#they're just hangin and vibin
haphazard-pen · 11 months
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Started my oc a few days ago so maybe this will help me think of things
Questions from @the-cat-and-the-birdie
This is also long af so
Name:Quante Hollyberr
Personality: Mostly chill but can go from 0 to 100 real quick
Powers: smokey psychedelic powers. Also mind control
Earth: idk yet
Are they part of the society: no but they know about it and have been a few times
Canon events: accidentally killed his parents because she thought they were clones but then they came back as clones but the parents don't know they're clones
Morals: is a baby punk but believes the government should be eliminated and is an anarcho-communist
Looks: lean, muscular in like a you wouldn't expect it type way,has dreads, a few piercings
Fashion sense: changes every single day, they can't pick an aesthetic
Hobie and oc
Relationship in 10 words or less: pretty chill, platonic makeout buddies, emotional support bros
Dynamic: close friends who are emotional support and make out but it is absolutely not romantic
If someone asks "are you dating" the response is: not really
Fave way to spend time together: crafting with each other, going to protests in each other's universes, libraries, just vibin really
Platonic, romantic, sexual, secret 4th thing: Definitely secret 4th thing. Really just vibes but could also be queerplatonic
How long have they known each other: 1.5yrs
A song that embodies their vibe: I have 3. Intimate friends by Eddie kendricks. Kiss me on my neck and I'm in love with you by Erykah Badu. Not romantic still
Nicknames: hobie to q; short stack, mushroom/shroomie(bc of the shroom thing), penguin(fave animal) q to hobie; tall ass, silver(all his piercings are silver) eclipse( reminds them of one) what they both call each other; lovely, bro, dove, sweets, dude, moonlight
Sleepovers: pretty chill. Usually watches movies, doing some diy stuff, cuddles, blanket forts, blasting music (I've never been to a sleepover idk what people do)
When do they feel safest with each other: just being in each other's presence, sleeping, fighting side by side
How'd they meet: hobie popped over because another version of doc oc showed up that wasn't from holly's dimension. They met Q tryna fight oc and it was kinda even so hobie helped zem out.
Did they like each other right away: yes
First impression: Q; omg they're so cool, I want their gender Hobie; they seem fun
Labels: partners. Partners in what you may ask. That's for them to know and you to guess
Do they say ily: They say I love you but both of them also say that to all of their other close friends so they mainly just show it
Do they kiss: they kiss in public bit it's like quick. They also kiss their homies so it's just like hangin w the bros
Steal kisses or make out: they make out alone but the will steal kisses
Love languages: hobie; gift giving, acts of service and physical touch quante;gift giving, words of affirmation, physical touch
Monogamous or polyamorous: both of them are polyam.
Do they have other partners: atm q doesn't but hobie does.
Marriage?: nopes it's only good for tax benefits and hobie isn't even a part of that dimension
Kids?: do plants and pets count? If human that's a future problem
Do other people know?: the rest of the spiderband, and margo do. Also holly's close friends know
Fave date spot: a pride parade
Who liked who first: holly liked hobie first
Who made the first move?: holly
Do they consider each other soulmates: kinda
Hobie and holly are on a date somewhere, someone begins aggressively flirting with hobie and being mean to Holly. What happens: Q tries to get the person to stop and if that doesn't work hobie jumps in and tells them to fuck off
Has q ever seen hobie hurt: yes. Hobie got stabbed and came to his dimension to heal since miguel doesn't really check there. Q was terrified and anxiously searched Google for what to do after the tightly wrapped bandages. It didn't do much so he convinced hobie to let him call his aunt who's a doctor. They didn't go to the hospital and hobie let her aunt do her magic
Has hobie seen Holly hurt: yes. One time Holly was fighting a clone and the clone like grabbed her arm weirdly and dislocated her shoulder but in doing that it messed up some nerves in her lower back so and she already had like random minor back pains sometimes so now hobie kinds just helps him out though that whenever it gets really bad.
