#so ima change them up so im not just stealing their idea
ozrockbitway · 1 year
If Vale had groovy cards, what do you think they would look like/be the story behind them? 👀
Vale groovy cards...I eventually plan on drawing their Groovy art at some point. Im just drawing blanks on how to do it + I'd wana do a BG and make it SICK like an actual card. So...one day...eventually :')) I am drawing more recently so!! its a possibility!!
I'll focus on the 2 SRs I have for them I guess?? Considering the bday one is technically an interview so...not much story there?? Although for that one I'd like Grim to be the one interviewing them & have him in the groovy art too uwu/
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Suitor Suit Vale!
It starts off with them fretting over their looks. Like a bit after they've all changed into the suits to go save Idia. Vale is just nervous cuz they don't usually dress up, but they also like it?? No time to appreciate it all though when the homie is in danger!
There's also talk on how to woo the ghost bride. I'm thinking that Vale ends up suggesting really good lines?! They just say it's cliched stuff from novels about princesses and whatnot but hey, those kinda things might actually work. I think Ace would try to prod them a little like, what would you say to get someone's hand in marriage, without 'cheating' aka using your novel knowledge. Do something from the heart.
To be continued in pt 2 lol
Commentary from Vale about how this tragic tale of the ghost bride finding her one true love would make for a good novel. Insert comments about oh please dont do it. They laugh...maybe they won't but no promises hehehe.
Ima dab me in some Corpse Bride reference here. sorta. Basically it's Vale on their way back to Ramshackle at night with the looming thought of how they never got to give their hand at wooing the princess. They take Ace's words to heart and try to think of something to say. Also a comment from either Rook or Epel, probably Rook about thinking about someone who inspires such thoughts (coughs Idia coughs)
They give a soliloquy, their own heartfelt confession and lines for a wedding. They get a bit embarrassed afterwards and glad that no one is around. But they're totally using that in the future.
haha funny bonus is if the Shroud bros hear it or something and Ortho just eye emojis at his bro like HMMMMMMMM lil bro knows what's up
I'd like their groovy to be like gets down on one knee and extends hand out to the player or something?? w/ the ramshackle background?? to be more shippy its them doing it to Idia B))
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Starsending Robes Vale!
steals my own fic idea lol. sort of. but it starts off with Ortho asking about what Vale's wish would be despite giving/sharing it with Grim. They're honestly not so sure about it like?? The thought of having magic does come to mind and they say it but they know that isn't possible. So maybe something else? Ortho says to think on it and he'll grant it!
Vale ends up hunting for wishes with Ortho & Idia the most out of the selected trio. I know the Shroud bros get the wishes from the Leech bros, so Vale ends up hanging around them for a bit. The eels are so kind and willing to lend an ear to Vale's woes...at least they seem to be interested.
Vale admits that they don't know what to wish for. Floyd points out it doesn't matter since they don't get a wish anyway while Jade is softens the blow saying its all for fun and its not so serious. Conversation ensues and it boils down to Floyd's side saying be selfish or following after Jade's with his selfless wish. Ugh decisions!
to be continued...
The night of the starsending...
They're still conflicted on what to choose. Selfish and selfless. They're rarely the former, but the latter is so much easier. They consider the bros (Jade & Ortho) and their wishes. As they think on it they end up seeing the "shooting stars". And then it hits them.
The whole thing is done and Idia is probably trying to peace out but Vale spots them and is just like!! I know my wish!! Idia is like?? wishing is over but go off I guess??
My wish...is to spend as much time with my friends here.
They probably explain that they were tempted to wish for everyone's wish to come true, but they can be a little selfish and wish for that instead, right? It's silly, but that means they also get to spend more time with him and Ortho too!
tbh the image I have in mind would be similar to the header on my sideblog or just focusing on Vale making the wish with Idia in it uwaaa
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I got back into Ohmwrecker and his Dead by Daylight series and uh
I may or may not be making like three(3) DBD ocs?? Maybe??? Uhh oops
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, sorry its been like 2 days since I last submitted something! I've been busy and whenever I finally had time to sit down and write this all its like 1 in the morning. I hope its still ok for me to send these.
🌹 anon ima respond to you first, your The Deal au could be the reason why and how Ranboos and Dreams soul got mixed and linked together. But then a problem is how did it pass to Ranbob? In my au, each person has their own soul basically. And while certain attributes like DNA can be passed through bloodlines, souls can't, as their unique to their person. 
What left Ranbob vulnerable to Dream is that he was seen as the star student. The apprentice everyone wanted. He always got perfect grades and was seen as the smartest in the City. This did not go well. As Ranbob was put under a ton of pressure to always stay perfect and get everything right. When his grades started to slip and his chosen mentor started to put even more work on him, his mentality started to suffer. With him losing sleep and starting to not care for himself or do the basic necessities like eating or drinking, all in an effort to be "perfect". Its through this need, and weakened state over all, Dream's presence was able to slip in and convince him to let him help.
Benjamin is 30, Isaac 29, Cletus is 24, and Charles is 27. 
When Ranbob first told Ran about the Dream mask and how he wasnt himself, Ran did not believe him at all. And kept saying that he needs to stop lying and fess up to what he did and pay for it. Others tried to convince him that his brother really wasn't in control of himself, but was met with strong skepticism, scoffs, and disbelief. With Ran not beliving that was the truth at all.
Watson was very shocked but quickly reorganized himself cause he had to calm Jackie, and its only after Jackie fell asleep he was like "Oh fuck. I really am the dad huh?" Jackie was embarrassed at first but after some prodding did say how he truly saw Watson as a dad figure in his life. And everyone had different reactions to Watson suddenly accepting and fitting into the dad role. Jackie was excited and immediately started calling him dad and asking him awkward dad questions "Dad whats puberty?" "Uhhh-" "Dad where do babies come from?" "Ask your dad about that!" "But you are my dad!" Ran seemed indifferent about it but Watson can tell he's revealed to have someone to talk too, and someone to go to if things get to much. Grievous keeps sating he doesn't need a dad but he's the one that goes to Watson the most for things like hugs, comfort, and advice. 
Jackie and Grievous do everything. They rig the battle field so if someone steps in a certain area water will shoot up into their face, Grievous usually taunts and distracts opponents so Jackie can sneak up behind them and just latch onto them and cover their eyes while giggling like a madman as the opponent screams and runs around trying to get him off. Jackie regularly pulls peoples seat out from under them, while Grievous scares them and makes them choke or drop something. But they do know peoples limits. Like for Ran, no water related pranks (there was an incident where Grievous spilled a whole bucket of water on him and Ran got severe burns and had to stay in the hospital ward for a few days), for Watson don't mess with his bow or arrows, he will stab you. And for eachother, Jackie, no pranks that leave him alone for extended periods of time or makes it seems like everyone is gone/left. For Grievous no pranks centered around food or drinks (like putting toothpaste in his sandwich or putting pepper in his beer). 
Ran and Jackie have a 50/50 win if that makes sense. They both win and lose pretty often. They play games like Spoons, Go Fish, Dart Throwing (Watson needs to be present for this one), something similar to Cards Against Humanity, Poker (everyone plays during this one), and Tic Tac Toe. 
Sometimes Jackie loves being the smallest and other times hates it. He hates it when Ran steals something of his and holds it above his head, he sometimes resorts to aggressively climbing Ran to get it but Ran tends to just pluck him off, and people make fun of him in a mean natured way (he's fine with light teasing). But he loves it when he rides Ran's shoulders or can duck under peoples legs and trip em. Because he's also small and fast he's hard to catch and that definitely comes in handy during fights. No ones particularly protective of eachother (excluding Ran who's protective of everyone), because they know none of them like being babied and they can all hold their own, though they will quickly flock to help eachother if they need it. Ran definitely flaunts it whenever their in a agurement. 
There is a area under the fighting arena of the pit where they stay. Theres separate rooms for everyone, training areas, dinning areas, and just chilling areas. Theres even extra rooms meant for often visiting friends (Like Genevieve) and some for storage of weapons which also holds things to sharpen them or get new ones. The Pit itself is in the middle of a gaint city, so there are tons of stores and food areas around. And because of a high salary the King gives them they go out quite often, often eating out and browsing stores when their not training or sleeping. 
If by other combinations you mean like Ran-Jackie, Ran-Grievous, Watson-Jackie, and Watson-Grievous then it highly varies. Watson and Jackie are by far the worst team, their styles just don't match and constantly but heads during battles. Watson and Grievous are probably the best out of the 4 teams because Grievous can be serious and works well with Watson as he's much more willing to change his fighting style to accommodate whats needed. Ran and Jackie are like Jackie and Grievous, but they aren't nearly as insane. Rather Ran provides distractions while fighting to give Jackie time to sneak up behind them. Ran also is the only one able to actually throw Jackie, which they sometimes do during battles. And Ran and Grievous work well together, but not as much as Watson and Grievous, its just a few things of both their styles don't match or could potentially cause problems.
He's clumsy flat out, he isn't used to having full control and needs to get used to certain things like walking or talking again. He is also severely dehydrated and malnutritished because Dream didn't care enough to drink or eat. He's also incredibly skittish and scared easily. He and Cletus's relationship isn't solved fast at all, it takes months and the work of everyone to get the two comfortable around eachother. They start by putting Cletus on watching duty, where he watches over Ranbob to make sure he's eating and drinking and resting while not tiring himself out. Then after a month or 2 Isaac, Benjamin, and Charles start purposely leaving the two in a room alone toghere to get them to talk stuff out. It takes 3 months until their comfortable enough with eachother to willingly talk and hang out. Oh the house building attempts went aboustely awful. They sometimes fell on Ranbob! And when they didn't they just collapsed or got blown away by the wind, but Isaac did ofter help a few times and showed him multiple different ways to make sure the walls stay up and keep the cold out. 
Ran is very unhappy with Ranbobs haunting, he thinks their kind of like Ranbob in which they've all killed people and considers them a threat at first, but when he sees how his haunting likes and interacts with Ranbob's, he losens up a bit, his group trusts them, so he has to trust them a little bit. But he doesn't trust them or like them nearly as much as he trusts and likes his haunting. 
Im guessing you mean who from the two groups get along the easiest. Most of them take a while to get to know eachother, like a few hours. But after that their all really close. Charles and Jackie, Cletus and Grievous, and Benjamin, Isaac, and Watson are the groups that get along really well really fast. 
Im honestly probably am going to go for them adventuring outside the City to try to get the brothers to get along again. Mostly cause I thought of the idea that what if Watson, Jackie, and Grievous all lie to Ran, and while they are actually going on an adventure, they lie to him that his brother and his group isn't coming. Then when its much to late for Ran to back out, Watson just goes "Oh yeah! Your brother and his group are traveling with us. And you can't do anything about it." And Ran just sits there shocked. 
Ran and Ranbob are both subtle protective of their group. With Ranbob never really getting aggressive or going into overbearing. But for Ran, if someone in his group is injured badly enough or if there's a big enough threat he does get overbearing and extremely aggressive towards whatever/whoever the threat is *cough cough Ranbob cough*. Ranbob tends to be very physical, listening more to a certain instincts that tell him to constantly have a view on or hold his family, as if he doesnt see or touch them for a long time he gets very anxious and panicky, thinking his family is dead and that he's all alone again. His group understands this and so tends to not stray to far away from Ranbob. He will also follow his group like a lost puppy at times. Ran while listens more to the instinct that tells him at random times to make sure his family is ok and to bond with them. The bonding leads to him randomly grabbing them and just sitting down with them, most likely playing games. While the random urge to check on them has led to him waking them up during the middle of the night or interrupting his own conversation or others conversations just to ask if their ok. His took a while to understand why he does it, but now if he wakes them up or drags them somewhere, they know to go along with it and comfort him during those times. 
Hybrids are rare! Especially aggressive or netural type mobs like Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius are. Their actually seen as monsters and are chased out or hunted in other city's because people aren't accepting of them. Theres very few city's like Subbin that fully welcome and are even led by hybrids. So there are more hybrids in Subbin, than there is anywhere else. 
Sorry this is so long ':)
Asks are always welcome here, and don’t worry about taking a bit or anything. The questions aren’t going anywhere, there’s plenty of time. 
Here’s that for you,🌹anon.
1: Wow, Ranbob’s really going through it, huh? Does he ever start to fall back on that need to be ‘perfect’ while with the others? If so, how do they deal with that? And how is he with others offering to help him? If he even can really recall falling under Dream’s thrall, by accepting such an offer, how does he react to others doing the same, even if their intentions are far different?
2: So we’ve settled all the ages down, nice. You figure out anything for their backstory yet? And how do their ages affect their relationships with one another? Does Benjamin take the lead a lot? Or is he more of a follower that still has a lot of say? Who met who first?
3: So Ran’s obviously going to be awhile before he believes what went down. Still, I can’t imagine he’d have been as willing to go along with his hauntings little roadtrip plan if he wasn’t swayed at least a bit, since I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have put his foot down if he truly though Ranbob had done what he did. Why exactly does he go along with it? Does some small part of him want to give his brother a chance? Is he just confident he can overpower him, and looking for an opportunity to settle the score? Does he see something that makes him hope a bit? What’s going down there, anon?
4: On one hand, very adorable. One the other hand, poor Watson. Does Jackie actually not know that stuff, or does he do that just to mess with his new father figure? It seems like they all take to it pretty well overall though.
5: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Two people to truly fear. How many people straight up forfeit when faced with this combination? It seems like they’ve had some interesting times, good and bad. How’d those play out? As for those last two, I’m sensing a bit of a backstory. Why does Grievous not like stuff being put into his food? And why’s Jackie not good with being left?
6: So it’s fifty/fifty, huh? Who wins the most at what games? And uh, Watson has to be present for Dart Throwing. What happened there? How’s everyone’s poker faces? Who’s got the best luck in games of chance?
7: A love/hate relationship with height. I feel ya, Jackie. Very funny to imagine though, Jackie just, physically climbing up Ran. How tall even is this guy?? How do they deal with meaner teasing, not just from the gladiators, but from general bullies? Not everybody’s as friendly as some of the Pit fighters, after all. And how do the fishermen react with their fighting skills? Obviously, they must know how to fight somewhat, to have entered the Pit, but the gladiators do this for a living. How much is the difference in skill level? And does the gang ever get to show off just how skilled they are? 
8: Their home sounds very nice, honestly, I wished I could live there, minus the people. What’s everyone’s rooms look like? How have they personalized them? Which brings up another question-what kind of interests and hobbies do they have? What kind of things do they do that aren’t fighting and related to such? And they must be pretty well known, to have such high pay. Any of them have an arena title, or some sort of stage name? How many people can recognize the city’s top gladiators on sight? And how do they get around that, when they don’t want to be seen? How do people feel about them in general?
9: All these team ups sound terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to be facing them. How do they deal with it when they get a bad match up? Do they just stay out of each other’s way? Try to take their opponents out quick? Make it one on one? Ran and Jackie have to be my favorite team up, solely for the fact that you’ve said Ran straight up throws him. Like?? Imagine coming to the King’s Pit, a well known, popular place, hoping to prove yourself, and then getting taking out by a flying midget, just tossed at you by a ridiculously tall endermen hybrid. How would you feel?? 
10: Ranbob is just really going through the ringer here. How many times does he just drop stuff, or trip over his feet? Does he ever get better, or does he still retain a clumsy streak? If so, how does Ran react to that? It’s very good he and Cletus bond! Are they just as close as the others, or is there still a bit of distance? How often does Ranbob forget to eat or drink, or really just take a break? How long does it take to get him to start remembering to do that stuff again? 
