#they're good headphones though I just wear them the entire time I'm awake
doozclops · 1 year
If I could ever get a new laptop, I could then start saving up for new headphones.
Thankfully these ones aren't broken yet, but I use them so much that they get so worn. At least the headband of this one is metal so it won't crack like the last ones, but man.
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My ears are swolllen again. I hate that it keeps happening. It is unacceptable. I already was sick one day last week. No more!!
Its been a good and restful day. The overnight last night could have gone better. Like my group was wonderful. The kids were really sweet and the parents were helpful. Jordan and Jordan both had trouble staying on that schedule so I had to keep vamping and coming up with stuff for my kids. Eventually we were playing night in the museum in the Pearl Harbor room. Because I couldn't think of anything else. Thankfully the kids really enjoyed it and even asked if we could play it again in the morning. And because they were so good and they finish their breakfast we did go and play a couple rounds before they went and saw the gun mount.
But last night was pretty stressful. The parents in the one group were so mean to us. Particularly Tatiana and Maya. They were like snapping their fingers at them and calling them the wait staff. Which they are not. And it was just really really rude. And I'm pretty sure because they're both women of color it was also slightly racist. If not entirely racist.
But we ended the night and we were all glad to be done. I went down to the CPO and they had set up the tables to celebrate Jordan Brooks's new job. And I was like oh it's so cute. And then come to find out one of the tables was decorated for me. Because my birthday is next week. And then got me a card and candy and stuff. It was so cute. My also got me a wrap from Chick-fil-A which I just remembered I left in the fridge. So that's sad. But it was so thoughtful of them. The card also makes me laugh a lot because they all spelled my name wrong and so every single one of the Jesse has the I scribbled out in it. It was very cute and I was just very very appreciative.
Normally on overnights I'll go to bed around 11. But I was having such a nice time that I ended up staying with them in the mess hall until after midnight. My brother ended up texting me around midnight and I decided that that was when I need to go to sleep. I had a really good time talking to everyone though. Jordan finally cleared up what the line is between grave robbing and Archeology. Turns out it's 50 years. And then I went to go try to sleep.
Try is the imperative work here. I normally sleep with my headphones in. But because my ears have been so swollen I picked up a cheap pair of over-the-ear headphones from the clearance section at Dick Blick. They cost like $4. And while they work I sleep on my side. So trying to sleep with over-the-ear headphones on just was not working. So I was pretty uncomfortable. I was half asleep and half awake pretty much all night. I would wake up almost every hour. Which is pretty normal for me on overnights but it was still annoying. At least I was warm. Or warm enough in the pajamas that I wore.
My alarm went off at 5 and no one else in the room was getting up. And so I just decided to go wash my face put my sweatpants on underneath my work pants. Put a little bit of makeup on. And then I went and laid back down. I gave myself 15 more minutes and wait until I at least forever when I was starving. I did not want to be in charge of making all the food. But I also would feel like a jerk if I went up to the kitchen first and didn't start the food.
I was still the first one up there. I got the breakers on at least and then the girls came up and we all were tired and cold. But we tried our best.
We decided to do the morning where I would stay with the breakfasts all three of them. Jordan would do all the engine room tours and Brooks would do all the gun mount tours. And that was fine. The first breakfast was the group that was particularly rude. And we all kind of look down on that because that was also the breakfast where we had the most trouble getting the food done. The eggs would not cook. Mostly because it was so cold in the kitchen that the stove was having trouble getting hot. And the coffee wasn't finishing. And that parent that was sort of semi in charge was just so rude about it. Telling us how disgusting everything was. And honestly you have a bad attitude and I don't feel as bad as I normally would. I told him I agree with him about the food and I'm sorry that he had to deal with some less-than-ideal circumstances and here is a survey and you can totally write down all your complaints.
Thankfully the two other breakfasts went well. The eggs cooked way better or the girls had put them on the stove. Took them out of the bag is completely. Which is always risky but they knocked out of park. And everything went much better from then on. They ate nine boxes of cereal. And they all filled out their surveys. And besides a couple little pickups with the rudeness of the first group we finish strong. And we got some really nice compliments we were all very surprised by that. I'm not 5 by name compliments in the surveys. That is the most I've ever gotten. It was so nice to hear those. My group really liked me and it made me really happy.
It took a really long time for us to pull everything together. Clean up and all that. But we worked as a team and we got it done. James and Sam from over on torsk and they put all their stuff away and then it was decided that we would all go to IHOP.
Attend me James and Sam walked over. I have to get a small table. But then it took almost a 40 minutes how to get a table and then for Jordan and Tatiana to get over from Taney. I have no idea what they were doing. I think it was combination of mopping and finishing paperwork but still. I was very hungry and tired.
Food was good. It was nice being with James even though I could feel the tension radiating off of him. After we all ate we all went our separate ways. Me and James went upstairs to Marshalls. He got new sneakers which he desperately needed. Did not get new pants but the sneakers were very nice. We still cannot find him boots or sandals for that matter. But at least he has sneakers that are not falling apart now.
We went over to that make up section and I got new eyeliner and a heated eyelash curler. There's only $3 I'm fascinated to see how it works tomorrow. I also got a bicycle repair kit that was on clearance for 4 bucks so that was cool. It came in a nice little tin and it says established 1991 which I thought it was me because that's the year I was born.
Actually realized earlier this week that this year is a special birthday. Because I was born on to 2 / 17 / 91 and this year it's 2/17 / 19! Like I just think that's so cool.
After Marshall me and James said goodbye. We got our bikes and I had it on. It was a little bit of rough going. I'm in really bad shape right now. Between being sick and not stretching enough and it just being cold I am getting out of breath really easily. Something I'm definitely working on right now. I got home and it was around 12:30. I took a shower. I felt so much better after that. I am packed my bag and I fit sweet pea and then I laid in bed and watch TV for a little while.
I fell asleep somewhere around 2. It was pretty good rest. I didn't set an alarm. Because I didn't really need to be anywhere today. Didn't have to do anything. I technically worked a 10-hour day so I'm not going to feel bad about it. But I got up at 4:30. Will not up but I was awake. And I decided that I would stay in bed until the sun went down all the way. And then I would have to get up and do something. So I laid in bed for a while. Clean on my phone. And then I got up and I grabbed the fabric bag that just be from work gave me. And some paper. And I worked on selling some stuff. Working on a pattern. James is going to let me bring my sewing machine to keep it as apartment so that I can try to sew things there. But it was fun just sitting here and sewing for a while.
I made pasta sides for dinner. It was very nice. I made some outfits for the week and I played with sweet pea. I tried on the dress that I'm wearing for Valentine's Day and figure it out pain that I'm going to wear with it and what shoes I'm wearing. And I really just been hanging out since then. I can't believe it's almost 11:00. But the way my day was laid out I guess it makes sense. I'll probably go to bed in the next hour or so I can get back on a normal schedule. I'm hoping to wake up in the morning and do some yoga and go and run a couple errands. I want to make a PowerPoint for the kids. But I'm not that worried about that. I hope you guys all sleep well tonight and stay warm. Be kind to each other. Good night
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