Has q seen hobie cry: whenever hobie cries, there are 3 or 4 questions q always asks first. Do you wanna talk abt it, do you need space ( if no then the last question isn't asked), do you need water, do you want a hug/ to be held? They may or may not end up talking abt it later, it just depends on the situation
Has hobie seen q cry: q has like this thing with crying where he knows it's healthy to cry but also she doesn't want to be a burden and depending on the situation that she doesn't deserve to cry so hobie asks them the same questions and then they figure it out from there. Depending on what it is, most of the time q will talk abt it
Has one of them made the other cry: not like sad tears but "you are loved tears and I hope you know that"
Highest moment: holly took hobie to meet his friends so they spent a few days in oakland doing stuff like going to abandoned buildings, the curiosity shop, a pride parade, and dumpster diving at Stanford on movie out day for free stuff. Then they popped over to atlanta and went to a gay club and did some vogueing. Went to underground atlanta for a bit too
Lowest moment: whenever Holly visits her parents it's always internal conflict because she killed her parents but they don't know that so it's like "am I the bad guy, would it be better if they knew I killed them and disowned me" and it's a downward spiral from there
How do they feel abt hobie's laces: pretty chill with them. Admires that he's willing to go that far
How do they feel about hobie killing osborn: also chill with it. Wishes she had enough tenacity to kill a public figure
First kiss: like on the lips? So after a protest in hobies dimension which consisted of tickling fascists until they passed out and then literally blasting their eardrums with music, they buried the bodies in the community garden and then q asked of they could kiss hobie out of excitement
First time: they don't participate in coital activities together
Fav moment: the hangout in oakland and atl
Weirdest date/moment: they were out by the bay just walking around and feeling the birds and one pooped on holly's head but thankfully ze were wearing a headwrap because if that had gotten in zer dreads 🫣
Most angry at each other: they both have these moments where they try to handle things by themselves when they don't have to and it's like "why won't you let me help you I'm right here"
Most terrified for each other: for q when hobie got stabbed. For hobie when q got mind controlled by a device that found a frequency where their powers can be used against them. It almost made her kill himself
What incorrect quote is their vibe: it can be either one saying this.
A: I think an hour in the dryer would fix me.
B:*stops folding clothes and stares at them*
A:*leaves the room*
B: What the fuck- Don't just walk away after saying shit like that!
B:And you're wrong! A rinse in the dishwasher is what you need!
One wants to give the other a surprise what do they do: they're both ok at keeping secrets but hobie is better than holly at it. Holly tries to get information he needs first which usually consists of him asking hobie hypothetical questions a few days at a time. Hobie tries to pry for more info but isn't successful most of the time. Holly rarely suspects when hobie is surprising them but when she does have a clue she tries to get her to let him guess what it is. Hobie doesn't tell em whether or not they get it.
How do they annoy each other: quante will constantly try to jump on hobies back while walking, will poke his arm repeatedly, will ask what they're doing when it's fairly obvious. Will bite hobie randomly. She will bite back. Hobie annoys q by resting her chin on their head while they're standing, will put his full body weight on him with no warning. Will randomly tickle them. Both of them will copy what the other is saying for hours at a time
One HAS to ne sacrificed who us It and how does the other react: ok so quante (depending on the time of day) is either terrified of death or like I can't wait. It's not really the after part zer worried abt, it's the transition part from not dead to dead. They're terrified of pain (ironic considering they're a spider person) but also they don't want anyone to be sad if they died. Hobie's like I really don't want to die but I will if I have to. If hobie died, q would feel guilty because it should've been her but she would also not do anything too drastic to herself because hobie died for her so he's gonna live for him. On the other hand if q died, before their death, they'd feel guilty for the pain they're leaving everyone with and selfish that they don't have to feel that pain because she dead. If it's a quick decision I feel like q would convince himself to do it before her brain talked her out of it
Accidental baby aquisition, what's happening: aw shit there's a child now. They will take care of it with everything they have. The baby also has a great community since it has the spiderband and q's friends. Hobie and q will hide this from miguel as long as possible. It's not that miguel wouldn't love the child but miguel doesn't know a lot about q's universe and they'd like to keep it that way.
Hobie is insisting holly give them a piercing, how does that go: holly has given herself a helix piercing and a nostril piercing and it went well ish. So when hobie is adamant that hollu gives her one she's like sure why not, first time for everything. It goes pretty well and only got infected once.
What does q think of hobies music and do they listen to punk music: q likes hobie's music and goes to his shows. He always makes sure she has earplugs so he doesn't have hearing loss by 25. Meanwhile q had those like construction headphones because they have sensitive ears. They still go to support hobie thought. Q does listen to punk music, it's kinda just jumbled in w the rest of their music taste. But it's there.
What music does q like and does hobie listen to it: q will listen to almost anything as long as it has a catchy beat. The lyrics don't matter but if they're good that's cool. She's mainly been doing an exploration of black music so there's a lot of neo soul, afrobeat, afrobeats (yes there is a difference), funk, punk, disco, hip hop, r&b, jazz, hyperpop. Hobie's chill with most of them but she vibes with the neo soul, afrobeat, punk, funk, disco, and jazz.