Does he ever slip up while with the gladiators? Also, in a room? Do the fisherman expand their house more, or do they just leave them in the house? Does Ranbob ever get his own house up? If so, does he use it at all, or is it more for storage? And how many times did he fall asleep out there, get injured, or not realize it was about to rain? How long did it take before Benjamin or Charles put their foot down and make him stay in for a bit?
Has Ranbob ever even dealt with rain before, or a storm above water? If not, how’d he react to it? 
11: Oh, boy, Ran. Your concerns are understandable, but definitely going to lead to some angst. Is he just on edge the whole time? How many times does he just glare at them, or straight up steal one of his haunting back a few feet away from Ranbob’s? Are the fishermen ever worried he might hurt them?
12: How do both hybrids deal with their groups bonding? I imagine Ranbob’s pretty happy with it, but how about Ran? As you said, he doesn’t seem to be the biggest fan of these guys. 
13: Roadtrip! Gotta love a roadtrip! What kind of places do they head? Any transportation, or is it just walking, enjoying nature? Do they go on an adventure to look for something cool? What’re they getting up to?
14: So Ran and Ranbob both act on their instincts in different ways. How do they feel about seeing how the other acts? What happens if any of the fishermen stray too far, or get separated from Ranbob? Same question to Ran. Ran just...like...picks up members of his haunting? Do people just see him walk around with them dangling in his arms? He must be pretty strong. How often does he do this? How else do their instincts lead to them acting? Cuddle piles, picking up blocks, keeping their groups close together, ect?
15: So Subbin’s pretty much a safe space for hybrids? Interesting. But since the groups are heading out, does this mean they run into some trouble outside of the city? And is there ever trouble within it? 
Other questions: Does Karl play any further part in this, or has he already played his role for good? Does the gang ever end up back at Mizu? Do any of the group have a pet or something similar? With there be any sort of connection to other Tales, even if only slightly, or will they be solely focused on these two? Does Ranbob pick up his studies of Ranboo as best he can once he’s free, or does he leave it all behind entirely?
Thanks for the ask, this AU’s become quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
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winterscaptain · 4 years
transfer request. part four.
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
a/n: part four is finally here! i am working on part five, and have a special treat with that one. i am so excited to continue this story with you all :) i’ve also decided that jack is short for jonathan because i simply cant imagine they just named him jack flat out and im not sure his name is john either so i made an executive decision lmao  rating/words: teen / 1600 no warnings apply!
another disclaimer because people Have Questions - i have made jack short for jonathan because of a friend friend i had growing up who was a jonathan who went by jack :)
AO3 | Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Requests Open!
The wedding approached faster than anyone thought possible.
The deep, cleansing breath Y/N takes as she stands at the top of Dave’s gorgeous staircase certainly doesn’t feel all that deep or all that cleansing. She holds tight to Derek’s arm like a lifeline, gripping the fabric of his black button-up.
Jack is a few steps in front of her, carrying the rings. He looks up at her, and she winks at him, trying to hide her nerves
“You okay, sweetness?” Derek pats her hand where it rests in the crook of his elbow.
She nods briskly, smoothing a hand down the front of her dress. It’s a stunning garment – heavy silk hangs off her shoulders in layers down to the floor. It frames her figure perfectly – she is only five or so months along, but there is definitely a pronounced swell that hadn’t been there a few weeks prior.
“Just a little nervous Aaron won’t be there when I get down there.”
Derek snorts. “He’ll be there. He can’t outrun me and wouldn’t try.”
She smiles and kisses Derek’s cheek.
In the backyard, Aaron leaned against one of the pillars framing the porch, his hands in his pockets.
“You’re better off than me, Hotch.” Will takes a sip of his beer, standing at Aaron’s side. “When JJ and I got married down here, I wasn’t sure she was gonna come back down the stairs.”
Hotch chuckles. “She’ll come down eventually, just like JJ. Of that I am certain.” He looks over at JJ, sitting beside Spencer with Henry in her lap. She looks up and grins at Hotch, giving him a thumbs up. He smiles back at her.
Dave walks over to Emily and hands her a glass of wine. “How lucky we are to be among family.”
Aaron rolls his eyes. “Dave, now is not the time for a sermon.”
“No, it’s not,” Dave replies, pointing at Aaron with his cigar. “I’m saving it for dinner so I don’t steal Penelope’s thunder.”
Garcia, under the arch with her script in-hand, winks at him.
Jack steps up the stairs and takes Y/N’s other hand. “Are you ready?” He asks.
She nods, leaning down to kiss the top his head. “Yeah, love. I’m ready.” She looks at Derek, who looks back at her with a gentleness in his eyes. “Please don’t let me fall.”
He kisses her forehead. “Never, never, never.”
There are lots of kisses going around, but it’s just one of those days.
Derek pulls her close. Jack’s hand rests in hers as they slowly descend the stairs.
When Aaron comes into view, under the canopy of lights and surrounded by their family, tears spring into Y/N’s eyes. She swallows, and Derek holds her tighter. Jack still holds onto her hand, the rings locked in his other fist.
Aaron’s face breaks out into a smile, and they’re both grinning at each other like idiots by the time the four of them are standing together.
Derek kisses her cheek and places her hand in Aaron’s. Derek steps back behind Dave, taking Jack with him and keeping a hand on the boy's shoulder.
Penelope begins then, welcoming their family to “this ridiculously exciting and long-overdue event.”
Y/N and Aaron can only smile at each other until it’s time for them to read their lines.
 “...in sickness and in health.”
“...for richer or for poorer.”
“...in the field and at home.”
“I do.”
“I do.”
Penelope nods at Y/N, and she beckons Jack forward. Jack hands the rings up to Derek, who drops them safely in his pocket.
When Jack reaches the space between her and Aaron, she drops to one knee, holding her hands out. He places his hands in hers, and she grips them tight.
His brown eyes look into hers, and it's like they’re looking through each other rather than at each other. She knows she’ll never take those eyes for granted – whether in the face of her stepson, her husband, or any other children they have.
“Jonathan Hotchner, I may not have given you the gift of life, but life sure did give me the gift of you.” When he smiles, some tears escape Y/N’s eyes, falling onto the ground at her feet. She only halfway processes Aaron’s hand coming to rest on Jack’s shoulder as she continues. “I promise to be by your side through all your triumphs and sorrows. I can’t promise I’ll always do the right thing or say the right thing, but I can promise to love you with all my heart, every day, forever.”
Her vows to Jack were short, but they’d taken her forever to write. She’d spent hours sitting at Aaron’s desk in the new den, pen in her hand, lit only by the warm yellow desk lamp.
“What are you working on in here?” Aaron came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“It’s a secret.” Nevertheless, she made no attempt to cover her project, and she waited as he skimmed through her scribbles and revisions. Three sentences. I need to give my stepson better than three sentences. What else was there to say to the most important child in her life?
“Are you writing vows for Jack?”
Y/N nodded and twisted in her chair. “I won’t do it if you think it's dumb or –“
She was interrupted by a firm, almost desperate, kiss. “It’s a great idea. He’ll love it.”
Jack jumps into her arms and Aaron snags her arm as she’s thrown off balance. White dress be damned, she sits on the cold stone of the patio with Jack more than halfway in her lap.
“I’m glad you’re my momma.” He says it so quietly she almost missed it.
“What should Jack call me after we’re married? I’m not sure I want him to call me by my first name anymore, but I also don’t think I should be Mom, for Haley’s sake.”
Aaron sighed, tightening his arms around her. It’s nearly midnight, and the darkness is like a blanket cast over the bedroom. Aaron’s such a finicky sleeper – requiring total darkness – that with the curtains drawn, she could barely see him.  “You are and will be the closest thing he has to a mother. Don’t worry about replacing Haley. Do you have any preliminary ideas?”
“I’m thinking momma, or even something in another language. In Hebrew, mother is Ima, or the Polish Matka, that kind of thing.”
He was quiet for a moment, thinking. “I really like momma for you.”
She shifts to kiss his bare shoulder. It’s a silent thanks.
Aaron’s crying now, as is Dave, JJ, and Penelope. Derek is barely keeping it together, and Emily passes tissues with one hand while the other is wrapped in Spencer’s. They’re all together, safe and sound.
Y/N is openly weeping, one hand stroking Jack’s hair and the other rubbing back and forth between his shoulder blades.
“I love you so much, baby. So so much.”
She looks up over Jack’s shoulder to Aaron, who offers her a hand. She takes it and rises, keeping a hand on Jack. Both she and Aaron take a big breath and wipe their eyes.
Derek passes the rings to Aaron, who passes them to Jack.
Jack slips one of the rings on his father’s finger – a simple silver band with four small diamonds. Aaron presses a kiss to his son’s head and turns him gently by the shoulders to face Y/N once more.
When she holds her hand out, Jack slips the silver ring and twists it so it locks in with her engagement ring. Together, the rings create an intertwined diamond setting. The insides of the bands have all of their initials in raised letters on it, designed to leave an indent in the skin whenever the ring is removed. They designed the rings as a family, making it all the more special.
“By the power vested in me by the great state of Virginia, and the internet, I now pronounce you married!” Penelope bounces on her toes and grins.
Aaron raises an eyebrow at her, and she laughs.
“Oh my god just kiss her already.”
Aaron takes Y/N’s face between his hands and presses a sweet, chaste kiss to her lips. Their family whoops and hollers around them. His hands fall to her abdomen and rest protectively around her. When they part, they press their foreheads together, eyes closed. She brings Jack close to her and they stand there as a unit for a moment, basking in the joy of the moment.
Their first dance as a couple is slow and quiet. They hardly move, just shifting back and forth together, only loosely connected to the music. Pair by pair, their family joins them on the dance floor as the songs change.
Derek and Penelope are first, all at once playful and intimate. JJ and Spencer are next, but only after they hang Henry and Jack’s blazers over a chair and situate them with a soccer ball on the grass. Will abstains from the dancing for now, playing goalkeeper to Jack’s forward.
Emily and Dave join in once their wine glasses are empty. Everyone is flush with alcohol or joy or both.
Y/N has one arm looped around Aaron’s shoulder and the other wrapped in his hand over his heart. He quietly sings along to the music, his cheek pressed to her temple. She looks up and him and kisses him softly. His lips trail to the sensitive spot behind her ear and his warm breath makes her voice catch in her throat.
“I love you.”
She feels his smile against her skin. “I know.”
tagging: @arganfics​ @quillvine​ @stxrryspencer​ @agenthotchner​ @hurricanejjareau​ @fics-ilike​ @octothorpetopus​ @ange-must-die​ @ughitsbaby​ @rousethemouse​ @criminalsmarts​ @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal​ @icantswimhalp​ @genevievedarcygranger​ @ssaic-jareau​ @good-heavens-chris-evans 
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budugaapologist · 5 years
when you are reading this rant take full offense its 2am here and im mad as hell
fair warning this post is long as fuck and has several arguments pertaining to specific peeves i need to rant about before i go crazy. if you're not interested just keep scrolling it's not hard it's literally the core of social media navigation
you know what? ima say it.
black flag is the best ac game and deserves more recognition than just pirate drinking jokes because:
nearly every named character (sorry burgess and cockram) has development and personalities. cant say that for that many others in other games.
not too much fucking shit to do in it (unlike uhhhhhhhh every fucking other game in the franchise. stop it. i dont need 500 treasure chests in arno's game he already has an excellent revenue with the cafe. i dont need a ton of side quests. i dont need 30+ chests per london burough. i dont need a million question marks on my map. i dont need all of egypt or greece to be littered with shit to do. fuck this.).
unlocking shit is so much easier. edward knows where every treasure chest is and doesnt pay for treasure maps. and literally unlocking shit is so much easier.
base is slept on. its fucking cool. its fucking fun. its fucking useful as shit. its fucking pretty as all hell. fuck you.
good story, fun story, great dlc, relatable story (unless youre some bootlicking cowardly rich cunt) emotional story but not depressing (unity im looking at your ending. origins stop killing children.), satisfying end.
i can do the combat with one hand. you know what that means? i can eat and drink without pausing. i can reply to text messages without pausing. i can pet my dogs and cats while playing.
main character actually has changed by the end of the game a vast amount. motherfucker, edward changed more in his antó mission than ezio did in his trilogy.
if you dont complete all objectives you still have a passing score on the mission. do you know what its like to be raised to only get good grades on stuff and see yourself getting a 60% on a thing thats supposed to be a pass time just because you forgot something.
the naval combat isnt hard you just need practice. also i know the hunter ship sucks in the first mission you encounter but literally drop your sails but hold the wheel. once its in view let go. swim to it. take out the crew. swim back. bada bing bada boom go oneshot the crew. incredible, you're safe now.
legendary ship battles are really fucking cool and my mom doesnt yell at me for killing a giant beast for next to nothing.
the sea shanties and tavern songs slap.
farm animal petting simulator. not forced to kill dogs (ac3, odyssey).
obviously its good if the other games are just gonna copy paste it.
ed's tattoos are sick.
edward is literally the first canon bisexual. he literally says so in game. he literally fucking flirts with blackbeard. he literally was a pirate. why the fuck do you think birate is such an accurate pun.
diving outfit.
the female characters dont have titties all over the place. even anne's boobs arent that big, which is good considering she is underage. the same cannot be said for many of the women in ezio's games.
guess who has a solid, interesting, and realistic personality. not kassandra or alexios thats for sure.
he is NOT moved by man pain (ezio, connor, bayek) to carry out his missions. he didn't want to be poor, he wanted to be able to provide for his family. he is just carrying out his dream to sail a ship. when he starts being "good", he is doing it out of guilt and shame on his past self (what, self reflection? someone, teach jacob this term), not because "wahh my girlfriend/mom/child/family died :'(", he wanted to make it up to his lost friends by making them proud and doing what they wished he had done. his regrets are in not being a better friend while mary was alive, not seeking out her killers (guards at fort). thatch's death crushed him, but he didn't thrust his anger on seeking revenge. and the characters that did die? they had personalities and development and were interesting and memorable. i cant tell you shit about cristina.
he is very respecting of women, especially for a white guy from the 1600s. he, as a teenager (under 17 i believe), attempted to save a woman he did not know and had no intentions of wooing (hey um ezio? you literally only were able to save cristina from being raped because you stalked her because you thought she was attractive. like thanks for saving her but uhh am i the only one that finds that creepy?) even though the odds of winning against three older men were stacked against him and he knew they could (and almost did) beat him to death. fuck if caroline wasnt there he would've been killed.
the modern day stuff is an excellent way to separate intense scenes and the little mini hacking games are fun puzzles. oh boohoo desmond isn't there? yes he was, half the things you hack literally give you desmond content.
rebecca's outfit fucking slaps.
from experience, its fun to play even if you dont know shit about the other ac games. pirates are cool and the story is easy to follow, just be prepared to find some of the other endings big letdowns or lots of the other games' missions boring.
is that fanservice that goes both ways but doesnt oversexualize any gender? why yes, it is!
stop reducing black flag to alcoholism jokes like yall constantly fucking do, it has so many other talking points and if you wanna make fun of something maybe choose something that isnt addiction. literally i make fun of edward constantly without pointing out his alcoholism it isnt that hard. if you're gonna make fun of edward for drinking rum when water in the 1700s often wasnt safe and making fun of him when he was depressed (he has multiple other intended self harming behaviors shown in game so no, he wasnt just drinking because its fun), why don't i see the same "wHy is aLL tHe WiNE gONe?" posts for arno? he was an alcoholic too. in fact arno and edward have a lot of the same forms of depression but oh, arno's a more serious character personality wise and isn't a pirate so his grieving isn't as funny.
and like, there are plenty of other things to make fun of with edward that might not make light of alcoholism because no, edward's drinking in the main story was not written to be a joke. here, a list of things i regularly make fun of him for:
this highwaisted man's got feminine hips
there is no reason for him to be that thicc
his bangs are a mess
his hair???? glows???? okay rapunzel.
his tatts that are just lines
actually you know what his tatts in general what do they mean ubisoft what even language are the words on his body in
how this whore opens the bottled messages on the beach. "ah yes, let me put this mysterious item in my mouth. i have no idea where its been. i could very well open it to read a note that says "i pissed on this""
"woman i just met... must respect her.. man i just met... im either going to give you a death threat, tease you, or flirt... sometimes multiple choices will be done......"
i mean he had the full right to be a bastard to walpole on the beach since he did try to be friendly but walpole was being to bitchy and needy. and like them being stranded wasnt edward's fault but walpole was still gonna make him build a ship and there is no reason for edward to trust walpole since after they get to havana he can easily just be like "thats a pirate, hang him." but like. the way he just immediately decides to steal his identity. legend.
why does he just blindly follow older men's orders like that
he trims his beard to a very odd location. i know it isn't a flattering pose but like. look at the underside of his jaw.
