#they're inspired by someone's oc whos basically the same thing named Bob
silver--scar · 7 months
TW: Mild blood and mentions of sensitive topics
Welcome to my first entry on this list! Inspired by @skenisasleb 's intro posts for their South Park characters, I realized that I wanted to do the same since I thought it would be fun! I will be following a similar format to theirs within this post and future ones to come. This is part one after all :D
So everyone put your hands together for my first ever South Park oc, Ashton Roscoe! (Below is his outfits during certain "episodes" or "b-plots", whatever you wanna call them. I'll be happy to explain them if there are questions, but I'll only go over a few in this post!)
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The Basic Life
Ashton Roscoe is an only child, living an average life in an average two-story home with average parents. They're maybe a little distant, but nothing too concerning.
He is one of the newer kids to South Park. Like, freshly new. He is left in a constant state of confusion with just how bonkers South Park can be and has yet to get accustomed into his new life. Otherwise, he has a pretty mellowed out mood with a hint of stubbornness.
He owns a massive cardboard fort deep in the woods of South Park. Who knows what goes on in there, and why he lays so many traps around the area? (It's role-play. It's literally just a place to keep his Stick of Truth items) And he likes to dig! But unlike Christophe, he digs for treasure. Bits and bobs. Doodads. Thingamajigs.
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There's nothing too special in Ash's bonds with his friends and family, and especially so being demisexual. He has three buddies, Lucio Connors, Robert 'Bubba' Hendrix, and Killian Manfred. Your typical, all guys friend group.
Out of everyone, he's most likely closest to Lucio due to them meeting when Ash moved in to the town. He helped Ash get around and learn everything there is to know with a kind attitude to boot, while Lucio greatly enjoys meeting someone who isn't a wackjob.
Bubba and Killian were already friends with Lucio before, so it helped Ash ease in quicker with the people around him. Bubba is the prankster who Ash tolerates. He always stands on guard around the guy, waiting for when he might strike with his next trick. It gets a bit mentally draining with it all, especially with the constant chatter about girls and dating or the next big prank.
Ash and Killian are a mixed bag. They get into arguments a few times, with who being in the right constantly switched around. But otherwise, they're tight knit, and they often defend one another during troubles. Ash appreciates Killian when they're on good terms and likes to listen to his conversations, but it wears thin when Killian gets zooted out of his mind and gets into his usual existential crises.
In terms of South Park? He tries his utmost to avoid the gang (i.e. Stan's and Tolkien's friends) and is pretty successful sometimes.
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Lore Galore
Since Ash was my New Kid while playing the South Park games, it's only obligatory to go with those first. His personas are Ashpatch the Thief and Ezkaton!
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These characters are something Ash put way too much effort in due to his affinity of escaping the world around him. He loves to play pretend.
Ashpatch is a thief class. He chose this because not only is he a natural at sneaking, he's an avid tinkerer. Most of his weapons, albeit rudimentary, are all handmade. He might put the things he nabbed to good use. At first, he just went by Ash, refusing to go by Douchebag but being too lazy to correct others around him. But later on, with his growing infuriation of Kupa Keep, Ash took the opportunity to switch sides the moment he saw it, donning the new name Ashpatch once he gained trust with the Elves.
He takes role-playing pretty seriously. As mentioned, he makes most of his weapons on his own out of objects he finds. If he wants something, he'll work his ass off to obtain it. Daggers, smoke screens, traps, you name it. Even though the other kids absolutely hate this, he doesn't care. He enjoys how it makes the games more authentic. And Ash even dressed the part, making an outfit to blend in the snow.
Ezkaton is his superhero persona, named after the word eschaton, meaning the final act of a divine plan. With a netherborn assassin class, Ash thought it was fitting to uphold an almost deity-like theme, and also because he's an edgy little boy... And also because he wanted to repurpose his abandoned Ghost cosplay, but he will never admit this.
His shawl is a Christmas tree skirt, and just like with Ashpatch, he crafts most of his inventory himself (aside the glowing scythes duh). He also works alone. The other kids don't really understand and think it's to keep up this 'bad boy' persona, but the real answer is that Ash doesn't want to end up getting others hurt. Especially with how they fight actual crime. He'll help out, he ain't a dick, but he works better without worrying that the villains' and his actions will result in an accident.
The other heroes make jabs for how over the top he is, or how he's a Mysterion clone, and to that he says, fuck you, because he'd also rather not admit he spent days coming up with an original identity only to be stumped. Plus, why be a superhero who isn't skilled at what he does? Ash is great at sneaking and traps. Why stop now?
"The Game Never Ends" (Assassin Ash)
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If there's one thing to know about Ash, he's a tad bit gullible. There are times where he's skeptical, but those moments are few and far between. After the gang plays a match of paintball with a bunch of other kids, Bubba offhandedly mentions that paintball 'is never really over.' There's a few laughs, but over time, Ash gets insanely paranoid. And so, he goes around town finishing the job, taking out anyone to achieve his victory. Don't worry, there's only two counts of manslaughter.
"The Crystalites" (Album Debut Ash)
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Ash loves music. It practically runs through his veins. If you want to find him, chances are he's in his backyard drumming it out in his dad's shed. He's debuting his first album for the town of South Park with his one man band, The Crystalites. However, it seems there are many obstacles he has to overcome, with that being money, gaining a crowd, organizing the event, and scrap bandits. People who are dismantling objects for an extra buck. So it's up to Ash to make his debut successful, and protected from grubby hands.
"Hardcore Parkour" (Parkour Ash)
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Parkour is the next big thing in South Park. Everyone's doing it (well, every kid is), but it seems for some reason, Ash can't get the hang of it! He used to be a master at running around and climbing the strangest things during games, so why can't he get this right? Determined, he tries to figure out the cause of his 'curse' and actually stick a landing while his friends go on to the big leagues of competitive parkour.
"Alive and Buried" (Grave Crawler Ash)
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Remember when I said his parents were not too concerning? Well it gets concerning. Every South Park kid has their traumas.
How does his family have the money to afford everything? Money laundering. And his dad is heavily in the business. However, a recent investigation showed that he was a suspect and CPS is threatening to take Ash away. With his mother being heavily distraught, the dad is blinded by the very thought of this and vows to keep Ash safe. He tries different things, but push comes to shove, and the poor boy is buried alive the last minute before cops arrive. Thankfully he managed to dig himself out, but his dad is arrested as he resurfaces. Now he has heavy claustrophobia and taphophobia. Ash would've liked to have kept all of this to himself, but news spreads around quickly in South Park.
"Supernatural Squatters" (Ghost Hunter Ash)
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Ash and Lucio believes ghosts exists, much to Killian's and Bubba's mockery of it. Wanting to prove them wrong, they make a bet for the four to stay overnight at an abandoned building rumored to be haunted. Geared to the teeth, the kids venture in and finds exactly what they were looking for. Drugged out squatters. Now they must exorcise them to free their souls.
Thank you all so much for reading! I'm certainly going to do more for the rest of my South Park ocs. I'll also post a bit more images that couldn't fit within this post. Thank you skenisasleb for the idea! 🙏
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I got back into Ohmwrecker and his Dead by Daylight series and uh
I may or may not be making like three(3) DBD ocs?? Maybe??? Uhh oops
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