Does Holly make music and does he make it with hobie: holly writes songs occasionally that they never finish. But they will help hobie with some songs or will ask them for input on a song
Any exes on either side: hobie yes, holly no
Political ideology and do they agree with hobie: after learning what anarcho-communism is and how there are better solutions than the system in place, she started doing a deep dive and hobie helped him with some research. So they agree with hobie
What's something hobie and quante disagree on: hobie isn't really a big fan of organized religion amd quante is Christian so sometimes they get into disagreements about that. Of course hobie is like respectful but thay doesn't mean they agree
Do they argue and what's that like: they don't really argue over like important things but they will have little arguments about q's music taste sometimes
How do they get over disagreements: they take some time away from each other to gather their thoughts, then they come back and try to work things out
Fave personality trait about the other: holly likes hobie's confidence and how she isnt afraid to just be. Hobie likes how easily holly can adjust to whatever's going on
Least fav personality trait about the other: hobie doesn't like how q automatically tries to blend in to situations and mirror other people. It's not a conscious thing and most of the time q doesn't even realize he's doing it. Q doesn't like how stubborn hobie is.
How do they make each other laugh: holly is a really easy person to make laugh. He'll laugh at a bug falling off the wall. It takes a bit more work to make hobie laugh. One thing they'll both do it try to mimic each other's accents terribly. Holly is horrid at mimicking hobie's accent and hobie can't get the flow of an Atlanta accent
Are they fine with pda or do they keep it private: it's mostly private but in public and around close friends they'll like lean into each other and do quick kisses
What are cuddles like for them: they will cuddle literally anywhere. The floor, check. The couch, check. A mattress in an abandoned building, check. Once cuddling starts it takes like at least an hour for either of them to consider getting up. Most of the time there's music playing but sometimes the silence of each other is enough
What are their kisses usually like and who goes for them first: at first hobie initiated them but once hobie reassured q that affection was ok she started going for them more than hobie. Most of the time it's just soft sweet kisses but there's an occasional makeout session here and there. Those are in private
Do they hold hands a lot: yes and when they can't they're always touching each other in some way
What's a secret they keep between them: both of them like pineapple on pizza. Everyone would have a fit if they found out
What's something they know about each other: hobie knows about holly's frequent identity crisis'. They happen less often than they used to but only hobie knows the extent of them. Holly knows about hobie's self destructive tendencies and tries to help her through them.
Do they hide anything from each other: yes. They don't need or want to know everything about each other. Also, some things don't need to be talked about and surprises are cool.
Do they fear losing each other: definitely. Hobie is terrified something may happen to quante while she's fighting clones since he's not always the best at looking out for herself. Quante has emotional attachment issues so that coupled with the fact that hobie is a spider person and the society is jacked up is already enough to terrify him
Have they ever broken up or lost contact: there will be periods when one of them just dips for a bit. It's no more than a month and most of the time they warn each other before hand
Do they playfight/playargue: definitely. At this point it should be added to the list of love languages
What's something holly can do that hobie can't: holly can hide in cabinets
What's something hobie can do that holly cant: hobie can jump to touch the top of the basketball square. Without spider powers. Like the top of the back board
How big is the height difference and how do they feel about it: hobie is a foot taller than quante and he always makes a point to bring it up. Quante is kinds used to it by now since his brother has been doing the same thing ever since he was a centimeter taler than him. But whenever being short cones in handy, she never let's hobie live it down
How does q show he cares about hobie: info dumping is a love language. If hobie wants to info dump about literally anything, q will try to grasp as much as ze can and add it to the little information pile of hobie stuff they have in their head. Q will also just give hobie random trinkets they find on the ground or get hobie something because it made them think of her.
Something sweet q has done for hobie: had her friend teach her how to crochet a tiny dong so he could make hobie one has also gone into one of those pits at punk concerts where people like run into each other (I forgot what the pit is called) it didn't go too horribly
Has holly ever made hobie feel sappy: so after a patrol one morning holly was meeting up with hobie and on the way there he saw a baby pigeon. It wasn't in or near a nest so she loomed around for one and when she couldn't find one she took the pigeon with her to see hobie and hobie kinda adopted the pigeon and now he has a lil pigeon child. The adoption date of the pigeon is also the same as the day yall met. Hobie doesn't really keep track because multiverse time is weird and also time is a construct (does this count as sappy? I kinda forgot what it meant and can't look it up because I'm on a plane)
Does Q keep anything of hobie's around: anything hobie gives her, she keeps. Anything that reminded them of hobie they keep. Occasionally steals hobies clothes because it will be waaaay too big. Q is a hoarder, hobie amplifies this
How does hobie make quante feel: in summary, akskjejsjsjsudjshshshshdhjsjdjd. In detail hobie makes them feel safe and seen. They feel like they can just exist and not have to worry about anything. Being with hobie is freeing and calming and exhilarating
Does q have any feelings about hobie that they don't tell them about: hobie gives q an immense amount of gender envy and he constantly wants to steal his gender
How does hobie feel about q: hobie feels that q is a breath of fresh air. They aren't worried (too much) about the society around them so it's also freeing for hobie in a way. Hobie feels that the vibes are chill and there's no pressure to do anything the other doesn't want to do. It's chill, it's refreshing, it's nice
Why do the 2 of them make a good pair: both of them are similar in someway but I think their differences balance each other put and they each bring new perspectives
How do they make each other better people: hobie makes quante a better person by encouraging them to be themself regardless of what's happening around them. Quante makes hobie a better person by making sure he gets a freaking break. She has to remind them that rest is necessary and the world needs a not worn out hobie brown.