"how many references to dog behavior can we put in one character"
phobia of sleeping in a bed
"you saved my life i am eternally grateful."
edward are you seriously arguing with your eight year old daughter about the difference between a boat and a ship
where are your tanlines
how did he not die of skin cancer first
edward probably doesnt have any body hair because ubisoft didnt want his legs to glow in the dark too
look at his marooned outfit. bitch what the fuck is on your shirt. and where are your hair ties.
his dramatic beauty guru smokey eyes
he held that sword by the blade in the single madman quest. wh
anyway, the long run of this is, if you're gonna reblog an edward post from me specifically to make fun of an overused joke, go fuck yourself.
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drshojo · 6 years
I Am A Shill For The Manga Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hello! Dr. Shojo here! It has been a long time since I've posted anything!
Is it because I stopped reading manga? Haha nope it's because I have carpel tunnel AND tendonitis. You should see my physiotherapy bill! It's depressing! But you know what cheers me up? All the love you guys showed my Katarina Class post!
In thanks for the love you’ve shown I’m back! And today were talking about one of my favorite manga's of all time – Short Cake Cake! Oh, wait we already covered that! Change of plans! Time to cover my OTHER favorite manga of all time!
That’s right! Today we are taking a look at the supernatural shojo TOILET BOUND HANAKO KUN!!
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First of all, can we talk about these colors?! I would sell my right lung for these colors. The gorgeous character designs combined with these washed out neon is what got me to check out the series. It's just incredibly appealing. Also, the fact that Hanako looks like a sassy ass trouble maker.
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mean look at this kid. I'm weak to sass. Don’t ask me how many doodles I have of Kokichi Ouma in my sketchbook ok? It’s embarrassing.
Now Toilet Bound Hanako Kun is super easy to get into because the first chapter reads like a one shot. You can read it and be satisfied in only 60 pages. What are you waiting for? GO! READ IT NOW!
*cough* I'm calm I swear.
Now let's delve into it shall we?
The story starts out with our adorable Protagonist Nene. She's our typical heroine. Adorable, Dense and hopelessly in love with some boy! The twist this time is that she has the bright idea to use the local school ghost Hanako of the Toilet to try and get said man.
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Hoh boy. This sounds like a poorly thought out plan.
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Ok so Ima level with you, this premise instantly won me over to Hanako. He’s a nice kid! He really wants Nene to be ok! He warns her totally un cryptically that she's making bad life decisions! Hey Nene, Maybe date this dead kid! I know it sounds weird but this is manga so your probably fine!
Anyways after these cute hijinks ensue with Nene trying to win over her love with Hanako’s help.  
What sets this story apart is the writing of the characters. Hanako and Nene seem really genuine when they are trying to figure out the best way to win over someone's heart. What makes someone appealing? Do you really know what love is when you're that young? Never trust a love self-help book!
Anyways I really recommend reading the first chapter to get the whole story, the art is super cute. Did you see Nenes uniform?! To die for! This manga is low key less horny soul eater and Its fun!  
But for those that want to know more about where the story is going, spoiler alert!  
Predictably Nene eventually tries to use the magic route out of desperation and winds up cursed to turn into a fish/mermaid and the only to be human again is to be bound together with Hanako instead of her true love. Yup it’s a life of cleaning toilets for Nene. 
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And so our story begins!
This is also the part where we find out that Hanako is way more of a little shit then we thought.
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Nene isn't a pushover though so were going to get some really cute back and forth for the rest of the series. Hanako’s obvious crush on Nene is going to be a slow burn. Ganbatte Hanako Kun!
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So, if you're wondering where the series goes from here, Hanako and Nene investigate the 7 supernatural school mysteries as they pop up and start to cause trouble in the school. We slowly learn more about Hanako and his past, Nene has more misadventures in love, and because this is a shojo we get our LOVE TRIANGLE!
Now let us pause so I can gush about this love triangle.
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OK. This time our light-haired Boy B is Kou, And he is an exorcist! What a perfect rival for Hanako!
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Hanas like bitch Nene is mine tho. What a little sh*t.
Don’t let their first meeting fool you though. Kou and Hana get their own friendship arc in the series and soon Kou is saying misleading things like KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!
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He like also stresses out that Hanako is falling out of a building this one time but like, Hanas a ghost so calm down?
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look out Nene, Kou is being a real stud around Hana. He might steal his heart!
Anyways I don’t want to spoil to much so I'll just wrap this up now. But I'm not going to lie if I didn’t ship HanaNene so much I would ship Hanakou in a hot second.
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Jokes aside the three form a mystery hunting trio so adorable I had to spend 120$ of fillings for the cavity's i just got.
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My only complaint about this series.......is that the only way to buy Toilet bound hanako kun...... is via EBOOK. There is NO PHYSICAL ENGLISH RELEASE. So, if it is in your means PLEASE CONSIDER BUYING THE EBOOK SO WE MIGHT ONE DAY GET A PHYSICAL COPY. HECK IF I GO TO JAPAN IM TRAKING THESE DOWN I NEED TO HOLD THEM IN MY HANDS.
*cough* I'm calm I swear.
Honestly, I love Hanako, Kou and Nene with all of my otaku heart. The art is gorgeous and detailed, the water color title pages are to die for, and the story has that supernatural vibe I've been missing from gravity falls.
Dr. Shojo
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gayregis · 5 years
im at that stage of fatigue from the day where i’m so tired the fanfiction is writing itself in my mind theough dialogue but i’m too insanely tired to sit down and write it all out and i work a shift in the morning too so i dont even have time ... so ill forget everything come morning
psych, ima try to outline it rn
this is after a little sacrifice and also after season of storms and takes place in cidaris (im not clear on if kerack is the capital so season of storms dealt with the proper king of cidaris or if it was just a local kingship but im hcing that cidaris is also a capital city as well as the region/nation).
this is geralt and dandelion going to the grape festival mentioned in a little sacrifice btw
main goal for this is to basically give dandelion more depth and address his identity issues and backstory and just how his character is in general
valdo marx (as far as i am headcanoning in terms of appearance right now) is of course , also a twink and they have similar builds but valdo isnt as skinny as dandelion because he has access to three full meals every day. he has dark brown hair and green eyes, and i might give him the same hair and beard as dandelion from tw3 just to spite cdpr. he used to sport green/purple doublets as an independent artist, but now as the reaident troubadour of cidaris, he’s adopted their emblatic colors (blue and white) and wears a doublet with a sash of these colors. he doesn’t have poofy sleeves, instead he has these ruffs and like... bellbottom sleeves. also this method of embellishing clothes that i learned from a glamour video (it’s @ 4:30ish) called slashing is applicable to his outfits. i think he veers away from tights unlike dandelion, so he wears more breeches than anything. he doesn’t have detailed embroidery like dandelion, but rather patterned/quilted areas with silver and some small pearls added for decoration in these sections as well.
so geralt and valdo have to be placed together somehow in a conversation. basically he wants to #expose dandelion for being a fraud... but he’s not doing it out of Pure Evil, he’s (vaguely) kind of like the lodge of sorceresses in which it’s like, he is only wanting things to be done his way because really he thinks it’s the best way to do things. he’s really a victim of academia, he would be someone that supports the fact that instruments are like $1,000 each.
basically he and dandelion were classmates at oxenfurt and at first hit it off very well and shared notes and thoughts and sexual partners and all was splendid. but they got competitive and valdo HATES that dandelion does NOT come from a family known for music or any kind of art. basically dandelion is a novus homo, but in the world of music, and valdo comes from an established family which has been musically inclined for generations. he feels that ppl like dandelion just wanna go to oxenfurt for shits and giggles and dont take this opportunity seriously because theyre too blinded by their own arrogance to actually learn anything. and he may be right in regards to a lot of other children of wealthy noble families that attend oxenfurt. but dandelion’s case was different and this he does not like to admit. also he hates how dandelion is... inclined to... a life of debauchery... because he feels he perpetuates stereotypes of artists being good for nothing penniless drunkards and lechers, and makes it harder for Real Professionals from Actual Lineage to get a job. also he has a disdain for how dandelion really wanted to travel and admired the “musicians of the world” that never attended some fancy college, and again valdo sees this as him not appreciating the opportunity he was given, because all you ever need to interact with is this little 1 mile by 1 mile square of oxenfurt, and not even the whole city, just the college. also when valdo tells all this to geralt he goes give him a judgemental up and down look like... “julian loves meeting, writing about, and... ahem... fraternizing with... all kinds of ... people.” (he was gonna say “trash,” but geralt has swords and cats eyes, so valdo swallowed that last word). ALSO ALSO valdo thinks dandelion is further destroying the sanctity of academic places like oxenfurt by training good for nothings from other nobody families, like essi daven, who was actually from a noble family but one not too rich because it was kind of distant from the ruling family. and since she threw a fit they let her do her own thing instead of marrying her off.
also valdo is like “julian— ahem, ... ‘dandelion,’ as you know him... i don’t know why he uses that absurd little nickname,” because he just finds the idea of a pseudonym stupid (since hes from a famous musical family of course he wants to highlight his lineage). and again he dislikes how dandelion is Corrupting Others by not only mentoring essi at oxenfurt, but training her in an “unorthodox fashion,” ie they just duet and talk shit about random stuff and he advises her weird things like “get a cool fake name so all the girls have something to scream as you go on stage”
as they interact with each other, valdo and dandelion actually are kind of opposite of dandelion and essi. they dont throw ANY snide remarks and keep it all under wraps with just pleased smiles and then as soon as theyre out of earshot (a long way for bards) theyre like “i am going to take the replacement strings of my lute and choke the lights out of that tone-deaf idiot” ... geralt is like 😳 to see aggression in dandelion and hes a bit intimidated at first but then is like Bro Are you Fucking Okay ????? Because its so unnatural for dandelion to be Actually Upset about something and not be ok within half a day
scene where dandelion is staring at the mirror and geralt is like you have been staring at the mirror for a long time, even by your standards... dandelion is like “i have to change something... geralt, look at me. look at me. (says it again bc geralt didnt look up the first time). if you could change one thing about my face, what would it be?” and geralts obviously like “nothing.” and dandelions like dont be fucking difficult just tell me i need to know i need your opinion and geralt is like that IS my opinion i sincerely like your face the way it is. something something blah blah blah tenderness geralt says smth like dandelion you have a lot of loyal fans okay...... and hes trying to refer to himself but he doesnt wanna say it aloud
i think something about dandelion talking about who he was (basically referring to “julian” in the 3rd person) and just very uncharacteristically self-loathing but them he pops back into his little arrogant self ... basically he covers that everyone Fucking Laughed at him for wanting to sing but he did it and now he’s the best and also, sexy. in this whole scene (same scene as last bullet point) he is also saying that he needs to “prove himself” and geralt is just like What More Can You Do, You Are Literally Famous... but dandelion is just pensive about it
also he says something like “theres two versions of me... julian with a dream who nobody knows, and dandelion who’s famous and loved.” and geralts like “theres three.” “three?” “there’s also dandelion, the one i know, who, it doesn’t matter if he’s famous or what, because i just like him and enjoy his company.” BECAUSE i dont know how not to be blunt and not hit my readers over the head with what i wanted to get across. geralt is a blunt man however so i think its acceptable to do this
basically this fic is “dandelion can have little a OOCness for character development”
tbh its not too ooc (hopefully) bc hes not like downright depressed, hes just pensive, like he is when hes trying to think of a good title or rhymes and nothing is working. nothing is working! hes frustrated!!!
i have nooooo idea how to resolve this conflict ive introduced. i think valdo and dandelion have to sing a duet together and it is like skating on thin ice with sharks underneath . MAYBE valdo gets possessed by,, something? not a demon bc IVE HAD ENOUGH GOETIA AFTER SEASON OF STORMS but you know An Entity, and dandelion is like wow this is an improvement!! and geralts like no it isnt, now i have to exorcise this fucker
also throughout this i think that the king and queen of cidaris (maintaining that kerack isnt the capital and is just another kingship within the nation) looooveveeveveeee dandelion and his presence and are like oh dandelion you are always welcome in our court :) which also totally pisses valdo off because its like dandelion came into his work/home and fucked both of his bosses and is trying to steal their loyalty through Sexual Appeal. which. may ring true. but dandelion does stuff for fun and not for manipulation soooo valdo is a little wrong in thinking dandelion is manipulating them. and this also adds to valdos resentment of dandelion for being so promiscuous and also writing about his love affairs bc he feels it detracts from The Art...
basically this fic is also me telling academia and ppl who feel art should be limited to a certain crowd to go stuff it cause no one cares and creativity and learning is only human of anyone. also an excuse to give dandelion character depth and also an excuse to break how geralt is always the gloomy one and dandelion has to cheer him up, i think though they do have their strong personalities, relationships should ideally go both ways in terms of emotional support so it shows geralt has the capacity to support a dandelion with festering anger and personal identity problems. also a way for geralt to learn a little abt dandelions backstory without learning/spoiling the fact that hes a v*scount and actually noble and wealthy (they just refer to his family as being wealthy enough to pay for oxenfurt which is significant but not astounding)
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tae-kun · 6 years
If the Main Reason why you log onto Tumblr is for Porn, then you don’t understand what made Tumblr special in the first place
Tumblr is not a Porn Site
It was never intended to be, so for the people that are saying stuff like “Tumblr never supported our sex work anyway” you’re 100% correct. Being allowed to post Pornography isn’t the same as being a source for it. Over the years Tumblr has been ran rampant with porn to the point that content creators that did other stuff that didn’t relate to porn slowly started to go to other platforms; Since their work was being overshadowed by the sheer volume of porn and they struggled to get any attention on their work.
You people are acting like Tumblr is attacking sex workers as if this was their main and only place to earn money for their work.
There are porn sites that are made to promote AND support sex workers. Hell PornHub will pay people for their sextapes and has multiple systems in place for them to make money off Ad revenue alongside having a tip system, content protection and other stuff
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Anyone that was serious about their sex work would have been using sites like this instead of relying on Tumblr as a main source of revenue or promotion.
Tumblr is a trash place to try to promote anything! Constant spamming of bots and tags, No reliable Notification system or way for your followers to see you’re new posts out of the sea of reblogs. So to act like these new changes are going to serious kill anyone that is in the sex work is flat out outrageous.
Hell a majority of the popular porn that was on here wasn’t even from amateurs making videos on here. People were taking porn from porn sites and making blogs centered around it and would constantly flood their blogs with this content which would then, overshadow any amateur worker on here that made their own work; since they had no to even compete with the constant bombardment of daily new stuff that these blogs were taking and using.
