're not allowed to get shot for a long time."
"I'll take getting shot off of my to do list."
"Don't you dare joke about this!"
"Alright. Look at me. I'm not going to die anytime soon. I promise. It takes a lot more than a measly bullet to kill me, after all. Not even Russian madmen could do it," he says seriously.
"Good. Because if you do that to me again, I'll have no choice but to resign myself to a life in either prison or Ferncliff," she says half seriously, getting a laugh out of Jason.
It's not entirely unrealistic she'd end up in one of those positions, especially given that it's already happened. Repeatedly.
Maybe there's a sign she should stop doing dangerous things.
Almost as though she's being told to by something inside her, Carly connects her lips with his.
to be continued
why do i get myself into these things smh
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