The plane just landed and this is very long lol so here are some pretty pics
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Have a great day yall
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While there will be no shipping or general romanticisms, bc. i don't know how to do those. Feed the Roses has been fun to work on so far because it's given me a chance to work on a lot of friendships and synergies that I don't get to see a lot, or just would like to see more of in general. Max and Wig, Willow and Woodie, even Webber and Lucy a little bit. But of course you've also got your fan favorites, Wes hangin out with Wigfrid and Willow vibin with Wilson.
Which are fan favorites for a reason because they're very seamless to write I'll admit. Sometimes it feels less like writing and more like transcription.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Episode 44 of Kamen Rider Revice
Everything about this episode from the very brief previews I've seen has me stressed, but I'll power through somehow! Spoilers, I guess...
-Even Lovekov knows this is fucked!
-Oooooh, tackle!
-Guess we're all down on the road today.
-My God, he ate Vice.
-Ohhhh, Tamaki...
-What a very Ikki move.
-Shit's pretty fucked out there, Mama.
-Heyo, Daiji. You uh... you're in desperate need of intervention.
-"That's it, we're fightin'. Meet me in the parking lot in five minutes."
-Jesus Christ George, that's callous.
-Yeah, listen to Hana.
-So, killing us all once your food source becomes stale, huh? The Lavos approach.
-"Move it bitch."
-Charging right in there, huh Sakura?
-Grandpa Giff.
-Ohhhh, Resonance.
-Ohhhhhh, there she goes!
-...that might've been the hardest L you took all season, tbh. Good job, Sakura-san!
-"Those precious humans you hold so dear will be the breeding stock for which my army of demon spawn will be birthed, my grandson Vice!"
-"Ohhhhh, he out!"
-Goddamn George, you're still at it.
-Ohhhhhhh, Hiromicchi coming back!
-"No. No dying. Stop saying that dumb catchphrase."
-Grandpa Giff is awake.
-Bruh, Daiji
-Let's whoop his ass!
-There he is. Hiromicchi.
-Ohhhhhhh... I think I like that "devotion" line a lot more.
-There he is. Demons.
-Hell yeah, devotion!
-Even when out of the direct fray, Vail's voice still haunts us.
-Are we doin' it?
-Hug him!
-Holy shit, man, my heart...
-Man, Wataru Hyuga's like... really good at crying.
-Fuck man, I missed you so much.
-There he is.
-OHHHH that aim
-Wow, ok.
-He was hangin' out there. Just vibin'.
-Time to fall, angel boy.
-Evil and Live! Together at last!
-Perfect Wing! Confirmed! Wings for the Future! Wings for the Future! Wings for the Future! Fly High! Perfect Up! Kamen Rider Evilytylive!
-I'm Perfect!
-...wait a fuckin' minute.
-That has the exact same childishly stupid energy as Eeenie Meenie Miney Moe... I fucking love it.
-Hooooooly shit, you look fantastic man.
-Hiromi-san. Good job, bro.
-Sakura! Gomen...
-This is so awesome.
-All that suffering Hyuga-san and Kinoshita-sensei put us through... feels a little worth it now, at least to me.
-So uh... this guy's pretty strong.
-Ohhhh, he's reliable again~!
-Ohhhhhh, they're together!
-Look at those boys go!
-Let's seal that motherfucker!
-Ohhhhhhhhh, my heart! We did it!
-Suck it, Demon Grandpa!
-Soooo... Kagerou, are you... back back? I'm certainly no expert, but I assume the innerworld you share with
-Ehhhhhhh... close enough? I mean, we did kick his ass, but if Battle Familia and typical season episode counts are any indication, we're not done fightin' yet.
-Good job, Kage-chan~!
-Oh... Dad's dead.
-Fuck, man...
-There they are!
-This is a truly small victory... but it's a wonderful one. If only Genta were here with the whole fam. ...speaking of which, I am very much looking forward to Battle Familia and New True Love Hero.
-Oh great, the demons are comin' out full force!
-...I wonder what Grandpa Giff and Grunkle Diablo's family reunions looked like?
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lostjulys · 3 years
these r the best tubbo streams :]
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pumpkiwi · 3 years
I saw that post and. I think about them all the time. Claudette and Philip being friends keeps me alive and they both live rent free in my head... I have cursed you with this brotp but I hope it is a good curse
It is a very good curse and i would wish more of this brotp tbh
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