People would steal other peoples videos and get popular of it without even crediting the original creator and would even go as far as to SELL these videos and make more money of it than the actual people in the damn video.
So Tumblr was never an ideal place for sex work to begin with, so throw that excuse out. Most people only used Tumblr to promote their private snapchat or onlyfans account which you can still do in a regular selfie or post. There are thousands of people on Instagram making hundreds and thousands of dollars doing the same thing and they don’t have one titty out on their page. Just tight clothing and skimpy outfits.
If you’re really upset that you can’t watch porn on here after Dec 17
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At first it was funny seeing people joke about the porn being gone. But some of y’all are really upset and mad that you need to actually go to a porn sites to watch porn???
Some of y’all don’t even post nudes or create anything that could be considered sexual and y’all saying “ima delete my blog since tumblr is trying to silence me”
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(Side Note: Just because your post got flagged doesn’t mean it will be deleted. They already said stuff like this would happen as they added in this new system. So mistakes like these are bound to happen and will most likely be fixed in a week or so and have no negative affect on your blog. Y’all really acting like Tumblr is out to silence your love for cats and landscapes 🙄)
Like i said before there are plenty of sites to watch porn on and if your favorite sex worker is serious about their job then you will see them on there. Which only makes things easier for both of you. But lets be honest, most of y’all just like the idea of seeing porn without having to actually look for it, like it’s some nasty secret. On Tumblr you couldn’t escape porn even if you searched things that were unrelated to it. Tumblr gave you guys the perfect cover up for it and you guys went overboard with it and here we are. People are so quick to compare this issue to other Tumblr problems but there was never a issue as big as people with dick profile pics dming you no matter who you were (kids or adults)  and sending you nude pics; then Porn Bots popped up under everyone’s post no matter if you had the safety lock on or not.
You guys made hundreds of post saying how much you hate porn blogs getting tens of thousands of notes in agreement about it, You guys would put “no porn blogs allowed” in your description box or something similar in meaning.
And now when Tumblr puts a system in place to directly remove it, you guys try to back pedal and claim that it will kill sex workers, freedom of speech and sexuality based off opinions, assumptions and things that aren’t even in the policy change.
Some of y’all honestly suggested “Just add a age verification system” as a way to fix the porn issue.... That shit ain’t never worked since 2002! I got so use to lying on those things that i sometimes forget that i’m grown and that i don’t need to put “01/11/1975″
The only people that this severely hurts are
1a) People that steal porn from other sites to use on their blog to get followers, to then try sell promo slots
1b) People that are stealing other sex workers content and illegally selling them
2) Child Porn Blogs
And Honestly is that really a bad thing? Getting rid of people that were stealing other peoples stuff and making money off it and pedophiles.
The way tumblr was set up allowed blogs like these to thrive without any risk, outside of getting their blog deleted (just to make a new one) and it only continued the flood of porn which became the breeding grounds for Porn Bots
Tumblr is suppose to be a place to freely express all forms of art, ideas, and conversations. But because of the nonstop flood of porn, most people only know it for Porn and Emo kids. Which brings me back to my original statement
This isn’t a Porn Site
Porn became so over flooded on here that you didn’t even need to search to find it. All you had todo is take off the safe lock and search anything, even a city. There would be hundreds of porn pics and videos in every slot. And before you say “well just keep the safety lock on”
Any content that had cursing, fighting or even slight nudity got put behind there. So unless you were just on here for kpop, aesthetics and Steven Universe you weren’t really seeing anything different with that lock on.
( Another Side Note: For you people trying to compare the porn flood to white supremacy blogs need to stop it. All the time i’ve been on here i have never NEEEVVVEEER accidentally came across any pro white supremacy post or blog unless it was someone exposing them and their stupidity which would then cause them to delete their blog. If you are constantly seeing anything Pro Nazi, Pro White Supremacy, Pro homophobia or anything similar that supports bigotry; then you are actively searching for it and follow these people. These blogs don’t even make up 5% of the content seen on here with or without the lock. So trying to say that Tumblr supports these blogs since they’re still around is Mr. Fantastic level of reaching. These blogs have never been a serious issue to the point that Nazi Bots were created saying “Hate jews and blacks clck here for more ;)”. So stop this weak comparison.)
I created a Tumblr and made it one of my main platforms to create content on because of the communities and people i found on here.
I found Great stories and Dope artist on here. I found people being able to fully express themselves and find an audience for them that helped share their work through a simple reblog. But if you’ve been noticing or have been on here long enough, most content creators don’t use Tumblr as their main platform to create or promote their content anymore. And why would they?
People barely activate their notifications for blog updates, It’s hella hard to find an audience through the constant reblogging of already popular stuff From Vine and Twitter, people rarely go outside of tumblr to support peoples stores or websites. Hell most artist on here that become popular on here that get continued support are the ones that have made or continue to make some kind of pornography of real or fictional characters. It’s hella rare to find any artist that hasn’t made any porn, that is equally popular or supported like the ones that have; which just goes back to people thinking Tumblr is for porn.
Tumblr isn’t even against the idea of expressing yourself or art through nudity as their post and policy change explicitly explained. And people’s content that’s getting flagged that doesn’t go against that policy is a problem THAT THEY SAID WOULD HAPPEN as they get everything in order with their new system
All of these long post that people are writing about it that and they themselves forgot to do some basic reading on the topic. 
Tumblr Staff- “Certain types of artistic, educational, newsworthy, or political content featuring nudity are fine. Don’t upload any content, including images, videos, GIFs, or illustrations, that depicts sex acts.
This isn’t an attack on people’s ability to speak out or embrace themselves. They are directly trying to remove Porn which they won’t be able to fully do, even Instagram and Twitter can’t do that; no public site with millions of people can. But they’re at least trying to get rid of the constant overflow of it. 
It’s so sad to see hundreds and thousands of you saying “i only used Tumblr for porn” because that just shows how derailed this site has become and why Tumblr had to make these extreme decisions especially after being removed from app stores because of the child pornography.
If you’re going to leave because you can’t make porn on here: I can see why you would do that but there is no reason to. You can still use your blog to promote your stuff and make teases of your work that can be found or bought else where. Tumblr was never a reliable place for sex work and i highly recommend using Sites that will actually protect your work and put some money in your pockets while doing it
If you’re leaving because you can’t watch porn on here: You probably weren’t supporting anyone really and only made the influx of porn worse, making it harder for other content users to be seen. If you were supporting actual sex workers on here then continue to do so, I’m sure anyone serious would have more than just tumblr as their main platform.
For those that got popular and made money off other people sex work: So long and farewell
For the Child Porn Blogs: Hope you get mental help or burn. Either or is fine with me
For the people that may get upset by this: Correct me, Prove me wrong, Let’s have a whole serious discussion about this and hear each others side with no fighting or disrespect :D 
For all of Us: Lets actually support and help the people that really make Tumblr the gem that it is. Lets make this platform be known for creative people and unique ideas; and communities that actually comfort and understand us. Let’s actually make this platform something that’s known for more than just Porn and Emo Kids.
Regardless i hope that everyone can calm down and act like there’s more here than just porn..
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ruckusheaven · 6 years
A Coon In A Colorful Heaven: Chapter 7- “Parent of the Year goes to...”
Coon-  A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred.
This Chapter continues to follow the Eternal story of a man named Damien. When we last saw Damien, he was finally brought to Veronica’s Purgatory. While within it Angie showed Damien what became of his daughter. Veronica had became a black orb of energy; Unable to go to heaven or hell. After seeing his daughter changed this way, Damien asked Angie to show him how she grew to become this way. So as asked Angie took Damien back in time to witness the life of his daughter....
       -Within The Memory Realm-
Angie: Never hurt her huh? *looking at Damien*
Damien: Listen... i.... i didn’t know something like that would happen
Damien: I was just so angry... and i wanted to leave.. i had no intention of hurting Lexis like that..
Angie: Regardless of your intention you still caused a ripple affect that day. This was Veronica’s first taste of true sadness and fear. Delivered by her own father...
Angie: What do you think happens in a 5 year olds head when she experiences something like that?
Damien: I.. i have no idea 
Angie: As we go along you’ll see
Angie: Thankfully the worse case scenario didn’t happen that day, or who knows what would have happened to her
*A wide plump older woman comes walking into the room*
Older Woman: Oh my lord... CHARLES! CHARLES CALL THE AMBULANCE!! *runs over to Veronica holding her mother*
Charles: *comes running in* what the hell happened!
Older Woman: *holding up Lexis head, applying pressure to the wound* I don’t know but we need to get her to a hospital fast.
Older Woman: *looks at Veronica* are you ok baby?
Young Veronica: *quickly nods her head*
Older Woman: ok that’s good. where did your father go?
Young Veronica: *Shrugs her shoulders*
Older Woman: That good for nothing son of a bi- *takes a deep breath*. Charles did you call the ambulance!
Charles: im on the phone with them now. *goes back to talking on the phone with the police*
Damien: Charles and Mrs. Brown... 
Angie: Thankfully those two came. Without them this story would have been a lot darker for Veronica
Damien: ...
Mrs. Brown: How long did they say it would take?
Charles: They said one should be here in 15 minutes, but we both know that at least means 30 minutes from now..
Mrs. Brown: ok... ok.. from what i can tell she has a small gash on the back of her head..
Mrs. Brown: She’s not bleeding a lot but i don’t know how deep or bad this gash could be..
Mrs. Brown: Charles ima need you to go get some clean towels, my gauze wrap and some tape
Charles: OK *runs out of the room and heads to their apartment*
Young Veronica: *sitting down watching everything happen in a daze*
Mrs. Brown: *sitting herself up better and re-positioning Lexis body* Ok.. ok.. *looks over at Veronica* Veronica sweetie? 
Veronica: Yes..
Mrs. Brown: Ima need you to go in your bathroom and go clean up.
Mrs. Brown: Can you do that for me?
Young Veronica: *nods*
Mrs. Brown: ok then sweetie go on now
Young Veronica: *stands up and walks to the bathroom*
Angie: Mrs. Brown was a hero that day..
Damien: Yea.. that old lady did a lot for us. Hell she helped us get that apartment.
Damien: She never really liked me much.
Angie: I wonder why..
Young Veronica: *goes into the bathroom*
Young Veronica: *as she runs the water she begins to stare into the mirror and begin to go into a trance* 
Damien: What is she doing?..
Angie: She’s most likely trying to compartmentalize everything that just happened. Her life has been flipped in the matter of minutes and she hasn’t even shed a tear yet..
Damien: Is that normal..
Angie: Nothing is ever really normal when it comes to humans.. But it’s definitely not something that the average child her age would do.
Mrs. Brown: Everything ok in there Veronica?
Young Veronica: *snaps out of her trance* yes ma’am! *quickly washes her hands and goes back into the kitchen*
*Charles runs back into the room*
Charles: ok i got everything
Mrs. Brown: Ok Good!
- As time went by Mrs. Brown tried her very best in helping Lexis-
Mrs. Brown was a 65 year old black woman that has seen her fair share of wounds and violence. She was born in deepest part of Alabama where she lived for 25 years before moving to Philadelphia. Throughout her life she saw the many faces of humanity and loss many friends and family from race wars to gang violence. But these traumatic experiences never stopped her from seeing the good in people nor did they stop her from helping them.
      -45 minutes pass by-
Mrs. Brown: *laying Lexis head down gently on the couch pillow* ok that should do it for now till the ambulance comes..
Charles: Piece of shit 911. They never seem to be quick enough when some actual emergency happens. But let a lil black boy steal a lollipop and OH BOY they be on yo ass i tell ya
Mrs. Brown: Hush now Charles, you know we live in a city and not a mighty friendly one at that. Black folks getting shot up left and right everyday around here, I don’t think they have enough trucks to carry all the bodies to the hospital in the first place.
Charles: *grumbles* yea yea...
Mrs. Brown: *walks over to veronica and kneels in front of her* now looka here, your mother is going to be just fine. She just has a little cut on her head. Once the ambulance get her they’ll make sure she gets the best help possible.
Young Veronica: ok..
Mrs. Brown: Well looka here.. *rubbing Veronica’s cheek* Not a tear drop on you. You must be a strong girl huh?
Young Veronica: *shrugs her shoulders*
Mrs. Brown: Well your mother is a strong woman, so you definitely is.
Mrs. Brown: You hungry?
Young Veronica: *nods*
Mrs. Brown: Well lets see what’s in here to eat *gets up and goes over to the cabinets*
Mrs. Brown: Charles you wouldn’t believe this mess! nothin but canned food and tv dinners
Mrs. Brown: *looks over at Veronica* Yo momma ain’t never cooked?
Young Veronica: *shakes her head*
Mrs. Brown: well that just won’t do!
Mrs. Brown: Charles go to our apartment and get that hamburger meat, spaghetti noodles, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, black pepper, salt and vegetable oil 
Mrs. Brown: We gon have some spaghetti
Charles: *standing up* with all the spaghetti you cook, you’d think you was part Italian.
Mrs. Brown: Yo butt is gonna be part foot if you keep playin around
Charles: yea yea *goes to get supplies*
Young Veronica: *giggles*
Angie: *raises her hand and stops the memory*
Angie: Amazing isn’t it. Look at everything Veronica is experiencing in one day.
Angie: Sadness, Abandonment, Fear..
Angie: Followed by Comfort, Protection and Hope..
Angie: No wonder why she became the way she is.. Amazing..
Damien: *places his hands on his face* The only amazing thing here is how much damage i could cause
Damien: I was so stupid back then..
Angie: Yea.. yea you were *raises her hand and continues the memory*
-Charles arrives with the ingredients and Mrs. Brown begins to cook-
         *An Hour passes*
Mrs. Brown: Ok everyone, come and eat *sets plates on the table with the noodles and sauce in the middle*
*Charles and Veronica come sit at the table*
Mrs. Brown: *sits down at the table* ok everyone grab hands *grabs Charles hands*
Charles: *grabs Veronica’s hands*
Young Veronica: *looks around confused*
Mrs. Brown: *says a quick prayer* ok now lets eat *puts food on Veronica’s plate*
-For the first Five minutes everyone eats in silence-
Mrs. Brown: So Veronica.. do you know what happened to your mom?
Young Veronica: *Nods*
Mrs. Brown: Wanna tell me what happened?..
Young Veronica: ....
Young Veronica: *looks down at her plate and plays around with her food*
Mrs. Brown: *looks at Charles*
Charles: *looks backs and shrugs*
Mrs. Brown: Ok... we can talk about it later then..
Young Veronica: ok..
Lexis: *groans*
Mrs. Brown: oh my goodness.. is she up? *gets up and walks over to Lexis*
Mrs. Brown: Lexis... Lexis baby are you ok..
Lexis: *looks at Mrs. Brown with shocked and confused eyes* who... who are you
Mrs. Brown: Huh? it’s me... Mrs. Brown your neighbor..
Lexis: *quickly stands up holding her head* Who are you and where am i
Young Veronica: *looks at Lexis* Mommy..
Lexis: Who are you people and where am I!!
Charles: Aw hell.. 
