#they're enbies in the au now. gwen's out since the start
fraudulent-cheese · 9 months
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Im counting this as an ask - you've picked... The Team Escope TDWT AU!
This is 100% based on both another AU idea i had in my head (Hbombs vs Alenoah TDWT final four) and a take on @/real-total-drama-takes about Eva being on TDWT.
The main gist is instead of Tyler and Sierra getting on Team Chris, Eva and Izzy do, and the team is instead called "Team Escope". Alejandro's already a bit thrown by his team's general chaos and by Noah's presence (since he was Chris's assistant during the taping of Total Drama Dirtbags, a show Chris briefly tried filming that got cancelled before the mid season.), but he starts warming up to them while he tries to work on getting the other teams eliminated.
However, things don't turn out how he'd hoped since Team Victory, lead by the surprisingly competent duo of Lindsay and Harold, isn't failing nearly as badly as Alejandro expected. In fact, Harold makes it to the merge, and we get a final 7 of Alejandro, Noah, Eva, Harold, Heather, Gwen and Courtney (Heather was eliminated previously, got back during Niagra Brawls).
Gwen and Courtney get the double elimination, Noah and Alejandro aren't on amazing terms currently, Harold and Heather are seriously teaming up and seem to actually be friends, and Eva mostly just hopes she's still got a chance to win. After African Lying Safari where Alejandro and the Hbombs got immunity, Eva gets the boot; Harold and Heather want Eva out since out of the two she's the better player, Alejandro voted Eva because he wants to kiss be in an alliance with Noah, and Noah and Eva voted for Noah (Noah because he lowkey wants out and thinks he's going out anyways, Eva because she still wants to win and knows Noah would probably understand).
After Drumheller, Harold gets blown up and is booted instead of Alejandro (who had gotten the most votes. Even Noah voted for him.). Heather's trying extra hard to get in the Final 2 now, especially since she's motivated by the power of friendship now and Alejandro and Noah are still dancing around eachother (in a way similar to what happends in Slippery Slopes) Until they all reach Hawaii and Heather and Alejandro are both participating in the Tie-breaker for their last shot at competing in the final challenge. Alejandro wins the tie-breaker, they do the final challenge, kiss at the top of the volcano and Noah wins the season.
I think in general Eva being in TDWT would cause interesting changes in the dynamics of Team Escope since she's much less trusting than Tyler and even stronger than him, although she does have a weakness for pretty boys (bisexual moment). I think Alejandro in this AU has to rely on his team's strengths wayyy more than in canon, and in turn actually befriends most of these weirdos. keyword is most (he's still not a fan of Owen).
-Tyler straight up does not compete
-Obviously Harold making it to the merge with her mad skills
-Trans Harold is real, she comes out mid season lol
-DJ, Lindsay and Harold are the team Victory trio for a couple of episodes
-Cody gets eliminated in episode 3 instead of Harold
-Owen gets the boot in episode 10
-Heather gets booted in I See London
-Sierra and Duncan both get eliminated earlier, both pre merge :
Sierra gets the boot instead of Tyler in canon maybe? Gwourtney happends in this AU so they don't vote for eachother and instead for her.
Duncan just does NOT mesh well with Team Escope's entire dynamic. Eva doesn't like him because of course she wouldn't, Noah doesn't like him because he's a dick in general and Alejandro doesn't like him because his borderline obsession with bullying Harold is costing them challenges + he's friends with Courtney in this AU too so that's an additional reason to dislike him.
-i uh, i haven't thought about when Izzy gets out? maybe she's the last out before the merge? but she does have to kiss Eva before that happends soooo (i AM inserting Evzy in this and you can't stop me)
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