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triumphorce · 6 years
under umbras of bundles  of stars,
canopies of leaves & branches that shatter-scatter sky image held indirect
as a gleam in eyes
as conscious lay in fabricated gardens watching memories, & desires in dream form
from across highway covered by
& orange lights
sound of tires, mufflers, sirens, 
amidst a higher sense 
attuned to
muffled far cries muffled while crossing empty lands
filled with chilling wind howls, stealing hope, 
kickstarts the power on survival mode..
ups& downs 
drown the cries further,
war, warn, or cheer..
or just sing..
a hymn made by souls for souls under same umbra to set free to lead to wonder & beauty beyond the surface of senses directly to free to seek love loss between me and me
buried beneath  road of longest journey to reach
turn feet all around
all about a world I have no idea about
just mad ideas about Kept in journals i turn over
to all but from in front of views not yet exploited by value of which is, views are power,  & are the will in word- to-page transaction
self diminished to substantiate
entries from entrails, not shown to be conquered
win or lose is how I never saw things.
win or win, only optionss, only progress..
yet..,always over complicating;
marathon sprints from start to finish
as I choose, If i choose, to continue to choose to overlook slopes in existence, where hides I, in ruins, digging for recognition
contribute to a mind overloading with what I know I owe society, &me,
burden of see-through beast, I see illusions of future thru,mistaken as truth, play victim, get stressed or believe I'm down on luck ,in dumps of depression and slum of beliefs,
 in a slump with headphones on temple and music up, reminisce about the golden olden, me and broseph, SSB, PSO, kanto, johto, cartoon cartoons, many one saturday morning’s, plenty cinnamon toast, fruity pebbles, so many card games at Books-a-million
but when I open eyes from trance
I'm forever face to face with today is today
not then not later...
 changes who changed how I changed regret and anger to compensate for blaming everybody but me
now I stare afraid at dilemmas mass effect decisions
 daily in-and-out-terventions
to keep from falling back into resentment.. spite blinding shelves of subconscious-self- disappointed perpetuating judgment of others binding progression, tying tongue, boiling blood because old habits die hard and I continue fucking up, up raging rapids w/o a paddle,   almost 3 decades of failing infinite (according to projections) feel I missed and am missing out on so much, so much world, so many words coiled inside, waiting to explode,
all the time, just like everybody.. everything mind sets sights on turns to target issue     how unfortunate for aforementioned coordinates, for anyone close enough for me to put in poems' , important enough to torment conscious over, used to be everybody, used to be nobody, used to be just some people, now its just me and i dont know him
   attempts to speak, to learn again, to teach me about me       to learn to teach                     myself, to set example for ambition directed toward a better version, better verses, better reimbursement of time given tryna be an extrovert, free from bitter, free from bitch asses, set internal standards to never  get fucked with again, fuck you, fuck him, fuck her, i only fucks with a journal & question  everyone,  everything, every word, every whisper, shit ima tell my children every day, breakfast lunch dinner,  do your best and fuck the rest, get it, get lit off enlightenment, fuck rest, save roosting for death, dont look at me, looknat the sky, seize the day in everyway brain permits, dont reach for others' and if anyone tries to take yours, that means they dont fundamentally respect life, so always permeate passion, ignore distractions keeping you from creating, test limits, test intentions, challenge imperfections with wisdom, know that perfect is just cosmetics, but i remain quiet.. remain tied up being alone, wondering..           whether I'm right to do any god damn thing        'cause if I don't do it right..       was I right to think I could, wrong to think I understood
am i wrong not to try?
what of what's sacrificed ?
how do i keep count
how did I end up here       in standby...
standing squeamish & deer eyed in light of opportunities rising in horizon of night skies, to step in to obtain warmth, maintain from days before, to do something, do the one thing, but when will I be ready will eyes be ready to comprehend right or wrong
only me, here. only us, on planet.
only who's responsible? how is who is affected by, afflicted by? when is too late? when is just right, always too soon to tell and.. if I don't do it now, then why expect change..
why, why, why
'cause I expect anything at all
anger toward unmanned vehicles imminent to collide with mine
driven mad up eighty-five degree angled walls during rush hour, sun beaming heat into ride, where i travel on path, thru battlefield of past where fallen intentions decompose to ignorance and wisdom sprouts in the mean time.. I'm in between times, feelin down, down down down down by the way
a trail thru fears past dead ends, rotting trees, looks like fallout hit
a past I try an' forget..
but remember out of reluctance 
to accidentally revisit regret,
stand next to biggest fears,  see if facing them uproots soul
rolls ideas in head, non-stop
like trolls troll under bridges 
to which billy goat gruff temper charges like crono's katana on zenan crossing,
lodes of odes to oaths, lightning loaded, aimed at negative minded sapiens bioshocks via rhythm and syntax, cryo cascades of ideas, locked away in moleskine or computer files to put to rest the rest of an inside in arrest to judgment, in side quest of public playthrough, i feel im on public display, static complaining in front of pretty much strangers   modes of awareness to mental problems i exploit to people who might not think im crazy, who might like what i write, might like to write about the same thing, might see giants in those same nodes i stand near, i hear crisp crackles filling an awkward air as i stare at words on sheets that i might tear, might let collect dust, or share prolly might be quiet, only sound is poetic drafts that fill in under open windows, I open slowly, cool rush, goosebumps, awake aware always, even when mind is a crinkled, crumbled candy wrapper still just construct wrinkles in time via           hairs stand, ovation, and encores to
     helping to cross over doubts, screams of slander, stop it all, right now, shed truth in another light, fed through veins like pen's ink to go over and correct vision of pinheads vane turnin art, free thought to cash and competition, trade purpose blow for blow with obstacles in the name of the next step, over opponents, trade nervous for nerves robust to withstand standing up to stretch and spread chest to stand up for work where time invested is braided circulation    goin in circles,        time wasted pet peeve number 1
    a nowhere never felt before        but something seems familiar.. overlooked,   under yards, under pressure of bone leverage, give life a lift thru cracks of a collapsing effort stretched behind chest and ribs
a heart glows in
hot coal hues hearth warmth under carbon sheets
till blood boils till steam coils from pores to kill the cold along roads
sun or none
no light above, isn't lack of.. 
(look inside)
harsh heat of reality hot enough to feel cold
make me go ghost in dark times..
friction strong enough to spark moist..
continue until i sear nerves disembody fromm pain till im felt by meta-form of others
heartfelt arcs between soul and soul-mind 2 mind
light releases thru iris folds spectacle in spectacles----
spectrum wheel of emotions spins &spins to  understand self an urge that intensifies the more  i live life as well as I can Improve every day, no excuse, don't ignore the corners, get behind my ears,every nook and cranny in creative muse-um, uhm, duh, raised on books, nintendo, animation,& wishbone, outside, only myself as playdate, use every square inch as play-scape under every hair in head, a mind uses face and body as way to create 4 fourever& vice versa to escape who ever & know I can do whenever, wherever
wherever i go, a voice in mind goes
that keeps on talkin , keeps me talkin tellin me I've talk--, wrote enough hoped enough to last a lifetime, but that's not enough
and I still got a lifetime
to either solidify or fuck it up
gradually let go of 
to concentrate on life's finest moments i build to build form in appreciation, saying get up, enjoy the sun rays breaching clouds just before dawn; gett off yo butt and do what you know what you taught you to do when you were at multiple low points and you promised you, you'd never fall to end, even if you fall again, again, and again, never stall in the middle of  takeoff stop in middle of road, cant press play if you lost remote, might as well get up and do it, crawl, run or walk away when the times calls to brawl dark-inner energy only honorable mentions defend health during dishonorable discharge of nega, into rivers, into blue sky.. bordered by white clouds and linear silver
a safe place, work space, desk clerk sifting day to day thru file cabinets memories in memos in notebook; written relativity explaining how I see, what I think say what i want like im eight, glad i spent so much time with words and space-bars,   to escape judgment, hatred,
anxious surrounded by bad vibes
above an Earth, below expectations; over a self under surveillance by approval from inside, crazy dimensions, On the fence between people and myself I close eyes, ride waves of nostalgia once more..
see plenty light to traverse pathways, walk fer hours, walk like back in younger days, playin, runnin, completely captivated immersed in games played, tv, roller blades, monopoly, scary stories, trampolines
&10thousand songs later, 10million thoughts later, here I am doing what I made me to.
can't wait for the next chance
supplied energy through lines to hidden gracelands.
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jobone123 · 5 years
#report I already stole gov monthly checks from me POWER GIVES NOT TAKES AWAY
Lessing funds to have me back
Fuck Florida Specific
2 dads n a black dad n a girl LMAO
Whatever it is u can’t hurt me UNDERWHERE I steal if not caught TO MAKE ME SAD FACE DOWN N OUT IN FRONT OF A DEAD DAUGHTER that uses my fame as her NON BIRTHRIGHT PRIDE hilarious
Anyways I will hop on a quick plane to get off this CITY why we travel to change the venue
Can’t say anything more about my proof of life check EXCEPT A HAVE A NATION OF DOWNTOWN NIGGA BROWN FANS that will kill for a house
You cant hurt me anymore
I’m done databreach I knew u were stealing gov to support a come back to sat city!
I got this whole page to dance around WHAT ARE U GOING TO DO milk money for babies tomorrow WHISTLEING you can’t hurt me
Hint if u want me to walk DONT GIVE ME A CHECK but I buried your satellite under a pharmacy
Whole page LAST HURRAH gov checks specifically
You cant hurt me anymore your new daughter is worst then the dead one OVER TIME HES GOTTEN WORSE said one white girl exscorted by a black team n black girl WHOOPS
You didn’t think I should be 1500$ a month but last month was shorter then the month before
Let me finish
YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS OR GIRLS TO STEAL MY CHECK a traveling vigual to see me bleed on a sidewalk dEadS new daughter LMAO 😆
I buried you under pharma my weed dealer was thrown off the block because bae found him paying me in dope IF POWER A NEW DEAD GIRL PAID IN WEED N NOT PILLS sign me up FOR LAUGHS
Anyways u lost birthright PRIDE Specific downtown n ima set your house on fire after I give it to you with urs in it SMOKE THEM OUT LIKE RATS!
Anyways there’s nothing worse you can do to me except end it here WHEREVER WE ARE or give me extra cash so I can take bae to a motel DONT WORRY I WILL SICKEN HER AFTER I hate babies LMAO
That’s what the checks meant 1500 an option to hotel bae I WAS OFFERED $700 for a week BUT I ONLY HAD 200$ left over WITH 1500$ consider myself laid with a big dick n enough money to battle court
Anyways jk about $1500
I need a car a new house close but off base NEW EVERYTHING
I will not stay to fund his international sex club with my resources when cabin house doesn’t need downtown ONLY A COMPUTER ONE STORY COMPOUND
Through the busTED WE NEVER CROSSED OVER SEAS fuck America I WON THE WORLD because bae travels n brings home diseases That got u banned from Europe’s most importantly banned from any club WOTH A CLEAN DAUGHTER bad Programing MORE SO DONT TOUCH MY CHECK just make it right AND LAST HURRAH 😃 😀 😄
I love architecture not a dick sucking statement IOWA THE HOUSE N NOT ANY DOWNTOWN specific
Call this CONDOMS
This about a house not downtown irack for Jason’s free trips tomorrow YOUR DAUGHTER S JOBLESS BODY IS IN A BAG UNDER THE PLANE SPECIFICALLY
Nothing you can do to hurt me
The brightest idea that has come from this house #report expansion n imploding n sweat downtown one ball stairs SPECIFIC
I may of been suicidal but never dumb enough to go in about steal computer downtown I LOVE ARCHITECTURE
Feed me another downtown n not the same downtown RIDDLE
I am welfare ice box gems specifically 1000 jobs!
We’re done after u took my pharma HAPPENED brown satellite ONE JOINT CAN SILENCE A CITY its a deadly attempt to get me to talk about SSI OR PROOF OF LIFE CHECKS we can end this here but it’s not a desert trap ACCIDENT BROWN TRAPPING WAR VETERANS I got a body of water that I can’t be stopped IF I WERE IN THE DESERT I would run the highway HELPFUL TIP TO VETERANS but on the wrong side of freedom I HAVE A BODY OF WATER need I say more YOUR FANATICISM OF THROUGH ENOUGH BODIES AT A PROBLEM WILL MAKE IT GO AWAY duh with 40 billion of you I WOULDNT CARE EITHER
Anyways you cant hurt me anymore WERE DONE pharma game I NEED COCAINE Specific but you stole my plants LMAO
We’re done talking about my check DO AS U WANT I will be back tomorrow to kill him after he kills her Specific
It was SHATTER vape pen specific BUT I SMOKE FLOUR Marlboro Specific SO ID RATHER TAKE PILLS whoops 😬
Anyways we done it s over
Not another word about a shaky gov stealing money from people
I can hear the drug talk fear n it’s hilarious
Because drugs KAT VEGAS
I knew
But more so pharma
More so vapes
Look to the left of you n to the right of u IF ANYONE WANTS PLANTS kill them
One joint can silence a city as to dead daughter vs dead family
We’re done we out
0 notes
nyc tlc car insurance quote
"nyc tlc car insurance quote
nyc tlc car insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How does a new independent insurance agent get appointed/chartered by insurance carriers?
I'm starting a new independent insurance agency in NJ and foresee difficulty getting appointed/chartered by insurance carriers. Can anyone confirm this to true? Also, if this is the case are there any other options for a new agent? I've heard of 'brokers' that will fill this void and have access to many carrier however they keep 33% of the commissions. Any other options for new agents that anyone might be aware of? - Thanks a lot for any input!""
Does it matter if spouses use the same insurance company?
My husband and I have health insurance through his job, and now my job is offering to pay for some of my life insurance. We are going to get life insurance from his company, but I just wondered if it was a bad idea to have life insurance through two companies.""
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Im thinking about changing insurance and they gave me real good quotes but i have never heard of them
Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?
For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?""
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no it didn't help. it has nothing to do with health insurance
What is the best auto insurance carrier?
Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy. So my question is, which is the best, most affordable insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :D""
Buying motorcycle(street bike) and insurance?
Okay im going to be buying a new yamaha r6 in a couple of weeks. Before I bring the bike home I heard that Im going to need insurance before I bring it home. So should i start looking for an insurance now and get quotes or can i bring the bike home and then look for insurance. Im 19 years old.
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
What will insurance on this car cost for me monthly?
Hi, I'm going for my G2 end test today, so hopefully I pass and get my G. Here's a bit of information you should know in order to answer this question assuming I have my G license: - I'm 23 - Male - I live in Ontario - I got a DUI in December 2008 as a G2 driver, however it wasn't a criminal offense since I only blew .02 (one drink) - I plan on putting the insurance on a 2004 Hyundai Accent, still in excellent condition - I will be a secondary driver on this car, my girlfriend being the primary I think that's all you need to know, If I missed anything that might help, ask, and I'll edit this question! - Thanks!""
Which insurance will pay the benefactor the most amount of money in the shortest span of time?
If you're a failure and you've decided to take out insurance naming your mother as the benefactor: 1. How long do you have to wait before you kill yourself for the insurance to be valid 2. Which insurance gives the most amount of money after you die. There's no other way. Parents should be able to retire rich and happy and not have to worry about their kid being a failure all the time.
""Advice for buying new car insurance (21 yr old, male)?""
Im 21 year old, male, college student. I just got my driver license. This is my first time getting car insurance since I had never needed it before. I need insurance for a 2007 Mazda CX-7 or 2007 Toyota RAV 4 (full cover)""
How much would extra would i pay for another car on my policy?
I currently own 2 cars and am looking to buy another one. It is a 99 crown vic police int P71. I dont want collision or anything extra, i want the lowest insurance policy that i can get. Im taking that, that would be a liability only policy, am i correct? If not what kind of policy do i ask for? Also, how much more a month would this cost? No one will steal it because its a former cop car, but you couldnt tell and i doubt i will reck it.""
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
Can I fight this no proof of insurance ticket in the state of california?
I purchased my vehicle on 3/13/09 with insurance. I was stopped on 4/7/09 for no license plates and failure to prove financial responsibility i.e. no proof of insurance. Prior to that, the car dealer initially wouldn't even allow me to drive the car off the lot unless it was insured. Also, I hadn't received the insurance card in the mail from State Farm yet. I asked the officer (before he wrote the ticket) if he could identify my vehicle in his system to see that it is in fact insured, at which point he would not oblige. I obviously received the card a few days later and now have the card verifying insurance from 3/13/09 to the present date. Do I have a case here that can rightfully be reversed?""
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
Cheaper car insurance?
im 18 and am in the process of buying a ranger rover sport supercharged, ive got a few good quotes for inurance, i just wanted to know how can i get it cheaper and if you know some one in the insurance bussiness, can u get it cheaper? thanks""
High Risk Car Insurance in Florida?
Does anyone out there have any experience with finding coverage for high risk auto insurance in Florida? I don't have any DUI's or DWI'S ON MY record, 4 speeding tickets leading to point suspension and 3 accidents. At this point it looks like I may have to go without driving for the next 4 years.""
How much does insurance cost on a Ferrari?
I've always wondered what the cost of insurance would be for a $250k car such as a Ferrari F430. just curious
Temporary Ban For Driving with no insurance?
If I received a temporary driving ban in court for driving with no insurance with no points given would my insurance premium still rise?
What is the Real purpose of Obama's Health Care Reform?
If it was about reducing costs it would include Tort reform to reduce lawsuit abuse and the billions it adds to cost. So what is Obama's real objective?
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 years old male and i have a 2001 ford mustang in great shape I live in Nashua Nh. and I just got my liscence. can anyone tell me how much my insurance would probley be?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
25 yrs old and buying life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my question. I am 22 yrs old and my husband just turned 25.We have been married 6 years and have 3 kids. He works in construction and my question is.. Is 25 too early to look for buying life insurance?? If not, what companies would you recommend? Im extra new to this, this will be the first time we have looked for life insurance for our family. Ashly""
I need car insurance.?
!9 years old with a DWAI. Car needs collision. where do I get car insurance.
The Cheapest Car Insurance Company?
Hi im 20, i got a quote on a peugeot 205, m reg, 1.6, its around the 1,500 mark =O, anyone maybe can help""
nyc tlc car insurance quote
nyc tlc car insurance quote
Accident and Insurance questions. In California.?
So I got in an accident a couple of weeks ago. The other driver refused to show me her insurance. I was found 100% liable for the accident because the other driver lied about the accident . Now I'm getting phone calls from the other drivers insurance telling me that they are investigating their client because they think she got the insurance a few hours after the accident. What does this mean for me? I provided some pictures to the investigation team because they wanted the exact time of the accident. If the driver is found guilty what will happen. Will I still be liable? Also should I let my insurance know about this investigation.
I need CHEAP car insurance?
ima bout to be 18 in December ima get my license that day , i have a '93 Camry i need non-owners insurance what company should i join ? And where can i get cheap owner's insurance ?""
Auto insurance question?
I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking of signing up with state farm auto insurance. I'm buying a car and i have none. So can someone tell me what I need, where I have to go, and what i have to do to get this done?""
Is there insurance for a person that doesn't own a car and rental company doesnt provide insurance?
I want to rent a car but the rental place close to me doesn't provide insurance. They said I would have to provide my own. Is there insurance that will cover me while I rent the rental car? And if there is who will provide that for me?
Does anyone know where I can find auto insurance to cover car parts?
I need new tires and brakes, and rather than paying for them I want to get insurance so all I'll have to pay is the deductible. Please help. Thanks.""
Temporary Insurance for 18 yr olds - How can I make this work?
I go to Uni and want to use my mothers car wen i'm back at home in the hols. Trouble is I'm only 18 and the car is a VR6 Highline, with UK group 16 insurance. It'll cost me about 2000 for a yearly permanent insurance policy, but id prefer just to go on my mothers policy temporary if itd b cheaper. For instance i could pay for her insurance on the car permanently for about 150 pound and maybe get on as a temp driver occasionally for probably a lot of money each time. Any ideas?""
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
""When the term is up on term life insurance, what happens to the money you paid? do you get it back?
im in my early twenties and im looking for life insurance outside of my job. i want to know if you sign up for term life insurance and the term is up what happens with the money you've paid? or is it just better to sign up for whole life insurance?
Is there a safe and accurate way to search online for auto insurance quotes...?
Don't want to enter social security number or actual home address for that matter. Using age, driving record, general home address (city and state) and of course the required car info...Is there a site that would give you an accurate range of what it would cost to insure a vehicle in NY state? Personal experience is best , but all knowledgeable info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Is There Any One-Day Car Insurance?
I have a car that is unplated and I don't drive it for more than one year but I am going for my G license test which can be done in one day. So, I wonder if there is any car insurance for one day in Ontario Canada?""
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD""
Will my insurance expire if I choose to pay by down payment?
Im 19 and have a payment of $565.90 but I can make 5 payments of $121.00 because $565.90 is way too much to be paying right now. My insurance expires 6/15/12 and I need my car since I just recently quit my job and need it to look for a job ASAP. So If I choose payments instead of paying whole, will my insurance still cover me past 6/15/12? Thanks in advance. I drive a hyundai elantra and live in Los Angeles California""
Is $111 a month a lot for health insurance in cleveland?
Health insurance after you've turned 18?
My mother receives Social Security checks and insurance (She had cancer, and can't work due to other conditions brought on by the chemotherapy) and because of this, I had medicaid. I turned 18 last month and I'm wondering if I automatically get cut off from her insurance, or if I stay on the plan because I'll be a student in the fall. I know the system for this changed recently, so I have no idea if I still have insurance or not.""
I want to put my niece on my car insurance?
i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately
My car engine locked(died) should i report it to auto insurance (Geico)?
I have rental car coverage on my policy, I was wondering would reporting a claim to my car insurance company about my car engine locked will it raise my insurance rate. I was driving my car and the engine died on me. I really need a rental until my car is fixed.""
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
I live in California and was involved in a car accident. My insurance had lapsed prior to the accident.?
I was behind on my insurance because I don't have much money. I actually was going to pay it this week since I just got paid, regardless the accident happened last week. I pulled out in front of a lady and her car t-boned my car. Her and her passengers were injured and were taken to the hospital for minor airbag related injures. I had minor whiplash. I was given a citation for failure to yield to oncoming traffic (vc 21804 (a)) and for no proof of insurance (vc 16028 (c)). What kind of fines/penalties should I expect when I appear in court. Also, if the other driver didn't have insurance can she still sue me for her medical bills?""
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
Can parents get sued if I drive a car without insurance?
My mom tried to tell me that if I drive without insurance they would be sued because I live with them. I am 19 so I am a legal adult. The car is also in my name only. I think she was just talking out her *** personally, but now I am curious if that is even possible. Whatsoever.""
Geico car insurance late?
my geico car insurance will be due in 3 days but it will be ten days after that do i get paid do you have a grace period or i time frame after the due date with geico
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?
Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.
Can a 16year old drive an 18years old car if the 18year old is on the parents insurance with statefarm?
The 16 year old will be on the parents insurance as well
""I have aetna health insurance, and i was wondering?""
ok, my aetna says it covers 100% of procedures, and i just have to pay the co-pays. i was thinking about going to mexico (i live in california) and having a gastric LAP-band procedure done. will my insurance pay for it, seeing as how its in another country? by the way, it is not an elective surgery, my insurance says it will pay for bariatric surgery if i have a bmi over 40, which i do. i just need to know if they wont cover it because of where it would done at.""
nyc tlc car insurance quote
nyc tlc car insurance quote
Does a stop sign violation increase your insurance in Sacramento?
I just a stop sign violation about an hour ago, I was planning on paying it because I do not know enough to fight the ticket in court. Will the citation increase my insurance rate? I have AAA. And the violation occured in Sacramento, CA few blocks from my house.""
Which car insurance companies insure electric cars?
My insurance company will not insure electric cars. Which will?
I was hit by a metro park gate while driving my fiance's car which is insured under his name. I am not insured uner his policy, so therefor dont have insureance will the insurance company still pay because its insured? or will be stuck because i have no insurance?""
Why can insurance companies discriminate based on gender?
I guarantee you if a 16 year old girl bought the same sports car as a 16 year old boy, the boy would be charged considerably more. I understand the age discrimination, being that teenagers ARE a greater risk, but it's not right to discriminate based on gender.""
What is a good car that is cheep and i won't have to pay a higher insurance?
researching a new car and with money so tight im looking for cheep...so what ever you guys can give that is cheep, and won't raise my insurance is great""
Is Health care affordable in the U.S? How much insurance do you need?
I hear alot of propaganda from fellow Canadians that its bad in the U.S. Is this true? I figured if you can pay 3,000 to 4,000 a year to your health insurance comany you are pretty much protected, true or false? I would like to know the truth. Thank YOu""
Car insurance more expensive for younger drivers?
In the UK we have a little piece of legislation under the European Convention on Human Rights, which gives us freedom from discrimination. I know that a lot of young drivers are inexperienced and more eager on the roads, but what about the careful ones? Is it not a form of stereotypical discrimination for car insurance companies to charge more for younger drivers, and older ones for that matter?""
What insurance company is THE cheapest? but has great coverage or provides the same services as other insurance?
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Subaru 2.5 RS?
I'm curious to see what the average insurance cost of this would be. I'm 18 with no accidents and I'm on my parents insurance plan. I know a lot of things can determine that but what would be the average rates? And is listed as a sports car or just a regular family car?
In california can i report an accident but pay for it in cash ? or when i report it auto contact my insurance?
like if i was in an accident and i reported to the dmv i can still pay it in cash right and the insurance doesn't have to raise the money ? state ur source please
What is homeowners insurance declaration page?
im getting a loan but im not sure what a home owner's insurance is
Do I need car insurance to take the drivers test in Florida?
I'm was going to take the drivers test this friday to get my license, since i turned 16. But I found out that I have to have car insurance under my name to get my license. So my dad called his insurance guy and asked him about it, and the guy said that it would increase my dads insurance from $2500 to $4000. My dad said that he couldn't pay that much and that I couldn't get my license. Is there any other option for me? Is there any cheaper car insurance that I could use that would be less, or what if I got my own separate insurance from my dad? Would that be cheaper? I was also thinking, could I just get the insurance for the test and then take it off once the test is over? Please help! I really want to get my license!""
Anyone know of a good insurance company in Texas for Home Owners Insurance?
I'm shopping for home owners insurance and I was wondering whats out there and is good and reliable.
Does anyone know which agency has the cheapest car insurance for liability?
Does anyone know which agency has the cheapest car insurance for liability?
Does Texas have a state health insurance for children?
In NY we have child health plus which is inexpensive & if your income is low it is free of charge.
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
Education in finance and insurance?
I am 43 and working as middle level executive in insurance.I would like to know about some advanced courses in life insurance and finance.
What's good insurance for young adults?
I'm 21 & I currently have insurance with the car lot I purchased my car from. What are good full coverage but affordable insurances?
What is this type of insurance called? And how much?
So from general information, i know typically an arena will say that you need some insurance to cover (X) amount, like $1,000,000. My question is how does that person get that insurance? What does the insurance policy look like? And how much would he/she have to pay to get that insurance?""
""Just got my license today, questions about insurance.?""
Hey guys, so I just came back from DMV a few hours ago, and passed my driving test without any mistakes for the first time. I currently live in California and have a few questions about my insurance. So it's my moms car, but she rarely drives it so I practically got the car to my self. Except I don't know the policy for California's insurance. My mom does have insurance on it, but it's listen under her name. Will I still be able to drive the car? Because I am going to get insurance for my self, but I need a way to get to my new job for right now. If not what will happen if I get caught driving without an insurance? Please let me know asap. Thankyou!""
Car Insurance out of state?
I live in los angeles and im about to go to las vegas on a trip i have a car but im being told that i cant drive the car because my car insurance doest get covered in las vegas incase something happened.im a Little worried because i dont wanna fly there especially with all the hassle at the airport.what can i do can i purchase car insurance for a couple days from my insurance company to go to vegas?
Car insurance for 16 year olds...?
How much difference would the insurance be for a 16year old if the car make was either a comaro with a v6 or something else with a v6, like a nissan or mazda. Does the make of the car make a difference? I have good student and a bunch of other thngs that make discounts but was wondering if there is a big difference between just the make of the car. Im looking at buying the 2010 comaro if the insurance doesnt change tht much...... any info is great! :) thanks!""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Ok so im a 17 year old girl with a job that pays 600 a month. and i want a 2005 toyota matrix. its 7,000 but i know where to get it cheeper. but the question is how much do you pay . can you tell me your age and year of your car it would help me compare this whole thing alot better THANKYOU :)""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
How do you want health care reformed?
With all the rumors about the plan killing babies and grandma, we have gotten away from intelligent discourse. Polls say 70% of people want some kind of reform. What would you like ...show more""
nyc tlc car insurance quote
nyc tlc car insurance quote
Why is my car insurance the same price?
My car insurance is due up next month and I have been shopping around. I've used all the compare sites like go compare and money supermarket and I m basically the exact same price as I was last year. For the same car. I've been driving 8 years nd have 6 years no claims. I'm 25 and female. Every year it used to go down but now I'm being quotes the same and sometimes more?!
Best motorcycle to buy in Hawaii for college?
I prefer a Harley Davidson but any suggestions would be great. 0-2500$ must be good on insurance
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Would owning a Honda Civic coupe increase my car insurance rates?
I'm 18 & planning to switch to a Honda Civic soon. I'm meaning to get a coupe, but I heard that my insurance rate would go sky-high just because it's a coupe. Is this true? & if so, by how much? Thanks.""
Can you sue someone if they hit your car and you don't have car insurance?
I was in kroger parking lot and a lady backed out and hit my car. we both got out of the car she ask me if i wanted her insurance and i said yes but would this do me any good if i don't have any insurance? She said we'll just send me the bill. She gave me her address and phone number. But when i called her to tell her the estimate she said she was not paying for it. it happen on private property so can i sue her even if i don't have insurance?
Does fully comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical repair?
I am considering buying a car but have heard some worrying stories about engines needing to re-built and other expensive parts, if my engine went would my insurance cover the cost or would I have to pay out of my own pocket?""
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
Can I get car insurance at 15 years old?
I am 15 & bought a classic car with my dad. Can I insure it in my name and build up two years no claims bonus while we restore it?
Question about health insurance?
My fiance got a job that has health benefits but I dont have health benefits, so how can I get onto my fiance health insurance and how much would it cost??....""
What kind of motorcycle should I get? Is insurance expensive?
I recently got a job about an hour away and would like to make my commute cheaper. I was thinking of buying a motorcycle for $3500 or less but I have never done this before. I want to know what would be the best for the size person I am. I am 6'5 and 300 lbs. So i need a big bike. Also is insurance generally more expensive than car insurance or not? Any suggestions will help me know what to look for. Thank you
Does anybody have this insurance?
Do you have Presbyterian Health Plan which is an hmo? What does hmo mean and is this insurance any good? The doctors that I go to for my pregnancy, the hospital, and my sons counselor are ALL covered but does that mean i have to have a referral to go to each one or what does it mean (hmo?)""
""A car has a minor accident found in the car proof, does it increase the insurance ?""
If I buy this car, is my insurance go up?""
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance?
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance? Who Talks more Women, Who Texts More Women? i dont get it we should pay the same insurance rates?""
Colorado Springs Court Fee For Proving You Have Auto Insurance Now?
I was going to base to pick up my fiance and I just moved to Co Springs. Forgot my insurance cards in my apartment. Couldn't prove it had it, so the MP's took my license and are sending me to court to get it back by proving I have insurance. Do I have to pay a ticket or court processing fee? They told me I just have to show up, show them I have the card then leave?""
Where can I find really cheap car insurance?
poor working girl in cali seeking really inexpensive car insurance
Can your parents pay your car insurance?
Keep in mind, they don't have a car!! I know i sounds crazy""
I was wondering how much insurance would be for camaro?
I am a 17 year old male (I know :( ) it would be a z28 I would only want insurance for like 3 months( is that possible) Only liability insurance too or the cheapest one and still be legal.
What is the best insurance company for a 21yr old with a bad driving record?
car insurance for nj drivers
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Cheap insurance cars?
What new-ish cars (about 2008 onwards) are amongst the cheapest to insure for a 17 year old male? Not really looking at a stereotypical first car like a Corsa or Clio etc. I know insurance isn't cheap, but what cars have the cheapest available?""
Nissan skyline insurance and price?
ok im 16 and wondering how much a 1990's nissan skyline cost and how much the insurance cost. im 16 a male and has never been in trouble with the police actually my dad was an officer. this is my first car...
Car insurance on a 95-98 toyota supra?
im 16-female..remain a B+ average. it would be full coverage... and i know the color can make a difference..prefreably white..maybe black. anyone know the ball park insurance price it would be for me?
Is this insurance Fraud?
My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.""
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
Why can't small businesses in each state group together to get better and more affordable health insurance?
Who regulates this? The insurance companies? The large companies? It doesn't make sense that this cannot be done.
nyc tlc car insurance quote
nyc tlc car insurance quote
0 notes
auto insurance louisiana
"auto insurance louisiana
auto insurance louisiana
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How is mandated health insurance a stepping stone for universal health care?
Doesn't it just make the HMO's/insurance companies more powerful (which will make them more influential)? Won't it just be like mandated car insurance--but much more expensive?
How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly?
In Canada not US
I might be getting a car and I need to know the insurance?
Ok, so I'll be 17, it'll be my first car, it costs 300 that's it :) all that needs doing is some rust work on the door. It's a 1987 D reg Saab 900 :D any ideas on how much my insurance will cost? I dont know the full license plate so I can't do it properly myself :/ but even just a rough estimate would be a great help :) thanks :)""
Why do we still allow auto insurance providers (since it is a law we must get liability)?
to check our credit to give us the cost? This doesn't seem fair. What should our credit score have to do with the cost of liability?
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
No proof of insurance ticket LOS ANGELES CA ?
I got pulled over for speeding. Got a ticket for no proof of insurance. but now i have insurance .. i am 17 and i just wanna know whats gonna happen tomorrow in court ? and on the ticket it says (((People of the state or California Vs. me))) whats going to happened in the court?, are there going to be people watching me ? and ima take my grandma ? also if i cant pay the fine can do community service ? how many hrs ?""
Car Insurance Question?
Hey all. Recently, a car ran into my legally parked car early in the morning. When I found my car hit, strangely, the other car was still there with their lights on and keys in the ignition. It appeared whomever was driving fled. Fortunately, when the police was called, one of the officers found insurance information for the car that hit mine. We took the make, model, year, and licence plate numbers down on the report. The officers left, however I'm not sure if they are going to attempt to search out the registered owner or not. Guess I could call to see if they are or not. Anyway, I then had the other car towed away and mine towed to a nearby auto body shop. They gave me a preliminary estimate for repairs. I then used the car insurance that was found in the other car, called and filed a claim. The same day the insurance I called had an insurance adjuster/appraiser come look at my car. They considered the damages to notably exceed the first estimate, and considered it 'totaled'. Now, the other car's insurance is attempting to contact the registered owner. They mentioned that if there is difficulty in reaching the owner, the insurance to blame may deny making a reimbursement/compensation payment for my damages. Should I contact the police to see if they've investigated the person? I then later called my own insurance and notified them of what happened in its entirety. Now...if my claim is denied by the at fault person and their insurance, is their any consolation for me? Shall I hire a lawyer and sue in small claims or civil court (for damages/rental car/lawyer fees) since the damages estimated are borderline ~$5,000 +/- 1,000? Could this be a successful alternative if their insurance refuses to help me out? Or should I bite the bullet and go through my own insurance...risking an increased premium for something that was not my fault? Thank you for any advice.""
Is there a health insurance company in los angeles california thats free or cheap?
I dont have enough money to afford regular health insurance any suggestions?
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
What do you think it would cost for a 2001 cavalier coupe monthly for car insurance?
I just need an estimate, thanks. I don't know where to look...""
""Would insurance be high for a 1999 VW Jetta? My first car, 16y/o girl?""
I'm looking at a 99 VW Jetta on Craigslist for $2000. Here's the exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this would be added on to my parents car insurance since I'm still a minor. I have to pay my insurance though, so how much do you think it would be?""
Will insurance pay for an insured car that's borrowed and driven by an uninsured driver?
well, it's a brand new car that belong to my father, i borrowed it and got in an accident because i slip off the road, the car is totaled and im really worried about the coverage. my dad has Infinity-insurance, so yes the car is insured however i do not have any kind of auto-insurance at all nor am i listed in my father's policy. will my father's insurance pays for the car?( if possible, please answer it base on Infinity-insurance)""
How much would my insurance cost . . .?
If I am 16 and driving a 2007 Scion TC that is completely paid for ?
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
What does your car insurance company do for you?
If you are not at fault in an accident, what will your insurance company do in order to get your car fixed? How much help will they give you, or are we supposed to settle everything, make the calls etc. with the other carriers insurance. I was hit from behind while I was stopped at a yield sign. The other drivers fault ( a no-brainer). Yet I am getting different information from my agent, the other drivers agent, and even the auto-repair shop !!! Any feedback will help greatly.""
So i got my estimate for my auto insurance?
And i don't know how to read most of it.... like... what does R&I mean? under Op. is there a legend i can look at?
Car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
How could i get a cheap car insurance and what would be the cheapest price? every site i have been on it said about 3000 and that would be more then what the actual car costs.
Average insurance rate for a 2002 MR2 Toyota Spyder for a 21 year old?
What do you think will be the average rate and how does this compare to insurance rates of a normal car like a Toyota Corolla and sports cars like a Mustang?
Do I need insurance to drive my own car with a permit in Arizona?
Can I use my own car or do I have to use my parents car with a permit?
Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?
Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.""
Advise please for a cheapest and reliable car insurance here in orange county CA?
For a 2012 honda civic LX thank you
If I had this non fault accident would my car insurance still gone up?
Okay a week ago I was about to have an accident I passed a railroad track when no train was comming and the bars were up as well so I passed the railroad and I made a turn so this had a stop sign at a corner and didn't make a complete stop so I was passing since I didn't have a stop sign or yield sign and this guy just stepped on the gas and went into the wrong way and then he tried to jump into the way that I was going and I was about to hit him because there wasn't enough space for him to change lanes safely. And so I remember that the day that my dad went to get insurance for his car they told him that they had a record of the accident that he had back in 1991 which wasn't his fault.
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
We are a family of five living in Bakersfield, CA. We have four cars (2005 Infiniti Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). How much should we expect to pay for car insurance? Its just that the cost of adding one more person and one more car increased my car insurance by a little less than 50%.""
Why cant I get an insurance quote because i'm under 18?
I went onto farmers insurance because that is what my parents have. I'm 15 but I'm turning 16 next year and have heard some real horror stories about car insurance for teenagers. I just wanted to check how much it costs but farmers says i cant get a quote because thats only available for people 18-108. WHY!? Are there any other insurance companies out there that I CAN get a quote for or are there at least any other ways that I can find out how much it will cost?
auto insurance louisiana
auto insurance louisiana
How much would a motorcycle insurance cost me monthly if i'm 17 years old and i live in toronto?
Say i get a 2008 honda cbr125r, how much would insurance cost me monthly? (an approximate estimate would be nice)""
How much do you pay for insurance?
i have a school project :/ and am supposed to act like i am buying a smart car for $14000 but how much insurace am i supposed to bay monthly?
Life Insurance at a young age?
Im 18 years old and I recently open a life insurance policy with Wells Fargo and I was wondering if i was a good idea at such a young age, if the price is right.. $18.90 a month and if i was a good decision.""
What is going on car insurance ?
i had a crash over a year ago, my car insurance took it to court last week due to the other party not having any evidence or produce thier side of events etc. the Judge told them they had a week to comply and they should settle 80-20 in my favour but they still are playing hard ball by saying they think i know my witness, so they should have it 80-20 in their favour , of which i dont. so why are they still not showing their side of the crash etc, and dragging this out. also is this legal?""
Someone hit my car...will my insurance rise?
Someone hit my car last week and got a ticket. She received a ticket. Someone also hit my car a few months ago. Their fault. Is my insurance going to go up because of this second one. I imagine it wouldn't since her insurance will take care of my car but I'm not sure.
What is the best begeners motercycle in Canada insurance and operating cost wise.?
Are cruisers cheaper to insure then sports motorcycle for the same displacement engines? And what are some good models in the market? Thankyou
My fiance got hit in my car is it an insurance problem?
I bought a car about 5 months ago and got full coverage insurance through State Farm with myself listed as the driver of the car and only my name on the insurance. My fiances car recently broke down so we sold it to salvage and canceled her insurance for it. I have two cars so I let her borrow the newest one today because its an automatic. Pulling out to turn a woman struck her passenger side with a minivan. I haven't seen it yet but the damage she says is very light a scratch and the front corner of the headlight broken. The other woman agreed it was totally her fault and provided all her insurance info but they didn't call the police to make a report :( So will this cause a problem when I call the womens insurance company or if I have to call mine if her insurance won't pay and who should I contact first just her insurance or mine and hers? I don't want to tell my company if I don't have to I turn 25 in a week and my rate is suppossed to drop big time and I don't want to screw that up.
Health Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!!""
Differences in car insurance quotes?
Out of curiosity I went on a comparison website for car insurance. I compared the insurance of a: 200 ford fiesta 1998reg 5000 mini cooper S 2005reg 19500 mini cooper S 2012reg The quotes that i received were all around the same price!! about 2200. how does this work out? how can a 200 fiesta come to the same price as a 19500 mini cooper S? not to mention that the cooper S would be 10x more powerful than the little fiesta. im 22 years old and male, with no driving experience at all. im just curious as to how these quotes are calculated.""
Average insurance cost for teen drivers in Ohio?
Can anyone give me an estimate by any chance? I know the best way is to just get a quote but right now I'm trying to get some figures up there before I convince my mom into getting a quote.
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
Small business looking for new health insurance.?
I own a small business and my health insurance has gone up so much I can't afford it. I need a new agent and an affordable policy. Small group, just my family and 1 lady who uses it as a supplement.""
I bought a car 2weeks ago, registered it the next day and got into a car accident the day after. :( I got a ticket for having no insurance. But I found out that the seller, my moms bf, had insurance for the car. Just none in my name, will this help dismiss the ticket? There is a day grace period to get insurance when you get the car, but I was unable to get any. But the car WAS insured during the time of the accident. Just through the previous owner. ANY ADVICE WILL HELP.""
Car insurance spouse dui?
how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!!
All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ?
Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments?
Who buys Insurance like State Farm? ?
If by any chance, anyone know what type of people buy insurance like age or lifestyle (single, or married etc.)? Is it normal for a teenage guy to look insurance up? -Insurance as in Auto, Life, and House and everything if that narrows it down but covering all those types""
Premium return life insurance?
What is the big bennefit of premium return life insurance policies?
Good/cheap car insurance?
I currently have Farmers Insurance. I'm thinking about switching and trying to find a lower rate. Does anyone have positive or negative feedback about companies like Geico and Progressive? Is there much of a difference between their rates and complanies like State Farm or Farmers? Any suggestions would be helpful!
Why would my auto insurance increase?
The insurance on my 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went up over $100 since last year. I did not make any claims, was in any accidedents or anything like that. I did not move. I did not have anything done to the car which could cause the insurance to increase. So why would my insurance increase? I am over 40 yrs old and ever since I've been driving and with all the cars I've owned, most of them new, I never had an insurance increase on the same vehicle. It always decreased from year to year on the same vehicle. Never went up. I want to get some opinions here first and maybe get a legitimate explanation before I call my insurance agent and ask why they increase my rate or look to find a different insurer.""
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
Im 17 at the moment but will be 18 on the 2nd of June. Not sure what bike I want yet but where I live you can get to anywhere that doesn't need transport. The nearest shop is 4 miles away. I have no public transport around here either. I would like a rough guess at what a 125cc bike would cost to insure on a year or 3 month basis? Thanks :)
""What is the most reliable, low insurance, cheap small car-max budget 1200?""
I have an 'N' reg Nissan Micra, had it for around 4 years now, it's costing me more than it's worth in repairs and I need to get rid of it! It has been incredible reliable though, engine wise, just other stupid things (no doubt, age related) clutch has just gone and I could have done without that this side of xmas :( but at the moment, not in the position to replace it til next year. Trying to do my homework on cars til then, I have narrowed it down in this order: Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift Nissan Micra (obviously, a few years newer) Seat Ibiza (I know, budget pushing it on that one!) and finally, Ford Fiesta (don't know why, i find them so boring to look at, hence last on my list) Any view on above cars would be much appreciated, or other suggestions also. I need the car to be very low on insurance and economical to run as well.""
Health Insurance - suggestions?
I'm a 30 year old married woman in relatively good health. I have no health insurance, and no preexisting conditions. I would like to look into a plan (probably HSA compatible) that is of low cost. It really burns me that an average plan would cost $500 a month for spouse and myself - when we just need to go and get checkups 2-3 times a year...which winds up being about $6k a year - to go less than a half of times between 2 people. Is there a happy medium at all?""
How much does health insurance cost for a Florida student?
I am going to be a college student in Florida and I want to know the cost of health insurance in Florida. I have no illness or family history of illness. I am not disabled or as such but it is good to have insurance and in my case, required. So can anyone help me find the cheapest health insurance plan in Florida please?""
How can I find out what auto insurance a company has?
OK. So I use to work for this repossession company and I was hit by an idiot that ran a red light. Anyway after the accident I got a lawyer. I quit there shortly after. Well the insurance card in the tow truck was expired and not the right company . When the company switch insurance they forgot to put the new card in.. well since the drive that hit me did not have insurance the personal injury will be covered by the companies insurance. But the owner will not tell my lawyer the name of the insurance company or anything. And said your gonna have to take me to court. He is a real jerk btw. So does anyone know how I could find out online or something what company they were with at the time of the accident??
How much would it cost to add me as an occasional driver?
If I get a new car and its under my mom's name but I'm listed as an occasional driver wouldnt that be way less expensive than having my own insurance which would cost about $1500? I'd only be driving the car to and from school and occasionally out to the movies or something. So would that work?
auto insurance louisiana
auto insurance louisiana
How should I go about getting car insurance? (20 years old)?
I have enough money to buy my first car, I'm going for a car with a small engine around 1.2-1.6. when getting insurance quotes however, the cheapest quote i've found is around 1700 quid. help?? surely i can get insured on my own car for less than this?""
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average.""
About life insurance?
i am 35 year old and i have one daughter of 1 year.i want to take policy for myself and for my wife also.we both are in govt jobs.plz suggest me best policies
Car insurance problems.?
I've been in a car accident a week ago and I haven't received any phone calls about anything. I sent my police report and my insurance still has not send someone to look at the damage. I want to get this fixed asap. How long does it take before they send someone to look at it. And who looks at it my insurer or the insurer of the other guy?
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
Got into a car accident with rental and declined the insurance?
hi all i was hoping you could get some facts/and or legal advice. Ok so i have been renting this car for about 6 month now because i cant afford a down payment for my own. I had my own car insurance which covered the rental. However(bad luck struck) i got into a car accident 2 days after my car insurance lapsed i have since renewed my policy right away with another insurance company that gave me better rates. The fault of the accident has not yet been determined. I believe it was the other persons fault. however i am worried what will happen if it is deemed to be my fault. i was not covered at the time of the accident, i did not obviously have coverage through the rental company. i want to make something clear that i am a person of good faith and if it were to be deemed as my fault i have no problem paying the other persons deductable. but i am worried about someone going after me for thousands and thousands or jail time or loosing my licence. so my questions are do rental car companies carry default uninsured motorist coverage(even if i opp out of purchasing theres?) if it is my fault do i get to pay the other persons deductable(and damage to rental) and walk away? will her insurance sue me for full cost of repairs? will her insurance go after rental company go after rental place for money? will her insurance go after my new insurance even though i was not covered by them at the time of the accident? fyi: no one was hurt, she has a minor medium size dent in door panel, i have small tear in my bumper""
What car with...cheap insurance?
Hi all.... Well I have my test in 2wks I have 2x 2hour lessons a wk so I best pass! Ha Anyway I need abit of advice on cars and insurance, I am 21year old female. Can anyone suggest any cheap insurance company and what type of car may be best I have 2000 pound currently saved for my first car! Thanks xx and wish me luck ha x""
I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?
Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.
Cheapest car insurance company in michigan?
I used to pay 25 bucks a month for car insurance, but now I am in michigan, the chepast from progressive is about 70 bucks a month, that's 3 times what I used to pay. Is there a company that will offer a cheaper rate than progressive? If it wasn't for the possibility of being arrested by cops for driving without insurance, I will never buy insurance period. Never had an accident caused by me EVER.""
Car insurance is too high!!!?
Been up since 8AM ringing several insurance companies. I have been declined 13 quotes, and offered 9 quotes noted below: Direct Line - 8,000.00 Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure motor - 9,294.00 Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva - 13,084.00 MasterQuote - 11,001.60 On some of the forms I have used my nan's address as I live in a high-risk area, so I will actually park the car at my nan's house, not fraudalent I will actually do that. Are there any more hints/tips on what to do to bring down the insurance? I recently bought a Peugeot 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr hatchback. I'm 20 years old and passed my test on 30/10/2012.""
Medicate and your own private insurance ?
A friend of mine stated that even If u have insurance (private insurance at that) that u can sign up for emergency Medicare If your insurance only covers a certain amount of your procedure. Is that true? I find that to be nonsense!
How high would car insurance rates become if a 16 yr old drives a car?
My mom won't let me get my G1 because she says her insurance rates will get too high. I asked her how high and she says she doesn't even know. I live in Ontario.
What is the average value for contents insurance for a three bedroom house with no major valuable items?
I've not had to get content insurance before and my removals company want to know the estimated value of the items i'm moving. I've not got a clue, help.""
How come a 7 year old Dodge truck costs more to insure than a new Lexus RX350?
Full insurance: Dodge - $1400 Lexus - $900 Why??????
Can I drive my uncle car but im under my grandmothers insurance?
I am under my grandmothers insurance and my uncle let me borrow one of his cars for a month. the car is under his insurance. if i was to get pulled over would i get into trouble for driving his car. all of his insurance information is in the car and his registration. and will i need to bring proof of me under my grandmothers insurance?
If car insurance goes with the car technically does that mean an uninsured driver can drive an insured car?
I have a license but no insurance. I drive my dad's car which is insured in his name. If he is aware that i am driving the car and i get into an accident, does that mean I am insured?""
Car insurance question?
I just got a 94 Buick Park avenue a few weeks ago. I'm 17 and getting my license (hopefully) on the 25th of this month. I have a question about the insurance. Our company is Amica. I've gotten a quote recently from my dad talking to them. He told me today that after two cars are insured the third one is automatically listing me as the primary driver. I'd like to be able to be the 'secondary driver' to save money...anyone know if this is possible with this company?
Cheap place to buy CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim?
Where can I find a great deal online for CMS Health Insurance Form 1500 Claim
Car insurance over 2 years break?
i havent had any car insurance for 2 and half years but if i go back to whom i was insured with will i be able to retieve my no claims discount of 70%
Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?
Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?
Help finding an orthodontist that accepts my insurance?
Hi everybody well ive been wanting to get braces but i cant afford them and i cant seem to find one anyways i live in California my insurance plan is Healthy Kids its a program part of Healthy Plans of San Mateo County i live in South San Francisco and i really desperately need help finding an orthodontist in or around this area i want my braces really bad like asap so yeah please if anyone can help me out it will be gladly appreciated! thanks
Buying SR22 Insurance Online?
I need to know the cheapest site or agency to buy sr22 insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!!
How does car insurance work?
So I am planning on asking my friend to borrow his car to drive when he's going to travel, but I do not have any insurance. Is it okay for me to drive? His car has insurance, but I do not have insurance under my name. Does that mean if I bump into something, I will get into trouble, even though the car has insurance?""
Is it legal for an insurance company to have a totaled car repaired and give it back to the owner?
The car was already determined to be totaled by the insurance company because the cost to repair the car exceeded 70% of the fair value of the car but not the total fair value. Instead of giving us the fair value, however, the insurance company decided to have the car repaired and give it back to us because it still cost the insurance company less money. Now it is apparent that car does not function as well as before.""
Car Insurance and Credit Cards?
In less than a year I'll be getting my own credit card and I'll have to have car insurance. I am trying to find the best credit card and car insurance for me so that I won't have to spend money and time later to change it. I am unsure what kind of credit card is best. I am going to try and will most likely succeed in having the best credit. What credit card do you suggest to a high school student who will go to college and to the armed forces. Also I want to know which car insurance offers the cheapest car insurance, I want one that offers rewards for students, safe driving, clean driving records. Any help will be much appreciated.""
auto insurance louisiana
auto insurance louisiana
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
i'm a 19 yr old male buying a 94 ford escort. what is generally the cheapest insurance company? i got a rate of 445 for 6 months. take it?
What do i need to get a car registered at a california dmv?
i called the office some lady told me only my id? im confused i thought i would need insurance and license but the lady told me different.. please let me know thanks
First car/insurance question?
http://westpalmbeach.craigslist.org/car/676277707.html im looking to buy this car for my first car, i currently have more than enough for it, plus i really have wanted a lancer. is that a good car? 2nd. do you need to pay insurance on a car that you dont use? im an avid driver, but i havent got my license yet, *2months exactly left*. if i get it, will i pay insurance for 2 months...without use? in the hypothetical scenario, where i wont even use my drivers permit with it with a parent of course.""
CA Borders books pregnancy insurance?
I'm working at a Borders in CA and i'm part time. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to go about getting insurance. My training manager said to look online for borders insurance but I'm not finding it. Is the part time insurance worth it for pregnancy costs? I'm having a midwife and want to figure out how to get that covered.
Health insurance for students?
im 19, fulltime student and currently on my dad's plan from work currentl around 300$ for just me. i don't really have any medical problems,i don't take or need ...show more""
Can you get car insurance scams? 80 insurance?
im 20 years old and looking for car insurance for the first time on my first car. I have a friend who knows someone working at diamond who has quoted me a really cheap amount for both me and my brother. it comes to 994 a year for me and my brother both and a monthly payment of 80, however he is asking for a personal fee of 650 for doing it so cheap. is this trust worthy? im so baffled please help!""
Learning to drive questions?
From england. Ok so a few quetrions. On average, how many lessons does it usually take before you can take the test? Is there a set minimum of lessons or do you take the test when you feel ready? How much on average does each lesson cost? Is it true i wont be able to get insurance on a 1.8 or 1.6? How much did you spend on your first car? Answers to do with England please !""
Where to go to find a house/car insurance quotas!?
I have a project for my economics class, we have to make a family of four budget for a month and we have to like buy a house, a car, food, and lots of other things But with this we have to go into detail and we have to find out the Homeowner/Renter Insurance and Automobile Insurance but I really have NO clue where to go to find this. Is there any website that just gives you the direct quota of how much it will cost you a month? Help me out anyone?""
Maternity Leave Insurance?
My husbands cousin told me about an insurance that covered her maternity leave. She got this insurance when she was 5 months pregnant and it covered her for 3 months of time off. My employer does not offer paid time off and I need an insurance that will cover my maternity leave even though Im pregnant right now. She doesnt remember what insurance it was.
How much is insurance for a 16 year old boy driving a volkswagen jetta/golf?
I am going to go with my father to get a car next week because I got my license today. I will be using the sign then drive event for the car. About how much will insurance cost for a NEW car and would it be cheaper using a older car? I earn about 500$ in every other week for work, would that be enough you think? Thanks for the help!""
""What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?
I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.
Does raising your car insurance's deductible really save you money ?
* Does raising deductible on car insurance really save money ?? * Is it worth it and * How much money would you save if you raise your car's deductible from 500 to 1000 dollars Any information would greatly be appreciated....Thanks :)
Switching car Insurance companies?
With lower rates given by other insurance companies, wanting me to switch. What is the catch . My current company says watch out for hidden fees and their drop clause. . Is the coverage the same? May be dropped or hugh increase after a claim.Been with current co. more than 10 years. Looking to save some money.""
""What are my options, health insurance wise?""
I'm 19 and MassHealth is being a b**** and canceling my insurance. I got no job and I'm a full time student. Is there anyway to get insurance like this? I mean, Massachusetts must have something for people like me. Anyone else having this problem and have a solution? If so it would really help.""
Which insurance company is best for two wheeler insurance?
Which insurance company is best for two wheeler insurance?
Insurance rates for 17 yr olds?
Since insurance rates are ridiculously high for new drivers like me, I was thinking that if my parents could possibly buy a car for me to drive but put it under their name, and have it insured under their name so its cheaper since they're much older and have a lower insurance rate than I would. But I heard someone said that somehow insurance companies find this out and somehow find a way around this so the tactic i just suggested won't work. Anybody have any experience with this?""
CAR insurance...i dont have a 3.0?
on estimate how much wil the cost of insurance be more? i will have a 90' 4runner if that helps
How does car insurance work? my mom recently wrecked our car-it cost 2000. we have 25000/500 deductible.?
what part do we pay
Will my car insurance cover this?
My car was parked in a parking spot at my apartment complex last night as it always is when I'm here, and this morning I go to my car and notice a decent size dent in my hood. It must have been done by some rowdy drunken fools last night. Will my insurance cover this?""
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Is geico a reliable car insurance in CA? Thanks?
Car insurance? Who is covered? Who is responsible?
Okay I had a question about car insurance... I am on my grandfather's car insurance plan- I live with my boyfriend. I believe I am the only one insured to drive the car....My boyfriend's mother and step-father don't have a car right now and often times ask to borrow my car- I've been letting them until it was brought to my attention that they may not be covered in that car? Does this mean I would be responsible for anything that happened? Or would they? If another car was at fault for the accident what would happen? Anyone know how this works?
Can health insurance coverage be denied (because of a prexisting condition) after COBRA expires?
I retired from my job at 65. After my retirement my company kicked out our two dependent children from the company health plan. Both children are at this time still ...show more
""I was rear ended, question about insurance?""
I was rear ended, and since it was completely the other guys fault my insurance company (allstate) said I could just call his insurance company to file the claim, as they would be paying for everything. So I did, and they sent out the adjuster to assess the damages (basically scratches) and said they will be sending me a check based on the adjusters findings. So... what if when I go to get it fixed it costs more, or what if they find out something is bent or jacked up underneath? Can I go back and ask for more money if that happens?""
About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle?
About how much would the minimum amount insurance cost a typical rider to drive a motorcycle?
auto insurance louisiana
auto insurance louisiana
0 notes
katluna123-blog · 7 years
My Story Part 2. My parents
Hey Mom hey Dad sorry i had to start with you guys but it all started when you both split up. It almost seemed like my life was a whole lie you both made me believe it was perfect you both was happy yes parents argue but i never saw it as bad as it really was. But before i get into that I was a perfect child i played in the park i did no harm what so ever i never smoked i never drank booze i never faught anyone i was just a normal kid those dont even exist anymore i guess i was so oblivious to the world that i had no clue what drugs were i never knew how to survive on the streets i was just a kid. I was bullied over my weight and my kindness when i was in elementary school and middle school people used me because i was so nice. But thats where i believe my parents fucked up they didnt prepare me for assholes in the world they lied to me told me fighting was bad made me so scared to even try to defend myself in any way i let some girl kick me between my legs with high heels and i walked away and another bitch punch me in my face in the gym because some boy told a rumor i called her a bitch but once again i just walked away. Why??? I have no clue why i wish now i can rewind time and fuck them up...I guess i didnt do it then because it didnt hurt pain is nothing to me id cry for 5 seconds and walk away or maby its because it didnt phase me or maby its because i never understood why...Anyways Mom dont get me wrong u raised me well and i thank you but u also mentally fucked up my head like my bestfriend Sam tells me and i believe you did. How??? You lept me hidden from the world you made me believe shit was perfect when nothing at all is perfect. Eventually i got older we moved away once again this time to New York and this is where everything changed..We moved because we added a new member to the family my baby brother Nicholas. We moved to grandmas house for help with money for my brothers surgery and in return we would help grandma aeound the house. Everyone was in basement apartment i took the bedroom upstairs in grams house. Things were fine for awhile but then it was like a random storm out of nowhere. My grandmother started to hate me you and dad started to fade thevrest of our family all my cousins and aunts all started to change. Visiting family from New York when we lived in Pennslyvania was fun but when i would see my family when we lived in New York was not the same anymore. Everyone was distant i never understood why but i understand everything now. My grandma i was very confused what was going on between us she loved me and showed it all the time. I thought maby because she had a 13 year old girl growing up in her house was driving her crazy but ive learned more reason. I remember when my grandma would get so mad when she saw my bestfriend Jt kiss her girlfriend one day i screamed in my grandmas face to fuck off cuz her grandaughter is gay also then ran into my room and slammed the door. I also cursed her out cuz she would say she didnt want my nigger of a friend in my house but i thought it was wrong and still had my friend Jess come over eventually my grandma had no choice to deal with it. Now when Mom and Dad split up i found out reasons for all this hate in my family i spoke to my cousins and i vented to them and they told me it was never them it was our parents. The truth all spilled out when you and dad split up i was told things i never knew about i thought we had a perfect fucking family all my life then to find out in my 20 years of having both of u in my life all these lies. I was told dad did drugs and my little cousins all knew u both smoked weed and all this shit but i never knew for 20 fucking years. The dad u wanna say moms cheating and mom u played ur stupid games also. I wanna be told my grandma hated me all my life never wanted me to even be born because shes always hated my mother so i got the ass end of everything. Dad u want to tell me mom had abortions before me because they were not ur kids. As for rest of my family i wish i can be closer with my cousins i miss you all but our parents and there issues with money and shit fucked everything up for us all and i wish it was never like that.. But mom and dad do you see this is part of it all you both split up and all these lies and all these words all filling my head up out of nowhere started this shit i started to do drugs smoke ciggs drink pop pills stealing anything to get high and be away from those arguments and the anger you both took out on me it all started with you both i became homeless and you know what..... Im about to start you both up on shit u have no idea what im about to say but now for whoever is reading this ima start a list of names of the people the friends the shit ive went through with these people because honestly mom and dad i cant even get to deep into the shit i feel about our family im done with this maby ill mention you guys again idk im free writing this as i go along im not tryna write a perfect story again im just venting away....
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